Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1644

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§ 1054 is TITLE 48.—TER.RI2'0R.IES AN n the legislature shall act lunch behalf the tmasurer*‘shs.ll, 3 when so directed by the Gorernor Gemul, make tm payments I necessary for the purposes aforesaid. (Aug. 29,- 1918, c. 416, 1 o j19,39Stat.*551.) " ·, . 1 ’ 154. Lawstobereported·to.0¤sgre$;nowerto•na¤l .rc¤ctved.+-All laws enacted by the Phillllbive Leglslature shall » _;be to the Congress of the`Hn1ted`States whichm- ?._; serves the power and authority. to same. (Au:. ,1 29,1916, c.416,`§ 19,39Stat. 551.)* ‘ __ · · ·‘ ‘¤ 1955._Ineome tax laws; or by legislate 1

 ture.—The» Philippine   shall have power- by (due.

enactment to amend, alter, modify. 917 fépéal the income tax ` laws in force in the Philippine Islands. ( `(June 2, IM4, 1.01 I s n7m..c.`%4.§·28,43Stat.@4.l A ',, Q _ . _ ggggg .mm0I.uzY.· . j -1071. Jurisdi& of. aupremeeourt and courts ofRrst 1 M imtanec.——The supreme court and the courts cz ilrst =1nstance_ , of the Philippine. Islands shall `possess and exercise jurisdlc· o tion as provided prior —tc_· 1916, and such additionaljurisdiction as @11 have-been prescribed `by; law. In all` _, cases pemln unkr the oneratlou-of `lawsgboth E, criminal and civil; the continue 1 judgwt andduerinzlnatlén. "(Iuly`1. 1902,_c.'13®,`§ 9, 82. g Bid- @5: AQ. E, 1916.15, 416. 5 My 89 Stat. 555.F · ._ . _ 1971. Sane; to be changed;-—-The , •¤¤m1¢y`1¤rlsu1¢¤;le¤‘s court and courts of llrst 1

 shall not ·be"®nged·except by Actof Congress. j

(Aug. 2§,11918,_c.·418,§ 8,.w Stat, 55.) . - ~ ° . __ 3 ,1&7!. A9pe¤&t af diief justice and indices ( of upsets justices of g s court shall be appolntedby the President,. by 4 and with the consent of tha‘Benate of `the.United' States. { (A¤s.¤.1»¤1&c:416.§$¤;@stat.¤¤6.l·.- " . ‘ o 1074. afjidies at csurta •f_£rst‘ {names.- q '.l'he1udsas9¢1.hscourtot¤rstlnstancc·shall beappolnted S by the GéovernorG , by andwfth thefadylce and consent g of the Bhllipplne Bmte. (Au;. 1918, c. 416, { _ $6, 89 'Stat.`$5.) F » -° · . { 1|15:SaIary`of associate justices ofig

 scout.-¢’1‘he annual salaries of . the following named _;

` o$cials annotated by and-,to\be_‘pald in accord- g

 ofsection 1124o!this  be; {

cme: assess or me supreme coun, 8,000;_wociat• nausea .; of- the penis ¤o¤rt.· $7.500 smh- (Aus- N; 1916. c- 416i 1 |¤, stat.-556,) ·° T _. ·' . _ 1016. Special tern of supreme csurt.—The court ,· of the Islands Ja authorized to holdysuchi terms or . l¤· each yarat Baguio, lathe of a Benguct, or atsny suitable place in the lx Is1and_s,__;_y may be -m·ovldcd‘by order- of the court, and to s @ei such orders with to the ° transfer of records ls and the lwulng of m~o@ asshall `be necmary to mske‘the E orders, decw, ands Judgments entered by the `_ court o special term or otcrrns elective. ‘(Apr.* 9, 1910, No. 19, Stat. '1 877.)· “I , " " " d 1077. 'Iemnerary judges of supremexcourt; expenses.-Je;. s Whenever by reason of temporary (liability of any, judge `of ir the suprenae court or by reason ot vacancleroccurrln: therein, E a quorum of the courtahull not be present for business the E Goyernor General of the Philippine Islands is authorised ;t0 b designate s judge or `judgea of the court of Bret instance in h the islands to slt and act temporarllyas a judge or judges of n the supreme court in order,to"constltute a ‘quorum°0t» said u supreme court for buslne&.‘ —If- a Jud@ so designated shall. li not have his usual place of residence at the city of Manila;. d I he shall be allowed his traveling expenses from his usual `.I, place ot residence to Manila and return and the sum of 10 ld

ln msvLuz rossnssroys · P 1630 pesos, Philippine currency, a dayyfot the permatom-mg whieh_ he lsengaged in theasupreme court, the period to be calculated trom·the_tlme.he_ lavea his usualvplace ot until his * return tromjianila. (Feb. 8,~19tl5,_c; 453, Q 7,93 But. 692.) 1978. Jurh&¤ion’ S of municipal coarts.—egThe‘ municipal- ; -- courts of the_‘Philipplne -Iilands·"¤all powwand exercise jurisdlction as proglded by law- on _A¤gu¤ 29, 1916, Bllbject ln all matters to such alteration and amendlnent as may thereatter be enacted by law.5 (Aug. %, 1918, c. 418, I 26, 39 Stat.- _ . _ COQIMISSIONERS 1091. Resluhezgv Commissioners; quallicatim; temporary appointment. _ [o `Rwldent Commissioners toy the United 9 · _ States shall be chosen trlcnnlally by the legislature. "’l‘hey` shall hold omce for a term or three yehrs beginning with the lth day of March tollbwlng their election and shall be entitled to_an omcial recognition as such by demrmenta won pre- _ sentation to Q the President of a certlhcate of election by the " Governor General of the Philippines. ’ ·‘ . . _ No . person shall be eligible to election, as Resident c0mHllS• stoner, who is not a bona ilde elector of saldjslands and who does not to the Staten and wholsenot more than thirty ywrs of age and who does not read and write the- English language: (Ang. 29, 1916, c. 415, { Q, 89 Stat. 552.) _ · -1092. Same; appointments to ill `vacauclea.—In case or vacancy in the position ot Resident Dommlmoner ·¤used by peslgnation or otherwise, the Governor General may make tem- D01¥or¥-'apD0intlnents_ until the next meeting of the Philippine bejlslature, which shall then dll vacancy; but the Besllent Conunlssioner thusjelected shall 'hold once. only for the " nnexplred portion ot the term . wherein the vauncy occurred. [July 1, 1902,,12. _18w, I 8, 82 Stat. @4; Aug. N, 1816, c. 416, §M,89Stat.55z.)_. [ _. ` 1098{ smc; salary.—‘Ihe snlary or eeen or me neneem Jomxnissioners from the Philippine Islands shall be the same _ . as that of- the Resident Oommimoner from Porto Rico. (Hey L2, 19®, c. 186, { 1,85 Stat. 188.) - ° _ - .—1Q94. Sane; allowance for mdjclcrk hire; frankng prlvllcgc.—-Qlllach bf the nid Resident Oommlmonera mall, Ln •.d;lition_‘to‘the salary and the lnlleu of mhcage allowed by law, be allowed for stationery and For the pay of neccmry clerk hire as-ls allowed to the Mem- { _ aers of the house ot Repruentatlves ot United to nopald out of the·‘1‘reasu·ry of me United _(&ug. 29, l916, c._41$,§%,89Btit. 5¤.)" e _ ·` ` THE EXECUTIVE DFEICIALS 1111.- Governor appatntacntz .p•¤wcr• and duties:

 s¤preme~·exccutlv•·power shall be vested

n an executive omer, whose title &ll he €"1‘he Gov- »rnorGeneralotthe1’h!llp@c1d&" Hcéallbeappolnted »y ·Presldent, by and with the advlceaad comntot the Ienatoof the umm States, ohm at the pleasure ·t the Pruldent and until his successor is and qmllhed. Phe Governor General $all mddo in the Islands turing his omclal incunibency, and mtn@° his one at the eat of government ·H• shall, ~ otherwise herein pro- ·ided, appoint, by ind with the consent or . the Philippine Benate, suchjomcers as might be appointed bi the Governor lenoral, prior; to August Q, 1918, or such as he. is authorised »y the provisions of this chapterto appoint, or whom he IMF lereafter be authorised by law to hppolntr but appointments made while the senatols not lnesession shall- w"eRectlve either lntil disapproval or-mtll thenext §¢UQBl‘hll1¢¤t of the so¤¤*¢· le shall have jeneral supervision? and· control of AH ot the epartments and bnlreeus ot the government ln PhIliDP!¤* _ slands as. tar as is not inconsistent with the provisions of his chapter, _ and shall be commander ln. chief of all locall!