Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1681

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\ > `_ R". L 1667 ‘ TITLBi 49.-TRA be allowed and paid on the presentaticm of itemizediotxcheré me»—efor approyed by the chairman of e commission, {Fehr, t 4, .1887, c. 164, 5 18,24 Stat, 386; Eek? 1889, c. 382, { 7,,25 Stat; 861; Jmre'29, 1906,.c_. 3591, § 8, $4 Stat. 595; Aug. 8, 1917, _ C, 50, § Q, 40’Stst.’270;,a11Q Feb. 28,1920, c, 91, .§§ 433, 44Q, 41 sm. 493, 497.) o ‘ ‘ ‘ » , o f » ‘_ . 19. 0Ece and sessio¤s.¥—·'lYh€ principel office oi the commigsion shall be ih the cityof Washixxgtem, where its general sesglons shall be hold'; but whenever the converiience of tlie public V or ot the parties `be `prcmoteil or deloy or expense pre: vented thereby; the coiuhiission may hold special sessions in my part of thee United States. It mgy,—by ope or ugorew ot the eommiesiouers, prosecutelaxw inquiry necessary to its duties; in ziuy part of the United States, into day matter or question ·' ot fact pertaining to the business of any common carrier subject t·»·tl1e"provisious of this éhapter. (Fegt 4, 1887, c. 104, 519, l 2—l.St&1t. 386.1 “ \_ r » . f _· g · t ,1911. Valuation of property of csrriers.4-(a) Physical fion ·of‘pr0pert_y·;of oarriere; claasipcetton and hwentory.-—The »eommissio¤ shall, · hereinafter progidéd, lniréstigete, .j iscer·* tain, ond report the véllze of ell the propert&‘ovyned·or·uséd hy every éorriurou wrrierléubjeizt to the provisions et this rlmpter. To enable the Mcommlssiou- {to. mékel- such “ luvestigation and. report, lt is authorized to employ such experts hud other assistants as may be nepeséry. The commission mo! zappointyekaminers who shall have power to administer oaths} examine witnesses, uri! take testimony. I Tlae pommissionj shall _ make an lizreutorj Which shall list theproperty ot every commou; carrier `mlrject to the provisions of thlq chapter in der tail, and show the value thereof as hereinafter provided, and shall clgsslfytthe physical property, as dearly hs practicable, in conformity with the clnssihcotion of expenditures for road and equipment, is prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Com» miséléu, ‘ , ‘ _· '$ l R (b) Coat ofprop¢jrf1,•Fele:sgenta cowiiqered in dotermloiathn; _ yiftgegronta, etc.-·I*jir§t. I¤_suc}i luveotigation said commissicp. shall ascertain and report in detail- as to €8C}1·[}$E€B'Of prop-

crty, other than land, owned erpsed braid common egrrler

, for its purpose; sea `common rcérrier; the cost to date, the cost of rebr0duc¤m_ new, tm cost ot reproduction t less depreclationa and aw analysis of the gethods by whlcl; these severa1feosts~a¤¢ and the reason'. for thdr dif- ·fere¤ces, it may. The eor{·nml@n shall in like manner aséerteiormd report seperately other values; and elements of value: if any; or t®_ property ot smh common carrier, and Inn analy- sis of tm wetlands of valuation employed, and of the reasons for any between any such volué eachgot the forwoing cwt valuca.? " _· ‘ a _ . [ Seeoud. Such inveotlgaflou and regort shall state in detoll and oopamtely from improvements the "origlual cost of gllrrlands, rights oi way, and terminals owned or used for the imrpose of e common ca.rrier,»nu<l ascerminw eh ot tire, time ot dedication ite public use, and the _·prweut value of the seme._ ‘ . `Third. Such tnrestimtion and report shall show separately ' the property helq for mtrposeo other- tbxin those of Za common barrier, and the `QHQDRI cost and present value ot the same, together with aq mniym ct the methods ot valuation, em- Foinrth. In aqeertnlnringiethe original cost to` date of the j5rop· .erty of ouch — commoo carrier the commission, in; addition to such other el ts an it may deem neeeswy, shall lnvétlgste and report upon the history mind orgapiiatlow of the mmm- _ and ofany prevloga ¢¤1l§0!‘8.¤QB.0[1B¥&fi@.'8\}€h property; upon

, any iucreameor cleereosu ot—.rtockm'bo¤d¤, or other neeurle

ties, loan: roorgaulzttion; upon moneys rooslved by any such corporqiciom reqmu og no; ot stoeks, bonds; or other I. iocurltlef; inpou the banking, nucl

1v.$1>01¢mT10N . § _19a, arrangements under which such imues were made and. the ex-’ pense thereof ; apdyupon the net: and gross earnings of Such corporations; and. shall also aécertain°and· report in such- detail as may be determined by the commission upon the expenditure ofoll moneys and the °purposes!lfor‘ whieh-the some were ex,-_ ` pended.· _.· .,’ l l . i ‘ Fifth.`The commission shall ascertain and report the-amount and valne of. any aid, gift, grantof right of wa§, or donantion,

 made to any °such cmnmon carrier, or to any previous corpora-
 tion operating such property; by the GOV€I'I1IIl€I1t' of the Foited

States O1'-by any_Stute,'con11ty, or 'mnnioigpl gorermnent, or ` hyjindlvidnals, associations, or corpoeations; and lt shall also ' ascertain and report the grants of- lamlto any such common. ' `carrler, or any previous corporation operating each property, oby the ·Govei·nmeut of the United States, or by any State, county, or municipal government, and the amount of money derived from the sale of any portion of such grantg and the value ot_the_unso1d portion thereof at the time aeguirod tend at: the D prceeutatimejalso; the ainpimt and value of any couceseaion and allowance made- by such Yeonxmon carrier to the Government _ of the United States, or to ani State, county, or municipal gov- , consideration of snob. aid, gift, grant, or donation. (c) Ini>eatigation}*·pr0ccdecre and fornz$.—Except as herein ’ qthertyise fxroiidetl, the 'commiseion Shelli have power `to pre- ` scribe, thehmethod of [$l‘0ceduré to"be followed in .the_{:0i1dni}t of `the investigatiom the form in which the results,-of the éaluation shall be submitted, andthe classificalion-of the elements that constitute the hscertained.value,.and Such investigation `shall show the valtleof the property ofevery common carrier as al whole and separately the value of its property in eaeh oi the several States am} Territories and the District of Columbia, classified ono in detail BSU-h€1’€‘lIl) required. . (d) V Time for beginning iwvestoigatioez; feporta to Congress.?-T Such investigation shall he commenced within sixty days after March *1; -1913, unda,-shall be prosecuted with dlligfence and · thoroughness, ·aild~°the result thereof reported to Congress at the _ 2 ofeseh regular Session thereafter until oompléted. ' ” _(e) A6d·0f.o¤»*riq· required; melee ond regulations; inapeo-_ . tion of i'é!1'0i°dO.-·rEV9I;!'€0&m¥¥¤ earrier subject to the provisions of this chaptai Shelf furnish to the commission. 01* its agenter fromftlme to time and os the egominission may reémire"m:1ps, _ profiles, ‘c0ntracts,_ reports of engineers, and `any other documents. ·1*¤<:0fdH» ind I>¤§¢rs.‘or’c0Dies of-ami? or'.alI_of,the saline; · Jin aid otxsuch lntrestigotion and determination `of the value or Ythe property of quid common carrier, and shall grant to all agentsof the comdission free aceese to its right. ofway, its ‘ property; and` its accounts, recorosé and _ génoranda wEhenever‘ l and wherever.requeslw by any Suehduly mnthorizeal agent, and _ 'every. common carrier is directed; ond` required, tohcooperate f with ond aid the.commlesion·in the 'work of the valuation ot its Fropérty in meh, t¤rth1¤"purtié#ulaorsl and to amen ertent . as the commission may require ond dlnjeef; and allhroles and regulations made by the eommlwion for the. purpose ot admin-. Watering Qthe `provisions of this section and eeetion of this (chapter shall ;_ha_r=e the force and effeét of law. _Unles§ ` otherwise ordered by the comn1l`;.¢.eioo,’sx·lth the ·reasons therefor, the 1foc0 rd; and data of the eg»mmission·sh:1ll be open to the inspection and examination of the public. _- x _ _ (f·) Vaheotiox. of extension and imzwooemmta; reoi.sioos?,··_ rogéorti-—;-·Upo¤ the completion of the valuation herein provided ’ · for the commission shall thexjeafter in like manner keep itself A informal] of all extweloue aml‘irx1proxjemente_or other t·hamL:es in the comlition uml value of the property`o1’ all common carcrlers, shall ascertain the value thereof, andehall from time ~ __ _to time, revise and correct ltovaluxtioos, showing such revision and eorrcection elassioed and esl whole end sepomtelse in

 'aachlot the several States and Territories and the District ot

.*4 I` N