Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1924

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§1]21g~l Tzma 10 `ami éisdwiue bi the academy, tvbe studim1s,· and to givepitheip utmost ‘e¤¤rts to accomplish the www in the various de» @tmmts of iuwwzcticn, and thagtiié said Siamesé stibjéctsl shui gat be adéitmd to the néadmy until they shall have passed the me12tql,.nHd_phy§c§1é_ examiimtiang prescribed, my céadidatas mm the United Stiates, aizd may théy shall bé“ . immedi®t=ély withdmwh if deiiciexat XP Studies or in cgonduct ~ and se mccuimeadeé by the’ Awdemh B@ : 4m! pmvided isrthex, Thatin the case·¤£~1;he-mid Siamese subjectéthe pro- · visians vw secti<ms¢1320Za.¤d 1321 of the Revised¤§es‘ shall" be suspended. (Joint Resoluizicn July 3, 192B,_`44 Stat. 914.) , / Q 7 Kew smxau; ; · ‘_4 N PRGPEBTY, BUILDINGS; AND *GBOUNDS{ 132la. 'I'ra¤.sfer éf surblus and wais,-——T11e §ec1j<¥ téry at Wa: is hereby Qi1iectécLt0 tum.0vex·_t0 t.he‘United States Mimgry Academy witheaixt expense all such surplus material gs Vmay be available and `¤ecessary_ fo1°_·thB’ ccixstruction of fbuildisgs; a1s¤`st1.rplu s tools xnud material xjequired ton; 1186 the i¤si:ruct.i<>¤<>i cadets at the academi; (Apt. 15, 1926. lc; MS, Title I, 44 Stat. 281.) " ( 4 ·· ‘

 = Ngw section.   ‘ __ _ _

I PAY AND·`A;LLOWANCES@`_ _ .  » . 1133a; Amy o&c¤r,se¤·in§ as pmfm·¤r;—¢Any omcer of tbé Bnimd States Aimy new holding the position of permanent professor at the United States Military Academy, and who on ' V iaiy 2, 1921, would have become enfitled fn-» his PIOIFIOHOD to pa mmneicy had he In the line of tlgé Army md who on that date had~c¤mp1e§eil more Quan three yéars’ duty as ‘perma· " Bw: pmiassqr, shall have the rank; pay, had illcwauccs ot ar mime! is the Army, and that the lhhid rank "shpll dgie from July 2, 1921; Pmvidéd., Thdt no back, pay andhllowanccs prior " tc me passage ct this Act shalt accrue. · (Apr. 27; @926, c. ‘ 192, 44 sm. 328.); , V -;’ ‘ · Ney section.: _ Q 1138. Qinrters, fuel, light fof ciiilign inst;·¤ctm·s;` .¥ E. Sasha 1133 §!·‘l‘t¤• il np¢it¤I.—-—Thc statutory provision constk timing § 1138 at Title 10 of the Codwhas been repeafndiin Act ot Apr. 15,-192Q, c. 146, *1•1i;1e 1, 44 Stat. 380; , _ » · 1145, iiesve df sbsmce. tg constrpcting quirtefmgstcrl 2 1145 •! Tim 16 repented.--·-·Tha stafgxztory prcviéiou coxistl- E turing } 1145 at 'Pitie 10 of the Code has béén repeated in Act of Ap:. 15, 1926, c. 14$, Title 1, 44, Stat. 281. H Chapter 29.-~S`UPPLIES, STORES, AND SERVICE; PBOCUYELLAENT OF STGBE8, BUPBL1ES, AND SERVERS ` Sec.; g ” · » ’ , "1%9. &é§a¤kc_¤! _Ui1§€;i"`YiCEé.b1Q ammunitiim. {New.] , 1216.. Bcc1@tion cfmzservicéable ammmxitiém. [Nev?.] _ A . MISCELLEANEGUS paovxsxcms " , 1318. mcisumgeéexat ci pueeding of barges {dr Army. ‘ PROCIERQEMENT GF STORES, SUPPLIES, AND SERVICES 1289} kzhange df ,sm§erviéc§ble's1sm1¤niti0¤.—+The Secfxietary of War is hereby authorized to qchange deteriorated ‘ and umsezwiceablg Ammunition and components · there0t · for muaimm ar components thereof in condition for immediate use. (Jxmé’1,19%, c. 435, § 1, 44 Stat. 680.) _ ’ · 4 New Sediitm. _ i ·' W .W 1219. Reclamation of nmservitéablc 8mm\H\i[i0}1.·¥ThO Seem? tary at \¥'ai· is authorized, by contract or cith’crxvisc·, t0`reclaim‘; `by ragworking, reconditioning, of otherwise Zzmsérting mtu is-W abie iorm, eithér ixiccmplete rounds or in serhcégble compmi- _` ems, smeh éeteximrategtl and miserviceable am_mu§itio'i1 and V `xompqmnis. thereof 8.Sf it may rmt be advisable to have sd A f";S<;·gti¤n¤ 1320 and 1321 at the Re·g·ise:·d S'w.tuté.s" should be {mugs iaterdg " swxions 1t}1}Q“zmd 1101 of this title? ~

··*··AVR¥Y · 1910 exchangqd,’ md ·to·F§ay either the whole} 01'_`$.1't or me {mt thereof through the exchange ofdetéri¤ratéd mid unservitéeablé compdngéxxts- not dé§sired,to.rctai¤.* (June 1, 1926, c.t435,· § 2, »4i1Stat.680.) - ~ ‘  » Q ~ i,/New·gact§on._,__ A A " / — __ BHSCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS _ , `M 1318. Encoumgemmt of bregding of fa? Amy. _ E Iseetim 1:1s at Tit}; QI stgtutary pmviéan imnsu. tuting 9 1318 or *1‘it1e~ 10 artnet Code hu béen l‘€§€8t6d€.i¤ Ae: _ ¤t.Ap¤-1;,/15, 1926, e; 146, 'ifiue I; 44 stat; 283: . ;, l . , Chapter `30.—-MILITARY POSTS . AND QUAR-/' ·;TEBS AND QBARRACKS.; TRAINING STKTIONS. t 1351. Ealqgmeéts fg: gas; nam, and gave: pipgelltnes; ccizditiéng muah ment; report. {New.} . · , ‘ ’ 1352. Bikhtfto a1ter,~amcnd,Kp;· repeal reserved. [Neg;} ' l351. Ehsemepts/[ tféi gas, jute: tllial sewer pipé Bum; umdit-ion; Tsgmulméuts;. repm·t.—The= Secretary of Wax- isi -t hereby authorized hud empovmwd, under such terms and canditions as are degemed advisable by him, to grant easémchts for rights of way jqver, acrdss, iii, and; won public militaxfytreservgtions and other lands undér his bonltmlg for ggs, watery and sewer pipe lines, to;any `citizen, dssociatiomf 0”1' éarporaticn Moi, guiy State, Territory, ar `ppsscssibn at the United States: Pm- vided, ‘ Thgt such rights of t way shall be granted only upon a m§di11g»by·the Secretary of Wm: that the samevwili be in th? phblicg iuterwt and wilfizot stxbstaptially iniuré the idterast at t1ie»—United.Stat@ in they property atected thereby: fzirther, That all o1·_ any pqrt A0! suéhdrights ci way may be A anmnlhed and forfeited by the'Secretary 'ot War fét failure to cqmply with the terms or conditions og! my grant hereunder pr — for qoxmse 'or Io; abandonment cit rights under the guthority `hereot E And prbvided farther, That the. Secretary of War shalleinclude iri his ammal reppirt to t}1€·PK'®id8Bt a ttm and .c0mpIcte’_ statement of each. and all easements ,grgugéd, which statement sliall also inclnde the rming and nddre®`i<>·i’ the grantee, the purpose ot the graiszt; audi thé bemms accruing tp the United States brto the public therefrom. (May 17,‘19%Q c. 313,. § 1; 44 Stat; 5*32.)Q ” · . t ` T Bewpecticzn.- · .` _ _ _ _ _ _1352.i Right .t¤ hltcr; qménd or repeal rescrved.——’1‘§e right to alter, amend, or gepeql this Act ‘— is hereby exprwsly reéérvesl. (Maj/17, 1926, c. 313, § 2,_ 44- Stdt. 562) W ·~ ’ _ - _ New section, ‘ “ ~Chapte1·,32,——UNI~FoRM OF ARMY; t · 1393. -Pr0tecti¢¤* of X the r1¤if¤i·¤L—-—-It shall be tunlawtul ic; any péfscin n¤t“’an :3Qct-sr dr énlistcd msg: at the United States Armyt Navy; dr Mating Corps; to wear `the duly préscribcd uniform qt the United States Army, Navy, ur Maxine or any distinctive putt of such uniform, on a· unifmrm any but tot which is similar tg a disttuctiée part of the duly uniform bf,. the United ~Statea’ Army, Navy, or Muigiée __C0rps: Provided, Ihat the I regoing pro/vision Shall not be constiluedf so as to prevent 0mc%¤, or enlisted inéxi of the Natienal Guard from W&B§'ii1g,- hi purs “ tmceot mw and mgulaticxzts, the uniform lawfully prescribed to lgietwom by suéh smears or enlisted men of the National ‘Guzu·.d‘; nor to prevent members ot the orgmizatiem known as `thé Bay Scouts of America, or thejNava,1»Militia,.0r» sinch other _0‘:·ganizuti0tns as the Smretary of War may désiguate," from'W@a1*ing“ their prescribed uniforms.; um: té prevent persons who in time of war havggseiveil hcmcmbly hs cmcers bt the t Unitedu States Army, Navy; or Marine Cctps, Regular or '\’chmtegzr, audwhose most rece;1t.serx·ié;e was terminated by an horrorable ¥1ischarge,;mustm· uutwor resignatiént fmgn wesgripg, upon M { ‘*.Tha teferencc is to the mst scgticn of the Act Appearing as section 1200 ofwthih title ixfthe &ppem}iX. . · t

 **Thc texttwas sec. 2 of the Act of May 17, 1926, sec. 13§1» of i-bi!

title in thi: appendix being svc. 1; Q.