Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1900

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§698a TITLE 5,-··—·1ZXE6'UTI VE DEPARQZMENTSAND 4 lex than dttrhve ywrs, andwho becomes eepd__rn__t_g_trom the service under the eenditiene set {wth in, this sectien shnll be entitl& to `a deferred annuity, but meh empleyee may, upon ranching the age oi dmhve years, elect to. receive an mme-‘

annuity as provided in paragraph (b) ot thli qcetion.

Should an nnnnitant unda the provislom of this section be mpnoyea in 0. poétien included in_ the provisions of this .Act,‘ orvinany otherpwtion In the G0v t mviee, the ennulty-@11 cease, and all rlghta and benehte under the pro~

 ot this secdon shall terminate from and after the date

ofsnchemployment"· __ ° _' . . ’1‘his'section Shell include former · employees within the proi vi ei<ons_of the Act or May 22, 1920," or seid Act ai amended or, _ ns extended by Executive orders, who may have beam sepvi rated from the service subsequent/w Augmt M, 192), under 1 theneonditions dedned `in this seétion: Proqidvd, Thntin thel .mee of an employee who has withdrawn his d&uctionsttrom A the " civibservice; retiremmt and disability ‘ftmd,"· such ernpieyee shall be required. to return the amonnt so withdrawn with interwt componndedon June 30 of eeeh;year_ at. the frnte ef 4 per centum per annum before ihe‘ shall be entitled to the ehenedts of this eection. (July 3, 1926, e, 801, 5 7, 44 `Stat. SM;. Bene£ts extended to those •lr&y retired.-·-—In the 4 use of those who before the eifectiye date of this; Act'. shall hnx·e’beeZn retired en annuity under the proyisiene. of the Act ot Hey 22, 192),’° or mid Act as amended, oras e%ded by Exec-I ntire ordas, the agwulty shall be computed, ·adj , and paid imder the provisiensof this Act} but this Act mall notgbe so eoe@ed as to reduce the annuity ot any»;¤·sonretired more its edective date, nor any increase in annuity commence hefere etfeetive date; (July 3, 19%, e. @1, S 8. 44 Stat. mg`) See `teotnote to this chapter. J .1 _ wh. &·edit for past serviee.——Beginning with- the edective date of thié Act} all employees who maybe brought then or thereetter within. purvieyv. ot tm get by legislntive ment, or by appointment, or throna da tion, or by trau- _ ter, er relnstetengent, or Executive order, or otherwlae, gshnll be ’ required to deposit with the Tx·@.s»nrer·» ot the United Btstté tn

 the wedit di the “civfil-service   and dmbllit¥   ""

arnm eqtm1(_to;2$5 per oentnxn of the mployge’s;_b¤ei¢

 pay, er- eompeéhtion received for eerviees   other July

31, 3% and prior to the etectiyojdate not @s Lot" also

   bnslebelniy, gay, or  

servtm after the edective of th1f”"Act,‘ wvith interm atthe. intent 4 per

 an Jnne 30 of eseh   year, but   intzre¢_

hhnll not M for periodduring yh@· tho employee wins eetmetea from the eemlee., f UDQB makin: meh depodt the egpleym be mtitled to ewdif for the period or of serviee i~nrels$ed:_·Prov€dod,' That failure to make sueh depodt shell not deprive the employee of credit fdr any service rendered prwr to,August°1,_ 19®, to which he or she UWM " otherwise heentitlme (Jnly_·3, 19%,11; 801, §-~9, 4·4;Stat. 910.) · See tqetnete to this chapter., W, · n ' " _ 79%. andldonatiem.-é-·Begln¤ing as otfiuly 1, 1926, there shall be deducted and withheld from the bade enlnry, hey, er compensation ot each emloyee to whom this "Act‘,eppliee a sum equal to 31/€;‘»per eentnm of meh ee . ; oyee’e, ,~bneie`selery, pay, or The aodedncted

 emmezo from me mm muy, my, . or conapmxtion or

3 euctiempleyee shall, in accordance with `snch procedure as may be Qprmibd by the Codptroller Gmral of the · United Stntm, be depmlted in the Treamry oi°tm·I}nited Btateato mwdit ‘;"Act" should be translated t‘¢•ptcr." t _ J _' -=·•ac: or May 22, 1920, with S constitute this glupter or the Code. ‘ · ‘ ;, · ‘

GOVERNMENT OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 1836 · _ .4. of the “ dvllaervioe retirement am wbllity fund " by the Act ot lay R, 1920} and aid mud is hereby ‘a¤propriand for the ¤¢J'@t otsnnultiee, and allownm as pmvzid&ln’thIsAct.' Q f — —" e The of the_’I‘ymsnry is hmeby authorised end empowwed in carrying out the prowldom ot thblctto supple. ment the individual . contrlbndons of employees moneys . received in the form of [donations, gifts, lepcles, or bequests, or otherwise, and to receive, deposit, and invm for the pmpom of this Act} all moneys which my be eontrleuted by private individuals or corporations or organizations for the benent of eivlbservlce employees -4 · ' · Every exnployee comix; within the provisions of this *Act’ shell be deemed- to consent and agree. to the 6eG¤e§ons free} salary. my, of compensation as provided berm, and passes; less such deductions Qellbe ss, full end completediseherge am _ ncqulttence ot all claims end demands whatsoever for all regs. _ lar services rendered by such employee during the period covered by such payment, except the right to the hemts to which he be entitled und: ie provisions Ac-si

 the. prov@ns ot sectlm 161, 1Q, and‘1m“ _ ·

pf the Statutes ot the United and oi eny other law, rule,.or regulation atom the salary. DU, or_empem==a· tion of any person orpeesous eheployed in we elvll_service ts - whom this Act applies. {,Qluly3, 1%, c. GH, S 10, 44_ Stat. 9111. ; ' Seefootnotejo thisychaptert . I _ \ · I { 781n. Inresthqts aeeount;··—-»The Secretary —ot the --'l.‘reasutry shell lnveslrtrom tim roam, in lnteresbbwries securities oi the United State or Federal such ` portlms-or the f‘-dvi!-eehiee retl t and dl ty t@d'“' ·asinhisjud t_haynotbel1n telyrequH·edforthe Piymmlt ot illowanoes l$'0· t &®·&·lnipsmm¤ehnllco¤- atltute a put ot said fund {ortho purpose efpaym annuities and ot carrying out provision! 12 of this Act? _The Comptroller shall estnblleh and mmtnin an r account éowing the ennual oi the Government under this,Ad,fandshallkeepsuchotheriecountsesmaybedemcd neeesssry iw a properadminlstration of the Act.'·` (July `3. `IMB, e. &1,_§i 11, 44_§tt¢, 910.) ’ ‘ ~ _ ‘s•e latnete to we meter. _ __ if- 7G2•.` of salaries.--Qln the » » cme or any use neu epmee iho) mln be

 to e   the   of the Act} or

who shall becm absoluwy separated {rm the service before becomm eligible mi- retirehent on annuity, the tmlinmount or deductions of salary; D8!. or compensation ‘ heretdore or hereafter made with soaued interest commted at the rate of 4 per; centuh annum. éémpounded on Juneled otgeach decal yenr, shall be returned to mh employee: Proetded, That all money i c so returned to an employee must, reln¤atemeut,_retrensfer,_ · or rehppolntment ·t6‘ e `posltion comlngqvlthln the purview of this Act} be redepoeited with interest such employeemay ( derive anylbeneutsundl this Act} except es provided ln this section, butlntereet sho 1 not bereouired ceverlng any period of separation from the ` . * » 1 The Coxmnlssioner of Pensions, with the inpproval of the Secretary of the Interioxgushnll wtnbllsll rules and regulations tor. ~ Ycreditim and reporting deductions and for comvputlng_;lnterest_ shereunder. _· `· ; ~ __ _ -In case an annfuitnnt shall die without hating received in ‘ nnnultles an amount equal to. the total amount of deductions · ••*A&:t*’ ahonlosm translated •• enapterr y · _ _ FAN oi Kt! 22, 13%, wi‘th_amendntents, le this chapter of Title 5 p of the Code, which ie here nmended. · _ " . FR. 8. pc. loueousnmtee 5 43 or Title :s_ or the moe. ‘ » P "8ection 12 ot this Act " should he transgiutcd ‘* section 702s ot tl•ls_A .ehnpter." e c . -