Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/184

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§ 7 c TITLE 10. twenty-two years’ commissioned, service. (June 4, 1920, c. 227, subchapter I,_§ 4, 41 Stat. 762.) _, V _ o · - 7. Filling office of chief during absence.-e-During the absence of the Quartcrnnaster General, or the chief of. any military bureau of the;War_Depart1nent, the Presidentii is authorized to empower some officer of the department or corps whose chief is absent totake charge thereof, and __to_pe1ffo1f1n‘ the duties of Quarterinaster General, or chief of the department or corps, as A the easemay beyduring snchjabsence. -i(R. S. i§t 1132; Feb. 27, 1877; c. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 242.) p _ ‘ I 8. Assignment ofofficers and men to branches of A}‘my.·¤— 'Oflice’rs— and enlisted men shall be assigned. to- the `several branches of ·riie,.a¤~¤¤y as hereafter directed,` a suitable proiportion of `each grade in each ,branch,..but the}President may increase or diminish, the number of officers or enlisted men assigned to any branch bynot more than a total—of .30 per centuinpof said officers\ or 15 per»centu;n“of,_saidenlisted men: `I’roz»··idcd, That the total number authorized inanyggrade is not exceeded: Provided fi¢,`·That· the number of enlisted. men autlrorizedpfor anyf branch shall include suclrnumber of Philip· F pine Scouts as may be organized- in thatbranch: Pr025·ided_fu'r- · ther, That no oflicer shall be transferred from one branch of the jservice to anotherunder the,provisions.»of this section without his own consent. (June 4, ,1920, .c.'227, subchapter I, —§» 4, .41 Stat. 762; June 30,1922, c. 42 Stat. 723.).f l l _' 9. Establishment. and purpose of Army War College.-—'I'he` establislunent of the Army War. College authorized; having for itsrobject the direction andicoordinationv of the instruction in the `various service schools, extension of the opportunities »for investigation and studyin the Army nandmilitia`,-of the ” United States, and the collection, and dissemination of 'militnry. information. (May 26, 1900, c. 580, § 1, 31' Stat. 209.)

 10; Band leaders.—-hlothine; contained in section 591iof fthis

title shall" prevent the appointment of pqualiiied band leaders {or authorized bands. (June 30, 1922, c. 253, Title 1, 42 Stat; 723.)" v _ -°¥~ . , · 11. Army . Band leader.-·¥The Secretary ot. War is hereby authorized to &[l[)0ll1l.Z.»& warrant oillcer of _ the Regular Army; leader; of the Army Band, who; while holding , suchappointment, shall receive, inlieuof any and all,.D'ay and allowances . as, warrant. officer. the base ipay and. the allowances of `a captain ot the Regular Army in the `tilrd pay period and shall he entitled to longevity pay proviéed for an odlcer for ‘ eachg three years of service under such appointment. plus any previous active commissioned service `pnder a Federal appointment which the appointee tnuayhaye had, butshall not be entitled to pass to a" higher pay period. The leader or the Army Band ignayfbe ré1ie_ved·_.fro.i.n his appointnientias such and returned to his former status at the discretion, of the Secrer- V tary of War. Ifpon retirement he shall. be retired as a war- · rant. omcer and shall receive the retired- pay to which he would have been entitled had he not: been appointed. and re-; _ iceived the pay and allowances of leader of fthe Army Band: ' l‘roaidcd,.Tha_t*no back` pay or allowances shall be allowed to . the leader of the {Army Band byreason of the proitisiou of this se·¢·tion_: L·tnd[.pror~ieIcd fufther,.Thnt»i1otliing contained in this section shall operate to increase the authorized number p of commissioned oiilcersv or warrant‘oiilcers ot the Rerrular Army nor to decrease the number of warrant officers`authorized by law. i(.Mar. 3, 1025, cs M2, 43 Stat. -1100..) _— —· · `. A 12. Bands at recruiting ·depots.~——-0ne of the companies at each recruiting "d`opot_°shall have (the orirauization of Jan »in· l fantry band, to which rccruitfs showing an aptitude for music may be attached for examination and instruetion`·before as-- signincnt to oi·g·aniza,tions in the Army. (Mar. 3, 1909, c.,252, 35·Stat.—745.) 4 Q » -, _ A g “ 13. Annual. reports asto oraani'zation—’o£_Ariny.~¥—-;·The Secre ` taryriof Warvshall annually report to Qongngess `tlie nutnbers.

gl‘$l(l€S,’fll`l(l asslgxxments _0f‘ the, '0Hl(’0I‘S.&8l'ld émlistoxl mbu of the Army, and the number, kigds, and stregngth of m·:;m%x;z- ’ tions pertaining to ez)¢h~brzmch of the sawicc. (June 4. 192%%

c. 227, subclmirter I, §’·1,,41 Stat. 762.) `

_ 14. _Cqrp0ral` buglcrs mid buglers tlrst class.-·-¥Tlm·<· am- mg ated in the Army the grades Qt com<»r=11.bug1c1·, mw. ;m;M._· first cl:1ss;,m1d for each bmtaliou and squadron lnczzllqmmm ‘ oflunits in which tlge grade of bqgier was authonrized (lll ;Iu1y»s»_ l91;8,i.thé;·e`shallwbe onetcqrporal bllgléf, Und fof cgch q·<»;mm,}-; battery, troop; or organizntwh in Wlilch the grade of bu;;}m· wm auuwrizea qu July 9, 1918, tthexwyshzlll be one bugler, tim (-xml (July 9, 1918, 0..1-13, agsubclmpter XX, 40 Stut,893.) ~‘‘‘ n ;_ A A 15.,Use of Army as posse c0mitatus.·—~Ilt_”élmll mt Q sm-. * {ul to employ, :1 1 \ iu·t_0f tha,Army of the United il · posse c·0mitut11%1?otherx»·isc, for, the purpose Ei excmitim: tm, laws, except il `such jcuses and umlér Such lclrcnnmstsamzew as such éxnploymenf ot said force m¤y `1»eexpke$S1y autl1or»ize<1l»Y’ the Constitutioix/orfby act of Congress; zirid auy.;pei*s0htwi11- — _‘ Ifully viohnting the prosisiéms this- séctimi shall- be `dwmq guilty of a migdcméanor" uml gin cohviction thére0f·.sl14;11'»1,q· puuighed by_il1ie not exceeding` $10,000 or imqrlsbnmeut» xm exceeding two years br by both such fin; and imp`ris·;mmvut.. (June 18,. 18T§,`c% 2fi3, §‘ 15, 20 Stsgt.152;) " ‘ V S Chapter 2.-4-GESERAL STAFF CORPS. Séq:.`• ° · .- .' N 21.’Creatt0n ui General Staff Cdrps. _ " 22. Composition pi Gérneral ;Stqlt_4_Corps. , 23. Culnpqsltlgm ot».Wa;· Department (}cm·ml.Sta¤. 24.'_(?omp0sit1u¤ of- ,Gh·m·ml "Stal! with troops. 25. Eligibility to d<~t:1ll"a¤_d pérlod of duty. 26. General Smit. Corps cllglblq list. _ , ~ . 27. Liqce 0!1lcex·s'g4ubjcq:t to dotgll; prevlqus service w’ltl1"tmnps. 28;_Qi1lcérs commissioned in li stalcorps subject tq detail lu (l<_·m_em1 ` _ ~ SmlLCqrps; pwvioudservlcv wityttroups. » ‘ T_ __ · 29. Viflngt constltutos duty, wltlrtroops. _ { _· 9 A30. Acting General Stal! otlimers. 31. Additional members qt ‘Gem·ml·Sta¤ Corps; _ ._ . 82. —Rvstrlcti0q on qlutieg ot members of Ge-ucrsil Stal! Corps. 33; Dulles of Clue-! of Stuff. V _ __ - M ’ 34. Duties ot Wang Department Gbuqml Stall; 35. Duties bt General Stal with troops. t · 36. Qubmlssion to Congress, otpluns affecting nntloual`elefense,» vlc.; accompaniment study pregpurvd by Wm- Dgpgrtmént Gexwral l [ Staff; » _ ‘ _ l\ 37. Plans for lnltlul organisation and territorial .dl§t1•ibutlo¤ ot ()r::m· _ . ized Reserves and Natlpnal Guard. _ i l _ ’ 38. Pollcips aim regulations for government of org¤¤l¤e<1fRc$erv4·sV:¤z¤·l· Nqtlmml Guard. ‘ " . °— _ _ ; ,; ` Sectipn °21;*CréQtion of Gcncrhl SME C0rps;——T·Tl1ere’is éstnhlhslned a General Stat! Corps, to be coinpomxl ot officers dctaimr ·f1·0m th0—Armlylut_M1a_tgc.v (Féb. 14, 190§. c. 553, § 1, ~32lStut. » — 22; Composition of, Ggnersl Sts! C0rps¤·—g·Thé* General Stull Corps Sh&ll“c0nsist of the Chief of $mi!,. the Wm? Dum-i·tx1n¤·¤¤f General Stem and the General Staff with troops. {June -1, 11;;:0. c. ,227, subchapter I·, §"5, 41 Stat. 762.) e · _ ~ ’ 23. Composition of War Department Genetalh _StnH.——-'1‘1_¤l · War Impairtmcrlt Generalj‘Staf[ slmll_c011slstl0f"the Uhikit ·»:‘ StltR’8I1d.fol.1l‘,0_SSl§lC2H1t8 to the Chief of 8taH selected by uw Pnzeslmleut, fmm_theVg¢:aeml utli¢:ers‘.0t the line, and el;:hi>'· clglgt other loillcers of grades not below thattbf captain. (gimme 4, 1920, 0. 227, l§ 5, \4l,Stut.· 162.) · M. _ _' , _24. C0m§0sit·i0n of General~·`StnK with Tr0ops.——-4Thc Gt‘l’l(‘l`:l-l Stuff with .tr00ps» shall qéonslst nf such pumlmrl of mticggrst. ww b<:1uw~ thé ·_8¤‘Htlu uf, ·c&ptu.ln_ as may be 119ces;smiy_ tq pe1‘l`<>!’i 11 {hc Geucrtll Staff duties of the heatlqmnrtwg of territ0l‘i=¤¥ departments, 'arn1ies;igrnny édrpaé, elivisleing uml ln·igu¢leS,°=¤=#*l as military attaichés abnéud. `(J\1llé`4; 1920,. E. 227, s11bclla[»:.·¤·. 1, Q5, 41 sm.~763.) “ , 1 . _· l t » . ’ t_25. Eligibility to detail and.- periodgof duty.>———·—In time of p¤»;;··l~ »th<;»l detail of ah Qoilicar ns? at member lot u1G—GQll.€1‘8l SVtul:`z` Corps shulybc fm; a period Jo? fmgr yéars, unless s0cmc;·t rclimwh