Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1703

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[GST? TITLE 50.- ` TITLE 50.- vhapter . n . . _ · . Sec. Cha 1., tfovxcu. or Nxmomu. Dmrmxsn-; .. .; .. ;..; · ... .1 9. g_ 30,4}:9 QF ounxnucn AND. FQBTQIFICLTION`...4..-;...,:.,.- . · ,].1 10.

, Annex 1·
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_ Mgsgxgns, nmmxs, Anus, pep vn 1u·rnur.s ¤¤x¤n.u.x.r;..·..- 51- 12.

6, \vu,r.n-m. nnsinvcmrou, Ann so `IOBTH, or wn IATEEIIIQQ . 10;- 13. 7. IS'1`ERI·‘EBE$CE wu·u_uox¤n¤*m¤¤oup OWNEIYBY Uxn-pn s·;·.u·¤sT. 111 3, 1~:¤·u;s¤vz»:s; uhxuncmnm, nxsmmnujrnox, s·1~ox;mn, ·¤s¤,; nm ` russ1»:ss10N REGULATED ... - .. ;. .. ;.;..£ ..., .._ 121 _ mmpter 1;-j-»-GOUQIOIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSEQ _ pig 1, Creation, pgrposcs, and ccmp0sitio¤'ot·¢u11ncil. j __ . Op 2. Advisory commiqsmu, · gv rt: Duties of_¢0\1DCu_{ . · _ _ ‘ _ · in 4. Rules and regulations; subordinate bodicrund committees. . 5. Rvports ofactivigics and expenditures. ` Fu msi Limit of palnriesi . " · _ DG · Sectioxi 1. Crentioiaf purpose, `nnd; ¢0mposition’ of couinizif.-¥—_ Sm A Cuuugll of Ndtional Defense is_ hereby established, for lthe gl; ccofdinhtiou of indusu·iés_ and _ »_res0ur¢;es {qt! the national _ I security and welfare, 'to congigt of the S¢~;c1fetiu·y- pi! War, t)1é' ‘ Si; mretary of the. Navy, the Secrctaryof the Ipte1*l0r,__the"Segcrc-` · ·i tary of Ag1*icu1ture,_ the Secretary of ·Omi1merce, and the Ym Secretary bf Labor. . 29,1916, c. 418, § 2,- % Sint. 649.) ml 2. Advisori wmmiision.-z-—Thc` Council of N1itiona1.Défensg .2: shall nominate to the Presidgnt, and the President shallnppdiut, Pl an advisory commission, consisting of.°i10t‘m0re than seven per- suns, teaéhot whom slug! `hgve special knowledge of some iu·‘ tb dustry, public utility, or tug development 0( some natural req source, or _otherw}se ppecigily qualiii¢dQ in the gpiqiqn qt the dé cgmpcil, for the pgrtormancc of the dutieqhgre-Qinafter provided. Wm The members ot uga advisory commission shall serve without. an compensation, but shall by allowed actual gxpemq ot travel` — and- subsistence when attending meetings of thé 'dbmmission or engaged- innjnvcgtigations pertaining to its. aqtivitcsf wThc advisory goiqmigsicn shgl1_l1qld·5uch meetingsuaé shall be called on by the council on? be provided by the rulgs gud regulations J adopted by the council for the conduct ot its work. (Aug, 29, 1916, c.418,S2,39 sm.64s.) _ »g -» ‘· _ _- Ci 3. Duties `cf `ccuncil,-—It shall be tbeduty offthe Cduuctl of _ I National Defense to supgrsfise and direct investigatiigns and 8*** make l‘0(!0‘mm8Ddilti0DI‘tQ·thé` President and-the head; of execu# tive departments as-tcithe lomtiou bt railroadawith reference IQ to tpc frontier of the_ United Statés no us' to_ render p0_ssible· 14. expeditious cqpcéntrntiou ot troops aqdlsupplies tb pbiqfs "of 15- defexgsa; the coordination of ml1itn1•y,` industfial, dud c0mmer>` cial pun-pow: in gba locating of exbenslvb higbknyd gud brhnch ‘p1· hues nt railroad ; the utiliznttog ot waterways ;- the mobilization uu pt militaxyand naval rwources for defense; the in¢.;rease`0f—do;- of mestlc production of articles and mq,terihis`_ ¢§§eutin1 té thé tc support ot armies and ct yehepcopladuriug the inténuptioxf of km foreign commerce ;·the development ,01 séagoing transportation; _ bo dam ` qimouxits, location, method-and mgans of productiop, an and availability ot military‘supplieé°; the giving of. intqtmauon I sh fn producers and manufacturers as to. the class` of; supplies sp needed by the military and other serviéab of the 'Govémmcpt, tq the requirements. relating theretoygnd (hc creation of ·:a1ations· U1 Which will render possible ihétimc of need the immediate con- éet '<-entratiou and gitilization ot thé resources of the Nation. (Aug. ue · 29, i916, c. 418, Ik, 39‘StatJ 649.;) ‘ 1 A _ — l mi ' 4: Rules •¤d· regulations; iuburdinatc bodiu and, commit-· pr teen.-——Tha Council. pt National Defense shall adopt rules had bu _reg1u1atim1s for the ctmduct of its work. which rixles and 1*egu1a— sa; tions shall bq subject ta thdapproval of the Prwident, arid shall St

was . . §§ 1-11 -WAR apter . Sec. Aracnarr .; .. . , .. ,..`-.._; ..,...-..., .. · 151 Hnnwu GA8--.,_.? _.._. ..;-,--...t..--.,§,,,..., . 161 _ _ Acooxsmos or lsu mgrnsni-runs¤ ron zwmosln ns- · . . Qrmusn 1’IlRP§)8lQS' . , . ., .,; .._.._. r _.._. 171 ‘ Vnsssns m_cr1=:aarroaur. warms; or Uxrrsn Srllrss; ..., ,, ____ 191 . Insunnncrxox --,.,4 ..._._.___ ___; _,__ ,__ 201 ovide for the work of theadvisory commission to the end_ at the special knowledge ot such commission may he develedby suitable investigation, research, and inquiry and made ailablein conference and report Ior the use of the? council; ld the council may organlze subordinate bodies for its assistce in special .investigations,· eitherby the employment ot exrts or by the creation of committees ot specially qualided perns to servel without compensation,. but to direct the investitions ot_expe.rts_so.e1np1oyed. .(Aug. 29, 1916, c. 418, § 2; 39·` at. 650.·)`_ ~ _` ·, . l ‘ l. 5. Reports of activities and .expenmtum.—neports» shall be ` bmltted by -all subordinate bodies- and by the advisory comlssion to_the council, and from time to time the council shall portlto the Presidentor to the heads of executive departments »on special ilnqulries or subjects appropriate thereto, and an nual report to the Congress shall be submitted through the ·esldent, including as; full. a statement ot the activities of the uncil and tlieagencies subordinate to it as `ls_consistent_·-with `~ · s public .lnterest,:_including an itemized account . ot the ex= ndltures made by the council or authorized by- tt, in_ as full tail the public interest will permit: Provided, however, g nat when — deemed proper the President may authorize, in - , aounts stipulated by him, unvouchered expenditures and re- · c rt the gross sums so- authorized not ltemized. (Aug; 29, 1916, 418, 2, 39 Stat.·650.) , I ·` __` — I . .9 — 6[Limit of. salsries.——No salary ashall be paid to `any odlcer » employee oil the council in excess of .56,000- per annum. 'une 5, 1920, c. 235, § 1, Stat. 886.) ~ ._ _ . . tapter 2.--BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND FOR'I‘IFI(?A·- mom. - ‘ ‘ ” ‘ ` c. . ‘ . Composition and dutles or board. .‘Clvillan member ot board. ‘ " _ _ . Additional members or board selected tron: Army. . Dlsquallllcation for membership or board. ‘ _ . Purchases, investigations, and tests. . `, _ Section 11.=Co¤nposition andaluties or board.—·—··—Thc appro * latlpns for ·· ordnance and tortincations shall; be expensed nder the direct supervision of a board to! consist of an omcer _ Engineers, an omcer ot Ordnance, and an officer of Artillery, . ` be selected by the Secretary of War, `to be called and ’· nown as the Board of Ordnance and _Fortlflcation; and said ard shall ° be under thex direction or the Secretary, ot? War A nd subject to his supcrrision and control ln, all rmpects, and ‘ all have power ta provide suitable regulations for the inaction ot guns and materials at all stages of manufacture the extent necessary to` protect fully the interests of the mlted States, andgenerally to provide sugh regulations con- _ ruin: matters within said] boerd’s operations as shall be ` cessary to carry out to the best advantage all duties pomltted to·lts charge: Provided, That subject to the foregoing ovlsions Qtha expenditure shall be made _-by the several lreaus of. the War, Department having Jurisdiction oftllé me under existing law. (Sept; 22, 1888, c. 1028, §‘ 1°, p25 at. 489.) _ _ Q ‘ ‘ · ·