Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1634

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§ 787 “ rzms ss.-srsxnzrorczns 4 property whieh, tin his opinion, are irregular, unnecessary, ex- , eessive, or extravagant, (Apr; 12, 1900, c. 191, § 23, ,31 Staff 82;` Mar. 2, 1917,`_e. 145, -5 W, 39 Stat. 957; June 7,1924, c. 822,* $.,1, 43.Stat. 631.) _ ‘ 5 · _ 787. Same; jurisdiction *over accounts.-¢·The jurisdiction ot the auditor over accounts, whether of funds or property, and all vouchers and records pertaining thereto, shall be‘ exclusive. With the approval of the governor, he shall from time to time make and promulgate ngeneral or rules and regulations not inconsistent €vith_ law covering the methods/of accounting; fer public funds and property; and funds and groperty held in trust by the government or any of itwhfanches. Y Lnyi0$cer_ accountable for public rimus or property may . require such additional ’ reports or returns from. his subordinates or others as he may deem necesmry ‘ for his own information and pro; section., (Apr. 12,.1900, e. 191!.§ 23, 31 Stat. 82; Mar. 2, 1917, c.i145, -§,‘ 20,. 39 Stat. 957{June 7,1924; c._322, {.1, 43 Stat. 631.)] b 0 ° ‘ y` N Y 788. Same; decisions §nnl.—The decisions of the auditor! shall be anal, except- that _ appeal therefrom may be taken by tne party aggrieved or the head .01 the department concernedwithin one year, me the .manner hereinafter prescribed. Thei ' auditor- shall, except as hereinafter provided, have like duthorg ity as- that conferred ttiy the law upon the ,Genera1Y Accounting O$ce, and the Comptroller General of the United. States, axfd is authorized to communicate directly with person having claims before him for settlement, or with any department, _ oEcer, or person having omcial relations with his o&ce. .~ (Apr. 12,11900, e. 191, § 23,_31.'Stat; 82;_Mar. 2,j1917, c. 145, §‘20, 39 Stat. 957; june 7, .1924, c. 322, { 1,,4,3 Stat. "631.) »_ 789/. Same; a§peals from- person aggrieved by the action or decision of the'audit0r‘ in me settlement of his aecount or elaim may, within one year, take an appeal in writing to the governor, which appeal shall specifically set forth the . particular action of the auditor to which exception is taken, with the reason and _ authorities relied on for reversing such decision; The deewon of the governor in such case snail be dual, subject to such right ot. action as may be otherwise ·pr0· vided by law. (Mar. 2, 1917, e. 145, § 21, 39 Stat. 958.) ~ . 799. Same; annual report to governor.——-;·As soon utter. the close et each Bscaryear as the ‘¤ccouats· ot said year maybe examined and adjusted, the auditors Shall submit to the governoran annual report ot the decal concerns of the government, showing, the receipts and disbursements of the various departments andbureaus ot the government and of the various municipalities, and make such other reports as may be _ required or him by the governor or the head of the `eiecutiye department ot the Government jot the United Statw, to be by the President as herein provided. . (Apr. 12, 1900, fc. 191, Q 23, , 31 Stat. 82; Mar. 2, 1917,-1:. 145, K}- 20, 39 Stat. 957; June 7, e. 3%, § 1, 43. Stat. 631.) - . · r ’ `_ 791. Same; ponger to summon witnesses, etc.--In the execution of his duties the auditor is authorized to summon wit- . nesses, administer oaths,'and to take evidence, ang, in the pursuance of these provisions, may issue subpcenas and enforce the attendance of witnesses. (Apr. 12, 1900, c. 91, § %, 31 Stat. 82; Mar. 2, 1917, o. 145, § 20, 39 Stat. 957; June 7,. 1924, ‘c. 322, § 1, 43 Stat. @1.) · · t- i _' - r 792. Same; supervision by governor.-——-The q_@ee of the auditor shall be under the general supervision of the governor and shall consist ot the auditor and ysueh necessary amistants as _ "znag be prescribed br law. (Apr. 12, 1900, ‘c._ 191, ( %, 31 Stat. 82; Mar. 2, 1917,1:. 145, § 20, 39 Stat.,957; June 7, 1924, te. 322, §·1,·43 S§tat..631.) Q _ y . 4 · . ° ‘ 793. Same; assistant to take eharge in ease of heme! or absentee;-——-In ease of vacancy or of the absence from duty, from any cause, ot the auditor, the Governor of Porto Rico may I designate, an assistant, who shall have charge of the omee. (Aim-. 2, 1917, e. 1515, § 20, 39 Stat. 957.) . , t

_ND INSULARLPOSSESSIONS · 1620 7974. ’ cisI°rep0rts.——·A1l reports. required by 13w.t0 be made _‘by the go nor or heads bt departmentsto any "0@clnl of the United Sta shall be made to an §ecutive department ot the ·(?0vemment 0 _ United- States, to be designatedw by the President,_and the Preslde orized to- place ell matters ` pertaining to the government ,o Porto Rico in the jurisdiction. ot such deportxpent. . (July, 15,. 1909, c, 4, i 2, 36 Stat; 11; Mar. 2,,,1917; c.·145, § 11, 39 Stat. 955.) I c Q -— ° · ‘ 795. Government expenses `payable · out ef- insular revenues.——All expenses that may be incurred on eecognnt of the . government ot, Porto Rico for salaries lot o&cials and the com duct ot, their omces and departments, end all expenses and obligations contracted for the.interna1_improvement or develop-` —ment of the island, not, however, including barracks, ' harbors, lighthouses, buoys, and otmr i· works nnderteken, by the United States, shall, except —as—qthervvise.speci§¤lly pro- `A vided by. the Con ~ be paid by the treasurer, of Porto Rico out of the revenue in his custody. ·_ (Apr. 12, 1999, c. 191, §° 12, 1 31 Stat. 80; Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, { 6, 39 $tst.p 953.) ~` _ I _ V

 796, Transfer of bureaus, or oiceé.-—-5Ang -l>m·een or o@ce

belonging to any of the regular departments ot the government, or hereafter created, or not assigned, may be trnnéerred, . or. agigneebto any department by the governor*with‘ the ep- ._p1·0val bi the senate of Porh0"Rico. Yhinr; 2, 1917,1:. 145, 5 53, . 797. Salaries of o&cink.—The annual salaries of the fol- p lowing 'nemeo 0§cinIs appointed by the P1'é81d€BC’·8.Bt1 also those appointed by the eovemos oi_Porto- Rico. so to he paid, shall be: The governor, $19,000; in addition thereto he shell be entitled tq the occupancy ogthelbuilding used by, thechlef executive of Porto Bicoprior [ _ April 12, 1900, with the turni- _ ture and etects therein}- tree ot rental; héds of executive departments, $·6,000};_ch1et_justice of the suprexne_co¤rt,.$7,z'i00; associate justice of the snpreme court, $6500. _ F · { Where `any omcer whose mlary is dxed by this chapter is requireddto give o bond.- the prexninm thereof shall he paid from · the insular treasury.- (Apr. 12, 1900, c., 191, { 36, 31 `Stet. 85;

l_YMer.` 2, 1901, c; 812, § 1, 31 Stat. 953; Mor.! 2, 1917, ·c. `145,_§ 59,

39 Stat. 967;_ June 7, 1924, c. 322, 5 3,,,43 Stat. 631.);_ c · - 798. Provision for payment of sal}f<i&.-T-·Except as nin this chapter othervvise provided the salaries of ell the oQcisls of Porto Rico not sppolnted, by the President, including depntiw, assistants, and other help shall be Such end be so paid out et the revenue ot Porto .Blco as shall from time to time he Hetermined by the legislature of Porto Bice and approved by the governv; and it the legislattix·e shall tall to make sn appro- _ printion for such salaries, the éalories theretotore nxed shell be paid without. the necessity of further appropriations there for; `The ss.laries.of·all ,oEcers and all `expenses of the e . of the various omcials of.Po1*to Rico opminted ns herein pro- » vided by the President shsllslso be paid out ot the revenues oi' ‘_Port0· Rico on warrant of the auditor cotintcrsigned by the 4 goverhorl (Apr. 12, 1900, c. 191, { M, _31 Stat, 85; Mer. 2,1 , 1917, c, 145, § M, 39 Stat.967; June 7, 1924, c. 322, §_ 3, 43_Stst. . 799. -Mtmicipelt efpenses payable from municipal revenues.—-—·The provisions of section 797 ot this tltle- shell not apply to munlcipel omcisls; their selsrles end the compenssq ` tionof their deputies,; assistants, and other help, aswell oss all other expenses incurred by the xnunicipslities, shell be pnicl out of the municipal revenues, in such manner as the legislature shall provide. (Apr. 12, 1900,12. 191,°`§ 37, 31 Stat, 85; Mer. 2, - 1917, c. 145, 5, 51, 39 Stat. 967.} , Z . THE LEGISLATURE __ ” V 811. Legislature; designation of:—·—·Al1 locol leglslatlve pow-. ‘ ers in Porto Rice, except es otherwise, provided in this chnptcij, shall be vested in s legislature which shell consist ottvvo houses, - one the senate and the other `thedhouse of representatives, and