Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1886

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AN ALY TI GAL I NDE.] Art. Sec. Gl. Page

 hesereece elm!} wt be given to the bats otene State
 er tbeee oi another by any regulations 0 commerce 0:-;-- 1 9 6 1857

Iieeee ieieed emitted to one Reprewntetive in the nrst C0n@- · 1 2 3 1855

 of ;m·::éee..» Ceegrem shall make no law ebridging the right

ee me people peneeebi to assemble and to petition for the redeem 0; grievsnem. {Amendments] .. -_ . ,. . ‘ 1 -— --— 1859 Rage; se ker? eee beer arm. A weikregnlated militia being neces- ` eee-3: ee the security of a free Stete, the right of the pecple to . ‘ keep am bear arms shall not bexnfruzged. [Amendmen¤}-- 2 — - 1859 e£;·_e?~ze te me Cenetitutien ebell net be construed to dmy or dis-

 eebere retained by tbepeeple. The .enumeration et

eezteee {Amendments}- ... _ 9 ·-— -_ 1859

 ne:. eeiegeted to the King States ner prohibited to the

Stats are reserved to the tee er to the people. [Amend- ` neeets! 1..., ; .». ’ . e .. - _10 -—·, — 1860

lee at its proceedings. Each House may determine the .. ;- 1 5 2 1856

E’e3ee eee ueeeeziem rwpecting the territory or other property of · ‘ me United States. Cen@ shall dispose 01 and make all ‘- ‘ ‘ m·edf·nl--· ,,..,. ·, .. e . ~ 4 3 2 1858 A Eelke 1 tec eemrrzma Law. All suits involving over twenty dollars ·, ·

 n§ be trim by inry  I‘dk).§ to the. {Amendments] . 7 — -— 1859 1

Ne rem tried by ejury shall be reexemined except according to' · the imnendments} .. . .. , . , 7 - - 1859 r _ 3 . _ _ ·

 eee eee eerie! arte by securing te autlmrs end inventors the _

exeiemve right to their writings and discoveries. Congress I _ ebeli have power; te promote the pr0gress»0L-.‘ ,,..., ‘ 1 8 8 1856

ee:re»·e een seizure: shall not be violated. The right of the people

are m eecnee against unreasonable. [Amendments] . ‘ 4 -· — 1859 eee ne warrants shall be issued but upon probable cause, on eaeb er emneetieu, describing the F eee to be searched and .

,2:-e peeeene m· thing to be seized. Amendments,] ---; . 4 — —— 1859
 of Gerzmmeni. Congress shell exercise exclusive legislation in

eu cases ova such district as may become the .. - ... 1 B` 17 1856 Seceeéseee end current min of the United States. Congress shall . gemvide Ie: the punterfeiting of the .. ‘ ‘ 1 ,8~ 6 1856 &ee¤:; efejree State, the right 01 the people tokeep end beararms ebsli mei be iniringed. A well-regulated nuhtra being neces- _ see-;.· te m. {Amendments]- ...-- - ...- r .-..-. , ---..-.-.--... 2 -‘ —· 1859 Seeeeee me Herve of Representation. The Congress oi the United - Ste.teeeb•llcenstst0!n--- ...- e.; ...-..-..-.---. , -...---..-- .; 1 1 --.1855 .&:ee€r ei tie Heftel $:0::. The Senate shall be ccgnpceed 61 two senetere tremescb State, chosen by for six ·· _

•·~•··••-·-·•••-'•••.··••w—••5¤·•··•·*'•>`¥·/•··•·—·•·;•·•·••••·•···••····•···•·•-··•• 1 3 1  

'ebe ehab be cl two Senators from each State, rneeted by Wie ereef, ter six years. [Amendments],- 17 1 4- 1351 Qeeeiinegetiem e Senators. Mmendmeuwl .--..--. 17 1 ·- 1351 I1 eewnetee dnring the recess of the legislature of e Stem, tneezrecntive thereof may make temporary eppoint· - · ments new the next meeting 04 the legislature .-.------. 1 3 2 1355 when vemneiee happen the executive authority of the State email write of election te B11 such vacancies; provided, . aber. the immature of any State may empower the executive ' mereer te make appointment until the peogle 1111 me vemneim by tron w the lesnslature may lrect.· ‘ M ieeemnmentsl . . ‘ . e --1.-T ... 17 2 ·-·· 1861 Tbe %'iee·PresR1ent ebell be President of the Senate, but shall » berve ne wee mlm the Senate be equally divided .---. ‘ - 1 3 4 1855 T Seeete shell cheese their other omeers, and also e President pee zemperz in the ebeenee of the Vlce—Pres1deut or when he ‘ y

¤e.be11@ei.eetbe0@nec!Prmdem. -.-- - .-..-...--. 1 8 5 1855

Tree ééeeete ebsll have the enle power to try all lmpeachments. · when sétum ter that purpcsetbey sheli been oath or a¤rme· 1 3 teen - ...-.-.. .. .-... _ ... -;...-;..‘ 6 1855 ~ When me Preédent of the United States is tried the Chief Jus- · ` sees- shell preside; end no person shell be convicted without _ me et tweexbirde of the members Present ... 1 3 6 1855 3: mel} be the indge of the electims, retprm, qualiilmtione » ee its we members ...,. · ... _ . 1 _ 5 1 1856 A me e tty shall eenetttute e quorum to do buslnm, but • .

 1   nnmher may edjeurn frm day te day, and maybe

eetbmeed te compel the attendance of absent members 1 5 1 18R it zney dwermine the rum of its pmeeedinzg, punish e, member » ie: <l er·1y behavior, and with the concurrence of two- _ chime expe e member .: .; .. .., 1 6 2 1856 it ehe1lk@}c¤r¤n10§itspr¤ceedl¤:s&¤d!r0mtimet0timc — gmblnb same, except web parte as may ln their judgment require seuecy . . ,.". .. .. 1 I 8 1856 it ebell net adjourn lermnre than three days during s melon · witnent the eeneent ci the other Home .. , .. 1 5 4 1856 Ir rney emendments to bills for reisng revenue, but E · mein b ~ ebelt cynete in the H0ueen1Repmentntivee 1 7. 1 1856 Tee Seeete sbeli r vine and consent to the ratltleetlnn of all

 nmrided twe—tb£rds M the mmhers preeent.eenmr·-‘ 2 2 2 1856

le; east; anew and eeneent to the •p$intvZnent o! embemedors, · einer white ministers end r , judges ct the Supreme Ceewt, and ntl ether e@ee¤e net mein otherwise peevided tor. 2 2 2 1856 It may be eenveaed by the President en extraordinary wee- ~ y emu- ... ., .., ;.. . 4 2 8 I 1856 No Steee, pritheut ite mneent, xml! be deprived 01 its equal · sea¤ragemtbeSenete .. , . 5 -·-· ·-·· 1858 nreezere. They shell, immediately after assembling, u®er their ’ nre; electien, be divided inte three clam eetbat the seats ol eee—ebir—n elm} become vacant et the exxraticn 01 every

  •Q9g~•q•••••Q••¤•••4•••¤i•q•p•••••Q•Q•¤Q¤DO¤I•h•Q 1 3 3  

1~$epu·m•1m1 bee&enat¤r wbceball mt betbirtygarsol age, ntne yearn aeitizen of the United Btetee, and an t habitsent ¤hmel•etede!tb¤e8tatebrvhiebhesha.l1beele¤ee¤... 1 8 3 1855 The :.1% and meener et cause; Eenetere amy be need by ». lemtemze ei e State. but Goegrm my by law mekeier Bm eueb regulations, exeept ee to the placee or I 4 1 xw I! mutex mppenknrinrtbe reeere el the legislature el • ' Sane, the executive thereet may mnke temporary eppclnv . meme new sbe next meeting ot he legleleture . .. I 3 2 1855

C TO CONSTITUTION , . I Art. Soc.C1. Pag• Senators. It vacancies b¤DD¤n the oxocutivv authority of the Smto . ° ° shall ism writs otclcction to till such vacancies; pmvided, that the legislature of any State may ompowu the executive there of to make temporary appointment·e peopkc W ml the vacancies, by election as tha k&tux·• my dimct. kxmcudmeutsj . ~ ... L -- . . ... .. 17 2 —· 1861 T ey shall ix; all mm, except treason, felony. md breach oi the · peace, be privileged from anjost during their attendance at the _ session of the Sonata and in goin: to and rctuming from the · samq-1 . - .. t - . Y . , ., - . 1 6 1 1866 Senators a¤d·R¤gms¤¤tativos shall racoin a cpmpeumtiqn to · · · be ascqtaincyd yiaw , ..., ; .. ;.z- ·1_ 5 1 13;,5 Senators and Ropresontativw shall mt be ucsticucd for any , . _spooch or debate in either House in any other plac·o--. ... 1 6 1 1856 · No Senator or R0pr¤mntativ¢·shslI,_ during the tune for which ‘ he pvas elected, lp appointed to any civil owen under tho) gutted Stgmgggg shgtlmhagro been crmted, m· othwhich the 1 moumcn s ve n ncreassmduringmc 0 2 135é 5 _ No person holding anygcmca upder the United t atas sm! bca member ot either Home during biamutinumce in omcc- 1 6 2 1855 No Scxmtor or Representative utggmcrson holding an, own ‘ ot trust p1·_pm¤t under tho. Uni Ststu shall be an otoctcr ‘ _ fm·‘Pres1do¤t and Vice-Pmsident ,-- .,...,... -- . - 2 1 2 135; Senators and Representatives shall be bound by an with cx W affirmation to su-ppqrt the Constitution . , .,,,._,,,,, , Q , , 5 -- 3 1353 N0 person shall be a Senator or Representative who, having, · as a Enders! or State umm, taken an oath to wm; tm Cmgstxtution; ittqrward €I!K8?Bd in mbclmm ag t t me :» Umtcd_Staws. [Amendments  ;-; ..,,...,.. ,--- 14 s »-· xm » But Congress may by a vote ol two-thirds of each House, remove such disabtlity. Ltmdmontsj ...,,.,.,..,,, 24 2 -—-— me { Service or labor in one State, csmptngointo another State, shall bc t _ delivered up to the gsrty to w m such stvico or labor may _ be duo. Fugitives om ..,. ,,7 ..,,.,.,,,,,,,, · .,,.,,,,,, 4 2 3 1353 t Servitude, except as s puniéhmont for crime, whereof the party shail hayo been duly convicted, shall exist in the United States or · any place subject to their jurisdiction. Neither slavery not . ~ _ involuntary [Amendments] . ; ...,.,. 13 1 -· {ma Sewuu-dc. The right of citizens of tbeilultcd Stgtcs to `votn shall ·¤0t be denie TEo United States 0: bytany State, on _/ _ 0 mcs, color, or previous condition at · [!gm¤¤dm@¤t8]-.-. ... ; . - .. ,; 15 1 ·- 136: Ship; ojwar in time or peace, without the consent o! Congress. No _ State shall kqop troops cr; . ;--;.-.‘ .. t 10 2 1852 Silver coin a tender in payment of debts. No State shalt mats anything but gold a¤d..;, . · .. 1 10 1 135*: _Sl<w¢. Neither the UnitedStates not any State shall mums or my - any debt or obligttictg incurred iu; aid of insurrection or ro · lion, or any claim for th• loss or cmmcipaticn ot any {Amend- · m •¤O••••••'•p¢¤CCI••OC¢’¢D¢¤¢•D¢••·•C•¢•¢•••rOQ¢••4••O?••¢•·§ ‘ 1 Slasery nor involumary servitude, except as a wbhment for t * tzrima, whereof the mrtg shall have been { c¤n»k*to¢1, shall exist in the United tat¤s,· or an places m ject to their _ jurisdiction. Noitm [Am¤¤d1ne¤tsl¥ .. ; .,. ;. ‘ _.- 13 ; -· 1860 Soldier; shall not be quartered, in time of pwae, in my house without the consent ot the_owrm·. [Amendments] . ----‘ . ‘ 3 ·— -=— IQ59 South Carolina entitled to five Representatives in the tirst Copgnss- 1 W2 3 1855 Speaker and other omccm. The House ot R•prwsnmtiv¤s shalt . choqss their .. , . , - 1 2 5 1855 Speech or the- pres:. · Go¤gmm`shal1 make up law abridging the . {mgm of {Amendments) . . . · . ,.- _ 1 —- - 18:59 a Speedy and public trial by 1 jury. In all criminal prosectitions the . accused shall hav; a [Amondmamts] . ;t--._ . -- 6 .— -·~ may Sumdard ofweighta and measures. Comms shall Bx the . -. A 1 _8 5 1356 State $5 the Union; The President shall; {mm time to time, gi=.·e ‘b¤¤·ess information of the—..._ . N . 2 3 ·- $8.57 Statqlegialatures, and all executive and judicial omcers qt tb; United , , States, shall take an oath to support tm Constntutxon. All ‘ ‘ members of the several . . . - .. 6 —· 3 1868 States. When vacancies hapx in the representation from any State, thepxocutivo aut ity shall issm wrius ot election to ~ ’ · {H1 such vsmncics . . ... .; 1 2 4 1855 ··Wmu vacancies happen in the representation of any State in . the Senate, the executive autbmitv Shall issue wr ts oi slec· ‘ · tion to till sugh vacancies. Mmenilmsutsl .,.. .- 17 2 -— 1861 »‘ Congcss shall hsv• power to mgulgto commerce among the - several,. ,.,,,. , , ; .,, ..  ;..--; ..., -- 1 8 3 1856 No State shall enter into my treaty, amanca, or ccntodamtion- 1 10 1 1867 · Shall not mnt lotms ot marqm and mprisaL.‘.._ . 1 10 1 IS5? Shall not com money .. ,. , , . 4 .. 1 16 1 1857 Shall not emit hills orcrqditn .. , ... , ... ,. 1 10 1 ISS? Sha.!} not mah anything but gold and sum com a tnnderm payment 01 debts ,. ’ ..., , ...,. ; . ; 1 10 I ISS? Sha! not pam auf hill 03 sttninder, at poet fam law, or law im- · pairing the obi gutten otmutzacta . .. t  ; ..,. - .,.,. 1 10 1 1857 _ Shall-not mnt any title ez! nobility . , . 1 10 I 1857 Shall not, without the cement oi any duties cm ‘ . imports or qxinrts. emetgéwhat may a · _ utely necessary - for executing ts inspec laws . .. .. .. . .. 1 10 2 1857 Shall not, without the consent of Ccnfres. lay any duty of tcmxmgo, keep trqciss or ships at war n time of enter _ into any wwmen ar emW¢t with another S te qr with _ a mmgn power, or engage in wa: uulm actually invmnd or _ - in suchimminqntdangaxaswmuot sdmitotdtlax ... 1 10 3 185· Full with and credit in OYQYY cthox Stats sha!} be mma to tha public andjudtcial cftach State"; 4 1 ·—-— 1868 Congress sh prescribe th• znnnmr at prov nz such acts. rscords, and pmcaodinv. t.; -- ... -. - . t - 4 1 -- 1858 Citizens of smh State shui! be autitbd ton!] privibgos. and immunities ni citizens in tha several States . - , ... 4 2 1 18.58 New States may be admitted by Centrum into this Um0¤_.--_. .‘ 4 S 1 1858 But no new State shall b• formal or mnctad within the gum- _ diction of another State .. - .” ‘ ‘4 3 I 18·>8 Nor any State formed by the junction of two or !q,¥m States or parts of States, without the cmnstnt ct the lozisla urns as wei! “ C° •••QOQOQQEOIIQQOIQUOQQQ!·QQQ••IQ••¤••‘•••»•••••• ‘ 3 I S