Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1638

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§ 864 ‘ , TITLE 48.-#—TERR1fT(}RIES AZN necessary, wl:10 shall be entitled to the same fees and have like _ ~pewei·s aml duties as are exercised and performed by United 1 States commissioners. A clerk sha1l·be(app0inted as provided · in section 6 of Title 28, Junxcuu. Com: Ami J UDICIARY. Such · { district court shall_have jurisdiction of all eases cegnizable I

in the district courts of the United States, and shall proceed

in the same mum1e1·L IH addition said dietrict court shall 1 have jurisdiction for the naturalization of- aliens smd Porto 1 Ricans, and fm; this purpose residence in Porto Rico shall _‘ ‘ ceumed ln_ the same manner as residence elsewhere in. the 4 United` States. Said district court slwll have jurisdiction of all controversies where. all of the parties on either side of _ e »~tl1e controversy are citizens er subjects of a foreign State or States, or citizens of a State, Temultmy, or District of the e United States not domiciled in Porto Rico, wherein the matter in diepute exceeds, exclusive of interest or cqst, the sum or value of $3,000, and ot all controversies ln which there is a’ separable controversy involving such jurledlctiond amount and in. which all of the [18fti6S_·0_¤ either éide of such separable controversy are citizens or subjects of the character aforesaid. Tite salaries of the judge and cmcials ot the `Dlstrjlcf Court of the United States for · Porte Rico, ‘tpgether‘·' with the court I expenses, ehall be paid trom the United States revenues in · the. same manner es` in other United. States ndistrict courts. In case ot vsmcy or of the death, absence, or other legal, disability Olly me part ·0f_ the judge dt the saicl District Court t of fthe United `Statm for Porto Rico, `the President of the _ United Stetes is authorized to designate one of the judgeseof the Suereme “Court ot Porto Rico to discharge the duties of judge et said eourt until such absence -61- . disability shall be removed, `and thereupon such judée so designated for said service shall be fully authorized and empowered te perform the duties of said 0&ce during such absence or dieablllty ot suclfregular judge, and to » sign all necessary papers. and rec- _ ards as the acting judge of said court vylthoixt extra compensn-r tion. (Apr. 30, 1900, c. 191, { 34, 31 Suit. ,85; Jal11.·7,“ 1913, { c._6, 37 Stat.· Mn1·. 2, 1917, c. 145, §' 41, 39 Stat, 965{Mar. 4, 1921, c. 161, { 1, 41 Stat. 1412.) l · _ _ ‘ - 1 ‘ 864. . Apmals; repeval of eauees: write of error; certiergrlg terms of eeun; of Engheh lslaguagee-—··’Jme laws et the U¤it®d‘”Stetes relating to appeals, write. et error and · `wrtionrl, removal et causes, and ether .mette1‘s—er proceeding as between the ccurtsxef the United Stateemd the ccitizjts . et the eeverel States ehell govern ina such matters md pro? ·

 as betvéeeu the district eeurt ot the United States 1

and the courts er Porte Bice, terms et said United States district ceixrt shetl be . held a.t luna, ecmmehclng pu the met Menday in ·Mey and November et `ench year, and else at Pence. on the second Monday in Felgruary e£`·mchyear, and special terms may be `held at at such eteted times as- mid judge may deem 'exmleet. All pleadings and proceedings in seld etmrt shall be c0¤1dit¢teB in the Eegileh language. The . said sllstflet court shall be_ettgel1ed ·te and included in Mat eircnxlt. et the Uxilted Statg, with the right et dppeel and review by said circuit court of appeals ' . in ell eeemjw ere the Mme Wquld lie from any dlstriét court te eelreuit ecmrt et aepealset the United States; end with the ri ght et appeal and mevieté directly by the Supreme Céurt el the United States-in all `whwe A direct emtl would he trbm each district eeertn. (Apr. 2, 19m, c. 191, `§ 85, 81 Stet. 85; Her. 2,,1917, e. 145,} Q. 39 Stat, Feb. 13, 1925, ¢._ ts, sm. ess, $42.) , ’ ‘ 1 J 365. Writ: of errer me speeds.---·Wrlts of ermr and ep-i peels tree the mas.! judgmeaits and decrem et the ~ Supreme » Qeurt et Porte mee may beteken and mmecutedgte the°Glr— eult Court ex Xpwleter the.Fli·¤ Gtrcialt had to the Court et the _United Stetee; as by lqw; .(1im·.` 2, 1917, c. 145, I 89,8104;. W6; Feb. 13, 1925, c. A8 Skt;

rn 1N.s·UL.4.1z P0ssEss10Ns 16:24 866. Proceedings, in E11gIish;Ia¤guage.——All proceedings in the Supreme C0urt_of the United States to revlewldccisions oflthe Supreme Qourt of Porto Rico land the District Court of the United States` for Porto Ric0'.shall be conducted in the Engl-ish language. (apr. 12, 1906, c. 191, § 35, 31 Stat; 85.) ' 867. Jurica in diatrict court; .qualiticatio1ts.¥—-The qualiiiqntions of jurors as_ fixed by the local lawsof Porto_Bic0 shall not apply to jurors selected to serve in the District Court of the V. United States for Porto Rico; but the qualifications rc-` quired of jurors in said court shall be that each shall he of theage of not leas than twentyone years and not over sixty- tive years, et resident oi Porto Rico for not less than me ycargaud have a sufficient knowledge of the E’fglisll language to enable him to serve as at juror;. they shall also be citizens of the ‘Ur1itcd° States.' Juries for the·` Said court shall bp selected, drawn and subject to exemption in accordance with the laws of Congress regu1ating‘theg,,,sa1he in the United States courts in so_ far as locally applicable. (Juue~25, 1906, c. 3:342, 84 Stat. 466{Mar. 2, 1917,/~c. 145, 5 44, 39 Stat. 966.) . 868, Fees part of _States reve¤u&.—-··All tees, iiaoe. costs, aatl forfeitures as would be deposited to the credit of the United Statca if collected and paid into a district court of the United States Shall become revenues of the- United States when collected and paid into the Dietrlct Court of the United States for `Porto Rico.. The sum of $500 a year from such tees, fines, costs, and tortcltures shall he retained by the clerk and_ expended for law library purposes- under the direc- ` tion of the judgef (_M\ar. 2, 1901, c. 812, 5, 2, 31 Stat. 953; Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, ·§ 45. 39 Stat. 966.) 869. Fees payable by United Staten out of revenue of Porto Rico.--:Such fees and expenses as are payable by the_Ut1lted c States if earned -or_ incurred `lu connection with a district court of the United States ahall he" paid tromcthe revenue of Porto Rico if earned or-Lncurred Jin coanectlouwith t&1E`DlS- trlct Court, of the United States for Porto Rico. (Mar. 2, . 1901, c.`812, § 2,-81 Stat. M3.) * t y _ °870. Salaries of district court o§oigla§—-4·Except at otherwise provided in sections 5581 and 5® of Title 28, Juorcm Cora run J'u¤1cuar,` the Attorney General of the United States shall from time to time determlae the mlaries ot all omciale ' and assistants , appointed bye the Uuitw States district court, mclutllag the interpreter, atenographcr, aud other odicials and employem, the rome to be paid by, the United States as other salaries and crpenscs otliko character in United States courts. {Mar. 2, 1917, c. 145, { .48, 39 Stat. 966; Feb. 26, 1919, c. 49, §§2.·4,40Stat.·118f&.).. ·_ .. ‘ T _ __ 871. Fees ind axilenge of jurors md witnesses.-——Jui·ors and. wnmaeenlm the District Court of the Klulted States for Porto Bice shall be eutltlml to and recelvé 15 ceuta for uch mile necessarily traveled over any stage line or by private coureyauce and 10 ‘ ceuta for each mlle over any railway in going to and returning from raid courts. But ao constructive or double mll&ge tm shall be- allowed by reaeou of any ‘pcr— aoa being rumoaed both aa wltuem and juror or na witness lu two ormore cram peudlhg in the same court and trtable at the aaiue term thereof. Such jurors shall be paid Q per day and auch wltueesea $1.50 per while lu attendance upon the court. (Mar. 2, 1917, c.·14t5,` I $7, 39 Stat. 367.) . 872. Habana corpus.--·-1*he supreme aud district courts of. Porto Rico and the rwpectlve judges thereof may grant write of habeas corpus ln all ln which the same are grantablc by the judges ot the dmrict courts ot the United States, and the district courts may kraat wrlta of manclamua, in all proper

 (Mar. 2,.1917, c. 145, 5   Stat. 967.) _

A 873. Appodntnmt of judteé. marshall, and seczretariue-· All judgeae marshals, me of courts eetabllalyed or that may ha mahliihed la Porte Rico, one whose appoint- i ment by ?re$$deut la not provided for by law. shall P8 _ afopoluted _ by the KGY6I'H01’,`b] and with. the advice and Fcou·