Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1959

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1945 TITLE 18.-QCRIMINAL CODE . TITLE ·18.——CRIMINAL CODE Q PART 1.--CRIMES. Chapter$4.4—OFFENSES AGAINST OPERATIONS OF GOV- ERNMENT. `C I · ‘ · -. Sec. - 1 _ X e _ . _ _ A mss. Coal 1and·of United States: trespass: penalty. [New.] ._ 1031;. lgxisting rights; no interference. [New.] z _ » .103a. Coal land of _-United States; trespass; penalty.-—Thatit shall be unlawful to mine andiremove coal of any character, whether anthracite, bituminous, or lignite, from beds or deposits . in lands of the United States, or in deposits or beds reseryed to the United States, with the intent wrongfully to‘·approp.riate,f e ,$l, or dispose of the same, and every person who shall violate 4 anyof the provisions of this Act? shall be deemed guilty or 'misdexneanor and tlned not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both} (J§1y_3, 1926, ·c. 780, 5, 1, 44 Stat.891.) _ " · * · · New seetion. _ _ _ ‘ The Act of July s, 1926,. c. 780, 44 Stat. 891, clted to the text, was entitled, “An Act to detlne. trespass on coal lands of the United States and to provide a penalty therefor." `It contained two motions which constitute H _103a, 103b of this title of the appendix. I ’ · , _ . ’ ·. 103b. Existing rights; no interference.--·Nothlng in this Act}- however, shall interfere with any right or privilege conferred by existing laws of the United States, (July 3, 1926, c. 780, `§‘ 2, 44 Stat. 891.) - » ' News section. _ 5 · See note to S 103a of this title of the appendix. _ _ Chapter 5.-OFFENSES RELATING TO OFFICIAL DUTIES., ` 216. Disclosing, operations of manufacturers, and income- K tax returns.-5It shall be unlawful forany collector, deputy collector, agent, clerk, or other omcer or employee of the United States to divulge or to make. known ln any manner whatever not provldw by law sto any' person the operations; style of _ work, or apparatus of any manufacturer or producer l visited by him in the discharge of his omclal duties, or the amount or source of Income, profits, losses, expenditures, or any parwticular thereof, set forth or disclosed ln any Income return, or to permit any income return or copy thereof or- any book containing any abstract or particulars thereof to be seen or examined by. any person except as provided by law; and it shall be unlawful for any person to print or publish in any manner whatever not provided bylaw any income return, or any part thereof or source of income, proilts, losses, or exi penditures appearing in any income return; and any 0Eense against the forwoing proylsion shall be a' misdemeanor and be punished by a dne . not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, _ or both, at the discretion of- the court; and if the omender be an · omcer or employee of the lllnlted Statm he shall be dismissed from omcei or discharged from emplxment. (R. S. $3167, amended, Aug. 27, 1894, `<2. 349, _§ 34, Stat.~557, Oct. 3, 1913, c. _16, { II, I, 38·Stat. 177, Sept. 8, 1916, c. 463, § *16, W Stat. 773, Feb. 24, 1919, c. ‘18,‘ § 1317, 40 Stat. 1146, reenacted, Nov. 23, 1921, c. 136, § 1311, 42 Stat. 311, June 2, 1924, 4,:01 p. m., c. @4, -§ 1018,,43 Stat.345, and Feb. %,.1926, c.’ 27, { 1115, 44 Stat. 117.) _ '“ Sectlnl 214 of 'fltk is repeals! •ad r••ns•:t••l.·—-‘1‘he statute constituting section 216 of Title 18, “Criminal Code und, Criminal fro- · ecdune," was repealed by Act of. Feb. 26,51926, c. 27, Q 1200, 44 '

  • “Aet" should he translated “ this section and section 103b."
  • "Act ".shonld_ be"translated‘·‘· this section and section 103a." ‘


  • , Stat. 125, `to take effect hs of that date. The subject matter nt;

the repealed statutg was reenacted-lin svc-tion. 111.5 at sa1id_ Act aud_c0'nStitutes the text. _This provision is also seiwiut again in .secti0¤·1025 of _Tltle 26, in the appendix. . Chapter 8.->OFFENSES AGAINST POSTAL SERVICES. ~ 349. (frimingl Codg, section 220.) Ccumterfeiting foreign stamps.——·Wh0ever‘ shall forge, or counterfeit, or knowingly utter _0r usc·~a1iy forged or counterfeit postage stamp or revenue · ‘ stamp ot any foreign gorcmmepf shéllnbe fined not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than tive- yeh rs, or both: Provided, however, That nothing in this—.Act.‘ shall be held. to repml or `· ‘ modify an Act? entitled "Au Act to allow the printing·r Iishing of illustrations of -fm·eign postage and revenue stamps' from defaccd plates/’ approved Mart·h‘ 3, 1923. . (R.' S. § March ¢, 1909,rc._-32l,’§ 220, 35 Stat, 1132; May 26, 1926, 0. 396; 44 Stat. 653.) ° I I . Section 349 gf. ’lTitle_l8 amended.-—T”hé provisions of Act of Mar. 4,' . 1909, c. a321Q. §_ 220, 35- Stat. 1132,* gonstituting 5 A349 of Title 18 of the Code, have been amended by Act of May {L6, 1926. c. 396, 44 Stat. 653, to! read `as dlgove. ·'1‘he amendment —ius2>rtc·d the words _‘°‘0r x·ex*e·nuc_stamp " in the first paragraph, uml added J the proviso at the end thereof, __ V " . ·. Act of Mar. 3, 1923, mentioned in the tgxt constitutes § 350 of Title 18 of ihe_Codel ‘ . PART 2.q——CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Chapter 16.-—LIMI'l`ATIONS. _5$5. Crimes under internal revenue laws. - 586. Same-;-prosecutions instituted prior to aimcmlnwnt of precvdixv; , v goctiou. · ` ‘ · . . *3 . 585. Crimes under internal revenue laws.---Xl}. persqn shall · be prosécuted. tried. or punished for guy of the rnrionm 0¤‘ens·=es arising under theiuternal revenué.l;xws.· of the United States. unless the indictment is found or the infmjmation `instituted within three years- next after the c0mmi&¤iuu of the oiieusez _Pr0vi{led, That for offenses involving they alefngmding or attempting to defraud the tllnltcd States or any agency tlxeréoff évwhether by cbnspiracy or not, {and in any manner, the period of limitation shall be - six years, but this proviso shall not apply ~t0 acts, offenses, br transactions which were ibarred by lawut the tixjxe of the enactment of the Revenue Act of 1924 : ‘ 'Pmvided further, Thtlt the time during .wblc·h‘the person mm- _ mittlxig the Votlcnse is abscntxfrom the district wherein tm? same is committed shall not-he takbn as any part of the time limited by lair for they commencement of such proceedings: Provided further, That 'the provisions of this Act' shall not apply to omenses corumitted prior to its psissage`: Progrzkled further, Thafwhére a complaint shall be instituted befdrc a cm.u— mimionerl of the United States within the periodnmve limited. the time- sballgbe. extended until the discharge of thé grand jurk at its iiext session within the district: And pmvided fu_g~· ether, Thatthis -Act’_slmll not apply to offenses yommitted by l omccrs of the United States. (July .5; 1884, 0. 225,. § 1. 23 Stat. .122, amerlded; Nov: 23, 1921,°_c. 136, § 1321(:1). 42 Stat. 315, June 2, 1924, 4.:01 p. m., c.·23¥i, S 1010(a.), -13 Stat. 3511. and Feb..26, 1926, —c. 27, §`1110(a)-, 44 Stat. 115.) · _ ’ 885 $fA’l’itlA 1; rép¤¢¢ted.·-·-—Thé ntatutori provision coustltutlng § 585 cit Tltle;IS ot the Code was reenacted without change by Act Feb. 28, 1926, c. 27, 9 1110 (al. 44 Stat. 114, It · is set out as réemicted in the text. _ ~

  • "Act*’_slml1ld be translated "s¢·ccio¤." _

•"Act" should be translated " qeéticm 2:50 of this;title." " *1*he llereuue Act; of 1924 was ehacted June 2, 192+1.