Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1951

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»]Q37 < “TITLE 16.-—GO by the National `Pgrk Service slxall M, for the said Mammoth ‘ Cave National Paik, twenty thousand acrés, ixicluding all of the caves: farther; That no general development of `said awa shall beundertakenl until a major porticix of the remainder in such arw · shall have been accepted by said Secregmy. (May 25, 19%,4:..382, §° 3, -14 Stat. 636.) . »_z·{ew¤ecti¤¤,· ·,. · _ 494c. Use of existing cammissiou.—Thet‘Secretary of the In- ` tericr may, for the purpose of cxrrying `cut jthe prdvlsions of this Act; émpléy the commission authorized by the Act ap- _` pmved`Febma{y 21, 19%.“ {May 25, 1926,‘c.' 382, §,4, 44 Stat; Neg section. . _. 1 —C00s QOUmY, -0¤EcqN. °[Néw]` 495. Rw¤rvati 0¤.f¤r pirk had camp sites.?-That the uortlxéast _ quarter northwest quarter, lot 1, segétiou 7, t0wxiShip 28 sdtnth, s range 9 west, the southwest quarter northeast quarter;. north half. scuthwst, quarter, section 5, township 21 south, rqngc. 11 west, the west half muthwast quartéiksecticm 5, the south. halt zmgthwex 'qusrtexi éectian 11, township 28L soutlz, range -11· westjth smztb, half wutl1easfquartei· and msthalt southwest qusxter,B§a¢¤u¤ _35, totinéhhé ,27 smith, rake 12 · west, Wil· _ lamettg Meridiaxt.- Cécg Gmmty; oreg¤n,'fo1‘mex·1y a part of the Coos Bay military wagon road grant, subject to- valid existing l rights and is to lands withdrgnwp {qt water power. purposes tc alt the prcvisiém of the Federal Water power Act of Junéa 10, 19m (Forty-Mgt _ Statutes at Large; page-10&),“ and to the cutting rempval of thef merchahtable timber on. the mrthast quarter southwest quarte·r;_ section ;"35,i township ‘ 27 n swath, mam 12 west, purs1;a¤t_ to A `salc thereof heretofore I made; be, and the hereby aré,· reserved and set apart as public park and camp sites for recreational purposes gud to ‘ pxmérva { tlge rare gxbvu of myrtle trees thereon} such lands to be mage: the ate, ccptrol, and management of the émmty » court of · County, Oregon, in· accordance with ·su<;h ‘ rulw land @lati0¤s_ as the ·Secretary of the Interior may‘·prc· 1{cribe: That all; the expense of such care, c0nt1·0l,_ » · and management Shall be paid by the said county court,. .(M¤y` 5, 19%, c. 241, { 1, 44 Stat. 397.) · _ ‘ 4 _ ,_%“Ncw béztion. _ 1 . Rules md renlgtioing f¢$.-—-Thenaid county court. @§y°h1q,_ke ¤e~c&@ rules and regulations —govern1ug the use oft t mich lands and may charge such reasonable . ima as may be ~` awww to provide funds for the upkeep, mare, null protection t ct such. resuved lands and the" myrtle tram thereon, the said · rcgulatiotts mad tees chaxmble to be approved bg; the $e¢re· 14 _ tary ct xhé Iutcdcr before becoming’ (Hay 5, 1926, < tc. 241, e 2, 44 smc. 398;} S * ~ New. sectmé. _ THE NATIONAL MILITARY PARKS t , __ . ‘ 422. Mmm Qeck Nstimul Militgry -l’fq.ntk; cst§blishment.—-;- I:} order to p1~%ve tos: h·istcrical_ mad pmtxsionql military 1 study one at want mmmréblé battles Gf the Re¤·’¤l¤fi¤¤&1'Y 1 Wuxi the battle Qcld of Hamm Creek, in the Stgte of North 1 Gamltng, is hereby decland to UB QQ hhtimlal ·mi1itnry park 1 · whenever the title to the mmé shall hate. hwg acquired by the ‘ U¤1ted Stataftlmt is to Bay. the atgatiuclcsed by the following

 tracts or parkzelsl ot land in the county at Pauder, and °

= State at Nami more particulhxly www as £0ll<>ws': : Fimt tract:* at a stcmlat the mn at Moores Creek.1 1 on mt bank at same, 8b0¥1$ twenty pales (in a straight I

      • 1*he Act ct Jam 16; X192O, referred ta in the text, mnstltutct y

QI 791 to 8% of thk title in the Cadiz. _ V " w ,~ ”A tempcnry Act (43 Stat, 856) not gutted mm the G¤de,_ provid- _1 ing ta: tl mmmtission ta . impact the bnttlc ground of the amt of Petersbmg, Va. ~ ·` ‘ ' sczjcty-526-—122 `

wszmyarroy §422b K `llne)"above.the new iron abrldgej and rnnning thence parallel. to ·William‘ Walkers ·line,*sonth ~sixtY·two, and one·half degrees, west eleven chains to a stake; thence soirth seven and onehalf degrees east three and six-tenths chains to a stone at the south edge of the old stage road; thence along the south edge of said road south forty-six dégfees east about dye chains and eighty links to a stone; thence south thirty-seven and one-fourth dogrees West fourteen chains and- twelve links to a stone; thence north sixtyjtyvoj and one-half degrees west ten chains and sev- ’ ·enty-Eve links to a. stone, .a corner (4) of an eighbaore tract_ which the parties of the first part conveyed to Governor D. L.? Russell, for the purposes aforesaid, by a deed dated January, 1898, and A recorded in Ponder County; thence with the lines or _ said tract north thirty-nine and one·half degrees east thirteen chains and twentyyseven links to a stake, the third corner of the said eig~ht·acre tractj thence north §fty;one degrees west font chains to a stake about twenty yfeet from the old, entrenchnzentl r(the"second corner of the eight-acre tract) ; thence with the nrnt line reversed-. north Iorty·£onr degrees west- two chains to n sweet gum at the arnn ot .Moor¤_,Creek (the drst corner ot the · eigllbacre tract) ; thence up and with the ron of mid creek to the 'drst station, containing twenty acrw. _ · — · Second tract: Beginning at a sweet gum on the eastern edge of Moores Greek, running thence south, £orty-fonr degrees east two poles to a stake; thence south `dtty-one degrees east ionr _ pblea live links to a stake ;· thence south lthirtynine degren 8 west thirteen, poles twentyseyen links to a stake; thence north ilttyione dwrees, wut nine poles thirty-one links to a stake in the edge of Moores Creek.; . thence northerly with the creek to the beginning, 'containing eight acres, rnoreor lens. Y , » t ” Third tract: Beginning at agcyprws on the edge ot the ran of Moores Cre& about twenty feet trorn the west end of the - old entrenchments and running thence in a line parallel to and § ten rect distance from the outside or east edge of the old lm oi entrenchments ln all the. varlons, courses of the same `to si stake ten feet distant on the east side of the north ot mid entrenchments}; thence a direct line to the rnn ot said Eoorea e Qreek; thence down 5 said creek to the beginning, containing two acres, bethe same there or lem (the intention lsto lnclndealla lands now known and designated as Moores Greek hattledeld and now- so recognlzedcasfsuch and owned by the State of North Carolina), together the privileges and appnrtenances thereunto belonging. , a ,- _ ° . 8 ` The aforesaid, tracts of land containing in the `aggregate thirty acres, more or less, and being the property of the State of North Carolina, and theearea thus lhclosed shall be known as the Moores Ow National Military {Park, (June 2, 1928, c. 448, § 1, 44 Stat. 684.) _ ~ ‘- New section. __ _ I . Q 422a. Control by Secretary of War; acceptance of lmds.-—-— ` The establishment of the Moores Creek National Military Park shall he carried forward under the control and direction ot the Secretary -ot War, who is hereby authorized to receive, from the State ot North Carolina a deed of conveyance to the United States cot all the lands belonging to the said State, embracing S thirty acres, more or less, and described more mrtlcnlarly in the preceding section. (June 2, 1926, tc;448,!§ 2, 44 Stat. 685.). " New section. _" l _ jr " _ . b l n g .4221:. Duties of Secretary of War.-—-The adaira oi the Moorm Greek National Military Park shall m subject to the supervision and direction of the Secretaryot lWar, and it shall be the duty of the War Department, under the direction! of the Secretary of War, to open or repair such roads asia may be necessary to the purposes of the park, and to ascertain and ` anark with historical tablets or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determine, allltnes of battle ot the hgoops engaged in . che Battle ot Moorm Creek, and other historical points ot ~ in-

erest’ pertaining to the battle within the or- its vicinity;