Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1662

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§ 1480 · —·. _ Tzme $8.--—TERRITORIE8 gm M55. Right of religious to held real estates- N0 eerperaticu 0: association ter feligieus of ichuituble pmpoex shall acquire or hold ral wpte in any Territory, duflng the exismce éf the Térriterial gévemwb bt h' greater nlue than eed all ml wtate acquired or hem by such cerpcrejtien er eseeclntion contrary hereto shall be foftelted and eecbeet to the United States; but existing vested rights in xml estate shell net be ·impnlred` by the provisions at this section. (R. S. § 1899.) · e k I 1481. Césviets; care and @edy.-—The legislative essemblies et the eever•,l"1‘erritorlw ct tile U¤ited_ States may.make

such plrevisiea for the are eek! custody of such person! es may

be ceavicted et crime under the laws of etch Territory as they shall dem mpeg md tor, that_`puqm_ may authorize and ` eontmet ter the care md custody et such convicts in amy other Tlerritery er State, argd pmvllde that such person ot persons my eentemzeq to cetmnement accordingly in such other _ Tmi tery er State, and all lmlslntslve enactments et any of the Terri»t0rie¤° for {Mat purpose are hereby legallwz

 That gse expense et hmmag meh prisoners shall be

home by the rwpectlve Territories, and pq petit thereef shall be beme by the United Stntu. (June 18, 1880,1;. 235, 21 Stat. 1482. P¤§@ti•i·ies.-Any pmlteatlary which has been, or may hereafter erected by the United States in an organized Territory shell, when the same ets ready ter the reception et · ccmviete, he pieclm under the were bled control ct ule mel·e1m1 , ef the United States for the Territory er District lin which such ~ pmiteetiery _(R. S, 51892.) le, · , 5 —_ 1·Q&. Saae; rules and ·reg¤1a -—The Attorney General }?§’?__p! me `Geited Sum shell preserim all @tu1 rtxlee and regulations ter`t§e government ei such pehitentlary, and the mar-

   charge themect   dame them td be dtily and
 5  ee ·    W executed and obeyed, and the reasonable éempensag

tlee ez the marshal eee ble deputies for their services undef seek rwuletleus shell be Qxed by the Attorney General. (B. ·S. 51484. Same; ¢K ·····—·Th9 compensation, ee; well as the expense incident to the subsistence and employment etjettendere - egeiest the laws et the United States, who have bxu, -0r may heeeefter be, sentenced to. imprisonment ‘i¤· euch penitentiary,

 be £h9tYS€&b}€ en, and payable out et, the {unda for de-

?‘t@ag the expensed et selts in which the ,U¤ited States are eeeeemed, and ot prwecutlene for ofteuem committed ggalnst.

else United Stntce; but egthlng liereln shell be eezletnjued to
increase the maximum cemp¢sation lallowed by law t0‘ those

e5ieers. `(B. S. { 1894.) S `· l_ ’·· 1485. Same; imprieen ment.—Any person convicted by a courf wig! eempeteut jurisdiction in a Territory, {cu: e. vfieletimn bt the See Title 15, Qozvimvxnoxw, ,8ee Title 43, Pverlxp Lnws, X ,, » — 1•0NNA¤§l See Tltle'45,‘Smrém¤; -· _· ‘ _ NWN 1 8ée`Tlt1e Q3, Ptjnmic Lum!. _8ee Title 15, Conumén énm T1 » NTRADI-I Bee Title 15, Gcuxmcn nm _T1 ' , 5 unin-u Bee Title 29, Lenox. · _ , TRAINING , Bee Title 20, Emienxoun

»fD`INSU·LAR P(l`S’SE88IONS *1648 laws thereof, and sentenced to imprisonment, may, at the cost of meh Territory, on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by 'snch rules and regulations, be received, Sllb818ted_ · and employed ln snch penitentiary during the terjmTfhis imprlsonment, in the same manner as if he had bwn convicted or an offense against thelawaj of the United States. .\(R. {1895.)]* t--` . · .» 1486. Law aa to clearance and mtry of vessels applicable toj between United States ad o territories, etc.—!1‘he provmone of 91 to 94, lnclnmve, or Title 46, Snxrrmo, requlring ¤ta@cnw or quantity and value of goods carried by vmsels clearing from the United.Statm to foreign. ports, shall be extended to and govern, under such regulitions as the'Secretary ot the shall pmmcrlbe, ln the trade between tm Ilnited StatQ am Hawsll, Porto Rico, dlaskahthe Ghana, andlu wher noncon-, tiguons `terrltory, and shall also govern in the trade conducted betweensald lslandsand territory, and in ¢lp ¤ fromsald islands or territory to other parts of the United States: Provided, {that this law shall not ap¢y m the Islands during snch time asvthe collectors ot ot those wands are under the jurisdiction of the War Deparment. (aprl 29, .1902, e. 637, 82 Stat. 172) · '_ 1487; Extraordinary- eaalona.-e-—No ern·aordln.ery· season or the legislature L of any Territory. wherever the uma is now anthorized by law, shall be called nnm the for the same have been presented to the Hrealdent of the United States, and his approval thereof has been duly given. (Jam 22, 1874, elses. 18 sm. ms.) . ‘ . l ‘ y _ · 1488. Vacancy in o§ce oftjaetlce of .&e peace.-—~When from any cause there shall he a vacancy in the omce of justice of the pace in. any of the Terrltorlerof the United States, lt shall be lawful to dll snch vacancy by appointment or election, ln such manner as has men or may. be provided by the governor and kglslative assexnbly of meh Territory: Provided. °'l‘hat such appointee,. or person elected to .811 auch vawncy, shall hold oEce only until his successor shall be regularly elected and qualided as. provlded by law. (Apr. 16, IM), o. se, 21 sm. *14.) _ ° _ · `_ · _ . 1489. Edect of acts of legislatures of Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and . Pldllpplnea repaling or "ameading Federal stab utes.-·—-—·Nothlng contained ln this Code shall be taken to repeal or in any way adect any act, heretofore paved by the legislatures ot Alaska; Hawaii, Porto Rico, or the Philippine Islands, respectlrely, or amendingany Act of-Gon in pursuance of power conferred npon° mid legielatnres; it not being the D¤ID0$0“éf to modify or repeal- auch existing law or ln any way to affect the power to repeal or.niodify existing law, heretofore coniurcd upon such legislatures. l all usps ’¤U‘11Es Bl’l‘§ nl: iron. ‘ UBK8 anon. rN!ol~r|_ _ sonoou