Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1863

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184g ARTIQLB8 OF GONFE. . tmgy no hear and the Qitt& irfquestlcn, `8CC.01'd.l.11g ay to me best pot bln jud@eht, Without favour, aqeetion/or hope, in . 0:`mward:”`previded also u18t_!!0 State ahall be deprived or ~ ge;-riiori for the b®t of the_U¤:lted.Statm. - _ . _ ~ ’ in S All concerning the prliate rlght ot sol1'clalined· p< under diierent grants of trio or,mm¤e Statw, whose jurisdiction nr as they maixwpect auch and the States whgoh passed hen each greats are adaustedgthe said guts or either or! them s· being at same time claimed to have oriéuated antecedent tl to 'saeh Segtlemeut ot jurisdiction, shall‘!on~ the petition of ag either mrty to the Congre& of the United{States, ‘ be hnally .cl determined as near aa may be in the same `mauner ha is before aq _p;·escribed for deciding disputes respecting territorial jaris- S · diction between di§erent‘Statcs. " ·_ · _ ·_ ‘ ‘_ ti The United States in Congress assembled shall also- have u; who sole andqexclusive right and power of regulating the alloy C aud value of coin struck by their own authority, br, by that' of the respective States.-—-ilxing the fstandard of weights and a measures throughout the United States.-regizlatizig the trade I1 and maaagipg_all_ affairs with the Indians, not members of d any of the States, provided that-the legislative —.rigl1t of any ja State within its {own limits be notiugnged or v`iolated——estalSy‘ re lieuixgg and regulating post-otllces from one State Qto another, j1 mmugliout all the United-States, and-exacting such postage .g on tlxepapers passing thro' the Same as may be requisite to je _ defray theexpenses of the said-otiice—·appointlng all officers q of the land toreee, in theiservice of the United States, exeeptiug- fw regimeutal omcers-éappointing -‘ all the qHicers· of the haval: p forces, and commissioning all officers whatever in the service tl ef the Ulli”tQdjSt§{€S-—m§lkiHg rules for the government and · ‘ regalation of the said land and naiall forces, and directing tl ` their operations; - ’ A I S1 . The/United States in Congress assembled shall have authority gl to amseiut a Veommittee, to alt in the. recess of Congress, to be tg denominated. "a"Commlttee~ of the `States," and to consist of p one delegate from eaeh State;1 and · to appoint such, other vs mmmitzewaéa civil omcera as may be neéegsaryifor managing ·i1 the general 'affairs or the United States under their dlrection·—— · te. appoint one ot their number to preside, provided that not il person be allowed to serve in the office.`ot president·m01;e than i1 one year in any term` of three years ;_ to aseertalu the neces- fo sary sums of mqyqy to beralsed {mathe service of the- United, at States, and Ito appropriate and apply the sauie for detraying _ _ the ~ pabllc expenses-—to borrow money, .or·· emit bills on the a credit of the United States, transmitting every half year to b the respective States an account of the sums of money, so. tl tborrowed or _ emitted;-—to °bulld and equip a navy--to agree `a upoh 'the number ot land forces; and to make requisitions from fa each State for-lm quota; ln proportion to the number ot. white S a inhabitaaw in such State; which requisition shall be binding; ° and thereapm the Legislature ot each State shall appoint the 0; iegimeatal emeers, raise the men and eleath, arm and X equip vs them "jala soldier like gaanper, at the expense- oththe United at States; and the oweera and men ao cloathw, armed and e` equipped shall march to the plaee appointed, and within the a.

 agreed   by the United ’Btates·l¤. Congress assembled: u

but it the United Stateslin Oongresa assembled ¤ua11,p¤¤ eon- S sideratlen ot circaa1atazncea’judge proper that any State should e‘ not raise mea, or should, raise a `smaller number than its · quota, and that an; other State ehould raise a greater nhmber ,t< of men than the quota thereof; meh extra `namhm shall be sl raised, emmred, eloathed{ armed and equippw in the same tl manner as the quota otisuch State; unlem the le§slature {ot Y such State shall judge that auch extra number cannot be ,a satelyq spared out ot the "saxae, in which case they'ahal1`raise it omcer, eloath, arm and equip as many et auch extra number 111 as they judge can be safely spared; And the omcers and mea h2 so cloathm, armed aud equipped, shall march to the place! Si

DERy:Ul'I02\’—-1777 Qpciuted, Land within the time agreed, on by the United States l Congms assembled; · I “ r · ‘ , The United States in Congress assembled shall never, engaget a wax? nor grant letters of rnarque and reprisal in- time otence, nor enter into ahytreaties or ailianeu, nor coin 'rnoney, or regulate the value thereof, nor} ascertain the sums and rpenses necessary for the defence and welfare of the United tates, or*any, ot _ them, nor emit bills, nor borrow money on ie credit of the United, States, nor appropriate money, norgree upon. the number of vessels, of war, `to be built »or purrased, or the nunnbcrof land or,seaf forces to be raised,. nor ppoint a commander in chief of thearmy or navy, unless nine tates assent to the same; 1ior· shall a question on any other pint, ·e;cept for adjourning fron! day to_day be determined, nless by the votes ·ot·a majority of the United States in bngress assembled. e · ‘ ‘ . T ._ The; Congress oi the`United_ States shall have power. to djourn to any time 'within the year, and to any place within the Ynited States, so that no period of ·adjourhrnent be for a longer uration ,than»the space of six rnonths, and shall publish the nrrnal of their proceedings monthly, except such partsfthereot elating to_treat~ies, alliances oi- militaryoperations, as in their udgment require-secreéy.: and theyeas and naysyof the deleabesof each State on any question shall be entered on the ournal, when it is desired by any delegate; and the ·delegrateQ-, { ‘a`State, or any of them, at hisfor their request shall be urnishéd with a transcript of the said journal,. iexeept such artsias are above excepted, to lay before t»he"Legislatnres of beseyeral States. _ i . · l ARTICLE X. The conimittee of the $tates, or any ’nine,of hem, shall be authorized to execute, in- tina of Congjresé, heh of the powers; of Congress as the United States in Conress assembled, -by_the consent of nine States, shall froin time J time thinkexpedieut Ito vest them with; provided that no owcr delegated to the said committee, for the exercise e ’ which, by the articles of confederation, the voice of nine Stn te; n the Congress of the United Statesassembled is requisite. I Aarrcnm XI. Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of M the United States, ehall be admitted 1t0,_ andehtitled to all the advantagesyof tl1is_°Union:0but no ther colony shall. be admitted into the same, unless such dmission be agreed to_by nine»States. " ‘ · ‘ _ Aahcw XII. All bills of credit emitted, monies Jborrowed ud debts contracted by, or under the zitxthorityof tiongress, efore the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of he present confederation, shall be deemed and · considered ae charge against the United States, for payment and satisaction rvhereot the said United ST&t8S,e&i1d the public faith re thereby solemnly pledged. - - Anim.: XIII. Every State shall abide by the determinations t the United States in Congress. assexnbled, on all questions rhich by thlaconfederation 'are submitted to theml And the rtic1u‘ of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by very State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall- any Iteration at any time hereafter be imadein any of them; nless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United ltatéa, and be afterwards condrxiied by the legislatures so! very State,. _ l ‘ z And whereas it· has pleased the Great Governor og the world J incline the hearts of the Legislatures we rea ·· ively repreent ineC»ongre$,Jt0 approve ot, and to authorize us to ratify nesaid articles ot confederation and perpetual union. Know e that we the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power nd authority to us given for that purpose, do by these presents, 1 the naxne and in behalf of our respective constituents, fully nd entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the saide rtielm of eonfedZ»ration·and perpetual uuion,· and, all- and ii1$'\1!t11l' the- matters and things therein contained; andwve do