Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1527

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`1`513 l“* “f* ‘T‘§·*" “#·f~··· ‘ Seventh. Any-regulations as to condixét on board, a¤d= as tc {mss, Short. alléwtuce at provisions, or`0tl1er·law!ul punishment; for misconduct, which may be sanctioncdby Gongtéss or au? . mmized by `thé· Secréturi of ’C0mm¢1ic~e not contrary up 01‘_I1b1 ogaxiil-wise 'provided` for by law; which the parties `ggmé te

   , f. -, i ly . _ I , _ ·» I

` Eighth. Any stipuldtioixs in reference to advance and allot mgmt of wages, `cr »9Ch€lY· mattérq not contrary tp law.: (R., S 5 4511; Mana, 1897,lc.— 389; Q 19, 29 sm. 691-} Fgb. 151,,1903, c r..;2,‘32 Statq`829; Mar. _4, 1913, c. 141, 37`8tat. 736,)) »_ ‘;565. Rules for shipping aYti•;leQ.-e-l.‘he· Iollowing rules shall 1.0 ubserwféd with respect to agieementsi - · . — ‘ 1~‘irst.`_Every pgreement, except such as are otherwise spe (Zially provided fvt, "lshall 'be_ sighed by each seaman in,th· ·;3wsence °0f n shipping commissioner. `. — _ second;. When the crew is Etst engaged-the agreement "shal bc signed lu dtiplicate, and 0i1é_ pdrtjshall be_.rctainéd‘ by theluippizig .cpmmissi¢mer’, 'and the other part Yshall ·‘c0ntg1in `spocial placee or form for the; description and signatures 0 porsons engaged subsequently to the ilrst dépurtiire¤ ship, mid Sliall.bé'delivei·é<i td thamgstcr; . ’ f -· I ` Third. Every agreement cntércdl into before a shipping com missiuugrshall be aékuowledggd and certitlegl jmder thé ham qu;} omcial seal of 'suclr commiséitmen The cerlihcatp 0 acknowledgment shall bg ludorsed on. qr annexed to the agre¢ ‘ m;·u_¢; dud shall be in the- following form: _ ‘· · - —

  • "Stat§ ci -—-, Ccuxityof -—·-·-’: - ” ‘ K _ - · _

`·* On this day of -+—;_—{·-—, personally appeared befcr me, a' snapping commissioner ln' and for the paid county, A. ‘B it D., and &F., séyerglly known to me to be the same person who execu _ the foregoing inétrument, who each - lor hir: self acknowledged to me that he hid read or had heard real _ me same; that he has by me made acqualnled with the chi ditiongl thereof and ¤nqlérst00d_ the same; nucl. that; whil subcr- and nop; a state of intqxicutictl, he signed’ it freel -1llld'V01ill}t8I‘i y, for the uses and- purposes therein mentioned. _ .(.R. S. $4512.) l · ‘ T · ·· . . _

 566. Excémiem as to shipping u·tic‘lcs.—·-¢S<;ction 564. shall ni

apply to masters qt, éessels where the seamen are bi custo: or agreeihcut entitled »t0.p¤rtlcip¤te in the pr¤§ts 01* result; a cruise or vpygge, ¤.or“t0 masters ot incr to mnsw ci lake-g0l¤g_ vessels that touch at forelg¤·`pb1t:s; but mama lmay, by ¤greemént,.°servé on board inch 'ivessgls a demxltc tim cr, bn ihe return of auyjvémel- tc`; port in the U¤lted··_Statc may niéship and s¤i1.1¤ the_ mma véusel GX1"&DQ('.ilB1' voyné (R. S. { 4513; l‘cbl‘27, 1871;`c. .69,1-1, 19 Stat. 252:) _ .. A _ ‘ 567l Pmalty for phipping jrltlimt agmeménte-11 any pg

  • S<>n shall-be carded to may as once! the crew an beam 4

any vessel making A voiage ni .hgreinbefm·e spcclded, ivlthei .%e¤tex·l¤g into an agreement with the mgqter of such vemel, 1 the {crm dud banner, and at the lplhcc sind times in such cm required, the veswl · shall be held liable for gnch suéh often: to- alpexmlty ot hot more tlmn But the végsqlé shall m be held liable for may pérwn carried tcl sea, wha shall hw secretly awww away himself without ‘we kxiowledger of .t.l master, maté, · or` ot my of the cmcers ot the vessel, or. `wl shall have fwly personated -him¤elt“,t0 the mgztgr, mate, < ‘¤¤`lcers pt the vessel, for thé purpme ct bein: carded `t0‘ se (RQS. Q 4514.) · ‘ ’ - . ‘‘·· . 568. Penalty - far knowingly shipping ummm withoét nrt cles.;—-It 'auy master, mate, or other omqer qt a jvesael mm ivgly receives, of‘}8®@tB, tDx§b8.€Bt§l‘Bd on otnuy me chant vmael, guy naman who has béelr engaged 0;* supplle contrary to me proviplom pt chapter, the vessel wm benz ot which nucl: seaman shall be found shall, for mary such ne mm, balliiblé to t penalty of not more than "(R. S. _ 4515.) i ‘ · ‘


F:*§LfHf’PING . ~—~e-————-——e 575 we i I , 569. Shlpplngseanten to replace. those lost by desertion -or— B casualtjr.-I-In case of desertion or. casualty-resulting in the_1oss - of vile or more of the seamen, the master rnust ship, ii obtaint able, a number equal to the number of those whose _`se1jyices· > be has been deprivedlof by desertion or casualty, who musti be] ' of the same or higher grade or rating with those whose p1aces”` · they dll, and report the same to the United States consul at the . `drst port at which he shall arrire, without incurring the penalty e.- prescribed by the two preceding sections. This section shall - not applyto nshing or` whaling vessels or yachts. (R. S. .§` 1 4516} Dec} 21, 1898, .c. 28, §Z1,· 30* Stat. 755.; Mar. 4, 1915, cf - 153, ‘§ ·1, 38__Stat. 1164.) . _ ‘,' - l _ - n · ” e- ’ 570. Shippinf seamen in foreign porté.-Every master of a e ‘mercl1a—n_t vessel who .enf,§ages any seaman at e place out of the ‘ United States,_in vvhiclr there is a consnler_ officer shall, before tl carrying such. seaman- to sea, procure the sanction of such p pomcer, and shall engage seamen in his presence; andtheruies ¤_ ‘g0vemi'ng_" the engagement of seamen before a shipping corn- ,g miesioner in the United States, shall apply to- such engagee ments made'__before aQ consular omcer; and upon every such- _ engagement the consular o$cer shall indome upon the agree·_ I- ment his sanction thereof, amlan fatteetation to the etteet that ’ 5 the éame.has been signed in his presence, and otherwise duly ry made. (B; S, {4517.) _ ··_` ‘° ,. · 57‘1LiPenalty for violating .·precedin_g' se¢tion.g—Every master ` who engages any seaman in any place in which there is g o 'consular biIicer,__ otherwise than as required by the preceding

 section, shall incur a penalty of not niore thaxf $100, for which .

,;__ penalty the veeselshall beheld liable. 1 (R. S. { 4518.) ._ ,g 572. Voyageor term for which seamen nay be. shipped gf" ,. reshipment.-JA master. of ° a vwl in the foreign trade, may ,1 engage a seaman at iny porifin the United 'Statm, in the many i, ner provided by law, to serve on a voyage to any port, or for Lé; the round trip from and to the port ot. departxxrepor for g y dennite tune, whatever the destination. The master of In vmel _·•‘ making regular and stated trips between the United States and · a foreign country may engage a, seaman for one ‘or_ more round ?f· trips, -01* fora dednité tin; or on the return of said vgelito m the United States may re lp such seaman for another voyage ,f_ in the same vessel, in the manner provided by law. (June 26, rs 1884, c. 121, $1% 23 Stat._58.)` · __ `_ ·_ ‘ - mn 513. Voyage or term of eeeuxen shipped in foreign port; Q_ rwnipmmt; bmd.-—·Every master of e vessel in ther. foreign S; trade "may engage any seaman at any port out of the Unity

 States, in the manner provided bylaw, to serve for one or gore

_ round trips {rom and to the port ot departure, oritora dedniter_ time, whatever the destination ;· and` the_ master of ‘¤ vmsel M ·clo»nriug from A portof the United Stateaavvith one or more _ at seamen engaged ini o. foreign port as herein provided ehall not lu. be required to reship in a port of the United States the seamen w so engaged, or to give bond, to produce said seamen before p. ga boarding-0Géer on the return ot said vessel to the United, gt States. (`June 26, 1884, 1:. 121, { 20, Stat. 58.) _ \’ n » F, 574. Shippingjrtielee for vessels: in coasting trade.-—-E-very

,8 · rnaater of nnyi vessel of the burden ot fifty tone or upward,

,0 bound- from {e port ctn one State to a port in any other than Dr an adjoiningé State, except yeesels of the burden ot seventy-nve h .&_ tons ofupward, bound from a port. on the Atlantic to a port F on the Pacltlc, or vice versa, shall, before he proceeds onsuch

g.. voyage, make sn. agreement in writing or yin print, with every

w., seaman on board such vessel except suchus eholl be apprentice ,1-. or servant to hi1nsel£ or owners, declaring the voyage or term M of time for which such seamen shall be shipped. ~ (R. S. ea 575{ Pmalty for shipping without articles.-If any muster § of such vessel ot_;the burden ot fifty tons or upward shell carrr out any seamen or marlner, except apprentices or eervantg