Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1637

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1623 TITLE 48.-TERRITORIES A Sgtion to any public G omcor, servant or employee, agent or- cuptractor, after services shalt . have been rendered or contract made. (Har.'2, 1917, c. 115, S 34, wv Stat,`962.) P _ 8:8, Tan, paltry; etc., of wbkc o§ners not to be changed after nppohtmente-Except as otherwise prowjlded in this chapter, no law snail extend the term of any public o$cer, or increase- or diminish, his salary orj emolnmeuts after his election or appointment, nor permit any omoer or employee to draw compwsntion for more than one omce or position. .(Mar. 2.191743. 145, $`3{1,@lStat.`_$2.) ‘ ~ ¢ . -, ‘_ W i l Orders, etc., to be presented to governor.- river-y orderQ . resolution, or rote to which the mncnrrences ot mtu houses may fm necessary, except on the question of adjournment, or relating solely `to“ the `transaction or business of P the two houses, shall be presented to tIie—g0i='e1‘¤or, and before it shall take eEecti be approvjed. by him, or, being disapprovedi shall be repassed by two·thirds of both muses,. according to the rnlescand`limitations prescribed in fee of a" bill`. (Mar. 2, i 1917, c. 115,] 34, w»Stat. 962.) _. _, 4 z l - _ 8119. Financial bdgct.-?·Tlie governor shall submit at the opening of each regular session of the legislature a budget of _reooipts and expenditures, which rshall_ be the basis of z the ’eusning biennial appropriation bill; (Mar. 2, 1917, gi 145; §`-34, 39_Sta£.9®.-),· %_ . — _ .f _ ;—~ J 841. Revenue insn§ciont Ito meet appropriationsg; order of payment; limitiugg appropriations;-ein case the available revenues of Porto Rico for any llscal year, including available jeurplns in the insular treasury, are linsumcleuttto meet all the appropriations made by the legislature for such ‘year,- sinch appropriauons shall be _ pald in the following order, unless ozhersrlse directed by the governor :- _ ‘ ;- Firstl class. The ordinary expensesyot the legislative, execu=

 tive, and judicial departments ot the State government, _ and

intereston any public debt, shall first be paid in full. - _ _ Second class} Appropriations for all institutions, such as the penitentiary, insane {asylum, industrial school, and the like, whore the inmates are confined involuntarily, shall ·next"be paid in ~ , :_ F ‘ _ _, W o · 'lfixird class., Appropriations for education and educational and charitable institutions shall next jbe. paid in {ull. ,

 Fourth class. `_ Appropriations for any other omcer, or o$cers,

bnrwns or boards, shall next be paid in lull. ‘ - `. - · j ·» Fifth clam. Appropriations. for all other purposes; shall next ~ be paid, o ~ _ F _ " That in case there are not sumcient reyenuesjfor any-`ilscal year, inclll(H¤8.avai1able surplus in the insular treasury,. to nnwt in full the appropriations ot said year tor°'a1l ot the said p Qclasaes of appropriations, then said revenues shall be applied to the ci@ in the order above named, and lt, after the pay- .· ment ot the prior classes in full; .tl;ere_ are not snmlent rev- ..onuea for any ilscal yar to pay in full appropriations for that year for the next class, linen, in that event, whatever ihéfge. may be to apply on account ot appropriations for said class snail M dlstribinted among said appropriations pro rata according as the amount ot each; appropriation ot that class shall boar to the total amount ot all ot sald appropriations forthatclarmtorsuch¤sca1y&r.`_ _ ‘ ._ ‘ ' · No appropriation shall be made; nor any expenditure authorized by the legislature, yvboreby the expenditure ot the Government ot Porto Bleo during. any dscal year ahall exceed the total revenue then provided for by laér and applicable for snob appropriation or expenditure, .l including any available ‘ surplus in the treasury, nnleu the legldatnre making snob ailbroprlation shall provide for levying a sumolont tax to pay such. appropriation. for expenditure within snchy decal year. (Mar. 2, *1917, c. 14~5,'§ B4,"39 Stat. wd.) i ; . W 842. Trnnsnxission of copies of- laws to exeéutive department- of United St•tes.···¤·il”.fhe Governor oi Porto Rlco, ivithin

sm INSULAR'POSSESSIONS ’ I ”§ 863 sixty days after the end of each sexiou 'of the legislature, , {shall transmit to the executive department ot the Governxpent of the United States, to be designated aspruvicfed in dsectioin 794 of this title,. which shall in- turn transmit the saute tc the » Congress of the United States, copies ot all' laws exréeted Qur- I jug thesession. (Mar; 2, 1917, c.·145,_§ 23, ,39 Stat. 958.} ° » 843. Corruw- solicitation; de&itio§; puishnent.-—The of- . fence -~ot corrupt _ solicitation of members of the legislature or qt public ohlcers of Porto Bice or ot * any municipal division » thereof, and any occupation ser practice of aolmltaden ot such i merfnbers or omcers to influence, their omcial action shall be x deilhed by lhw and Shall be punished by. Hm and imprisonmextt. _(Mar.,2, IQI7, c.,145, 5 34, 39 Stat. wil.) ~ _ , . 844. Iniuencing o$cialé by ·@shnent.—-Any per- - son ·who shall directly or indirectly eEer,` give, er promise any money? or . thing` of Iialue, testimonial, iwivilége, pr personal l advéntage to any. eiecutlve or. judicial gmert or mmber ot · the’legis1e.ture to lxmueuce him in-the·perforrr1ance_ot any et his _ ptrblicor oliiclal duties shell he deemd guilty et bribery and be punished by •. line not exceeding $5,0w, or mlprisonmenit not exceeding five__years, or both. (Mar. 2,,1917,,c;r15,;§34, w' .Stat.960.) ·_ _— “ · ._ . . 845. `hiconie tix liars; modiicatica orcrepenl by legislat¤re.—’Ihe `P6rt0 Rican Legislatixre. shall- have power by `dtte enactment ·to Yauieqd, alter, modify, er. repeal the, inéometax t laws ln torcein Porto Rico. (Juno 2,,1924, 4.01 p. m., c."234, ~§'261, 43 Stat. 294.) THE JUDICIABY V _ _ \861Q Courts continued; chief justice and associate iusticu -of supreme ceurt.——The· judicial power shall be rested in the courts anditriliirnals of Porto Rico established and in operation on March 2, 1911, `uuderaud by; virtue of laws existing ori that date. The jurisdiction - of said courts and the term of procedure in them, and the various omcers and ’ attaches thereof, `shall also continue to be as provided at said date until otherwlw provided `by law. The chief justice and emo? ciate justices ot `the supremecourt shall be appointed by the President ; by. and with the advice and consent of the Senate tot the United States, ana tm Leglslature .o£ Porto shall hhyé authority, from time to time as it"_may see tlt, not isconslstent with this chapter, to 0%%, rnodify, or nurrsmge ‘ the courts a¤d‘ their jurisdiction sand · procedure} except, the District Court of the United Statm for Porte Rico. `(Mar. 2,

  • 1917,fc. 145. S 4% 88 Stat. 965.)  ;· ., . s.

] 8624 Jurisdiction of eieneu nnder National Pr&ibiticn Act.——-'1‘here is conferred upon the Territorial megistrtltes mul courts of. Porto Rico jurisdiction concurrent with the commis- » sloucrs and courts of the United States ter the said Terri- · tori; of ell. oitenses under Title 27 _ of this Code (National Pre- · hlhltiosi Act), and all Acts. amendatory thereof end supple- ¤ mental thereto, the jurisdiction of said Territorial magistrates

 hud- courts over said` to he `th3;88.¤1B which they eh

» -Septexpber 21, 1922 had_ over other criminal? odehses within L their jlil!'i8dl@tl0Kt.‘ (Sept. 21, 19@, ct 335, 42 St¤t.,993,) . $63. District ol Porto‘Ri¢o; @¢ers; jurisdiction; vacancies.- porto Rice shall constitute `n judicial district to be jcalled “ the _ . district ot Porto Rlco.‘“ {The President, by and with the advice = had `ceusent of the -Se¤ste,` shall appoint one district lodge, t who shall serve for it term” of fom: wears and uhtilhis successor is appointed and quulihed and whose salary shall he ·“ $7,500 perannum, There shall be appointed ip like manner o t district attorney and a marshal for said dlst1:lct,.each for za. ‘ 'terur of four years unless lsooner remoreq by the Plesldent. The 'distrlct court for said district shall be called " the _Dls- ¤•lct Court of the United States for Forte Rico," and shall

 have power to appoint all necessary officials and assistants,

luchldlnk thelnterpreter, and such commisslouers as may be