Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/199

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2,45. Y TITLE 10, gw, :_,— ,,_ n;;titn;:fl emergen<’·f· expressly declared hy Congress no i vi_;;,Q··;iét shall who ol‘<i<*lfe#l lo active duty in excess oi? the num-» Q ,5,,. ,..».,·mir;sil»lepointer appropriations-_inznie for ltliissiieeititez gm, ,,,,,.. fm u {trigger ppriori ’than fifteen nays in any one i __,,,_,,.lm· }i_§_'2il`_“°it!hUut‘ his own consent. (June 4, 1920, e, 22'it _,,;e¢,;e;;»zt·n· I, §.2:l5, 41 Sta_t._’2’S0,) _ _ _ — · 437, Ptiy, and alloivances on active d,nty;———W1nle_ on active · {lvm; »~gi[·;n1>t·1‘s of tlie Plnlistetl Reserve Corps shall receive the, _,,,,,.. `;et;,· and nlH>u‘aru·es other ‘Ol1HSI€l'I_Ill€Il of like Jgraaes· ,,,.z §··§§1fiiI of >it‘I`\`l`¢‘*i‘· · ·(Jl1l1¢-B 4, 1920, (:/227, subchapter I,‘ $3, §l:Stnt. TSO.) ‘ [ ‘ `_ MlLl•i*A1{§€ TRAIQNING CAMPS .1 tl. Reserve 0tIicers’ Training COKDS camps.—¥—The Secretary- V o1`»u‘;t :1 is hereby autlnoriaeel-'to maintain camps for the further _ 4]tr:n»1it·:il instruction` of the mem°hers_ of the. Iteserre. ()iifieers°. .*l‘¤·;Qinin: (‘orp_s, no such ramps to b9`li1{liiIlt8iIl€d for a longer _ _' l,.S;·1ot1 i than six l weeks in any one-_"year, except - in time not _ ‘ `,,,·nnt1 or tlireatenell hostilities; to transport members of such _`{, ,·,.,·ps to and from such ramps at the expense of the United ·*st¤n·s so for as appropriations will permit,-to' snbsist them . at the enpense of the United Statesrwlxile. traveling to arid

 ·‘ym;t sneh ‘t#zntna and wvhile remaining therein so `far as ap{

nropriaztions will permit,] or in.lieu¤0f” transporting them to nin! irony such, ramps and sulisisting them while en iroute, fu pur them travel allowances at_theQ rate of 5 cents per mile l no- t‘l¤e·¢listanee` by the shortestusually traveled-monte from i who pln¢·es._t‘ro1n which they are anthorized_ to proceed to the _“t·;nnp anti for tll(}Ji'0t\lI'·|l·t!°H.\'€1 thereto; and to make the pay- ntelnt aol travel ailou*ant·es for the return j_o¤i-nay, in-·ndvanée· (af·illl•`ti(‘i;ll!ll,]l€l‘fUI'lll!lllt,i£$_'0[ the same, and to atimtssxonito military ’_ hospitals at such: eaxnps. andi to"furnish‘n1edla,·al' at- \ 1 n·ntl;nn·e and supplies; ito use thetroops not tlnelliegular Army, uml sueli (internment property asihe may/deem necessary, —f·»1‘ the military training of the members of such corps while in antetnlanee at sueh camps; and't0 preséribe regulations for

 tlnvtrovernment- of such;¢;·nn1ps.` (June 4, 1920, c. 227, sub-

I (‘il2l}k!(,’1i I, 5 34, 41 Stat. ,778.) Q A v_ . ‘ i · `ll " 5 H2. Ciyilian military, training camps.-#—‘1`he· Secretary ot- \\':n· is autfhorizegl to mainta`in,·*upon military reservation,,s¢•orQ_° `elss-wlaere, scliooclsnor campsj°1’or the mllitary»_inistruction'. and-Q trgtinizna. with a view to their appointment as resgrvel officers or nt»nt-oxnmissioned officers,. of such Kwarrunt omcersn enlisted " 1¤n_·¤1.,:x1td civilians as may he selected upon their own applicatinni to use forrthe purpose of maintaining said-camps and

 i~ntp;•n·t, in":: nnilitary ainrnntiou and trainlngothereat, such a~rms_,,

e` tunxnznnit-l’on, (aeeoutrements, equipments,. tentagey field ‘éf]l1lv

»¤_;;e, and transportation belonging to the Utllfbd States as he

{MMX deem necessary ;_ to furnlslrat the expense of the Unitetl — >?lules uniforms; suhsistent;e,‘ transportation by the most [usual _ V anti direct route wltliin”s_u¢:·h limits asito territory as,,the Seei _ . xwtary ot War may prescribe, or in lieu of turnlshing. such _llY£llIS]l()l°tHUQH and -subsistexice5to,pay them travel allowances Y ‘_"¢¤i;ll¤tg_»rttte or 5_eeuts per mile for the distance by the shortest

 lhimlly traveled route fromthe places—f1‘om which tl1t*y‘ are

’ tutrlmrizett to proeeed to the camp, ain) for the return travel t1;.{n·to, and to tma`ke·tlt°e"payment of travel allowances for the p /i·t·nn·n journey; in advance of the actuztl“_performaxice of the §mu·,_ anti medical attendance and supplies to pérsonsréoeiv? _,r ws instruction Vatsald camps curing the period of their at- i l t -n·nnn·e thereatf to autlior_ize such expenditures, from proper \·l¤‘my appreprl`at~lons,`as he may dt§G_H1·`iIl€C€S8tl1’$»' for’wuter,' mel; light, temporary structures, r¤¤c`·ninuaing quarters for t ~ t#¥Yi<*l·rst·i1orrburraeks for··‘men,_,screening. and dalnagén result- I nn: from tleld exerr·iscs,· nucl other eitpenses lneirlental to the lllifiutonanee of s,ni(l_ eatnps,. and_—tlle théoretlolll .X3’llll2Bl‘_-iH-

  • §'!;ll$*tion in cmmeetion therewith; and to. Sell to pét‘S0i1S. __X‘Qr. i

i <‘i·¤¤‘i¤¤g instructions atlsaid camps, for cash andat cost_·priee,`

.~ .»11cJ1y I ° § 452 plus 10 pay ccntum, -qu£1rt:2rx11:1st<~r aud' orqnmwc ]_li'€)[!(’l'Y_§f,‘ ih`: zmwtmt of such property sold to any 0ué_ l`$£‘1'§$Ull 'twbe limiicgl to that wlriglx is41feq1.1ire<;l_for his ‘ proper equipment. All _u1m·1c»ys° arising ,f1'O}’ll» such Sales `$Ha1l,re111:·1ixi zxvzlilablc Hll’(>`i1§Lll`- out the Hscal ·yéa1·`fo1l0wi11g t l'1:11;‘i;1 whivh tlxesulcs are xmulv, fur the. purposcloftlnat 21[ll)I’0]L)1'i{ltiOIl from which lim prop- 0rty.j$_0~ld was autlwriz0d to he supplied at the time for tm} sale. Tha S<;c1•e(£1ry of War islautlxorized furthér in p1*cseribo the cqursék of theoreticm abil practical -$fll$t1‘1lCti0B to be- pursmiq by persons a_ttehg1fu;§ {hc camps authorized by this scc- , ti0`n§ .t0. fix thé periods ld `hing \\'1lli(‘h hsuch campwslxall be mziiutaihedi; to prescribe 1·‘§0$_ ‘and.rég11lati-ous for ijthé ._;·:}>v-— ernxuent Vtheyeof anil to employ £l1e2·cat,0flicc1*s, warmut omcars, and éixlisted men tof .thé Regular Amuy-Min 5ucl1.nl1ii11bm·$, and upgin Such duties as hc 'may designate. (June 4; 1920, `c. 227,_sub<el1ilptei· I, ·§ 3{1,41iSt;1t. 779.) . l l ‘ ._ . l _ l ..443.i Pay forattendanccl at training canfps.—1\I ex11bcrs;·0f the Rcse.rvc_ Officers! »T;·£iirliug `C0rp§=,_ or cithezj perspi1’s_ zmtlmrizsll ‘hy- thei Seéretdry of War ioyutteml !`1d\'&IlC0{]_(’b·!H‘S€ <:nmps;_ `shinll bei pzficl-for attehdancé at such C&1lll[}S.&1t.·tll€! mtv pre-· lscifibcd for sokliergz of thé‘scvg~mth g1T&d0 fl1¢·Rgg11l:1r Armyf (June 4, 1920; c. 227, gxxbchzxpticf I, §‘ 34,.41 StatL_778.) »- l 444. Commutatioixlof subsistéucc fof lhcdisiil dental, mrvet- _erinsri· students attending taining ca¤ips.>-#It any medical, _ mlentixl, `or V€t€_I°iD8.1‘}’ student admitted to sl Medical, Derital; or `iK·tc>1iium·y"C0rps unit of- the Reserve 'Ofiiéers’ l Trainingl C(ll1'[»S,_2i{I provided in section 3S3'0{this title, has aitfthe éml of two yqats V0f._:rai1iln`g been Selected by; the professor 'of v_ military science gud Qactics and the head_ 0£·fhe justitutibn for advanced training,} and-has agreed ig iWl`itlHg't0 contihué .}:1 .th`e Re§crvé,0iiit·erS'_"1`ralnii;g Corps for the -1`€II1iliIl(l91‘ of his course at the institution, and {has-ag1¤eed—iu writing xtc pursue tlge c¤¤»Sg» 1¤—·¢¤mp training prescribed by thé Secretary of War, he“may*·be·turnlshe<l, at t1ge_expeuse of the United States, _ with cmnmutation lot subsistence at such rate ¤ot.exceéding‘ tlic cost of the gqiilson ration prescribed {dxf the Army; sisumay be Hged by the Secretary ofwar, nluring lthqremnlineler of- his service in the Reserve Otheezsf TY8.iHiI1g`COI[}S,“D()t exceeding . _t§\’0»Y€’$ll’8._ (_J.une 4, 1920, c.·2‘27, subchapter 1, § 34} 41 Statl U 445. Members-of the graduating diss at Military Academy d.s$`*ihst;·n1ct0r餗Tl1e servit:e of graduates of the Military Apgul-' cing may be utilize-ed during the mouths of. lung; Juli; August, and September of the year inlwhich tlxeylgrulluate as instrucg it0l:S _`_(lt— the=.·cltheus’ training gapxpsy and their g’lT8dlI8tiUIl` lc‘gmj€e· may be tnkén at the ·termh1ation`-of their services as _ _iué¢trupt0rs at; tlnese=cs1mps. (July 9, 1918; c. 143, subs;l1:1pte1·» ` XVIII, 4Y1_Stut. 892,) " ° ‘ l ‘ ‘ l _ Q _ INJURIES IN LINE·O1§‘ DUTY 451. Pai incl allnwmccsn continued glaring hospital “ tn-cqte {nent; »tmnspm~t¤§iq¤_ 0n.‘diachgrgc.—·:e·A(¢embers of me (->lHcors‘ Reserve Corps mléfot the Enlisted Resérfe Corps of-_the Army injured in lixia Apt duty wlxilg gm uctiye duty unda;»ljjroper orders who may be mxdetgoingnlxospital treatuwing f•.¥l°Jil1jlll‘i8S sohustainedéshull be cntitléd, umliwr‘s1ic·h_"rhe>.;¤;ulation1s as the ljmsldéut may prescribe, tefmcdlcal zindl lnéspitul (rcntmt-zvlt ` nt Government expense, {tml td a" c0ntixiua1tiony0£ Une? pay uml _? all0wz1x1<E¢gq‘·lxvlnc;l1er in RlO¥lQ);_01’”iD— kind, they were recéiving at the time ot such injuries, until tihej are tit fcr-trunspuriw ti0u·· to their h0mcs,—a,i.ul upon tzwnnihimltion of sm-h `med-ical and lmspltalltraatment `shall be entitled to tl‘8.l1S[)·¢l1’tll[i0ll to their lmmes_at Goverumaxnt egq>cm:e., (June ’3, 1924, c. 244, §’4. 43 'Smh 364,). l . · A V gi. g A l 452. Hcspihdtrentmenlf; etce, in cTaqes_ of lilliury by v¢.»l‘unta ry pahiéipaticn in _§yi¤g.~¥45Ien»lUcx·S of th}; _()flicersz1l¢e—S{·l·v¢: Ciwps ` and- Enljéted Reserve Qqrps ii1jured_ while vdluutarily pm·tivi— pixtingiln aerial Blghté in €}ovéx·nment—uwngd aircraft by glrmpcr