Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1568

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54 TITLE 47.-—TELEGR4If;HS, TELEPB E ship station without distinction of the radio systems adopted by such stations, respectively, and each station on shipboard shall be bound to exchange radiograms with any other station. . on shipboard without distinction of the radio systems adopted by each station, respectively. _ . r t _ ’ It shall be the dutyof each such ashore station, during the hours it is- in operation, to listen in at intervals of not less thmrfifteen minutes and for `a period not less than two min-·— utos, with the receiver tuned to receive messages of three-hum ~dred—méter wave lengths. zmvxsron or nun ` Twelfth, At important] seaportls and at all other__places ~ where naval or military and priyate or commercial shore stations operate in such olose proximity that interference with the work tof naval and, military stations can not be avoided by the_en·foreement of the trégulations contained in the foregoing regulations concerning wave lengths and character of signals emitted, such private or commercial shore stations as do interfere with the reception ” of signals by the- naval and- military stations concerned shall not une their transmitters during the tirst fifteen minutes of each hour, local standard time; __ The ‘S€Cl‘€t8-1%`()f"· Commerce may, on the reeommendation of the department-concerned, designate the station or stations wyhiclr may be required to observe this division of time. A 1 oovnnnmnnr STATIONS T0 onsicnvm mvxsmwe or {rum 4 t » { r - , . . l Thirteenth. The naval- or military stations for which tbel above-mentioned division of time may be established shall “ 'transmit siggals or radiograms only during the first fifteen minutes of each hour, local standard time, except in case of signals or radiograms relating to vessels in distress, as hereinbeforé provided. · ‘ usr: or vnnnemssmt rowm “

 In all iciréuznxetancesr except in, case of signals

or radlograms relating to vesselsln distress, all stations shall uw the minimum amount. of energy necessary to carry out any communication desired. "` · · ’ onmaznn. nnzsrrntczrxoxs on rmvyrn emwrxoxs " · Fifteenth. No private or commercial station not engaged in , the transaction ot bonu tide commercial business by radio. com; munieatioin or J in ex;3erlmen~tation.;in connection with the development and manufacture of radio apparatus for Eotnmercial purposes shall use a transmitting Wave: length exceeding two hundred meters, or 4 transformer input exceeding'- one -ki1o- watt, exeept by special authority ol! the Secretary of Commerce {contained in the liéense of the station. The owner or operator of a stationot the character mentioned in this regulation shall ._ not be liable for a violation of the requirements of the thirdl or tourtlr regulations to the penalties ot $100 or ;$25, reepeetively, provided in this section unless the person maintain ing or operating eueb station shall have bwu notilled in writing that thefseld transmitter has been found, upon tests condueted by the__§_9y¤‘nment, to be so adjusted as to violate the said third and fourth regulations, and opportunity has been given _ to eaid owner or operator to adjust said transmitter. in con- . _ tormitywith said regulations. · · 4 L srncux. mqrqnoag na ams ‘VIOIh"ITIE8 or oovnnmmnr stations ~ Sixteenth. No station of the Qcharacter mentioned Jin `regula# tion fifteenth situated within _HV&¥BHl1tlC81 miles of a naval or military station phnll use a transmitting wave length- ex- , ceeding two hundred meters or n transformer input exceeding one·11alf kilowatt. · · · · ` ,

roaws, AND RADIOTELEGRAPH8 1554 d smc s·rlv1—1ons·ro.couMUx1clxrn wma mzsansr snonn sruxoxs _ Seventeenth. In general, the shipboard stations shall trans: mit their radiograms to the nearest shore station. A sender on board a vessel shall, however, have the right to designate the shore station through which he desires to have his 1‘£l€ll0· ` grams transmitted. _’If thiscan notbe done, the wishes of the y sender are to be complied with only if the traxismission can l be eifected without interfering with the service of, other l stations. , I · l I ‘ N H E.LIMI'1‘A’1;IONS ron rm*uan_ msmnnsrxoxs m~v1omrrms or oovxnxi _ m·:x·r srnmoxs . l _’Eighteenth. No station on shore not in actual operation on

 August ·13,_ 1912, shall `be licensed for the transaction of com- .

l mercial business by radio communication within fifteen nautilcal miles. of the following naval or tnilltnry stations, to wit: · ’ Arlington, Virginia; Key West, Florida; San J uan, Porto Rico; t North, Head and Tatoosh Island, Washington; San Diego, U California; and those establlshedor which may be established in Alaska and in the Canal Zone; and the head ot the’depa1jt· I ment having control of such Government stations shall, so far as is consistent with the transaction of governmental business, E arrange for the transmission and receipt of commercial radio- ~ grams under the provisions of the Berlin convention of 1906. and future‘international conventions or treaties to which the United States may ·be a party, »at each of the stations above ` referred to, and shallilx the rates therefor, subject to control ` of such rates by Congress.- At suchstations and wherever and whenever shore; stations open for general public business between the coast and vessels `at sea under. the provisions of the Berlin convention of 1906 and future international conventions and treaties to which the United $tates may be a party shall not be so established as to insure a constantservice day and, night without interruption, and in all localities wherever or whenever such service shall not he melntalned by a commercial shorestation within one hundred nautical mum of a naval radio station, the l Secretary of the: Navy shall, ;_s__o for as is consistent with the {transaction ot governmental business, open naval radio stations to the general public huslnem, described above, and shall Hx rates for such service, subject to control ot such rates by Congress The receipm from such `radlograms shall be covered, into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. sncnrcr or umsaob ·Nineteenth`. No person or persons engaged in or having knowledge. or the operation ot any station or stations, shall divulge or publish the contents of any messages transmitted or received by such station`, except to the person. or persons to whom the same may be directed, or their_authoi·iz_gd agent, or to another station employed to forward such message to its destination, unless, legally required so to doby ‘a court of "` ,coinpetent jurisdiction. or other coxnpetent authority. Any person ‘guilty`ot dlvulging or publishing any memge, except as herein provided, shall, on conviction thereof, bepunlshable by a flneiof not more than $250 or imprisonment for a perlodof not 3 exceeding three months, or both ilne and`l1nprlsi1nmen»t, in the discretion of the court. ‘ _· {_ rxnanrms

For‘vlolation of any of these regulations, subject to which a

license under sections 51 and 52 ot this title may be. issued, _ the owner ot the apparatnsshall be liable to a penalty ot $100, which may be reduced or remitted hy the Secretary ot Com- ‘ nlerce, and for reputed violations ot any ot such regulations, thelicenm may be revoked. ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . —.For violation or any otmthese regulations, except as provided in regulation nl.neteen`th,’ subject to which a licenm under sec-