Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1578

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 76 L . { \TITL§ 4a.--m·1z1z11•01z1n$ 41

vnges,_ or compensation is not provided in the appropriation

 j(June 19. 1878rc. 329,4 1QQ_20 Stat.193; *

Am. 24, 1912, e; @7, § 7, 87F Stat. 514.)-° _’ l , 3 “ 76. Same; mq¤§ig_ clause: subject oi" act.-·—The enacting olaqw or axl laws pas@ by the" lemnlntnre shall be “·Be. lt enacted hy the of the Territory of Alaaka." No law shall mbraee ·more than one snbjecjt,_, which `ahall be expressed in its title. , (Ang.-24,-1912, c. 887,} 8, 37 Stat. 514.)_ • 77. Same; guard power and ·limltation.y-iThe legislative h power of the Territory of Alaska shall extend- to all rightful . anhjecita of lgtslntion not inoo@tent with the Gonatsltntion. me uw; or the n¤1oea_sme¤,‘1»¤r no-xawonau bépdsbed = interferring witlrthe primary·di l`of the aoilrnb tax shall be Imposed upon on property of the United Staten; nor shall theelande or other property of nonresldmta be taxed higher v than the lands or _ other property of xwdenta; nor shall the lgialatnrii grant to any corporation, monanoug or_ individual · any medal or exclusive privilme, immunlty,Zor franchise-vvith{~ out the amrmatlve approval- of Congress; nor shall the legia· Z latnremss local or special laws in any of the cafaea enumerated g in eection{1471 of this title; not shall it grant private charters - or special privileges, bnt lt may, by act, permlt° peraons to associate themelves together as m11es`qqipor¤¢e.1or manu? factoring, mining, agricultnral, and ‘ other industrial pursuits, and for the conduct of business of insurance, Savings banks, banks of discount and deposit (but not of issue), loans, trust, and guaranty awociationa, for the establishment and conduct of cemeteriee, and for the construction and operation _ of rallroacls, wagon roads, vessels, and irrigating ditches, and the colonization and improvement of lands in connection therewith, or for colleges, semlnariea, churches, libraries, or any other benevolent, charitable, or scientific association, but the anthorlty embraced in this section shall only permltthe organiza; tion of eorporations or associations whose chief business ahall · he in the Territory of Alaska; no divorce shall begranted by the legislature; nor shall any lottery ,,01: the sale of lott5ery~ tickets be allowed; nor shall the legislature or any munlcié. __ pallty interfere with or attempt an any wise to limit the Acts of Congress to prevent and punish gambling, and all gambling ¤ implements shall be seized by the United States marshal or any of his deputieagor any constable or police omcer, and de- ` strayed; nor shall aplritnous or intoxicating liquors be manufactnrm or sold, except under auch regulations and restrictions as Gongrw shall provide; nor shall an;} public _. money be approprlated_ by the Territory or any municipal corporation therein for the support or benedt of any ¤ectarlan,Aenomlnational, or private school,~or any school not under the exclusive control of the Government; nor shall the government of the i Territory of Alaska or any political or`m¤o1csp¤1—¤o»po¤¤u¤n· T or `anhdivtalon of the Territory make any subscription t o the Zcanltnl stock of any incorporated company, or in any manner . lend lm credit for the nee thereof; nor shall ‘ the Territory, or any municipal corporation therein, have power or authority to create or_ assume any bonded indebtedness whatever; nor. to borrowgnoney me the name of the Territory. or of any municipal o division thereof; nor to pledge the faith, of the people of the_ ‘ name for any loan whatever, either directly or indirecllli nor to create, nor to assume, any indebtedneu, except for the actual running expenses thereof; and no such indebtedness for actual L running expenaa shall be crwted or amumed ln excsa of the · actual income of the Territory or municipality for that year, · ~ including aa a part of such income appropriations than made T ~‘ by G0¤8l'&8, and taxa levied and payable! and applicable to e the payment of such indebtedness and cash and other money J credits on hand and applimble, and not already plwzé for · prior indehtedneaa. All authorized lndehtadnm shall be paid I ln the order ofita creation. No acts or lawn by the · ‘ Legislature of Alaska providinsjor a county form of govern- ;

FD INSULAR POSSESSIONS -1564 ment thiemln shall have any force or effect until it shall bg submitted to and approved, by the awmnuve notion of Gon. gross; and all laws passed, or attempted, to be pasted, by such 1 t¤re~in said Territory inconsist®t 'with the Vprovisions of thu section shall be null andvoid. Nothing contained in thlg section shall be held to abridge the rl@t of the Iezislature

 the dualiiléations ot electors by extending the elective

franchise to women. (Aug. 24, 1912, <;..38fI, { 9, 37 But. -514,), ` 78. Same; taxes to be  ; assespmentste-+All taxes shall be uniform upon the same ot subjects and shall be levied and collected under Qeneral laws, and the assessments ’ shall be according to the actual value thereof. (Aug. ,24,1912, . c. 387, § 9, 37 Stat. 514.) - " 1 , j_ _ " ' 79. Same; taxitionfor Territorial purposes; linitation.-s No tax_ shallybe levied for T8I’fit0I'ih]. purpomin excess of 1 e pe? centum upon the’ d. valuation of property_thm·ein in - any one year, . (Aug. 24, 1912,1:; 387, { 9, 37 Stat. 514.) s

 Same; legislature not todeprive hudson,   itc-, of

sdistrict court of 'guthority ‘ or lmslature shall-pass no law depriving the. judgq and tmcers of the dis- - trict court of Alaska ot anynuthority, jurisdiction, or function ‘ exercised by like judges or oEcers of district courts of the United·’·8tates.. (Aug. 24} 1912, c.`887,`§ 3, 37 Stat. 512.) '81. Same; rules, quorum, and lnajority.-—'1‘he senate and honse_ ot representatives shall each choose its own omcers, determine the rules ot its own p1foceedlng‘_not_lneonsistent · with the provisions of this subéhapter, and keep'.; journal of its proceedings; the , ayes and noe: of theniembers ot either house on anrquestion shall, ec `tharequest of one-Sith of the members present, be entered upon the journal; ·•' majority ot the members to whim. each, house is entitled shall constitute a quorum. of such house for the eonduct of bustnws, of vvhioh quorum a majority}. voté su$ce; a mailer number than a quorum may adjourn {rom day today and compel the. attendance of absent members, in such manner und under such penalties as each house may provide; for the purpose of ascertalnlng whether there is a quorum present the; presiding omcer shall count and report the actual numberot members present. . (Ang; 24, 1912, c._ 887, S 10, 37 Stat. 515.) ‘82. Same; nnentber holding other .o§ce; permns hdding oonumlssion or appointment under the ·U¤lted· States.--No o member of the legislature shall hold or be appointed toj any omce which has~‘_been created, or the salary or emolnments ot which have been increased, while he was o. member, during the term for which he was electm and for one year after the expirationot such term. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 387, S 11, 37 Stat. 516.) .*1 83. Same; persons holding apnointéent under United States not; to be members or hold o¤ce.-—g~·-No. person holding a commission or, appointment under? the United States shall bea member of the legislature or shall hold any 'oEce under the government ot the Territory. (Aug, 24,1912, c. 387, 5 11, 87 smc. sie.), o _ a _ 84. Same; exemptions of xnemberaa-——No member ot the legislature shall be held to answer before any other tribunal for any words uttered ln the exercise ot his lxislative functions. The members of the legiglature shall, in all casa except tresson, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance upon the seswons of the respective, houses, and in going to and returning from the same; but such privilege as to going and returning shall, not cover a pesiod of more than ten days meh way, except in the second division, when it shall extend to.tvventy days each way, and the fourthk division to nfteen days each way. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 387, { 12, B7 Stat. 516.) . 2 - _ 85. Passage of laws.-—-·-A bill in order to become a law shall have three separate readings in each house, the Qual iphsnzo of which in each house shall be by a majority vote otall tho members to which such house is entitled, taken by ayes and %