Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1592

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§_l 226 TITLE $8.-g·TlRRITORIES` A.} shall be required a_ corrwpondlngly increased eacapemant of ash therefrom.°(June 6, 1924, c. 272,1 2, 43-Stat. 465.) , L — · — 226. Violation of Rabin; laws; punishment; forfeiture.- _ Any person, company, corporation or @ciadon violating any provisions of sections @1 to m_ of this title, or of mcdom 230 to 241, gor of any regulation made under sulthority of said sections shall, upon conviction J thereof be punished by a Eno not exceeding $5,000 or imprisonment for `a term of not more than ninety days in the county jail or by both such, Brno. and impriao.u@t; and in case. of the violation of section @3- there may w impxed a further Hue nof exceeding $250 for 'eachday- the Mtraction thereingdeciared unlawfulla maintained,. Every Boat, seine, net, tran and eiery _ other gear and appliance c or mployed in violation of ·above·mentioned sections and; all Bah taken therein or therewith shall M forfeited to. the United States and shall be aeizediand sold under the oircc-_ tion of the court in which the forfeiture is _ declared at publicauction and the proceeds thereof after, deducting the expensea of sale shall be disposed of as. other fineaand forfeitures under the laws relating tof Alaska, Proceedings for such forfeiture ` shall be in rem under the rules of admiralty. . (June _6, 1924, c.272,.§'6,-43Stat..466.). _ · ". Y: 9 t 227. Employees of Bureau of Fisheries aa peace omcors.-— For the parp&_ of sections 221 to 228 of this title all employees of the Burwa of. Fisheries, designated by the Com- - missioucr of Fisheries, shall be considered-. as peace omcers aud. shall have the same powers of arrest of persons and seizure of property for any violation- of the provisions of said sections as hare United Statw marshals or' their deputies. (June 6,.1924, c.272,`§G,43`S££t.466.) » A ~ »_ _ U 228. Territorial powers, not abrogated or curtailed;-4Noth·. ing in sections 221.t0» 228- of f this title contained, nord; any powers conferred, by said sections upon the Secretary of 'C0m· · merce,.-shall ahrogate or curtail the powera granted the Territorial Legislature of Alasliade to _ impose taxes, or licenses, nor limit or curtail any powers granted the Territorial Legislature of Alaska by ons 23,24, 44, 45, and 67 t0_90 _0f.this- title, (1_1me·6,_ 2, $,8, 43 Stat. 467.) V _ _ _ . ° 229. Powers of bird reservation wardens.—-¤·-T1.‘ho wardens and other omcers appointed by the _Secretary of Agriculture for the protection of hird. reservations ‘ in Alaeia under control of ~the Demrtment of Agriculture, or for the protection of fur-bearing axiimala in Alaska, shall have and exercise like authority and. " powers in the performance of their respective duties. as are conferred upon game wardens by motion 192 of thlé title and by existing law upon omcess and agents of the Department of Commerce employw in the salmon Bakeries and fury-seal and ag-otter services in Alaska. ..(May ,31, 1920, c. 217[ 41 Stat. 717.) -· ·. ‘ · . 230. L tu on canning hah.--—Every person, -` company; or corporation carrying on the, bustucaa of canning, curing, or pimerving dah or `!l1&2311f&¢t!11'i¤§,IdSh products Ywithln Alaska, or in any of the waters. of Alaska over which- the United States hah jurisdictilm, 'shall, in. lieu of all other licenu_ fcea and taxes therefor and thereon, pay license taxes on their. said bualnem and oumut to follows: (Banned salmon, :4 cents per case ; pickled salmon, 10, cents perybarrel: aalt salmon in bulk, 5 cents per om hundred bounds; dah oil, 10 cents per barrel °; i fertilizer, 20 cents per ton.— The payment and collection of " auch licence taxes shall be under and in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 3, 18%, (chapter 429,, Thlrtieth; Statuta, page 1%3),° entitled "An Act to dedno. and punish crimes in the District of Alaska, and ··to. provide a . code of ‘ criminal procedure for the _ district," and ¢amen‘dmenta_ thereto. · (June 26, 1966, c. 3547, Q 1,34; Stat. 478.) f ` . 231. Same; cxemptiamsj hatchericu-·-—The catch and packof salmon Qmade, lr; Alaska by the owners .of_ private Salmon

 batclxeries operated in Alaska shall be exempt from all license

N11 INBQLAR Posgasszous 1578 feed and taxation of cveri nature it the rate of ton cases; ot

   to ”cvcry one thousand red or¤g salmon `fry
 uqoa the toliowigng conditions: o _

h That the Sccrctcry ot Commerce may from time to time, arid on the application of tho hatchery owuc1·`éhnH, within a reasonable time thoxtonttcr, cause such lpcrivato hatchcrlw to be in- _ spectcd for the purpose of _ dctcrmming the character of their operations, cQcicucy, and pro6¤ctive¤us, and it he amfovo the sums sha,1I mum notice of such cpvproval. to he med in the , omco of the clerk or muty clerk of the United. Stem district court of the division of the Dimict of Alaska whcréin any _, such hntc cry is locotcd, and chali also . notify the owners or such hhtch ry oi the action_?kc¤` by him. U'1’he owner, agent, ` officcr} or _ rintendent of uy hatchery the wwtivoucsso and pnioductivehesé of which has been approved as above wovidec ’ ._shg1l,1betwccn'the 30th cayqr iuuc md »wc Slat day ot _-’ Dc@bcr ot each hymn-, make` proot of tho mmw of alma h liberated during the twelve montha i@diatol!_ prbcedihg the 30th day‘ot_Ju¤c, by, n writte¤;stst®mt uudqwesh. Such proof 8hKQ boiled, in the o§oe of the-clerk M ®p¤ty clcrk ‘ lot ihe·Um¢e¤_ sum meme: com-; of mc oivwouot tm

 District ot Alaska whcicin such hat&cry is located, and wha ·
 Med" shall entitle the rupcctive hstc@_   to the ·_

exemption as hcroixr provided; uml; g —w,th ss to wc. number. ot salmon {ry liberated wil be `de psjury and subject the otfoindcr to all the pains and penalties thetcot. Duplicates of- such `8t8t€§!QHt8_·` shall also w Eledl with the Sécrctérywof Commerce. It _ shall he the ,63*.;] oi', such clerk {_ of deputy clerk in whose oucc the approval and proof hereto · [ fore provided fof are Bled to forthwith imcc to the hatchery

 owner, cé¤si¤g.§uch_p1·0ofs to 'bc Elcd, ccxvécates whw shall

l not bc transferable 7 and of such denominadons as oww may request (no certihmtc- to cover tcwcr than one fry), covering ip the aggregate the number ot try so proved to , have been llbcmtcd; and such ccrtiilcatas mui bc used at my- , time` - by the person, company, corpoxfotiou, or uséodnticm to whom issued for the payment pro tnuto of any licmse fécs os o taxec up0n` or against or on account of any catch or pack of - salmon made by them in_A1aska; and it shall he tx duty of all public omcials charged with tho duty hot collecting or receiving such liccuse fcc or taxes to a.cccpt».s¤ch- ccgtimta in lieu ot money in payméntot all liccusofccs or taxcsupou- ox ggalustc tho pack ot cannéd salmouot- the ratio of one thousand fry for each ton' cnscc ot salmon. No hqtchcry owner shall ohtniia the rebates from the output `of any hatchery to whi& ho mint · _other)wisc be entitled under sections %0 to of this< title unless the cmcicucy of said `hatchery has mst hom npwovcd by' the Secretary of Commerce in the manner horciu provided fox-. (J,u¤c: 26, 19®,:c. 3547, { 2, 34 `Stat. $78; Mau-. 4,- 1913, ‘c._141,'§`_1, 37 Stat. 736.) ‘ . h_ ` _" . .232. Marmot of taking Bch.--It shall bc unlawful to Bah for, tcko, or kill any. salmon ot. any species o1·_ by any moons - except by hand rod, shear, or iam in my of the cyecks, atrcamS.· or rivets ot'Aliska; or within hvc hm;Tdx·cd,yords_of the mouth of any such crca, stream, or river over which the United States hu|1jurisd·iction," cpccptihg tho Kmiluk and Ugashik ‘ Rivets.` Nothing containcd, in this sectioh shgl1"pcovmt· the tgking of Hsh fo; local food requirements or Jo: use as dog ‘Iccd.'. (June 26, 1906, c. 3547, { 4, 34 Stat. 479; Juno 6, 192-1. c. 272, $.4,43 Sta.t._4w.) — _ » ._ · · ` 233. Obptructioad in tutors fox; csptufing. sglnong-It shall bc unlawful to crcct or maintuiin any dam, bcrricadc, {cabo,. tmp, Hsh whccl, or other Hxcd or stationary obstruction, except .fOI?·D1ll‘Dl)8QQ_¤f §sh,culturc, in any of tho waters of Alaska at any point whcic the distance from chore to shore is `lcssthau one themgaud foot, or lwithlu tivo hundred yards ot Qther mouth of guy chock, stream, or river into which sglmou mu, éxceptlug the,Ku·1uk and Ugcshiko Rivers, with the purpooc or result