Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1697

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1683. TITLE49.-—·-T.E name tbrms of the bill the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods to the order ot suqh person, or if atfthé time of negotia libzrtbe bill is in_such form that it may be negotiated by de 1fwl·_yz (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 415, Q§ 30, 39 Stat. 543.) _ ` Q 111. Title andright acquired by transferee of prder bill.-! pbrsoix to whom. an brdér bill has been duly negotiated acquire: thereby-- ` · a _ ‘ · ‘ (a) Such title to the goods as the person negotiating the bil to him had or had ability to convey to a purchaser in .go,o< fallin fur talue, and also si1cl1~`titlé.tg the go0dS” as the cou Qtfllélé aud‘_c<m`sigum·. had or had power to convey to af pur _q·ba>:ei· in good faith for value;`ai1d . _ a a- · (la) The direct obligation of the carrier tp hold possessitn of the goods for himfacécmding to the terms of the bill a» fully as if the carrier had cdntracteq directly with him. (Aug asa; 1916, e. 415, § 31,39 Stat. 543.) a · = l _·»— t 112. Rights of transferee df. bill yvithoiit negotiation; nctictc carrier;—·—~A person to whom a bill has been t1‘KBSf€l‘I‘é(l,`<DU not negotiated, acquires thereby as against the tmusferor thtitle to the éoods, subject to the tcrmls of any agreement wltl the trausfemr. If the bill is 2; straight bill such person als acquires the right t0`-notify the carrier of the transfer to him oféucla bill and thereby to become the dlrectobllgee of what ever obligations the mrrler owed td the tramgferor of the bil immediately before the notification; . _. _~ (Prior ..1:0 'tbe notiiicatlbn of the carrier by the tra:1sfe1·0r`_o: transferee qt a straight bill the title of the-transfexfee to th·

  • §c<¤ls and the right to acquire the obligatfon of the carrier ma;

be cle-seated by garnishment or by attachment or execution upba thé`g00ds by a_cre<lit01·_0f the tranéfcror, or by a notibcatim to the carrier byé the transferor or a aubscqueut·i>1irchaser fron the tramsfcmr of a subsequent sale ot the goods by the trans f£··!*0I‘. l _ _ -_ Q. . ` L A carrier has not received notmcatipn W_it1llH` the meaning 0 this section unless an 0&cer or agent of the carrier, the actua or apparent scopiz of whose duties includes action ppon such.: _ m»ti§l;al.ibn, ihaa been u_0tiBcd;Jax1d‘ no xmtibcatiob shall b effective until the bélcar or agent to whqm it is givcmlxaa hm time, with the axerclse`o£_raasoaable diligence, lib comamuuicau · - with the agent or agents ving actual possession cr corltrc 9f·{.ll£ goods. (Aug. w, wig c. 415,1 32, 39 Stat. _ · 113. Compelling imlamammt of crdér bill transferred b; dali=very.·——-·Wha;·c an brder bill is transferred for mluc by de livery, and the lndorscmaat ot tha translator is essential to m.—·gafiatlo¤, tlgb t x·ansfel·ae` acquires a right against tha trans flaw: to ebmpal him tb ixldcitse tha-.bill,`izml¢bs a. .c0ntrziry‘ix1 teutlc:1 appears. The ubgqtlatibna shall take a¤`ect as of thtime wl1b¤. tha lnd0x·sembnf la actixally made. This bbligaticl amy ma speclbcally enforced} (Aug. 29, 1Q16, c. 415; f 33; 31 \ Stat. M3.)! } _. K . , l 114. a Warranties arising but bf txansfar of bill;-——A paras; wbb l1E§0fi8£@$—0I transfers for value a Qbill by mdoraemcut 0 dalivery, unless a contrary intention appeats, jwarra¤1ts·—¥- (a) That tbalblll is genuine? ’ ’ · . b Q · { (b) That be bas a law! zlgbt tb transfer it; · l (c) That baba: kabwledga of no fact which would impair tb validity ar wcftb at tha bill 3. E · _ — " » l (d) That he hasta right to transfer the title to the goode and that tha, gcbda are mascbantabla ur bt {prt a partibula purpm wbbnavé; smb warrantlaé wquld have impllb it UL1&·CQB{!#C{!0f’Q£hE parties had been tb transfer without » bill the gabds rapyasaated thereby. `(Aag; E, 1916, c. 41E $34,39 Stat, . . ° ._ · J 115. Liability of ind¤r¤er` at blll.——-·Tba mdamémwt oi a bil _ shall mt make the lndbrsar llabla tai: any `f8Hl1¥El-QB tHe part ¤ tha barrier or préviausg iI1dQ1'8£i'°8, at tha bill tb tuilbll that respective abllgatibua. _$_Aug. 29, 1916, c. 415, U 85, 89 Stai

)' ‘ D.

EA.1v’»$’PORTATIGN .¢ § 121 a ,1116. Warrahties by mortgagee, etc., receiving paymentof —· bill.——A mortgflgeo or plodgoeor other holder of a bill for so- — curity Who. in good faith dommids or receives payment of the debt for which such bill is security, whether from a,party L 2,t0 a draft drawn for such debt or from any_oi;hor person, s_ shall not be deemed by so doing to represent or warrat1t tho g(!11U.i1€Il€SS of such bill or tho quautity~or quality of tho 1 goods therein dcs£:rib<·>d.» (Aug. 29, 1916, c. 415, § 36, 39 Stat. 1 544.) . I , t r- 117. Negotiation of bill; jmpairaxent of validity.-4Tho voliti-

 ity of the negotiation of a bill, is not impaired by thé fact that

_ such nogotiutiorx was a breach- of giuty. on the part of the a tpersoii making the negotiation, or Sir the fact that tho owner S of the bill was deprived of the possession of the same by fraud,

_ accident, mistake, duress, loss, theft, or conversion, if the por- '

sou to whom tho bill_was negotiated, or·a person towhom tho B bill was subsequently negotiated, gave value therefor in good L faith, without noticoof the bI’€{1€°ll_0f duty, or fraud, accident, B mistake, lduress, loss; theft, or comworsioa. (Aug. 29, .1916,-é. H 415,·_§A37, 39`Stat.,54~1.) ‘ · _ t - ~ ` 0/ 118. Negotiation of bill by seller, mortgagor, atc., to person H `without- n0tit:o.——Whero a· person, having sold, mortgaged, or

- Bledgcd . goods which are in a ¢;1rrior’s posssssioa and for

xl. which an order bill has been issued, oarwhoving sold, mortgaged, or plotlgod the order bill representing such goods, coar iZiI1''1 possession of the order bill the subsequent negotiation B, thereof by that person undérlanysalo, pledge, or other disposiof Q_ tion thereof tb any °pers0n.`-receiving tire same in good faith, for A value arid without notice of the previous sale, shall have tho same offset as iftho Brat purchaser of tho goods or bill had 2 expressly authorized the subsequent negotiation. (Aug. @, {_. “1916,·c, 415, 38, 39 Stat.  ;‘ » > g 119. Rights of bona Edo purchaser as aaocted by `sellaria f liao or right of stoppago..———=¥Whore an orderjbill itashoo:1 issaad ,

l for goods no saliofs lien or right of St0{)Q3§€‘·iI1 transitu shall

‘ defeat the rights of any: purchaser for value: in good faitli to R whom such bill has boon negotiated, whether stitch nogiotiatioin g be ~p1iior.or subsequent to th§ notification tontho carrier who - issued suchbill of tho sailor" claim to a lion or right of stops G pogo in transitu, Nor shall tho carrier be obliged. to claiiror °1 orjustifiod in delivering tho goods to an unpaid seller ,5:11oss . such bills is érst surrendered for cancellation. (Aug..2$;, 1*316, Y c. 415, Q 39, 39.Stat. ·%) _ . · _ , ‘ B" _ '120. Rights of mortgagee or lion holder; }imitatio¤.——4E,xoopt r as proridcd in tha preceding `sootioa, nothing in this chapter.

  • ` shall limit therights and roix1o<lie·s»_oi"aimortgagoo or lion

l` °holder_—wh»0so mortgagoor lion on goods ¥¥€}\l1fI_i}€?§$’&li€},*iiD$it'€ G froxathis élraptor, as agaixgxst one who for rains and ia good H faith purchased from tho owner, immo¢liato_ly_ prior to, tho 9 time of their doilvory to tho carrier, tho goods whig·l1»ars— subject to tho mortgage or lisa and obtaiaad possoasioo of Q them. (aug. 1916, a 4,1.21, 5, 40, so s1;a:.oi4.) Ure 121. Offonses; pena1ty.»—»r'ii1y [1¤Q1*S€>B.WIl0, lmtwvinglly or with ¤ intent to defraud, falsely makes, alters, forgos, ooaatorfoits, · prints or photographs any biil of lading purporting to, l’€[}l'€· ‘ sontfgootls racoirod for shipmoot among tho sovoral oftatos or 6 with foreign aatioas, or with iiko intent attors or pobifslzos as ·- tmo and gontxinaarny such falsely altorod, forged, otmr1to1·-, L foitéd, falsely printed or photographed bill of lading, knowing 1’» it to M falsolyaltorod, forgotl, coaatarfoitael,falsely printed or G1 photograpliod, or EidS»iI1‘lLH9.kD1g,,` altering, forging, <:·oimtor—. 8 {siting, grintirxg or piaotographtag, or attoriag or palsaiisliingg. $; tha»samo,` or lastxos or aids ia issuing or proctzrtiag tho issuo ot, or oogotiiatés or transfers for rams a lbiil whici;,_{;,*onta·iz1s a. ll falsa statement aa to the racoipt of tho goods, or as towany it other matter, or who, with intaot to datraad, violatas, or talks _ r `to éomply with, or· aids in any violation of, or faiiora to t. comply ?with`.any»prorisioa of this chaptar, shall be guilty ot

 g misdomoaaor, and, tipoa. c¤artction, shall `ba punished for `