Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1543

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l`_`”1529”_ " -& TITLE 45.. gute ee account of death by wrongtul act, , neglect, eg aegmu `oecufriug upon - the high- seas, such right may be maintained in au aPP1‘6P1‘iate action. ia". admlralt! in the courts ei the United States without abatement in respect to tw ameunt tm which reeevery is authorlied, ani statute et the__Ux1lted State: te the contrary netwithstanding; (Mar. 30, .1920, e. 111, S 4, 41 stAt.537.)— ‘ _ _ . ‘ 765. Death of plaiutlf pending action.-—It _ a pereoh die as the mult et such wmngtul act, neglect, 0:; deteultas his men tioned in sectieiz 761* durlug the pendency tu ta court 0; ad mimlty et the. United States qt ·a _.suit to recover damages 101 personal imuries in respect of such act, neglect, or default, the personal ·1`BD!'&!ltQ¤V6 et the decedent may be substituted.- as a party aizd the suit may proceed- as a suit under this chaptex ter the receveri `ct the cemiaensationolprovided in Section' 762 (Mer; 36, 1920, c. *111, {5, 11 Stat. 531.)` Y a · · _ 766.. Centributery mglijeuee.-In suits under this cheptex me tactlthat the Jdecedeuthas been guilty of contributory uégli ee S gence shalt not bar rec0v¢1’Y,..but thecourt shall take inte cou sideratien the degree of negligence attributable to the , deceden aha the recovery aecordlugly. (Mai; 30; 1920, "c._ 11; §6,41Stat.'537.) · U - V v A - ` 7 67, empemvrmm operation of cltaptere-illhe provision: of my sate statute giving Yorlregulating rights et actloh`·o1 remedies for death shall not be ailected by thia hchapter. Nm shall this ,che.pte1·—apply to the- Great Lakes or to eny wetem within the territorial llmlta qt any State, onto any uavigebh waters in the Panama Canal Zone. (Mar; 30, 1920, c. 111 §7,41Stat.538.)` °_ ’ . , 768; Pending euita.·-—This chapter shall not affeét any pend ing suit; &Cti0B,`01' proceeding. (Mari 30, 1920, c. 111, { 8, 42 Stat. 538.) k I 1 _· l ’ Chaf»te1·_22.——SUITS 1N* ADMIRALTY AGAINST UNITEI STATES FOR DAMAGES CAUSED BY OR. FOR` TOW· AGE OR SALVAGE .SERVlCE8.; *‘ W - Sec. . · - · 7>s1.`Lil1cI_i¤`admiraIty agixlnathr impleadeiot United States- · 782. Venue of amt; application of provision of chapter 20. " 783.* Cross libel or set-·e¤ or c0u¤terclal'x`ii_where United States sue;. 784. Subp¤mas.te_emcers or members. of CTQWI. — 7t5._ Suits by nationals et foreign governments; 786. Arbitration, compromise, or settlement. 787Q ·l’aymegt_ of judgment; or settlements. __ 788. Lien net created against public veeseli. 789. Exemptions and limitations of liability. · 790. Reports by Attgrney General. ‘_ r ' Section 781., Libel hi admiralty against or lmpleeder e United Statm.—·¢A. libel Xin persouum in admlnzalty may- be brought against the United States, or a petition impleading thi United States, for damages tensed by an public vessel of th· United States, and fer combeusation for tewage and aa1vagserviem, 'lncludlng contract salvage, rendered to a public vesse ot the United Stntm: ·Pr0vided,` That the cause of action ares after the Sth day et April, 1920. , (Mar. 3, 1925, c.‘ 428, { il 43_`Stat. 1112.) · · · Q ° 782. Vemse of mit; application: of previniena of ’chapte: 29.-——Such suit shell he brought in the district court ot th· United Statm for the district ln which the vessel or cargchafged vvlth creating thejllabiltty la fofund within the Uuitee Stetu, or it auch weasel er cargo be outside the territorie waters ot the United States, then in the district couxrt e the United Statu for the district' in whl¢h the partie ee- suing, er any ct them, reside, or have au odce for thtmusactien of buaiuem in the United Statee:,01·*t¤ mae. stem ot such parties mlde or have an eQce for the t1'&.¤88(3ti01 et b¤•l@ lu the United seem; and such vessel or cam N buthide the territorial waters of the United Statm, theue in any district court et the United scat; Such suits shall b· Subject to and proceed lu accordance with the prevlsiona e

Y —-s111r1>11v0= § 790

chapter ·20f or any amendment tul&1‘€0f, in so tar as the same

l `dre not inconsistent herewith,. ekcépt that ho interest shall be. ‘ g allowed on any lclaim up to the time of the rendition ot judgr ment uiilesé upon a contract expressly stipulgtihg for the pay;

~ ment Qt iuto¥ost.· {Mor. 3, 1925, c. Q 2, 43 Stat. 1112.)

L 783. _ Cioss libel or Y set-of or counterclaim where?. United Stated s®s.—Iu the event of the United Stat& Bling-la libel. in

rom .,_01' in personam in admiralty for daméges éauged by a

-' privately owned vessel, tko owner ot such vessel, ord his suc- - oossoré in interest, may. me a cross libel in persouam or claim b n·`sct-off or counterclaim against the United States in such stiit B for gud on account of any damages arising out of the same sob- 3 ject matter or_ cause of action: Prooidcd, That whencve: a L. cross libel is iiléd tor_ ‘any.muse of action iorlwlxioh the original L_ libel is Bled by authority of this chapter, the i‘€¤DQi1dent in the cross libel shall give security in the usual gmouint and form to L. .. rcbpoud to the claim »sot Ioxjth in ‘8aid— cram _ libel Zunless the _. court, for cause _ shown, shall otherwiso direct; am; _ all pro-

_ ceedings im the original libel shall be stayM » until such  '

g ._curity shall given. (Mor. 3, 1925, c. 428, { 3,143 Stat. 1112.) · _ 784. ·Subpu:nnh to o&cers or menubar; of crews.-No oiticer `Y or member of the oréw of 'any public iromcl ,o£ they United 3 States may be subpomned in connection with any guit author- P ized under this chapter without tkte consent ot tho Secretary r of the department 01·__the‘ head of any independent establish- B .\ ment of the Qovemment having control of the vcgsol at the time B' the cause of action arose, 01;-.Qf. the master or commanding pm-h ‘ cor of such vessel at the time- of the issuance ot such sub-_ "~ pcenap (Mar. 3, 1925,.0. 428, { 4, 43 Stat; 1112.) - ‘ _ 785, Suits by nationals of fogeign {ornaments.-No ‘suit l‘ ·mny be broughtunder this chapter byva national of any for- ’ eign government unless it. shall appear to the satisfaction of the éoprt in which suit is brought thntj said government, under ` > similar circumstances, allows nationals ot the United States . to sua in its courts. _ (Mar. 3, 1925; c. 428, Q 5,,43 sm¢.n111a.> ‘ 786. Arbitration, compromise, or settlement;-·-—The Attorney General of the United Statés_ is authorized to arbitrate; compromise, or settle any claim on ;_ which a libel or cross libel would 110 under the proyisi01;zé·0f this chapterhond for which ‘ a libel or ,cr0ss libolhhas actually jbeexr med. ·(Ma1·. 3, _1925,_ _c.428,§6,43Stat.1113.) ‘ _ ._ · 787; Payment ot judgments; mj settlegnentso-—-Any Hua! judg-_ .mont rendered on any tlibel or érogs libel hekein authorized, 0 and any settlement- had and agreed to . under the provisions of section 786 of this chapter, shall, upon ’preacntation ot Aa {Q duly gtxtlxentiéated c0py” th¢1‘€01', bé paid. by the D1‘0P€1‘ ¤<>· G counting omoer of the United States out of 'any moneys in tho B; Treasury ot the United States appropriated therefor by Gon- ) B, grass, (May; 3, 1925, c. .428,_§ 7, 43 Stat. 1113.) · " . B 788. Lien nd created against public vmels.5-Nothing con- · Pl tained in this chapter shall. bp ponstrued to {ocognize the B existence ot or as cronting a, lien against any public vessel of

 the United Swtes. (Har. 3, 1925, c.; 4%, P8, 43 Stat. 1113:)
 788. Exomlliivlli and limitations of lii|gility.—Tha United

l,. ’Statm shall be entitled to the benéms`. ot 'al1oxemptions_and» EI of all limitations of liability accorded Qby Jaw to the ownors, 0 charte1·érs,,_ operators or agents ot vesselg.- (Mar. 3, 1925, d c. 428, {9, 43 Stat. 1113.) . · » Q_ . _ _ _1 790. Reportg by ACCQIHQQK General.-——»·—Th0 Attorney Gemaxggl { of the United Stems shall report to the Congress at each E session thereof all suits ·in Whiéh,¤l1&l, judgment shall have Q been rendered and all claims which stall have been settled Q undo: this chapter. (Mar; 3; 1925, c. 528, { 10, 43 Stat;41143.) ° Chapter 23i-·-SHIPPING IAOT.

Qec. V *

·» 801. Terms donned. ~ B 802._ Corporation, `pnrtnership, or association as citixeu. { · 808, Applicability of chapter to rocoivers and trustoea;