Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/159

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145 · t )T1TLE 8.e¥——¥AI;]£?NE `im: fuilsfés- rnake such reports pramptly the approvsai sl1V§l1 be

,;; m1;¤»·»·
¤, (May 1924, p. 190, 5 4; 43 sm; 155,) , t» _

‘ BQ5. “Qu0td fimmighqt " de§·ned.——·Wheu used in thi$ sub- ¢·}§§§;2iL’I‘ the term "qu9is; immigrant? means guy immigrant who .§. amt :1 simzqamta immigrant, ~An alien who is not particularly wa;-iaixnl in_thi;s sububtapter as ¥1`1l0ut}l1U[8. immigrgxxt ci- a ],»£2ii!!?11i;Zi’8Bt `sinall not be- admitted as a»·n0nqt10ta immigrant Urfsa xmzziuisxnigraixt by reason of relationship to any individual

 is sg siuzciiiad; of by rcasunx of- being excepted {POI!] the

,»;¤;~:·mim1` uf, may other 18:\V_l`0g’\l`l_3f§Dg or fdrbiddixng ipxmigra-

5· gt (1\!·ay. 26, 1924, f
. 190, 5 5, 43·Sta-t.·1=55.) * A_

· 2*35. (a) Emxmerition of1pref¢reuées_withi¤ qi1<#QS»·*-In the ’ j~,;;;mt·e of il1IHli§P3ti0il·`\TiS3S to quota immigrants prefexenec >§t;t?i be gi\'{’U""f ¤ 5 . V. · _ 11 a To a qi10ta.iu:migrant—sx*h0 is the unxuarriedchild uudct

aa; years fif ag<:,tthe fatlicr, tvlnewmoiher, th¢_ husbzind,

.»i· zig wife, of a, citizen of the Unit<>—d..Stzit<;s xvhofigs twetnty-one }.;_·;;·; bf sage or over; aud; _ h V _`.· ‘ V, 3 . qi; T<_» a qantoia i"xmigrant_wh0 is skilled ·i31.z1gi·ici11_ture, and this wife. éllld_11iS <A¤eude11t.childreu undertil1e’_i1ge.6i sixteen y.¤;z:·s. if £1<·<·on1;;¤iz1yiu3: vrhféllbwfng .t0`j0iu'qhim. QThe -prcfcrem? provided in this mmgrapli shall not apply to ·imx;1igra'nts 4.;* may 1u;tigs11ai§ty.tl1e sgiupal quota fqr which its lc5s__t11;1n 390. _ (b) Peiwccntage of p~refér¢nc¢s.~+Ttqc ])i'{‘f€l`€l1C€-`[)i’QVidé{1_· in mi¤1is·isicnt (8) shall in tlxégtzasé of qu0»ta_ immigrants, pt non; m1fiqa;;:1lity'cxL*c‘cd 50 Q€l°AjC0!l{\i1X1`0f- the amxinaluquota for Sum natimmlity. Not1:ing in tliis`$écti0t1 shall be éonstrqéd . 5, gram tg- the class qt imniigmnts-spééiiegl-ip· *[I|1l‘Hg1T{1[}h_ (14) Hi suiqdivisioan (;1) -a priority in preference over théclass speci- _1ied in pumgxiaph _(2).` " _ J .‘ . · , (c)»'I‘ime ffir giyi11g_ of prefe1*énce.——TUB preference Dwxliqcd in thi; section shqll; in. the case of quota immigrants pf »ggngv`-u4timmli_ty,` begivcn in the_·c21leudi1; mouth in_ which the right t0”prcféré12Cé is éstgablishcdgif t11é`n_umbcr of immifgm- 4 '1§·»n visas whiclt may‘bc· issued in_suqh` hibnth to quotqtimmil

¥ants`0f such imticmalitj has not already been-jssuédf other-
 jLg_4;§;;¤_t _C§L¢?;1Ld!lL!¥!9¤!I!;-_-£}$?X_2§@_· 193; QL,   §' 6;

4:: Smt,_155,) . _ t '* t ’ 7 ‘ 207. (a)_- tDu‘plicatc·nppliéations; for visas—;_·fm7m Og.--j-E\'€I;y immigraist appl'yiug_for `an immigration visa shalhmakc appli- ~4,;z‘ti0zattbc11cf<>r in duplicate in suclf form. £1sA.shull" be by régulixr ii<s1as.prescribt·d. _` · · _ A d‘_— ._ _- · -‘ ·~(b) Ccptents.-·-Injthe application the immigrant shullvstate {1) '[·hQ‘imll1ig‘}°}1Dt°.S lfullwxnd-‘t.1jue_nz11ue; `ugeysex, uud_‘race; _ ih? d_:1té`u;1d·p13ce of birth.; places of residence fp? the "five

u·s immediately pxiecgdiug his applicatiqn; wlnctlner uxazfried

m- singie; and the ¤ames*·a-ud‘ plaées of residence ofwifé 0; mmbuaxd and mincrl children, ‘if.zmy; calling or 0ccup.1ti01§§ _- ;¤·rs01aa1 dc¤<;ripti0u‘ (·il"i(I111dil1g“1lCigllT,`C0l1l[;l(:Xi()i1;.__C01t)f of iizairdxud eyes, andkaaxiks of ideutiiiéation) ; ability- tq spéuk, mud, gm! write; ~ imnuqs and addresses of V[)3l°¢l1tS.` and jif \ ugfixhor pareutrtliviug, theuvthe mime and address of his nearest _`;l‘4·l;1tive in thé coimtzry from which he c0me.s_; Tport of entryiuto [the Uxgitéd States; Hxmt -dcstiu;1fi0—n, it {my, bB)’QBd··tY1Q_]l)1't of cmry ; _-wlugtber he has ‘a tnickct through to ,Su(:h_ ii.I12lf(]0S[iv nation; —wl»et-1;m·» gqing to jbin a reelutivéorg friend, and,yif so, what relative 01·:t;·1end’ ami his gmane and complete add1*ess;A the gmfpose for which he ig; goingx t0¤'the`United' States: the Imgth of timé he intends to remain in the. United States; whether or not he intéudé to abidg in the United States p¢r·t m:u¤t·¤~t1y; whether eve: in prison §t alx1mlrgqus¢ ; ysihetlxer he or · {*iqLh91' of his parénts has evc1··l¤2eu'in an iizstitutimi, or hospital for thécxnrc andtreatmént of the·insai1e_; (2) if he cluimsto be

1 nouquota immigrant, me facts on which he bases such claiin;

and (3)°sucb additionai information necessary to the proper vnforcemeut Qoi the immigmtjou laws iandjtlne naturalization Laws, as may be by regulations prescribed. · ‘· " .‘ · °86270°—-¥26-·——-=-10 `_ t I 4 ‘ · -/

AND c1T1zsB2€s1111> r§ 1209 ,

e . (c) Copies of dossier and other records.-——The lnunlgrnnta shall. furnish,”if available, to the ennsulsr officer, with his appli- Y · .e;i=.t·lon, two copies of his-‘* dossier "nnd prison record and » military record, two certified copies of his birth eertifieate, and

  • · two copies ofiall other axiziilable pnblie recozsis concerning; him

. kept. by the é Government. to which he‘owes·»nllegi;111ce. jfme { copy of the documents setfurnishedishall_heper1:12anent1;= at~ . tnehecf to each copy of the application and become s part e thereof. ·An 'immigrnnt having_ an unexpired 'perxnit issuedu · under the provisions of section 210 of this title shall not be subjeetj to this suhdiiirisionr _` . r i l r ¤ _ (ci) Statement as to~ membership in releases of aliens w exeluded.——-In·the application the simmigrant. shall; nlsoi state _· (to such extentns shall be- by. regulations prescrihedl whether Y or not `he is L.a_ member of each elassl of indivi¢luéls·exs;·lz1tled from admission to the United··Sta_tes under the immigration Y laws, :"md‘_sueh classes shall bestated on théblnuk in- such { 'fQI`Il1 as shall be by. regulations prescribed, and the innmigraxq ~ shall answer separately asntoeaeh class. · _ ‘ 1 (e)· Statement as ton. exennption jfrmn, exclusibn.-elf the r immigrant is unable to`—stn_te that he does not come within any - n of the excluded cnassesi but claims t0__be fornny legal reason Wexeniptffrom exclusion, he shalisstate fully in the nnpliestion l _jTthe grounds for such alleged ‘eiemption._ · { A _ i r ‘ e(f)'A Signature to and veriiieation of `_‘` application`; one copy

 to   immigration yisa when visseki';   of i other

copy.-——}§néh. éopy of tlie_i~-applieation shall l he signed by; the iinniigrant iin the presence of the eonsnilnr oBieer¤and weri§_;·d by V theoath of the i_l!1i!ligIf{l·IlC_ administered by- the consular `officer; O One copyvof the application, when risaed by theeonsulnr o§eer, shnll become the inimigration visa, and the other copy shell be 3 ’ disposed of may be by regulations preseribed; - . ‘ t s (3}. Veriiieatlionr of application *by immigrant under age of~ »_ eighteen.¥5¥I.n.*tl1e ease of an immigrant under eighteen years lofjage the application ma_y",be·`made and verified ~by._sueh indil l i·idua·1~as·shal1‘be by regulations nreseribed; - ‘ _ r ~ S n 1(I1)-_Fee_'for furnishing and . verification of "applieetions-egl it » 'fee `of”$I`l"lsliHl1`?l5§`l`Fli§i‘geiI"`fo1"`fthe ssrurmgnixzg and Terihieatien __of-each application, whie sl1all_i;;clu<le the furnishing and l veritieation of’_Q1e`d_up§gi.te,` and shall be covered into the t 1`reasury as iniscella11eo"s·reeeipts. (May 26, 1924, c. *190, § *2*, _43iStat.·156.)s s , ~` j i i- , i a ‘ ' i_ .208; Nonquota- iminigration visas; when and §ow— issued.-— A consular officer may, subject t0· the limitations Drevicled in 'scetions‘202 and 209 of this titlegtissue an innnlgrntion visa ” _t0 ~a nonquota iminigrnnt as such *‘uponfsati.sfnetory_ proof;

um1e1~ regulations prescribed under this s`nbehapterQ- that; the

_ applienant is entitled to he. regarded as a` nonqnotai immigrant. - s (May 26, 1924.`c.·190, 58, 43 Stut.`157.)T _ — . ·- ` Q *209. (:1) I$Suance.·0fnonquota·8¤d Quota visas-to irelatives; authority to issueeéeln enseiof any immigrant claiming in. his application for an-·iin1n1ig*rati¢<>n visa to he a nonquotn immi- _ grant b5;__renson oft relationship under the- provisions of subdirision 4(a)‘ of section`204 of this title, or to` be entftle<l»to 'firreferexicer by reason of relationshii_;>.t0_ ajeitizen of the United ` States under the provisions of section 206 of ·this title, the l Consular oflieer shall net issue such immigration visa oegrnnt. such preferenee until he has been- authorized; to do so as G hereinafter in this section provided., ` _ . _ _ i (b) Persons entitled to; petition for; form -snd4econtents.——~— Any citizen ot the United States ·el_ainiin§ that any immigrant is his relative, and that such immigrant is properly admissible 5 to thelinited States as ba nominotae inunigirant under the pro— _ visions of subdisjision ta) of section or `_is__entitle<l to preference as a relative ·under·sectiou .206, n1ay_Hle~_witl1.Qthe, Cm.n— - ~ missioner General ae petition in such forrn as may be by regu- " lations preseribed, stating (1). the petitioners name andf·ad—