Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1713

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/ 1699 _ ‘9lL@LE" 50 Eec.' , . , 16:%. Production of helium by huredu of Mines. _ 164. Transfer of hellpm plants to Bureau of Mines; supply df· helium to Army,~Navy, ond civilians. _ . l4J5._Exportetiox1_of helium gas. · , - . _ O wo, Cooperation of Army uml Navy ln c¤rry_lug._out purposes of; »_ ehapter. _‘ _ · . » Section 161. Acquisition I and reservation of helium-gas lands; produotion of helium gas.-¢For the purpose of producin;;·*·helium with which to supply the peeds of the Army and Navy and other brimches q£_ the Federal Government, the Secretary of Commerce t is hereby authorized to ecquire land or interest in lend by `gurchase, lease, or Scondemriation, where necessary, \T\’_!1€D`h€li\lm,CHD`BQt be purchased from private parties attless cost, to explore. for, procure, or conserve heliuml»om·iu_g KHS; to._drill or otherwise test such lends; uml to con? emmet plants, pipe Qliues, facilities, and accessories for the production, storage, end repu1:lilcati0ufof"hellum: »1’gi0vided,· That any known helium gasébcarlug lauds`ou the public domain not ooveretl at the time by leases or permltslmder section 181 os seq. of·'1‘itle`30, may be reserved for the purposes of this olmpter, and that the United States reserves the ownership andf me rightto extract, under such rules 8ild'·1‘€g\l]&ti0H§ as shall he prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, h€]l\11II'f1'fo¤t all gas produced from lands"' so permitted, { leased, or otherwise granted for development. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. I, 1, 43 Stat. 1110.) D .. J . _ I _ 162. Navy Department, euthorizeal to acquire helium-gas lands and to produce and experiment with helium gu.-¤-Authoxheation as granted to the War Department for the acquislk sion of land -0r interest in land by purchase, loose, or con- . doomation where necessary to explorefor, procure, or reserve helium gas, odd also for the purchase, manufacture, c0ustruc4 ~ti011. maintenance, and operation of plants for‘ the production xhoreof· and experiments therewith is likewise granted-to the Navy Depaijtment; (Feb; 12, 1925, c. 225; Title I, -43 Stat; 908.) _ · 163. Production of helium `by Bureau of Mines.--The Bureau of Mia1m,·actir1g under the direction of~the_,Sccretary of Commcree, to authorized `to maintain and operate hellumjproducttonl _ uml rlepurlllcetion plants, together; with facilities and accessories thereto; to store·1md‘ core for helium; to cohdxict eibloration for ani} pnjodixction of `helium on nnd’from—the‘ lands acquirwor eet aside under this chapter ;`° toconcluct eiperimeutation and research for the purpose of discoéerlng helium supplies nn?} improving processes and methods ofheltum production, repurl# ovation, etorege, and utilization. (Mer. 3,~ 1925, `o. 426, { 2, 43 Stat.,1111.) _ Q °‘ ° · _ _ I 164. Tranéer of helium plants to Bureau of Mines: ·\[PPl] — of lgeiiumeg Army, Hivy, and dvio|i•rls.—-Qu or héfore June { _ 303 1925, ell existing Government plants operated by the Gov-. ermnoutr or under lease orlcontract with lt, for the production of helium shell be trtmeforreql to the jurisdiction of the ~Bu·· roau of Mines: frovidod, 'Ilmt thereafter the Army and Nev; k and other branches of the Federal servloe requiring h6u\1l}ri1'|8Y requisition lt from the` said bureau and `mnke payment therefor by trziusfer of funds on the books of the Treesur! from any applicable appropriation .at actual cost of said helium to the United. States, including tall expeusoo connected therewith: Iwo:-dei f•¢, That any eurplus helium produced may, until e ncedeet for Government use, be leased to Amexjlooo ‘citizen,é” or Amerieuo .eo£·poratione under IBKBIBUOIIEQ »¤Dmfoved "by the President: And provided farther, That all moneys received from the sale or lmsing of helium shall be credited "to a helium production ¤ocou¤t_ and shall be remain eailable for the purposes of this section ; end that any gee belonging to gm United States after the extraction of helium, or other by- product not needed for Government use shell be sold and the __prooeet1s_¤f. ouch eales mall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts; (Mar. 3,1925. e. 426, l 3,; 43 sm. 1111,) · ‘ r .

i.-wan § 171 165. Eiportatiou of helium gas.-No helium gas shall be exported from the United States, or from its possessions; until after application. for such exportation has been made to the Secretary- of the Interior and permission for said exportation has been obtained fr0m_the President of the United States, mi Ihé Joint recommendation ot the Secretary of War, the Scoretary of the Navy, and the- Secretary of· Commerce. That any` person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of.a misdemeanor and shall be punished `byla iine of not more th&I1` $5,000 or by imprisonment of not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and the Federal courts ot the United States are hereby granted jurisdictieato U`! and determine all questions arising . under this seetion. (Mar. 3, 1925, c. 426,·§ 4, 43 Stat:1111.) i . l 166. Cooperation of Army and Navy in 'carrying out purposes of chapter.--The Army and Navy may eaeh designate an officer. to cooperate with the Department ot Commerce in carry- ing out the. purposes ot this chapter, and shall havecomplete right of access to plants, data, and accounts. (Mar. 3,1925, ,0. 426, § 5, 43‘Stat. 1111.) I t ’ ‘ Chapter 1 1.e-¢·A(,QUISI'1‘ION 012* AND EXPENDITURES ON LAND FOR NATIONAIADEFENSE PURPOSES; Sec.- _ . · _. 171. Methods ot acquiring title: condemnation, purchase, and donation : “ emergency provisions, ` 172. Acquisition of property for production of lgmber. . . 173. Land for quarteroand barracks in addiffon to sites for tertia- E cations; » - . ‘ 174. Expenditures and contracts for payments in excess ot appropria- . tion prohibited. _ .‘ · _ P · j 175. Opinion ot Attorney General as to validity of title. E · 176. Expenditures on· docks, and so forth, oh Hudson- River; section net 4 _ applicable. . M , — . · · 1 177. Construction of tortiucations, and so forth, by contract; 17 8. Erection of torts in exnergexipy. _ ~ _ . 179. Appropriation mhargeable with transportation Cust incident to construction and maintenance otaeaeoast fortitlcationa. _ . _ CROSS REFERENCE ‘ ‘ Helium-gas lands; nee sections 161 and 162, ot this titled T _Section 171. Methods of acquiring tit! , condemnation, par- · chsaef and donation; emergency provisions. The Secretary ot War may can-@9 proceedings to heinstituted jn hename of the _ United Stateséin any court having jurisdiction or such proceedinga for the acqnlrehent by condemnation of any land, temporary use thereof or other interest therein, or right pertainlnf thereto, needed for the site, location, construction, or prosecution ot Qworks for fortitlcattons, coast defenses, military training cam_ps,.and`!or the construction and operationset plants for the production of mtrate and other compounds and the manufacture ot explodves and othemtmunitions ot wai- and for the development and tranamission ot power for the operations ot mich plants iosuch proceedings to be prosecuted iu) ace cordaneewith the laws relating to suite for the condemnation of property of the Staten wherein the proceedings may be instituted: Provided, 'I‘hat_.when the owner of auch landfinterest, oxrigncs pertainingthereto ehall nr a prlee for the same, which, in the opinion of the »Secretary· of War shall be reasonable, he _ may purchase or enternlnto-a contract for the use of the same. · at suck" prlbe without tnrther delay: Provided farther, That ' the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to accept on hulialt of the`_United States donations of land and the interest and ' rights pertaining thereto required for the abovwnentioned pm-- poses: And provided farther, That when sinch property is age 'quired in time of war, or the immit1enee_·thereof, upon the Bling of the petition for the condemnation of-any land,.tompotary uae tliereotor other interest therein or rlrlrt pertaining theretsoto be acquired for any of-the pnirposestaforesalel,jamiedists pdaession thereof may be taken to the extent of the interét to be &0£j\}iI‘€Ql'&l1d't}16 laude may be cweupietl and used for military? purposes, andthe provision of sevtiou 175_of this