Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/157

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143 X TITLE —8.·-:-4LIENé be g,.,,,,{,»fi elearame. pending the determination of the question ,,5 the liability to UW Wéimentt of Such and, ln the event Wg, eee is im d. While it 'remeius unpaid; nor shall seen

 yr. l;—r·;nitted‘_or refunded. Cileersnce   be .grnnted_prio:

E, the determination/bf such question npon deposit or n gum ,_,,,;;,.;,Ht to cover such Hue. (Feb; 5; 1917, c. 29,-} 36, 39 ~..·;3§_ Sill;.) s . . _ A ‘ h l ‘ l. _ i ge. Posting of °i;j~‘·rs~ by iagents at steanéship eompttnies,-—

 ~¢e·;.a:esl1ig‘nr transportation com@les, ana. other owners

_* , ~.»·-—1s, regularly engeged_`l`in_;tr&u@orting alien immigrants

 on l—'nited__St:It&, shell twice a year tile e·certiticate"with

1;,,: s ·.;·;¥i·tnry of Lohor that *they`heve_ furnished to be kept

 ,,-;.e—_¤»Qets8l3*exposedyto view in we o$ce of. each1_of_ their
 in foreign countries, guthorinedf to sell emigrent tickets,

· ,, of the laws of country relative to immigration, ,,,~;,,,.~.1~in large lettegs, inftherlunguege otthe country where

{;,,¥.-··;·;.· of the lew isi to heleiposed to view, and that they have

l2l>NS`l‘E§e‘l§•‘Ll their agents tocell the attention thereto of persons 7 .4;,; .,·e.8g.¤etl¤»gemigration -®fore 'selling tickets to them'; and in u ,,g..~,Q·zZ the failure for sixty days of nny~· conmpanyor any , ,,,.-;,‘,.;wners to nie such a certidcate, or in msc; theynle a false —..,e n.e»e ¢ney3sne1i- pay; anne or not exeeéomgn to. be ,·.,. ._·»·_>ri·¢l in the proper United States court, and said line shall glee-; by a iienrupou o.ny'vessel`.ot said (?(lIl1])8BY'_0l,"Y2Y}W,Ilt21;S tonnd eeitiz; the United States. . (Mar. 3; 1893, c,`··206,- §` 8, 27 Stat. sto-; I-`<·l~». 14, c. 552, ·§ 7, 32‘Stat,-828; Mui'. 4, 1913,_c. ·1;1»i.·§f%,`37‘ Stat. 737.) * · “’ in . _` - _. j _

`17;3. Dehnitionsralien; “‘U¤ited Ststcs ”; seaman; personi-#4

'l`1..· e·ox-d` "·alien," svhereeer used in this subchapter shall mimie amy.pe1=soh nota nativeborn ,.or naturalized citizen of me Vnited States ;` but this definition shall not·be·‘held to ] int1e. 2t·‘-citizens' ot- the islands under fuse jurisdiction of the llx.ii¤·d Sietée. V ». " i l` ·- ·· I, » ' `» I _ ·‘i‘ln· 'torms‘f‘United §tates_'T shall he `construed"» to fmeaulthe i‘¤Lm·.¤1 states, and Lnny waters, territory, or other placesubject ie the jurisdiction_lthere9f,. except they Isthmiau Cartel Zone; Ml}1EWiiF”'§f1`§*"“`dli€ii‘ ~$he·—G&¤8l»—Z0¤L¤1er@Y_ i";».,~.~es5ion_ot United 5{tates and httemptito enter. any gener

e;··e under the `jurisdiction Q of thelUnited States, nothing

·» ,_ ··~z¤t::im=d" `this snbehnpter-shall. be. construeda p permitting l` _ Lim to outer under any other conditions than tl10S8` nppllcuble to :•Iljeliehs.. eh _1` “ '°  » a

'Fiao term”"_seamnnt" shall include ,every_perSon signed on

zap ¤hip‘s articles and employed ·in `anylcapacity on eboard my s·t·»<sol·srri3ring in the —~`` United estates from anyioreign port <r ;•i:er·o,‘ i __ _ · ‘ . `A -' , _ N '!‘h··i worn " person ’* shnllybe construed. ”to_l‘mport both plural t e¤·!.~,zhe singuihr,__as the case may be, andshall include-‘corpoi:.¢§¤·n_s, gonspnnles, and ·ass0clutionS.‘ ‘ J · 8 o \\'!n·n construlng and enzomang the provisions of this sub- ¢®:;¤ptt·r, the act, oxnission, or fnilure ofoany director, o·&cer,`

<t··¤t, or employee of snycorporation, company, or association
.···fi:z: within the scope of his employment oi: noone shall in
 ry case be deemed to he the act, omission,`_oi·~ failure of
 it corporation, compeuy,·or nssociatiou, as Wellluéi that of

8¤Ei<"·’ person acting, toner in behnlf of such corporation, comg

·;my, or association, (Feb. 5, 1.917, e.; 29, if 1, 37, 39 Stat.
  1. 34. wr; {une 2, 1024, e; 4s‘smt;-zoo.) 7 . y l 1 _;

174. Finelity of decisions of immijrstion ·o§cers.·i·——In‘ ewjery .· ,~e_ {mere an alien is escludedtrom admission into the United ¤*“¢=!cs under nny law or treaty, the decision of the hpproprikte Er [migration owners, it adverse ndrnlselon of such allen, ~i.:·ll· lyelnnnl, nnless reve g s appealto thB_Sé€X'€f.d1*Y_'0£ . i$»1¤n·. (A;_1g,)18,-1894, .*301, 1, `28 Stat. 390; Feb.l14,,s1903. ¤. 352. si Stnt,l828; Mn .44, 19} , e. 141, 5 3, _3‘7 Stat. 737,) I f 175. pplicntisn of srs {to Phllipnino J Islands.--5'1`he _ pro- I xggions `otl this·`_snhchnpter shall be enloreed in the Philippine ·i»lznn1s hy umcerg ot the general governthent thereof, unless

1_4N¤_¢1T1zEysH1P " § 292,
and until it is s¤perscdcd'by— an act passed by tlmfiiilippinen
‘ Legislatum 'and ’.appmved by the President oi, the United

= Syatw to (regulate immigmtiéu in they Phiiippiue, Islands as · jauthorizeivi }¤_se—ction 1013 of-Title +18., (Feb._`5,'1917, c., 29, ¤ - § 1.i39~Sta1t. 814;, Jnme 2,,1924, c. %3, 43 Stai. 253.) " " _ U6; Dispcsiticin- of moneys, received crypaié for ex`penscs1<.$f_ detained} ii•lie¤s,——++5Moricys coliectéd by the Immigration Service ·· on accoqnf of hqspital expcixsestyoi persons dctaihed under, the

  • ~ ‘immigratio‘n lhws and regulatiens at Ellis _ Island Immigraiy tion scgtioin shall bg coieredyiritb the Tireasuryas mislzellkmee

~ ous l'€¢€iDfB. A11 moneys DBM into thé Treasu;ry`ts» mimbuise

tlyé Immigration .S€11YiQB_fo1’* expenses of defaimd aliens paid

{ from the apprbpriation for expénm qt regulating immigra- { tick', shall __be credited to the_—a;f·pr0p1*iatio11 for this expenses; Qi · regulating 1H1H1»igI&tiO11'foK the isha} year .1 in which 'the ex· =' pauses were (Mar; 4, 1911, c. 235, "§ 1,136 Stat.,1442»; ‘

  • 1923, é. 22, 42. Stat. 1101; Apr.}, 1924,1:. 84; Title I,'

¥· 43 Btgt. 75} Jan. 1925, é. 87,iT·it1é I, 43 Stat. 775.), 1 `

  1. 177, Intchnatiénal qmferguge for regulatién of immigratimi
 ‘ of aliens; specialicenimissicnérs;-+The·.P1·@deut’ of the United

’ States is authotiiéd, in tlgcjmmc ,0t»t1ge_Gcvemment lat- the. Q ‘United States, ——t¤o call, j.n"1iis discretion, gu interrsntionalg cpg;4 1 ( ference, to assemble at_ point gi may be greed upon, 1 or j ytc, semi special hcmmissioueri to may foréim country, for g ~ of 1·égu1ating_by interxmtibnal agreement, subkét to ~ the advice and-cm1sent·_0f,_the Sgnaiecf the_U¤1ted States, the(· `iuimigraticm of lqlieusy to Wt1!é_°United (States; got, providing for 1 ejfhe, mental, mqral, ami physica1,exami¤;ti0¤ of .mch aliens by _ Amerigau cqnsuls or other "cmeers of United ,_3St¤te.s Gqv- _ern¤;ént at the ports. of embarkaticn, or e1sewhére;*`0£ ._' the hssistance 0£_fo1·¢ign`g0v¢mments in their _'0WB`tEl‘l’i{01’i€S Q to prcvcnf thef evasiim of `the laws of tBc United states". govierningy immigrafiouy to' United Statm`; `of entering inte., such 1 1l1tQIfD81;iOB8I°"-8gT€€m€‘Dt8·,`&8` may. be ptopcr 1. to im-zveeat the ` 1 immigration otjhliens who,,uuder.the.1&ws ci! the Uxiited States,

 ateV0r may be c5:cluded tromientaring the Unitéd States, amlj

» __ g¤,i'¤¢¤=¤ pmming ,t¤ , men. immisfwcni (Féb; 5, 1917, c. 29, 5_29i9¥0i§€i€.`*@3?*"`T"’"*"?‘f"·1 a“te _-.. `M_"`i1""`T`“ ( 1,78. Lay! ixnnhggtéd; .cHe¢t cn, repealed, laws.-E39 ,sub·· ( cluipter shall not `bé construed to repeal, alter,10r amend eiis£·r l lng ldws relating to the immiggation. af e;cl¤si0¤.—0f _ , persons 0”1·_pérsq¤si5ct‘ Cfinese, descent, __ except as provided in , lsetgtiou `155_9f fhisiitle, npr to repeal, (alter 615 amend seqmu ` ,1013 of_.'I‘itl§ 48,13pry to repealgalter or smeixd `secticns. 15-1 tc q 162, ii:gc1usivc,,a¤d 171; of Tit1e~46# $#4 the amendments thereto, · except as brovided-in éection 147 of this: title. T Nothing contained in_ this gnibchnptcryghm-l1bc’é0n3trued to aEect1_auy prosecution, 1- y suit, `_n;;ti<m, yor`-. pi·0cecdin§s brpughf, or yay get, ythixig, ézf _ matter, -1:1111 01: criminal, dude- or existing cu Februa_ry· 5, 1917, .· except hs xmentipucd ih, seétion 155. As to all such ”pi·0secu· 1 tions,—.sui£s, actions, pr0c¢edings`,"1_acts,·th{¤gs,1 or matters, the W lhws of phfts of laws repealed or amended by this chapter are _ `continued in force and eR¢gt. ;, (Feb.‘5,_1917,Jé. 29, §` 38,- 39 y star; wr.)- .._, 1-. · 1 _1 _ ( 1 179, Blank 'fo1‘ms_ of manifests and cnjew lists.-—-—The Public Prlnitér is °au£h0rizéd‘t0 print for `sélc to the ppnblidby that 1 Qgpegrinteixderit of Public Documents; jipcn 1 prepayment, addi·‘ ( tiiiyualropiés of blank forms of manifests zind cmw lists to be 1 ‘p1—es<;ribed_ by the Secretary yot pursuant to the ptovisioizs bfséctions 14810 150 and 171 of thié title. (May 26,-1924, c.·

'190,_§ 21 (b), 43 Stat.°165Q) _ ‘ ~ · W


 201; -Citation.-——-This subchaptérmnyjbc Cited as 1112 ‘? Immi-

_gmticm·Act ot 1924." · (May 26,_19.‘?.4, c.,190, § 1, 43,Stut. 153.) “ I 202.. (q.) Im¤3ig·¢tion.visas; qmthorityrtn issue; c0ntents,——- ( A,yc,0nsu1a1·-officer upon the. applicatiop of any immigrgmt 1(us ` · »· I l . V fl `.°