Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1580

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‘ § 102 - " /§’ITLE .$&-e-·TBRRI TORIE8·AN. the third division, and allllelahda along the north ·‘eoast_ef said j division, eayt of the one hundred and -forty-eighth meridian _ of s went longitude, also Nelson Island _ and all islands in Kuakmc t kwlm Bay. (June 6,1900, c. 780; {4, 31 Stat;. 322; Mar. 3, 4 woe, of m, `t 2, 35 stanssa; Mal-. 2,*`1e21, e. 110,41 sm. _ dwg Same: termpg special notice'; interpreters.-—-One ' general term of court shall be held each year at Juneau, and { such. additional terms at other places in the firstgdivision as ·* the Attorney. General may direct. n One general term of court ‘ shall beheld each year at Nome, and such jaimitional terms at ' other places in the second division an the `Attorney General ·-* _ may direct"' One general temi-of court shall be held each year I » at. Valdez, and such additional ter1i1s·`at other places the l lthird division. as the Attorney General may direct; One `gen-· ‘ eral term of court shall be held each year at Fairbanks, and · .such additional terms " at other places in the fourth division as the Attorney General may direct. Each of the judges is ` authorized and directed to hold anch special terms of court_ -` asu may be necessary for the public welfare or for fthe dispatch, J of the business of the court 'at_ such times and-places in their- l l respective districts as any- of them, respectively, may deem ex-. l pedient, or as the Attorney General may direct 3. and each shall hare authority to employ interpreters and to _ make allowances for the necessary expenses of his court and to employ an omcial"` court atengrapher at such compensation as shall be fixed by Q an Attorney General. ° At _ least thirty ,days’ _ notice shall be. given by the `judge, or_the clerk, of theo time and plaéeof hold-. _ lng the several terms of the court. (June 6, 1900, c. 786, $*4, 31 Stat.·322; Mar. 3,1909, c. 269, -5 2, 35 Stat. 839; Mar. 2, 1921, c. 110, 41 Stat. 1203; Feb., 13, 1925, c. 229, 5 1, 43 Stat. ‘ 103. Same; jurisdiction; change of place of trial.-—The jurisdiction of each division of the court shall, extend over the Ter- · rltory of Alaska, but the court in which the action ispending may, on motion, change the place of trialwin any action, ciril or criminal, from one placeto another place in the same division or to a designated place in another division in either of the following cases: Q I _ ·_ _ » ` First.; When there is reason to believe that an impartial trial cannot be hadtherein; · h ‘ , ` " Second; When the convenience of witnesses and the ends of _ justice would be promoted by_ the change; . " · ` Third. When from any cause the judge is disqualified from acting; but in such event, if the judge of. another division will appear and try the action, no change of place oftrial must be made; Q ». t _» I · — _ Fourth. By the court, on its. own motion, when, considering available means of travel, it appears that the defc1£clant,wlll ` be put to` unnecessary expense anddnconvenience it summoned [to defend in the place or division In which the action has been commenced; and when it appears to the satisfaction of the 'court, or judge thereof, that an action has been commenced in a place or division remote from the residence of the defendant for the purposegof cauaing.unnecessary expense or inconvenlence,`t‘he place of trial shallhe changed at thecost of the plaintiff, __and’ such costs shall not be recovered from the defendant. · . l ‘· r — ‘ · · .· ‘ J f . In any criminal prosecution the court shall change the place , of trial where it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant will not be prejudiced thereby and that the United Stat& will be put to unnecessary expense in auch crlm-. inal·pr~osecutl‘0n if the transfer is not made. _ (June 6,.1906, c. 786, S 5, 31 Stat;'323.) ". · — 104. Clerks- and eonmissioneraeihe respective . judges of the court shall appoint, and at pleasure remove, clerks and commissioners in and for the Territory, who shall have the

o INSllLA.R' possessxoxs ‘j 1566i urisdiction conferred by law in any put thereof, but whg shall, during their terms ot emce, Each reside at @6 Place in be district designated inT the reapectice- orders ot appointment. {June.6, 1900, c. 786, { 5, 31 St•t._3%,)_ , _ [ » _ 105. Bonds Tcf clerks and cpimideners.-—'H1e‘ clerks ot the court shall. each, before enteri¤g'.¤pdn the duties 91 `his cmce, Q execute a bond with sumcient: suretles, to be approved by the Secretary ot_ the Treasury, er the court or a judge thereof, in the penalty ” of $20,000, gtor-the faithful pemrmee ot his em, cial dut.iee,__and Hle the same with the Attorney. General'; and each commissioner shall, before entering upon the dutlw ot his o$ce, execute a· bond, with su@¢ient to be approved ·— ay- mecourt, or a judge thereof; in the penalty of $1,000. fm?

he faithful performanceof his qEcial dutlw, and dla the same

with the clerk, who shall send a` certlded copy theres! to the Attorney General. (June 6, 190% c. 7%, I 1.2; 31 Stat. 326.) » 106. Duties of ¢lerks.—Four clerks shall he appointed for the_ court; one of whom shall be maimed to` meh division thereof. nna‘a¤rmg,n1¤.term of emce at meh place in the. division the Attorney may direct. Each clerk shal1,._ in._ his division of the Territory, perform the duties. required or authorized by law to —be_pertormed—.by‘ clerks ot the United Statesconrts in- other district;. and such other duties as may be pre·acrib` the laws of the United Statw relating to the Territory of Alaska. He- shall prwye copies of all laws. applicable to the Territory and shall preserve all records and record all proceedings aniomcial acts ot his division of the court. He shall also collect and receive all moneys arising £mm_ the tem of hiyowc, {rome licenses; mes, forfeitnres, judgments, or on any other account authorized bylaw —to be paid to or collected by him, and shall apply the same, ercept the money derived from · lieenm, the incidental expenses · of the proper division ot tM= district court _ and the allowance thereof as directed in written orders, duly made and signed by the judge, and shall account fer the same-in email, and for am; balancm on account thereof, under oath, quarterly, or more frequently it required, to the court, the Attomey General, and the Secretary ot the Treasury. Moneys accruing from violations of the customs laws, civil customs msu, er internal, revenue max, moneys, not including accruing from civil post·oQce suits, num in criminal msec for of the postal laws, the net. proceeds ot sales of public wwerty under section 487 ot. Title 31, Mmm: mn FHQARG. and other moneys the disposition of which is otherwise smelnlly provided A for by law, shall not he available for the expensa of the court, but shall be paid over or deposited as provided by law for other districts; And after all payments ordered by the judge shall have been made, any balancw @1:11113 in the hands. of the clerk shall be by him deposited to the credit or the United Statu and be covered into the Treasury ot the United States at such times and under such rules and rmlm tions as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. The clerk shall Qbe ex omcio recorder ot instruments as hereinafter provided and also register at wills for the division, and shall I establish secure omcesyfor the safekeeping of his o&cial records wneré terms ot his division ot the cburt are held. He may appoint necessary deputies and employother clerical assistance to aid him in the cxpcdltlma discharge ot the duties of his oiBce,` with the approval and it compensation to be . tlxed by the court or judge, subject. to the approval of the 1At·_ toruey General. Any persen eo,. appointed or employed shall be paid by the clerk eu the ord’er`o£ the judge, as ether court expenses ere paid. (June 6, 1900, c. 786, 5 T, 31 Stat. 324; ’ Mar. 3,1909,c.2w,§3,35Stat.8·$0.) · , 107. crew. fees, and clerical hclp.——-Each clerk shall. collect all meney arii1ng_£rom_the teen of his omce or on any other account euaneruea by law to be paid to or collected by him, and shall report the same and the disposition thereelp