Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1615

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` 160]: · TITLE 48.-TERR11*01£1ES. posaig ht such prepetiy made __ by said .T€§‘l‘it0l'], under the gauthprity of. such laws, prior- to May 26, 1906, are ratiiied and comirmed, and all. moneys or revenues dedvéd_ from sales Q: . F disposals made prior to May 28, 1906, cr made unda; gamer- ' {ty. of this section, shhil rcmai¤.i me property of paid Territory -(M¤y28,1906,c.`258I, 34SmL`204.) 3 _ ‘ h 513.* Hawaiian silver mins; reccinage.-—···The silverycolgxs that M were ccihed under the lawé, of Hawaii, when the same gre not Igiiiumgxzed ci abmdcd belcw the standard 0; circulation, shall be received at the pax- nt "their tacé value. in payment ot all · dues tp the government of the Territory of Hawaii and oi the United Statcsfané the samo shall not again be put into citcuiatiou, but they —shaIrbe rccoiued in the mints as United ’ Smtes coins. Wha;} such coihs have been Received by eithea Gévemment they shall be transmitted to the mint at San Fran biseo, in sums of mt las $500, to_be racqizied_ intb hub sidiarj siléar coins of the United Sthtes, fhé expspse -0t trans pmmuau an bepaid 1»y_um Umm scam. (Jan. 14, 1903, ¢. 186, KQ 1, 2, 32 Stat. 770.) , _ . . Q 514. Same; exchgnge for- Uniusd States wins.-?Any1collcct01 at geixstqms or ict internal revenue of the United States in' the Hawniiéu Islaads shall, it , he is sp directed by fha Secretary of the Treamry, exchange staudhrd »si1ver·Lcoi1;q ot the United States `that; are in fiis custody hs smh? collector with the goveémuent ci H;1aii, or with any person desiring to makelaixch exchangég tc: cqim ict tha government of Hawaii, at their Lace yalue when the same are not abraded below the lawt¤1'stnndard ati circulation, and the Treasm·e1·—ot the United States, under the; direction of the Secremry, of the "Trcasury, is aug zkmrized to qeposit such silver, coins ot the United Shams as Anal! be neccssary‘ with the collector dt customsbr of internal revenue at Honolulu or at any Gqivcmmmxfg depoatcry for the purpose -01 making mich exchange ;under such rmulatinni as hq may pmcajibe. (Jm1.°14,`1.903, c. 186;] 3, 82 Stat. 771.) , 515. Sum; mminage of mutilatm or shaded ¢oim.·—·-Ani silver coins muck by the government of Hawaii that, sm mutilated or ahxadéd below meh stamlard ma! B6 Dm,»smted_ io: recommga at any mint in the, United States by tha pardon owning the same, or his ar her agents, in bums of nqt less thin $50, Q and meh 9w¤ei· shall be mid {mr, such coma ti; the supazixxtendcux of the mint the bullw ialixe per troy ounce Qt the me myc; they contain ixi stand; `silver com bi the United Swim, and such human shall be co' imp subsidisrw migage at the United Mgt;. (Jan. 14, 1 c. 186, S 4, 82 Sm;.m.) · , _ , · . -J 516. Haianiiam diver éertiémtesg unlséfql to »circulgte.-—-;It shall be to circulate as mogey my Mlvar certiimte ·_ · issued by the government of the Hawgiian Iqlands pr101·_ to Jammry 14, 19%, intended to be circulated as money. (Im. 14, 19%,e. 186, I 6, 82 Stat; 771.)* . M * 517; Rcéemmim af Hawaiian -.silv¢:· `certiécatu or silver Ai ,csi¤.·——-—»N¤~thi¤g in `smtims 518 fm {517 pi! this ghnpter shall fiw United Sum ta my silvezr cgrtmmtm`- issued by the govsmmmt at H§waL1;.¢>1•l¤,11y silver com issuéd by such gavgrumesat, exceyt in the mama: upon; thé ccnditicm staged in said sections iq: the recotnaga ct Hawaiian mm:. (lgn. 14, 4; 1%, $,7, 3t;n,t.,771,) · 5 _ ’ 518. Emplaym an publie wm·ks_ to be citimm, cré eligible fm·.giiiz¢¤mhi§.·-—N¤ person ami! be emplhimd as A mechanic or kabomr pwd my public wax}; curled cm in the Territory ot Hmmii by tha .Gnvernmé,gt oi. the Swim, whaphm the wurk is dam by magnet or <>the:.jwi& ·¤;1ch,pe1—m¤ is d ezitizmx at thé United Smtx or eligible tp bpcomc smw 1 citizen. (July 9, 1921, c. 42, Q 315,12 Emi. . Q ‘ ¥ · 519. Divqme; residmm mm@ry.—··——N¤ divorce: emu be granted by 5 the mmm of the Territory umm tha ·npg11g¤¤t ther.—ef¤r·‘ shall have rgsidad in the Terrimry mr two next pm<:e—ding' the application, but this provision shall rmt mmf s$2v0·——26--i01

AND INSULAR PQSSESSIONSS L "§ 534; a any action padding . on April 30, 1900. (Apr! 39, 1900, ¤c. 339,. L_ § 55, _31 Stat. 150; May`27, 1910, c. 258, 5 4, 36 Stat. 444 ;·Ji1ly 9, ( r 1921, c. 42, 5302, _42 Stat,116.) · · · ‘ ’ ` -» 520. Prnhibitiqxi af intoxicating. liquors.-·—It shall be {mlaw-` . ful in the _'1‘crrlt0ry.of Hawaii to sell, give away. manufacture, ’ . transp0rt,_ import, or export intoxicating liquors. except for t mnchaniéal, sclentlflc, sacramental, or medicinal ·pm·p0s—és, for ’ b rwhichlpurposes the sale), gift, transport, import, and "éxp0rt at l the same 8halrbe.under. such rules and ragnlationé as the govl ernor of the Territory ’may prescribe, and any parsnnyinlatilng §· __th¢ provisions here0f shall ba Hned“ in a sum not exceeding g_ $500 or imprisoned for { period Aof not llbnger than one year I qr bothx (May'23, 19lS, é. 84,‘§ 2, 40 Stat. 560.) ·


- 531. Goircmor; nppcintrucnf; term; powers in. general.-··Thn - executive power of thé government oi the Térritory of Hawaii

' tshnll lic vested in a governor, who shall be appointed hylthe

W Prnnldent, by and with tha advice and cnnsant·of‘ the- Segnate

. of- the United States, and shall hold amen for four years and

2 until his snccesscir shall be &DD<>inted and qnalmed; unless r sooner removed . by the President. He shall be act Ima than. ` l thirtygilvc years of nge, shall bn a citizen pt the `Territcry nt ·- Hawaii ;, shall have resided therein {01- at lwst three years 1 next preceding his. appointment; shall be cnm&andcr in chlet e of the militia thereof; and may grant pardons or reprlevas for ‘ · otensns against the laws _0t the said Territory and raprievns , for olfnnnns against the laws ot)-the United Statm. until the ` · decision of the President is made uown thereon. (Apr. 39, r· 1900, c. 3%,. { *66, 31 Stat, 153; July 9. 1321, c. 42, § 303, 42_ a sm.11a.) · j . ” l “ e` 532. Gdyemnr to execute lawns-Thé governor shall be rn-

spousiblé for maraxznrun execution nt the lawn ot `_thn United

Statm and· of ‘ the Territory of Hawaii within the S&id`T¢l‘1'i·· ’ tory, and whenever it becomes n nry_‘ he may call upon the ¥ commanders of the military and naval forces nt tha Uiziteeii ‘a Stntasin tha. Territory of Hawaii. or anmmnn the nnslsa com!-` · tatus, or call but the ” militia of ·tha '1‘ai·rit0ry to prevent cri l snppraw lawlws violence, . im·ano& insurrection., pr. rebellion ' in wid Tnrrit¤ry,` and hn may, in casa at rab~e11itm_¤1r invasion,. >° nr immimnt danger thereof, when the public patcty rmniras it, =" suspend tha prlvilgnga nf the writ ar 'habaas corpus, or place ' tha Territory or part tharact, under martial law until `com- ¥ xmumnauon can be had with the — Prmidant and decision . thereon made {Apr. 30, 1800,-c. 339. § 67. 31 Stat. 153.) 2 $$3. Pnwm and duties nf . farmer. Mdaln vestéd in Gav- ¤ amor.-—···:All the p0—wérs duties which, by` the laws nf Hawaii, l warn cpnterrnd upon nr required at ~ tha Praaldent· or any min- . inter of tha Bnpnblix: of Hawaii (acting alone nr in connection with any" other pmcgar or person `or body) nr the cabinet or

cxncnmva `nonncllynnd not inconsistent with the Gonntitutinn

5 nr lswn of tha United Statm, are conferred anon and required h ‘ qt tha G0vnr¤%g...a6t· tha Territory nt Hawaii, umm otherwise ¤ pmvidéd. (Apr; 80, 1906, ;:.‘%9» I 88. 31 Stat. 153.) . r 534. nf Hawaii; parsers: dutiena--·'1‘11a secretary of » the Térritory nt Hnwali nhall hq npwlntnd by than Praalelaxzt, by anti with tha advice and cnnnnnt nttha Sanata of the United = States, shall M an dtlznn at tha Territory ot Hawaii) and ‘ . hold bin nmca for tour ~ynnrn‘ and until bla sucwor shall be ? appointed and qnalmad, nnlam sooner removed by tha Prnsi-·_ l dent. Ha shall rncnrd and preserve all tha laws and pmcnad- » luv af tha laglnlatura and all acts and procnndings qt tha gov- · arnnr, and nmxnulgntn pmclamaticma of the gnvarnnr. Ha shall, l within days after tha and of each aesaian of- tha legis-; lntm*a,`trnn.mlt to tha President. tha Pra.aldnnt_ of. the Senate, i and tha·8paakar of the Hanan of Rapraaamtzxtiyea of that Unitacl 2 States ana cnplanch of the larva and jnurnala of such aamion. A Ha shall transmit tn. tha Prmidant,. snmiannually,_ on tha 1st