Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/190

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A §,162` T¤'T1>‘E or separate military force beyond the continental limits o; the il’11flicel’ States, one director and not exceeding two assistan`1 directors t3f·.ll111`Slllg service, all of whom shall be graduateso; h.ospital~t·raining ~_schoo1s./and shall have passed -such ilprofes _sional,— "nioral, mental, and physical examination asc shalld be prescrilécd by 1ll0i$CC1‘Q{&l’}'A of \V:tr._ {July S9, 1918, c. 143 subchapter V,§1,,·lt1"Stat.iS79._)_ p, _ _ _" »_ 1 » · ,2162. ·Appoin_tiuent and . l'€1Il0V8l.····Tll€i superintendent shall be appointed by, and, at this discretion, be_re1nored_by, the Seere tary {of War. _, All_other’ members of said‘ clbrps shall ap pointed by, and. at his "t1iscrefion,-_be Zren1o,ved`:by,` the. Sur geon General by and with the approval of the Secretary o: \Var; but the assistant superi11tenelents,i’the 1 directors, the assistant. directors. dllld ,the_ clriefinllrses Shall be'f—8DDOi¤,t€d *b1 uepromotion from other members of °the_ C01‘D8,_·8_¤d sh¤ll§ HPO! being 1§{,;il§\’9d.fl`0Il}·dUtY as S‘¤<3h..l1lll€S$ ·1‘€¤10V€d foi1‘.fU<`$0m petency or jmisconduct, revert to the grades in the corps fron which they were promoted. ( J ulr 9, 1916, tc. 143,. subchapter V

 §3,40Stat.879.)    , “   ‘    

- a 163. Rules and regulations.-e¥R1ile;s and regulations- prescrlb ° ‘ ing the duties of the members of the érniy/Nurse.‘_C0rps sllal be 'prescribed by the Surgeon`_Gene-ral of the. United State: Army, subjectto the approval of the Secretary of War. (Jul; .9, 1918, c. 143, subchapter V, § 2, 40 Stat. 879.) . ` _ 164. Relative rank of members.-—-13he members of the Arm; ·Nu1jse _Corps'i shall have frelatijve rank as@fo1lovg*s.:_'1lhe·super intemlent ·shal1yhaveVthe‘ relative rank of major; `the]assistane superintendents: director and assistant directors, the relative rank of captain; chief nurses, the relative `ranlr of first lieuten 2 ant; head nurses and nurses,.tl1e relative rank of secontlllieu » tenant; and as regards-medical and; sanitary matters and al other work within the line of their professional `duties shal , and about ini_litary hospitals nelvcuafternthe officers of the Medical Depart1nent,‘ ‘The`Secretary of .Wae shall make the .,.. uecessarylregulatious 'preséribing*~t;he·riglits··ant privileges conferred by such relative rank. (June 4, 1920, c 227, subchapter I,L§‘ 10, 41 Stat. 767.) _· a ” ‘ Chapter 8.--FINANCE DEPAR'I‘MEN'1‘.‘ ·Sec.° __ .. #1 ,111. Compositionéot Finance Department. ` 172, Dutiesof Chief of Finance. » , 173. Delegation of duties by tllsbursing‘ otllcers. ’ I _ 174. Supervision ot disbursements bypelisbursing officers. 175, Reports of inspections ot disbursements. . J 176. Right of command., V , ° _ 5· 1 — Section 171; Composition of Finance Departments-—There le hereby oreoteoa Finance 0 Departmcutf The Finance Depart ment shall consist of one Chief of,Flnane:·e with the rank oi major general, 1ll1l€t~Y·€‘l§{llt»·0111C€¥S`1ll gradesefrom colonel te second (lieutenant,-einclusive, and four e hundred and two len i listed men. (June 4,1 1920, c., 227,. subchapter I, 5 9,··41 Stat 766;,:21une 30,. 1922, c. 253, 42 Stat. 723;; Febi 24, 1925, c. 307 '4I;§Sta1.970.) ‘ ‘ ] ~ ‘— . 172. Duties of Chief of Finance,——·-?f1‘lie Chief Qof Finance under the authority of_-the .Secre·tary,¥· shall be`Acliarged$’\yitl tho _·elis1>ur_scment of 'all funds of the 'j War .I)(3[)8.l‘tlll9`llt, in cludingy the pay of the Army andthe mileage for,office,rs' ant the accounting therefor;. and with»,,such other Hscal andiac counting duties as inay be required, by law, or assigned to bin by the Secretary of War. (June -1, 1920, c. 227, Vsulichapter I ` 59,-11 Stat. 706.1 C L C ‘#` e _ 173. Delegation of duties by disbursing, olHcera.——··Undee suéhregulations asnnay be pncscrlbed by the Secretary of War ollicersf of the Finance Department, accountable for e publle C nnoneysyniay intrust niemeys to other officers for the purpose of having them make disbursements as thélr·agents,~ and? the , onicer to whom the moneysare intrusted, as well as itliehfllcee who intrusts the nioneys so him, shall be held pecuniarlly re

10.~—··4AR4lijY ° 176 . E fsponslble therefor to the United _Sta‘te‘s. .”(.lune” 4, 1920, c; {5,.: ti subchapter 1,- § 9, 41‘Stat. 766.) 1 . # ’- .. ·_ c ~ l 5 174, Supervisioxrof disbursements by disburelag .nn};;,5,-,.,__, -4 .11; Shall be the duty of the Secretary of W'tu‘__°to cause frmr,,.;·,, 3 inquiries to] be·.1nad»e·as» to“the— I1€€€€$$l.lY, economy, zxzVul"],y.,-,¤ ,, prioty ·.()f_31l;p(llsI)uY8€}lIl9l}l*S made by diSbi1r§i·ng officers ufl 1;,,: Arpyy, and asrtto thelrstrlct conformity to t.l¤ej‘lav}· a;»pr4,sp;—;,,,- g ing-`tlxe-money; also_itQ.itSCc1‘tdlll_Wllcthet the disbursing 4·,·g§3,,.;y,, » - of the Army. comply with the law lh kccpillg their ’;u·t;¢m,ne

 and making thelr_dep0sit$`; such lnquirlcsto be made lg;-'_4>:1s,·,t,»,

-a A or the inspection_Vdepartnient’,of the Army, or others tl{»z§33..,j i [ Afor that purpose: Provided, That no oH’i£;·e1‘ so- detaile<l"slmlt° g bein any lwyay connected with the department or'corps· :nn1~;i;;_; y thecdlsbursement. (Apr. 1874, c. 11_7,_§.1,' 18 Stat. 33.) . 7. · I .175. Reports: of 5 inspections of disbursements.-—The rQ»gm·r. p. or lnspections_;»t1rsuant” to section 174 of this title she-1; be 1 made out and forwarded to Congress with the annual r}·po;»( ·, of the Secretary of War.- (Apr. *20, 1874, Ic. a 117, § 2, 13 , `·Stat.33.)¢,‘ - ‘ .. f r c ‘ - p {176. Right _¤r‘“¤¤mm»na;-ontcers of the!l•"inauce liepnrfmeis 1 shall .not__ be entltled.`in‘ virtue Qofg their lranl; to couunaml in B ’ the line or inTother·sta·f£ corps. (R.`__S. Q 11*83.) t ‘ l * l Chapter 9.——CORPS QF ENGIHEERS. ru Sec. , `» 7 1 _ U it  ;— _ » 181, Composition of Corps not Engineers; organization; into tacthel ~ '_ `unlts.`_ _ .·` . · r tt 182, Ofllcers to commimo tactical uultsot Engineer Corps. g 3 183; Assignment ot officers to other than. engineer duty. ‘ L ,*184. manning and duties, of enlisted men. _ _ .1. _ · \ 185; Disbursement of appropriationsyfor work_.ln charge’ot ‘Enginee·r "_. · l odlcers.- — “P Q 4 _ _.. . " , rp l-I 186. Oillcers on. riigerfand harbor dutyl paid {romapproprlation for [__ — worklnhand._ " . . ·,·.i _ é' 187. Employment ot drattsmen, etc., lu olhce of Chief of Engineers, 0 i· 7·_Section 181. Composition of of Engineem;___;o_:;_ggn_ig;a_;.,,_, ,_ l‘fti‘¤1rilItoffRTichl uni_t"§¥iY—The ”oYéEH§n-eeprgjslnall consist ` 2. of one Chief of Engineers__yvith` the rank ot major general, one - `· Y p assistant with the frank of brigadler general, four hundred and. 7 twenty ofllcers 1¤·gm1es‘n·om colonel to seermu lleutenant, lu- <clusisfe, andflve thousand three hundred andtlftyseren enlisted — men, such. part of {whom as the President may direct being

 termed `lnto tactical units organized as hemay, prescribe. » (June- L

" 4, .1920, c.`?27, subchapter I, -§ 11, 41-Stat, 768; Tune 30; ·1922,— lc.-25,42 Stat.,723.), " __ -5 ·_ - Q _ 182. Omcers to command tactical unitsof Engineer Corpse-- 4 " Appropriate. officerslto commando thetactlcql unltsot Engiiitw S eolcliers shull_’be'det*alletl_froni= the Corps of Engineers; ‘(R. -, S.-1156;) `V _. ‘ It , _ -_ l VW { 7 183. Assignmentof omeers to .other_than engineer duty.-—¢ 5; · Ehgihccts Shall not assume norbe ordered on any duty beyon•l` . ,- theline ’ot .their immediate profession, except by the special {_ orderjof the President. ,(R.` S. § .1158.7) _ ‘ c_ ’, _,l84· Triainingfnifcl dutieaof {enlisted !i§én.···—The‘ enlisted men _·0f the Engilxeer Corpsshall_·be~_instrueted in and perform the ~, (lll§l`0S ofnsappcfs, miners, andpontonlers, and shall aid in cb":. 1 ing practical instruction— in those · branches at the Military Aw 4 l< ‘ - €lIl}'·_ They may be detailed by the Chief of Engineers to oversee 1 and- aid_,lab”orcrs upon. fortiheations and other works in (’llllii§i.‘ M of tllc‘En§il1eer· Corps, .:1nd, as fort keepers, to [)l‘0tbCt.J.`illl¢.l l‘¤‘· _'

· · pair finished fortifications. ’(R. `s.'t_11s7.) _ - C ~ . _ a

Y, 185.; Disbursement of a approprihtion ·for wjork in charg‘c cf Engineer o&‘ieersI=—·.lt·7_shull·be the duty of the engineer superiu- p r tending tllC·COI'1StlT\lG;[l0l1'0f a fortification, or engaged about tl_¤<‘; ·, execution of any other public Iwork, to disburse .the`mouc.§‘*

2 applicable to the sarne} but no. compensation shall be allowirél

e lxinrfor such disbursement. (Il. {HM.) _ .. * o A as .186..,0Eieers,on river and harbor d\lfy·_`|)Kld from ,9DD¤‘0·*~ ‘ 1} lprlation for work in hand.-¢——Ofllcers of the Corps of Ell.!§lll6l*l°*·p Q \vhen‘°01i duty ualér the Chief of Engineers, con;1ectctl_·'i=0l<‘l§'