Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1661

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‘ 1647 TITLE 48.-—TERRITORIE8 Granting to any eormmtion, association, or. individual the right to laydown railroad tracks, or amending existing char ters for such pu@@. — M ‘ _ . I . _' Granting to any corporation, association, or individual. su; nancial or exclusiye privilege, immunity, or franchise whatever In all other cases where 0. general law can be made appli

 cable, no special, law shall be enacted in any `ot the Terri

tories of the United States by‘the Territorinl legislature: thereof. (Jnly` 30, 1886,- c._l818, I 1, 24 Stat. 170.) _ . 1472. Indebtedness of municipal .corporations.—No politica or municipal corporation, county, or other snbdivision in an; oigthe Territories oi the United States shall! ever become in dented in any manner or for, any_pi1rpo‘se to. any amount in the

e‘z‘;:1‘€,€;`t1t&, including existing indebtedness, exceeding 4 pe:

¢·t·zitum— on theuvalue of the taxable property within such cor p{•l’{l_l1OIl,”(!O\1llt}’, or subdivision, to be ascertained by the las nssessmentfor Terrltorial and county tares previousto ·thincurring of such indebtedness; and I- all bonds or obligation in excess of such amount given bg such corporation shall —b· void, but nothing in sections 1471 to 1473,”1ji75, 1478, or 1471 J of this___gtle_ contained shall be so construed as to affect th validity of any act of any Territorial legislature enacted prin pro July 30, 1886, or of any obligations existing or contracte rhorenndler, norto- preclude the issuing- of bonds contracted fo in pursuance of express provisions oflaw prior to such date nor to prevent any Territorial legislature from legalizing th acts. of any county, municipal corporation, orsubdlvision of an '1`en·itory as to any bonds theretotbre issued or contracted t Uvissued. .- - · — - ." ° I ` The prohibitions and limitations contalned in this sectim lshall not be construed to apvilto irrigation districts orgautze in accordance- with Territorial laws. (July 30, 1886, c.- 818;} 4 24·Stat. 171 ;. Aug. 22, 1911, c. 43, 37 Stat, ‘· · _ _ 1473: Authorizing debt; li_g1itation,of total indebtedness,- No law ot any Territorial legislature shall authorize any deb to _ be contracted by or on behalt of such Territory except i1 the following cases: _'I‘oI—meet a casual détlcit in the revenues to pay the interest upon the Territorial debt, to suppress lnsm rections, or to provide forfthe, publle defense, except that i1 addition to any indebtedness created for such purposes, tht legislature, may authorize uw loan for the erection ot penal ‘ charitable or educational institutions ton such Territory, l the tina} indebtedness of the Territory is not thereby. made tu exceed r per eentuxn upon the assessed yalne of the taxnbl property, ln such Territory as shown by the last general assess montytor taxation. And nothing in sections 1471 to 1473,_147I 1478, or 1479 ot this title snell_be construed to prohibit th refunding et any existing indebtednmsof such Territory or ‘c · any ” polltlwl or raunielml corporation, county, or other sul division therein. (July 36, 1886,1:. 818, { 3, _24 Stat. 171;) . 1474. Creating new counties ond locating county [seats,-— Nothing in sections 1471 to 1473, 1475, 1478, or 1479 of this tltl shall be construed to prohibit thevcrentiou`by"1‘erritorial legis latnres ofnew counties and the loéation of the county seat thereof, (July 19, 1888, c. 679, {2, 25` Stat. 336.) · · 1475. Buhscriblak to- stock of eorp0ration.·———-No Territory o the United · States new or hereatmr to ·m_·0rgsuized, or an political or municipal corporation or subdivision of any snci Territory,} shall any subscription to the capita st@k of any incorporated company, or company or assoclatlo, having corporate powers, or in any manner loan its credit ‘t or use it for the benent ’o£ any such company or association, o ·_ borrow any money for the of any such company or asmcls tion. · (July 30, 1886,. e. 81.8, § 2, 24 Stat. 171.) . · g 1476. Bonds of ._ mnnielpal oorpnrnttensr Ter unitary » pun poses.-;·—-The issuance ot bonds by chartered municipal corpora tions having a bona tide population of not less than one tho: sand persons, as shown by· the last sehool census taken hefoz any eleetion to be held under the proyisione of motion, 1

r 4NzJ 1NsvL41z possnsszozvs § 1479 2 any Territory ot the United States, for sanitary and health, pur- - poses, the construction of sewers, Waterworks, and the impr<}ve· · mentof Zstreets is permitted, authorized, and legalized. The V limitations of sections 1473, 1475, 1478, and 1479 of

 this title shall not. npply to such- munieiptil corporations:

.-7 Provided, That».before_ any bonds shall be issued the mayor .· and common. council of. said chartered municipal corporations s shall cause enelection to be held ln such city or town, and the mayor and- comrnon council of such municipal commraztion shall 1 cause to be nublishcd, in a newspaper of general circulation V 7 published in such city or town, a notice of the time and place -. or places of holding such election. "Such notice shall be given e at least thirty days before suchnelection. On the question of r the issuance of shit} bonds no person shall be quuliiied to vote ·5 except he be lin all respects a qualified elector and owner of t teal or personal property subject to taxation within the municie pnlitv; In case two-thirds of the`qu:nliil_ed voters, as above s fdescrlbed, shall vote afurnxatlvely for the lssnzmce of snid e bonds, then the mayor and common council shall issue `the 9— same, and not otherwise; 0 Said bonds shall contain all neces- ~ e sary provisions asto fol`I}1, and such municipality shall prolr vide ‘a pxjoper Sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds. d Said bonds shall not bent n`m'te of interest exceeding 6 per »i· céntum per annum, and the.intcrest‘ shall be paid semiannual! y,

L and none of said bonds shall be sold et less than their pat

e value. ~ (Mar. 4, 1898} c. ,35, 30 Stat. 252.) ~ y 147 7. Same; erection of city buildings and 'purchase. of _ o sites.-$—The issuance ot bonds by chartered munlclpnl corporations having a bona tide popnlnt—lon?ot not less thnnten thouu sand persons, in any' Territory of the United States, for erecting d a city building end purchasing the bound forithe shine is l, permitted, authorized, and legalized. The limitations of see· __ o tions 1471 to 1473, 1475, 1478, end 1479 oi this title? shall not -7Q apply to such mnniclpal corporations: Provided, That befoing any » »t bonds shall be issued the mayor and common council, ot"sueh~ n_ municipal corporation shall cause en election te he held in 5, such clty or town, and the mayor and common cenncllof such r- municipal corporation shell cause to he published in n news no paper of general circulation published ln snid city or tewn `a e notice of the time and plnce nonplaces of holding such election. e l, Such notice chall be. given not moire_.than sixty nor less than t thirty days before such election. .0:1 the question, of the issuy oi ence ot said bondsno person shalllbe qualified to votcexcept · e · he be in all respects a qualided elector and owner et real e1·_ s- personal pronerty subject to. tnxatlen within the·xnunici{s1lj£y. 5, In ease ’tw·o-thirds ot the quallned voters, as steve described, .e shall vote amxjnfiativély for the lssnen‘ce,`0f said bonds, then the lt mayortand common tceuneil shell issue the same, entlnot other- >· ,wlse.' Said bonds shell contain all necessary pnovtslnns ns to fortn, and such municipality shall provide at proper' sinking —-·_‘_Iund..for the redemption of said bonds. Said bonds shell net le bent a rate oflnterest exceeding 5 per eentnm, and the interest s- shell he paid semlennunl_ly, and none of-said bends. shell he ss sold at less than thei; pdr “vnlne:‘Pro·vide¢l ftlrther, That no _ city- under this `seetion shall issue bonds in excess of $30,000. »f (June Q, 1900, c. 820, 31 Stat, 633.) u _ _ ` y' # 1478. Power of Congress to nnnul lnws of legislatures.——·. h Nothlng in sections 1471 to_1473, 1475, 1478, and 1470 of this 11 title contained shell he censtrued tnfahridge the power ot (lonn gress to nnnul any law passeebby n Territorial legislature, or to 0 modify anyexistlng law of Cengréss requiring in nny case that »r the laws of any Territory shell he submitted to ‘ Congress. 1- (July 30, 1886, c. 818, ,§ 6, 24 Stat, 171.) , _ _ _ _ · 1479. Snbaequent sets of legislatures inleondiet with certain-. e- socttnns veid.·—————Except as otherwise mvitleel l»y..luw· nll acts and t- parte of nets missed by any Tertltorgzl 1t?Slfl§5ll.F€’ subsequent te 5;- 0 July 30, 1880, in_c0!1i1i0t with the {ravi. mzslof `seetions, 1173, ré` 1475, 1478, und 1479 of this title : null nucl void. (July n 30, 1886, c.` 318, § 7, 24 $tst. 171.) ·