Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1635

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1621 = TITLE 48.——TERRI1'0RIES AA the two houses shall be designated " the_Legislature`of Porto t Ricof-’ _ (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145. 5 25, 39 Stat; 958,) _ » · ,11 312. Seaite; meébemf electiom? ‘powers.+—T1;e Scgate or e Porto Rico shall eoheist of nineteen members elected for terms I of four Years by the qualidcd electore of Porto Rico. Each of I the scycn aenatofidl districts defined under section 814 of this I title sgall have the rigot to elect two senators, and i¤“addit10u t 1 thereto there shall be*élecfed`1ive senators at large. N 0 person s `shell be a member of the Senate of Porto Rico who 'is not ovenf 5 thirty? yearé of age, tmdwho is not able to read arid write .2 oitug the Spanish or English language, and who has not been . g resident of Porto Rico for at least two c011secutiYe»3¤ea_rs, and, c except ia the case of senators at large; an_ actual i·esideh_t of .l me benatorial `district from which chosen for aperiod of at I ieast one yea; prior to his election. Except as herein otherwise ’ provided, the Seoate of Porto Rico shall exercise all {of the 1 ·pm·ely legidntive powers and fquctions exercised, prior to March e 2, 1917, by the Executive<Couuci1, including. couilrmotiou . of 1 appointments; but appoiotmeqtemade while the senate is 1101:7 1 in session shall be eiectivea either until disapproved or uhtil 1 me next adjournment of the senate fop the session. In elect- < ing the five senators at ·large· eachjelector shall be permitted to, 1 vote for but one, candidate, and the five candidates 1*eéeivihg* < the largest number of votes-Shall be dcc1‘ared_elccted.· " (Mani. 2, i 1917, c. 145,-5 26, 39 Stat., 958.), ·_" " , h _‘ l i 813. House of `representatives { members; electioné-The I House ot Hepresehtatiyes ot Porto Rico pshall consist of thirty- ii izipe members elected quadremxially by the qoalitied electors of _ Porto Rico, as`hex·eii1afterj;3row·ided,‘ Each of the represeuntaé. t tive districts provideduxxder section 814 of this title shaii have 3 the right »to*_elect one repx‘éseutative,'and in addition' thereto `1 there shall be-elected four representatives at large. No person I shall be a member of the house of éxepresentutives who is,110t_ ( over`twe11tjr·§ve·yea1;+·0fage, and who is not able to read aud. t write either the Spanish o1·,En§lish’1augougc, except to the case t of arepresentatfve at large, who has pot b·cn ;a bona fide l'(!S£·> 1 doot of the district from which elected 101; at lcaet one year { prior to hisf election. In___elccting’the four representatives at 1 large, each elector shall be permitted to vote for but one < candidate and thefour candidates receiving the largest nué-' 2 ber of votes shall"be elected. ‘ (Map. 2,.1911, c. 145, 5 ZT, 39 Stat. 1 9119.) · · ‘ · _ ‘ _ · 11 _ 814. Reprhentative and senatorial`(listricts.——For the por- E pose ot elections to the légiélatmre the island of Porto. Iijcqshall be dicided into thirty-Eve representative districts, com- az posed " of coétiguouzs, and compact territory and B¤¤$hlis1ied,, 1 so ta: as practimblc, upou the ”basiu~ of equal population. 1 The division into and the demarcation of auch dietricts shall 1 be inode by _ the Executive Council of Porto Rico. Division 1 of districts sham be made as nearly as practicable ctc contour; 1 ,10 thetopographiml nature of the land, with regardto toads _1 ood other means of commninication and to natural barriers. 1 Said exeoutive council, shall also divide the island, of _Potto Rico into sievezi senatorial districts. each composed oi five . contiguous and compact vrepresentative districts. (Apr. 12, 1 1900, c. 191, N} 28, 31 Stat. 82; Ma:. 2, 1917, c. 145,} #28, 39* 1 sm1.o5ol1 . _ · ,— , 1 _ j _ ¤ 1 815. Elections; time of holdiizgr boundaries, diatricts and 1 _ municipalitiu.·—!l1ectious shalli be held oothe drst Tuesday -1 uftexathe Best Monday in November, beginhiug with the year 1 1920. and every four years.therea1§ter., N othiyg contained ip _1 ' this section ghall be construed to limit the xrixht ot the Lexis- 1 lature of Porte Rico at any time to revise the boundaries of 1 Isenatorial and iepreseatative distglcts and of any municipality, 1 or to aboliaheany municipality and the oweers provided therefor. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, | 29, M Stat. @59.) ‘ ·° l . 1 816. Powers; deteéminatioo of election and lqunlihcntionsqof 1 M,8élb¢i"8·j·······Th8 senate and housed ot mepxmeutativea, i·espec·_ 1

ru INSULAR POSSESSIONS § 822 , "hi rl lively, shall be the sole judges of the elections, returns, ‘ mid malidcations ot their members, and they shall have and exercise- all the powers with respect to the cemluct of their woceedipgs that usually pertain ‘to parliamentary legislative rodies. ·Both houses shall cohveue at the capital ron the second monday in l?`ebruai·y following an election; and organize by he. election- ot. a speaker or a presiding omcer, a clerk, and a sergeant at arms foreach house, and such other officers and msistaute as may be required.' (Apr. 12, 1900, c. -191, Q 30, 31 Stat. 83; Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145,.5 32, 39 Stat. @0.) — 817. Regular sessions.—¤Regula·r sessiqns of A the Legislature >t Porto Rico,. provided for bi this chapter l shall be held vnmially In numbered years convening on the second ki-onday in February. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, § 33, 39 Stat; 960.) 8l8.` Special sessions of senate.+—The mst- regular session at the Legislature of Porto Rico, provided for by’this.chapte1·,,' shall be held bieuuially, cohvcning GR the second Monday in Eiehruary. The governor may call special - sessions ” of the .egislaturef or ot the senate at any time when lnlhis opinioh

he public interest may require it, butmo special session shall
outiuue longer -thau‘ ten days, not including Sundays and in

aolidays, and no legislation shall he considered at such smioxi ather than thatspecified in the call,`ai1d he shall call thereunto, an special session at least once each year onthe second Monday .11 Februa_1‘y· of those years in which a regular easier; ot the egislature is not provided for. (Mar; 2, 1917, e. 145, § 33, so Smrfeoo.) · ‘ _ ’· · _ · _. 819. Senators and representatives; term of o§ce.—{1?he

erq1_ of ofiice of senators and representatives shall be four

wears fro`1h‘.the second of January following their election. In case of vucanc§ among the members ot the senate erin the mtise of representatives, special elections maybe held in the listricts wherein such vacancy occurred, under such, regu1a¥ ions as may be prescribed by law; but senators or representa-

ives‘ elected in, shch cases shall "ho1dI owce only for _`the'

mexpired portidu of the term wherein the vacancy occurred, md no senator orfrepresentative shall, during the time ior which he shall have been elected, be appointed to »ax1y— civil )mC€·1lIld€I‘.thB government of Porto Bice, nor be- appointed to my omcea created by act of the legislature during the time for which he shall have been `emzcetx. until two year; after his zerm of*_oHlce· shall have expired. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, 5 30,

9st¤t.°o59.j». i . ._ - — , .· , i

8%. . Same; per diem and mileage.g—-Members of the SGIIMQ ind House of Representatives? ot Porto Rico _Sh&H.1'Q€€iY8 cem— pensation at the-Tate ot $7 per day for the first ninety days at each regular session and $1. per day for. each additional day of such session; while in session, .ai1d mileage for each session at the rate of 10 cents per kilometer tor. each kilometer actually- add necessarily traveled in going. from their legislative districts to: the capital and theretrom to their place ot residence i' their districts by the usual routes of travel. {Mar. 2, 191?I,,c._145, {31, 39 Stat. 960.) ‘ { · . T , 821. Legilslative power.—···——'1‘he·legisla°ti»·e autho%¤ shall extend to all; matters. of a_ ·legislatls·e character not locally inupplicalile, including power to create, consolidate,. and reorganize the-f municipalities so tar as may be necessary, and ’t0 prorlde "auid repeal laws and `ordimmces therefor; also the . · power. to tlter, amend, modify, or repeal aqyor all laivsexngl nrdinancee of every character in force in Porto Rico or hmnicipalityt or district thereof on March 2, 1917, in ~s0. fagr as such altrzlration, amendment, modificaitiou, or repeal may 'be ‘ gonsisten with the proyislous of thistchapter. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, 5 3'Z', 39 Stat. 964.) . . , _ _ 822. Bills and resolutions; erigixi.——~—I*lxcept Inst providetl in sections 822 to S30, inclusive, of this title, bills and joint reeo1utionS"may'originate lu either house. (Mar. 2, _1917,_ c. 145, 5 34,39 Stat. 960.) `