Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1654

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§ 1319 TITLE 48.+-TERRITORIES A 1319. Adjustmwt of glains for inlurluta cstib, ol passengers.-Thé rekuluticm authorised unda Ildm IMI d this uuesrmu provide togimmpt ndiummwt hw t and · · timmediatéhpaymgut of claims for dumps wmch $7 Hin · from injury (:0 .vesw8, ca1‘Q0,‘ or passenger! tht 01 veséels through the lbclrs . under the puuuci of wsa cmntlm them under suchrulcs ud NQNIUGDI.1 In ¤!·di¤i¢:•• ment suit maybe brought in. tkrtdidtrict 0{ thi _&¤•1 Zone aginiust the "Gi>vemo1·.of Gund. Tm has ing and disposition of such ciscs 6119,11 bn md th! judgment shall be paid but of any money! Qppm printed or nilottedt top cmu ODEYIUQBL (Aug. 24, 1912,1. 390,} 5, 37 St¤t.'@;‘ 31111615; 1914, c. 106,} 1, Stat, SN,) 13291 Injuries ta employee,-The_Pr&side¤t sliall provide i metpod for the ‘détermingtio¤_a¤d deljustment of claitm ub ing out of.pers0na1,i¤juric¤ totgmyiloyees bccurrl¤g`whiio dt rectly engaged in &Ct11&1_W'01‘k in _ comiectibu yvith the com struction, maintenance, cporatic¤,_o1• sanitdtion of the canal on ob the "Pnmma Railroad, or dt hay nuiiliary canals, Iocks;01 ether tt works nécematy and convenient {br tha ccustructiqn maiptéuahcé, operation, or sinitatiou nf the canal, whéther sud: lujuriast result in death or *1561;, and girescriba a schedule bi compensation therefor; and may revise ind modify such method and schedule at any time; and.such claims, to the éxtentkthag sha11“be_allbv¤}ed on such adjustment, it allowed q·t’al1, Shall be paid__ gut of the moneys appropriated for `-thdt purpose pr out ctn the funds ot the Panama Railroad Company, if . sa1d company was responsible fb: saidinjury, as the casa may require, (Aug 24, 1912, c.-390;,5 5, 87 Stat. 562.) f A ‘ ~ · _ · 1321.; Regulntioqs gs to._ passage` of person through Canal Zone.--The President is herebi authorized _ make rules and regulations, and to alter or amend thqsamo fiom time to time touching the right of any person to ents: or remain upon on ‘ pass over any part of the Ca¤al‘Zoi1é;·i!0r the detentidn qi any Dérsoin entering the Canal Zona violation ét such. rule:

 and, regulations, and return of. such person hq the conmtn

whence he or she. cameQ on the vessel bringing such person tc the Canal Zoiae, ci: any other vessel belonging to the sand czwnm or inté1·&t; and at the expense qt such owner or interest; uid iu_ addition:. tc the punishment prescribcd‘ by this section fog . violation of any such :111% and regulations;. the authbritien bi the Canal Zone may withhold the clearance of such vpsbél from any port in the Canal Zone until any Milne imposed and thi cost ot maintenance of such person aw-paid. Any. person violating any ot such- rules 0.1; regulations shgl.1 be guilty of ¢_ misde meanor, and ich gonvictiou in the districhcourt ct that Zope shan? be puummt by s mw not gxcmding $500 or bytlmprikoument not exceeding a year, or bqth in. the discretion 01 the qourt. (Aug. 21,1916, ¢;_371; I 10; 89 Stat; 5%,) - 1322. I¤i¤;·y .fo canal or appqrteunuccsxi mkhment.-·-It ` shall be unlawful for guy person, by my mmm win anyway, to injure qr obstruct opattompt to injure or obstruct, my mu or the Panama Canal or the lockh thereof or the _•.§p:o•.che4 thereto.- Any person violgting thi! provision shall` bé guilt; ot- a felony, and oxréouvicticn in the distr1ct"c¤urt‘ct the Ca ual Zone shall be punished by n Sho hot exceeding $10,ooo oa ·by imprisonment not exceeding twenty yénn, or both, in the discretion ot the court It the act ¢l\lII t.h¢ death Qt any person within n year and A day th@ftJ¤·, the person so com victed shall beguilty of murder and sballbo punished aéc0rdingly. (Aug. 21, 1916,5:. 871, l 10, w Stat. 5§Q) . · ‘ 1323. Radia wnnunicntiom hqtallsticaof statins: QOQUQIQ- tibn with Panama: wnmlxbuna; da.: oi receipts.--Tha. Preddmt is uuthorisgdtc cams to be erected, maintained, and 0péra.t&, subjogt tc` tho Intqugtihml Omvcutiou to regulate rgdio communication, and sewn: 51 to N or Tiue 47, at sultabla plncu along the Panama and tha coast adjacent to its two terminals in with th;

` \ \ ¤ \ um rweqnuz rossnssrozvsl X 1640 r operation of said canal, such tel¢S1‘ti>!ii¤ installation; I an ha may dum for the operation, maintenance, gain. k · and,m·otcction ot sudlcanal, ammo: otherpurposcs. nxt n lil; to locate ¤¤ch_ installndom ¤p6¤ terfitory I or-the Bepqblic ot Panama, the Pronidemtis aithorizcdto make. `

meh ag1jee@t- withaagd Govemwt as may be mwafy. and

g also to provldeior the acceptance and tn@ia1®; by said sys. l loam, ot all private and cial and those ot the ·· Governm¤totPs.¤ama,on mcetums and Qognuichtoils as th9— n President may prescribe :· Prooldoc, That the passages ot the -” — Government of the United Staiges andthe dévartrnénis, iheggot, . amltho m t ot the·Pahama Oaeal, shallcalwnygbq ~ glveueprecedence overall whe: message.- is also L hutlaoriaod, in his discretion, to mtu into suciopcrsting agree. - - xhents or-loam with any private <§<*¤D•¤¥ G! companm q - as may bca; insqre from Intstérw with the wireless - ·_€¤1cmpm¤ mcmaum by in umm mm em r `-Presgdent is also autliorisecleto cqtablish, maintain, and opctate, re through tho Railroad Company or otherwlscy dry docks, ,i repairphops, yqrds, wbarvc¤,·wamhomg•, ste1&ome¤, I sind other necessary facilities and for the pm- » I poseot providluj coal and otpet matwlak., labor. 1‘®$il‘¤. and I supplies Yfor vessels ot the Govemmwt oi tb United States and, ; V incidentally, torjsupplylug such ag fitem to passing n vessels; in accordance .with· epproprintlens hereby aethorlqcd V t to be--made from timeto time by Geuzresa an a part ot the f_ maintenance and operation of the aid canal, Honey: received . _ ftomthe conduct of said be expenm and rein-. vested fo1'·BU¢h_Dl11'[)06Q8 wighout being) covafed into the True I pry ot the United States; and such. ones: are mrcby approprl- , 1 I ated_for auch but all depouitn ot meh funde shall be » subject to the provkio¤s.of‘exied¤g law rolatixig to the der posit ot other public funds ot- the United , States, any not " F prodts _8CCIl`I1iDK {rom such binsinwa be covered " I into the Treasury ot the United States. Monthly reporu ot such r receipts and expenditures shall be made to the President by the _ r pcrsoris in charge, and annual reports shall be made to the f Congress. (Aug. 24.1912, 4:,390, { 6,37 Stat. 5&Q) - l' - 1824. Interest on deposit honey erders.-·—»Dc@it money er- l r dere issued will the; Canal Zone in lieu ot metal ” savings can · I tiilcatee in accordance with the rules no regulations heretofore l— established by, the Ppesldent, or that may be estabbi lished by him, shellbear interest et a rate net exceeding 3 · I per cenmm per annum. (S¢D¢· 21,` 1922, c. ¢_3’f<), S 11, 42 Sm;. I- ~18;5. Disposition of Sntercgt `rcccived m bank deposits of · *M0l\6?·;0!d¢l' funds.-—-The interesg received from the .m¤a1 F Zone monerorder `fuhdg deposited in banks u¤der · Qual Zohe regulatioha shall be available to pay the interest en de- 3 posit money orders etxthorlaed by motion 1324 of this tille. Sect: » lntereét ehall also F be available to pay any lomea watch are t chargeable to the Canal Zone powtal service, `(Aug. 21, 1916, c. r’3"(1,$7,898tat.528.) · Q — ` F 1826. Feet of custom elects-·—-Whenever e customs omzer et · 2 the Gmail Zona shall certify au invoice, landing certiucnte, or r other · similar document, or shall register e marine n.ote of s protest, ‘o1·`¤hall `pextom any notarlal services, he shall be V authorized to collect a tee equlvalmt to the fee prescribed by -_ the United- Staten consular ·rw¤latio¤a 1'or_ the same act or · service when performed by consular emzials. * (Au:. 21, 1916. c.¥ 371,|.8,89Stat.528») ‘- ‘ ‘ · ¤_ · 1327{ Copolidatka of f¤¤ct@| h regard to funds of zone ? govcmacnt and Panama Railroad Compainy.-——The consolida- , tion of the functions of receiving, Qlslmniizg, and accounting · for the hind: of the Canal Zone government and the Rename D Railroad operations en the Iethmes vqith the "tonctione of » receiving, dlabursing, ami accounting for the funds appropriated » fog tho‘Pa¤ama Caml shall be and is hereb; authoxflaed in- so