Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1631

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Q 1617 . zum 48}-—TERRITORIES _ Such uetary shell be . accompanied by the certiilcate of the executive secretary et Porto Rico to the effect that the notary staking such ackuéwledgmeut is in _ fact Such notarial biilcer. (Mer. 22, 1902, c. 278, 82 Stat. 88;—Mar."2, 1911, c. 145, § 54, 743. Quarantine "statieus and regulgtieus.—Qu~arantine_ stations shall bdwtabliehed "at such. place; in- Porto Rice ee the Wgurgeoe General of the Puhlie Health Service _0f the. United states. éhall diréét, nude the quarzmtine regulations reletmg to fthe impertatieini of dieeases from other countries shall be under the control of the Geverumeut et Vthe United States. (aprf 12, IMO, 1:. 191, { 10, 31 Stat. 80; Aug. 14, 1912, c. 288537 Stat. 309.) i', 744. Oe•$i¤g·1r•de·1¢vys.—The coasting trade between Porto

 Ind the United Stutesshull be 1`€gH1&tQ{1fiD·‘§C(?Ofd&DCE

with the previeieus of law applimble te such trade, between any two 8¥T%¥ coasting diétrlcts of the United States;. (Apr, 12, 1900,4:. IQ1,} 9,31 Stat;`_79.)‘·. _- _ ” - · T 745. bcuds.4-No lpulillc indebtedness bi Porte Bice. or of any subdivision or xpunicibality th ieof shall

 be autherim or allowed, in exceeeot 10 per ·cent§x ot the

e`§`regate tax valuation ot its- prdperty; and all bonds issued hy the guvemmeet of Porte Rico, or hy its authorit}, ehall be exempt from taxation by the Government of the United States cr by the 'gevemmeut bt-Porte Bleu _0r of auy peli_tical— br municipal eubdiv1sie;1~there0t,` or by any State, or ; by axiy county, uuuuiclpglity, or other ‘muuicipa1> subdivielou ot any · State 0l;,T8l’1‘“.Gi‘] et the United States, er by" the District bt Columbia; In computing the luglebtednesa _ of the fweople ot Porto Rico, bonds _ lseueq by the people of Forte Rico secured hy au equivalent amount qt bends of municipal corporations or school beards, of Porte Rico shall rmt be couptedi ·*(·Apr.

 1900,"c.' 191, § :38, 31 Stat. 86‘:·Mar. 2, 1917, ‘c.- 145, § 3,
 39·Stat. ‘953;'_ Feb. 3,* 1921,' c. 34, § 2, Q1 Stat. Q096.)

· 746. {Public laude ; md buildiegs; réserystioiss; righte prior _ te July, 1, 1902.-——All Ypublic laude mid buildings; not including harbor arms and uavlggble streams and bodleset water and the suhmerged lands underlying the same, qwued` by the United S{3{@__il1 the island ef. Porto Rico amt net reserved by the hesident et the United States prior te July- 1, 1903, pursuant t te autherity rested in him by law, areférauted ite the gbrern- ,_ ment 0f~Perto Ricpyte be held or disposedwot for the use aud l beueht ez the people et said island. Said grant is upon. the , erwrew ctmdltioir the gcveruu1ent~ ot— Porte Rico, by proper autherityhrelée , to the United States any interest er clalmjt may here in or upon the; lands. or buildluga resei·.s·ed_ by the President asa mentioned herein. Nothing herelxi ceutarined shall be so construed as to adect any legal of equi? table rights acquired by the gevérmuexit et Porto Rice or by lm? Other any" contract, `leaee, er license made by the United Statm autherltlw prior to the 1,st day of May, l 1909. (July"1, 1902, c. 13%, { 1,,32 Stat. 731.) · ‘ , 747. fublic premrty tnusferred.·——·-All property `which may have been acquired lu P0rte‘Rice by the United _Statee under the cmu of Spaiuelu the treaty et- entered into uu the -10th dere! December. 1898,*111 ahy public brldg®,,_road* houm, water lpewersg highways, uuuavlgable streeme and the .md¤ thereeti subterranean waters, mines: or minerals under the surface efrprlvate laude, all lpreperty‘whlch'at the timeof the ceselen belonged, umgler the lawe of Shula then lu farce, `to ~ the various harbor works boards of Perm; Bice, all the harbor eheree, docks, alive, reclaimed laude, and all public laude and huilqings_uet‘ reserved hy the _ United States ter puhllq puramreaee 'prler to Marehf 2, 1917, ls, placed under the control of the government of Porto Rice, te admluisteregl for ,the beeeht of the mople of Porte Rice; aud the Legislature of he Porto Rice shallthave eutlmrity, suhjeetto the llmltutleus airp- Dused upen all its acts, t0~ legielate with respect to all such '8G2"l'0°-=g—2l3——~—102 Z · " p ·

AND INSIZLAR POSSESSIQN8 ’ § 7752 or matters as `it may deem advisable, (Apr. 12, .1900,%:. 191, § 13, ,31 Stat. 80; Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, -§ 7, 39 Stat. 954.) - 748, Convc'yanec?by President to people- of; laude, buildinga, l ét¢,—j—The President may, {rom time to time, in his discretion, ‘ (convey to fthe people of Porto Rico, , such lands, buildings, or . intcrestsln lands, or other property owned by the United States; ¤ and svithln the territorial limits of Porto Rico as lu his opinion

are no longer needed for fpurposes of the United States. And

r he may from time to time accept by legislative grant from ¤ Porto Rico any la_ud s;`buildings, or other ioteres-sts or property y which may be needed for public purposes by the United States. , .(M‘ar. 2, 1917, c. 145, § 7, 39 Stat. 954.) · o ” J . . _ , ‘ 749;, Harbors and navigable waters? ,tl'§}\Sf€l'l’€d.······Thé har- »_ bor; areas and navigable streams and bodies of water and sub- 1 ·merged lands underlying the same in and? around the island of , Porto Bice &II(€ adjacent islands a11d_ waters, owned by the

 United States on {March 2,1917, and not reserved by the United `

States for public purposes, are, placed under the control of the - { government of Porto Rico, to' be, 7 administered in the same _ ·II1&IlH€{.' and subject to- the' same limitations ge the property? f enumerated irrsectious 747 and 748 of tink title. All lavrs o£_ _ the United 'Stateé for the protection; and improvement of the , navigable vqaters of the ‘ Unitéd 'Statesaand the prmeryatioa L of the interests of navigation and commerce; e1£ée;St~¤a.tar as · thesame meya be 1bc».1ly’ inappllcablefehall§·,gp;oly to seldlslaod · and -waterS and, to its adjacent islands and waters.- Nothing r in this chapter contained shall beiéonstraed so as to a¤ect< or ‘ · `impair. in any manner the terms or conditions of aay aothos:ixa·· _

  • tions, permits, or other powers lawfully or exercised

in or ln, respectot said waters, and submerged lands ia and sure rounding-said·;is1and and. its adjacenf·/islands by the Secretary y - of War or other authorized o§cer or agent of the United States » prior to March 2, 1917. {Marvi, 1917, c. 145, § 8, W39 Stat. 954.) 750. Grants of franchises; public·seryioe co¤mi etc.-- · All grants ot franchises, rights, and privileges of a public o;r , vquasi public uaturemhall be madeby a pu`blic·Ser*lcc` cem¤gio·~ sion, consisting of the heads of executive departments, the _ 3 auditor, and two commissioners to'_be»elected; by the qaaliéed - » voters at each general election. The terms of said elective _ commissioriors shall commence on the :2d,day of Jaauary fob t lowing their election; they shall serve for four years and until ‘ their `successors are elected and qualldcdr Their compeosotiozr F sl1all°be, $3'fol` each day’s attendance on theeeesions of the commission, but in no case shall they recelge more than $400 _ .each_dm·ing any one/year. The said commission is also em- ` bowered and ·dig_·ected to, discharge all theexecutlve functions · relatiug to~·publlc¥servlcc_ corporations conferred by law prior . to March 2, 1517,} upon the executive council. Franchises, ` · rights, andpririlegee granted by the said commissioashall not be effective uatil approved by the goyémor, and — shall be reg?

 ported? to Congress, which remrvee the power ‘to armul or

modify ·the same. _(Mar;·2, 1917, c." 145.·5 38. 39 Stat. %-1.) .

· 751, lnterstato commerce and certain other laws iaaiplicable to Porto Bico.·-——Chapter 1_ of Title 49, Tnxaroararrou, · .

. aird Re safety apollaace Acts sud; the se`veral’ amendments made orto be made thereto na found lo ‘chopter 1_of Title 45, Rmmms; `shdll not apply to Porto Rico. (Mar. ·2, 1917, . c. 145, 5 38, 39`Stat;."964.)_ W _ . , _ or ` 752. Spoicinl r provisions ja franchises; corporate real-estate _ b0!di¤€s.——·#-All grants otjranchises ahd priyilegewumler section _ 750.wof this title-shall-provide that the same shell be subject . to amendment, alteration, or repeal, and shell forbid the issgo of otocks or hoods except io exchange for actual cash or prop·· ·61‘ty st. a fair valuation `to bévetermined by the·publ»ip-ser»·i<·•·_ Zcommleelon equal la amount to, the par value of the stoekaor · bonds leaned, 'and_ shall forbid the declaripg of stock or bone! _; dlvidends. aud la, the cose of public-service corporations shall provide for the effective regulation of charges thereog and for ’ s