Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1709

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1595 _TITLE s· tprodnccd. or.- capable or being produced by such individualj mm, company, association, corporation, or orgamzgq ma-nufacy ~·tm·mgmau¤¢ry .·_ ~ _ _ ·. __ — ··‘ _ Compliance with"` all such orders for progiucts or· material, » rshnll bc obliéatory on any, individual, firm, association, co1n— · pany, corporation, or organized `manufactnriné indugtry or the responsible head `o1·· heads thereof and shall take precedence · over all other orders and. contracts theretofore placed with _ · Such individnsi, ilrm, company, associatiou,°.corporation,_ or or- `T ggmzed manufacturing induati·y,· and- any individual, i1rm_,· association, company. corporation, or organized`manutactur1ng_ ‘ industry or ‘— the rosponsiblgé head or hcadé thérwf owning or V , Operating any ° plant équippcd`“ for the manufacture of arms or ammunition, or parts of‘_amrnunition," or. any. necessary suppaics or `eguipment for the `Armyyandi any individual, iirm, as·_ Smihtion, company, ‘_ corporation, or organ@ manufacturing iudnstry or the responsible head. or heads thereof owning or Operating any manufacturing plant, which; in tho opinion `ot the Secretary of War shall `bc capable of Being readily transé. formed into a plant for the manufacture of arms or an1muni·. ,¢i·m, or parts thereof, or other necessary upplies or equipllitilt, who shall refuse to give to the _` jted States isuch `prefcrcincc in_ the matter ot the- exécutio , I. orders, or who Yshall refuse `to manufacture the kind, qua ty, or quality of arms ofammunition, or_tho' parts thereof or any- necessary. supplies or equipment, as ordered by the Secretary of War, __ or who shall refuse to furnish such arms, amxnunitions, or partsf ot ammunition-, or other supplies or equipment, at a ·rcasom1blo price as determined by the Secretary of War, then,_ and in either such 'case, the President, `through tha head of .' any department of the Government, in addition to the present authorized methods of purchase or procurement .herein pro- `vided for, · Ls hereby authorized to take immediate posséssion of any snch°— plant or plants, and through the `0rdnanco‘Depa‘rtmcn·t of the United States Army, to manufacture therein in time of war, br when- war shal1—bc imminent. such product ‘ or material an may be required, and any individual, iirm, com— puny, association, or corporation, or organized manufactnring_ industry, or the responsible hcad_or heads` thereof, faili¤g‘ to comply with the provisions ot this section shal1»·bc deemed guilty ot. n felony, and upon. conviction shall ba punished by rmgprisonment for not more than- three years and DY a_._iinc not exceeding $50,000. Q , l - _ The compensation to be paid to] any indiv·idual, firm, company, aasociation, corporation,. or organized manufacturing indnstry torfits products or material, or as rentalfor use of any manufacturing plant while-used by tho Un1ted_”Stato8Q shalybo _ fairjand_just.` V _ r ° . - · c ° The Secretary of Warshall also make, or cause Wto he mad¢{ a complete list of all privately owned plants in the United States cquinpcd to manufacture 'arms ·`or ammunition, or tho "componént parts thereof.- Ho shall obtain full and c complete information regarding the kind of arms or ammunition, ortho component ·parts_`the_root, manufactured or that can be mannefacturcd by each snclrplant,-.the equipment in each plant, anti the maximu¤.ca1>a&city_thereof. Ho shall also prepare, or cause to be prepared, a. list oi" privately owned manufacturing plants. in the·United States capable of being readily tranhforméd into · ammunition fnctoriasywhcro tho capacity of the plant is sufH·- cicntfto warrant tmnstorxning such `plant or plants into am·~· mnnition factories in time of war or when war shall be linminenta and; as to all auch plant; the Secretary ot Waroshall obtain i§u11_`•,ntl complete information as ito the equipment ot each such plant; and be shall prepare comprchenaivé ‘plans,for_ transforming each such plant into an ammunition factory, or a factory in which to manufacture such; parts ot axnnnunition as in the opinion ot the Secretary ot War snch plant is best ·_ adapted. ‘ ’ .‘

0.-WAR _§ I.02 The Pfesident is hereby nuthorized, `in his discretion, tot ` appoint a;.Bonrd on Mobilization ot Industries Essential for ` jbiilitary. Prépureduess,Znonpn_1jtisan in charabter, and to take · all-necessary steps to provide {61* suizh. clerieal assistance as . lge may deem nebessarjf to organize and coordinate the work hereinbefore describedf (June 3, 1916, e. _134, I 20,- 139 Stat. 213,214.) Q ‘ ` 6. · ` 81-. Military sm·ye`ys_ and maps.-aime Secretary ot War is authqtized te secure the assistance, wherever practicable, of ‘ the United States Geological Smjvey, the Coast. and "Geodetic Survey, or other mapping agencies act the Government in the · secnting of such extra. topographic data as may be required lenq the preparation and printing ot maps `required for militarjrjpumposes, ;(`J\IDB 30, 1922, c. 253, Title `I, 42 'Stat; 7-11; Ma;. 2, IQQ3, e. 178,.Title I, 42 Stat; 1402.; June 7; 1924,·é; 291, Title I, 43 Stat;. 496·§ Feb. 12,_1925, e. 22§, Title L' 43 Stat. 911.) Chapter- 6.-p-WILLFUL DESTRUOTION, AN D S0 FORTH, · QF WAR MA'1‘ERlAL. _ ·` ” ‘ · I 101. Deilniticn-of terms. _ . 102. Destroying. or injuring war material in time ot war. . 103. Making er causing wa: material to be made in detective manned Sectien: 101. Definition -_6f terms.——The words. " war inate· ` ria1," as used 'hefeint shall" include arms, e1‘mament,` ammunition, livestock, st0res ot- clothing, toed, tobdstufts, er fuel; and shall also include; supplies} munitions, and .a11` other articles qt whatever`.-description,. andyany part or ingredient there0t,° intended fdr, adapted to, or SI1{t8bl€.fOl'_th8 use .0f-thejllnitcd States,_01"a1iy associate nation, in connection with the ednduct: . ot the war. ' · _ " · _ `· ‘ · · The words “ wu1··prem1ses,*’ as used herein, shall Qinclude all buildings; grounds, mines; or other places wherein " such war material is being produced; manufactured, repaired, stored, _ mined, extracted, distributed, loaded, unloaded, or transported, together with al1_ machinery and appliances therein ceutainedi . and all forts, arsenals, navigyardé, camps, prisons, pr other military `01{ naval stations of the UnitedStates, or any associate nation. ·. ·' -` " " . ` The word; “ war utilities? as used herein, shalfliuclude all — . railroads, railwnys, electric lines, roads of ’ whgtevet dugrip 0 tion, railroad or railway iixture, canal, lock, __dam, whni*!,¥pier, dock, bridge, building, structure, engine,` machine, mechanical contpivance; car; vehicle,~‘boat, ~or aircraft, up any other means a bt transportation whatsoever, wheréon or whereby such war material-er any troops. ot the United Statm, or oft any associate __ nationf are being er may be transported either within the limits- of the Unihad `States or. upon the hi@· seas} and all ‘ `dams, reservoirs, aqueducts,_.water and `gaq mains encfpipee, $tructui·es_nnd buildings, whereby on in connection with which ` water er gas is being furnished, or may be r¤mmnea,`¢¢ any wer premises or ·t0:the military or naval forces et the United States, or anynssociate nation, and all electric lighf and ppwer, steaui or pneumatic bpwer, telephone and telegraph plants. poles, wines, and fixtures and wireless `stnttona, end. the build-“ ings connected with the maintenance end_ operation therwt used .t0 supply water, light, heat, bowel: or facilities of communication to auywar premises br to- the military or naval fqrces of Qthe United States, or any associate nation; Tlge ‘we1*ds· “United States "_ehel1 include the Cmnt Zone and all territory and waters, continental and insular, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States., ‘ . · - ·‘The words Wassocinte ·natigm,".ns—nsed in this chapter, shall be deemed to mean any nation at war witlrany nation with which . the United States is at war. (Apr. 20, 1918,·c. $9, ! 1, 40 ’St:1t.533.) __ .;. _. . A 102. Destroying or injuring. war material in time of yar.- Whenthe United States is at war, whoever; with intent_t0 injure, interfere with, or obstxjnct the United States or any