Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2007

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TITLE 26:-—·INTE1i shall be swém to W ‘ th? @id@%, Vive pmidwt, or other ° ypmdpal ¤®car {pdb! €h&.t1'G¢B¥!!'8f‘ assismxit 4 If my sm-eign corpnmticn has nc omse cr plaée git bmtnm Fm, 1 me umm scam max has an. amt in tha U¤_·a states, me 4 return shall- be made by the émt. In cams where -1·¤ceivers, : uusmw in ba¤h·u¤¥¤Y. or are operadng the prbperty· • gr busiuws of c0i—pci·aH0¤s, 'sujch receivers,. trustees, or asw A signém returns `1*o1·` suéh mnrpomtipus in the same igmzher and {wm as qprpcuticus are required gdmake returns, • Any mx due on the basis· of »suc5  ;·etur11s·ma8e by receiveis, 1 tmstcés, of amgnéa shall be" collected `in the- same mam1er _• °gs if mllected tréni tbcbcrporations of-wh0s¢_bnisiness ox; prop; < erizy they have custody mid (!0Bt.1’0I.‘·__ " ‘ 4 f i é (b) Betufus madé under ·thi§°scct£dn· shall be subject to. the = pmvisicms of secwun Iu°·the case ot a returixlmadé for 21 = {m<:ti¤¤al‘ but of a year, gxcept- n ·ret¤m` made tindex- subdi- 1 visitm (a.) of 'secticn 28, {the ·cradit prcvidéd ir; subdfvisiqn (b) ct section 236 shall be reduced to pn a.mou¤£_which_bears -Z thé same tatic to thetull credit_t1;ergi¤ —px·oyided asthe number. 1 cf mantpa in the pcri0d;fci· ·w1iich thé return is mgde beats to “ twelve months. } — V ‘ iw _ 4 _ , ` (c) There be included in the return or appended thereto wi a stateréent ct such facts as will exiable thé commissioner Lo . 1 determine the pqrticu of the paruings ori-pfo§ts dt the cprborw ' tiim (including gains, ;;1·0§ts and income nat taxed) `accumu- ‘ lated duri§g-the taXa.b1¢`Y¢}¤1‘ for which. the xjetum is made, 1 which have been distributed `or ntdcred to be distributed, re- { wtively, to itishayehqldexja diniring such year; _ (Feb. 26,1926, ' e.2?,§_2@;`44 St,at.4§.) _ ‘ I ' See mts at beglnnfng of this chgptegv , _ _ ‘ t "f1‘his titl¢,"_huci¤ re fermd`t0, constitutes c, 19 of this supple-_ ·‘ mental title. Bectlcns 226 aryl 236 mentioned in the téxt are sgt out in if 963 9&, rwpectiycly, of thi; Iupplemmtsl title.

 992. Sims} time for m•ki¤$;`t0`_whom m•d¢.—e—-(a) ·Retums~

or coriacrutious wml.! bc.mda1at.tbc same time hs is provided in s m vmaa (sn) 01 soctiw, 227, excepbtpat i¤ ._t11e camyot tcreim 'mt having my wi or place pi business V ._ ig the United gtntm isemrm wil be mgde at the same time as

 in section 227 in the case at { mmmsident; alien;

indiviénai; · , Q » ‘ * Q _· 2. t »(b)} Rétums shall be msdn to the cclléctcr of the distri¢t_I11 · S will is lowwd Ec place ot busiumhr principal? I amce qa- ggeucy oi the corporation, 017, it it hn; no prindpal {place at mt U ~ =· ¢> umm br agency in the United _! ‘ Stateg, to t11e `c¤l1écto1·‘a.t Baliimpre, Maryland. (Feb. 28; 1926, é. 27,] 2él, 44 Stat:46.) ·_ I See mm at bmquinr ol `thig éhapter. . f E M xx 227, ‘mmt1¢¤©d In the- text, .1: set out in ·§ 967 of this sgp;.>£gme¤ta}‘t1tle. _. ‘ ‘ M ` ” 993·» cqrpontians; mparqte at conmzlidatw ré·· ‘ £¤rn s;~—~fm·¢i¤ nt§ms,·———·-(3) Cprpm·at;ions whiich gm emit- "t utseq withia · at tbid sectinm my, for my tuable a year, ?mak¤ mutate #qr, mxdet regulations pmscribéd _.¤ by the me approval at th? Secretary, make 11 al mnwlidpted mmm _¤f mt mcqme {mi thé purpose ot ‘ phis I = title, in svhich the taxa thergmder computed and p

 dctérmmeq gmx the   m;¢h.m;·am:¤. It retu1.*nis..made_0n Q

either of such M all retuma tbemtte: made shall be upon the- is ummm permissiar tb. cgga the basis. is granted _ by the mmmimcuu. C ° V. ‘· " _ ‘ (b). In my M wh1ch’ A tax is the basis of a mnspylidawd mmm, tha total ¢¤·m1r1>q mmputgd in the & ( mst; iustgméns a unit upon the ii 3 1# tiV`é eémiatad cazpcmtiam in md: prépqrtimss as may be ts ~ azreed umn among them ca-, in tm abéwea at such `ment, then an the M s ot the mt maémg properly assi ahlé" il to meh; Them @@1 he éiiaivgd in mfixxcgme tax R only one mc computed hs provided in subdivislgm (b) L? ct·secti<m%6. AM " *"»¤ Q

N4_L REVENUE §1003

{Q) For. tlte purpose of this section; two ér, n;mrc'q1¢»m<·siic ‘ T °°?P°?¤€iQ¤S @¤1I be deemaéd to be amliated (1) it one corpm·a— tipu owns at least 95 per ccntum of the yotixgg stock ot the " ¤th€f_01‘ .9th€1‘S, 0!f-_.(2) if qt least Q5 perlcemtum I0! the votingstock of two or nidre c0i·p0x:gti$¤s is owned by the Same interagts. TM5 subdivision shall be applicable to the determination ufpdiliatiou forithe taxable yem·_1925. · Z - " » é · 2 (d)` For the D¤1‘p0§é of tht$· section two 02 mcré Bmxxestic ¤orporati01;‘be deemed to be a®1iated (I) if cm corporabiotx, OVKDS at least 95_pe;· ccntum of the Stock of the o—the1· or ”<;·ther*s,-or (2)} it qt least 95 percentum off the st0<:k—of tivoot- `more- corporationslis owned by_ thé same int:érmts.‘ As trséd in this subdivisi0·n the tctm " stqck " docs not include mmvbtigg stock wpich is limited and preferred as to xdivide¤ds.' This _ supdivisiou Shall be applicable to the dctermingtién qt affiliation for thejtaxable year 1md;e3ch`taxable~i_,,ye&r thereafter. ‘(e) A 00l'Q0f§ti6l1‘dPg&HiS€d gnde·r° the Chi-im Tfudé Act, 1922, shallfuot be `degmcgl td m· amliated with’a12yfétt1;er’_c0rz D0mtl·•a`wtthin the meaning of thig geqtiqn, _ -_ ; . ·‘(§) any casa ot twb or mom related trades at bxtsinesses (wltether tmiucprpémted or kncotporated arid whether organized A , ip the -UBit¢d States or nat) owned _ 01*;.* controlled directly- 'or indirectly by the same. interests, the énmmisaioéer may and at - the request of the iaxpayér shall, if nec·e$®ry;n.0»rder itc make an acenrgte distributimf or apporttemmem; of yihs, profits, income, deductions, 0: capita.! bétiveeni on among such réhtted ‘ trades `0x·‘ businawes, consolidate the accounts jot such! réiatcd xades or btmnesses; - - ·" y ‘ »_\· 2 (g) For, theipzirgioses ofJthis"sec1;i0n 3 c0t·p0;·ation·enfftlegl

0 the bguelits of section 262 shall be freatéd as af foreign

30l`[)01’8Ii0H.— (Feb, 26,*1926,. c, 27,3 246, 44 Stat. 46,) " ` _ sate ¤t.begimx1ng·a§ this ch&§te¤. ·_ · _ ` ‘f‘ Tltis tttle,"A harem rgfermd -1:0, gmstitutes c.`19 of this supgle- Eh mental title. Cguxm ft‘mde»,Acc,’ 1922, Wmenmmed in mg text, `constitutes c. 4 of Title 15,.‘CO&ikItEB(;E·ANI?· TRADE. ·Sectiqns 236" and 262 I!1€1IYi0D€d.ifl the text, arg mt gut-ip ii 288 and 1630, respectively, otVtms.aupp1ex¤e5¤ta1 title. _ 1 _ { · , QNSUBANCE QOMPANIES 1001. Same; taxes, imma! in lieu af other taxés;··-In lieu of he tux imposed by section %0,“» there shall be levied, coliebted, md paid for each taxable year upon `thé net income; of every ite insurance company g tm: as fgmows: — ·~ t (1) Ixi thé case. ot a gicmestic life insurhuce company, _12E,§ néxucentumt ut its mt mcémes · . L 2 “ · , (2) Ib the casa cfs {amiga life insurance, company, 12% ne; centum of- its mt income from sodrm witpin tha, United E itutéq. (Feb. 26,19%, c. 27, § 243, 44 Stat. 47.) b J 2* _ new nt beginmxzg ct this antnqter. * · » _ , , h Secti0u_23»0 is sattout in $,281 otthis sztppiemental tide. _, “ ' 4962. Lite insurance ccmpanies; d¢§::iti¤n af.-1-·W’het1 used in hié titlé the" tem; “Lifg insurance campgny " mms an insurma cémpzmy eugagea ih the ot iwuing kite iqggmnce md annuity? contracts (including coatmcts of mmbised life, nealfh, éad accidént insurance) , the reserve funds ct which held. or the `fuldllment. qt. suéht cqntnygeta comprise; more than 50 ` per cenmm M its tétat mane funds! (Feb. 26, 19%, c. 27, 242,-44 Stat. 47.) ‘ ‘· —“ _ ‘ at ‘· · A Sec mts at tzéginning of this chapter. _ . "'I‘h1¤ title," harem refermd $,0,,, cmxstitutes c. 19`cf mis _§upp,1c— . §enta1 tmc. t _ ‘``_ t " 1Q03. Same; grmsincgme; reserve fund reqiniretl by lnw.—-·i- a.) ilu the case at a lifainsurmcc cémpany the ·term2 "g1-ass 1mme_"‘meaxxs the gram amou¤t~¢>tt_jnmme received during the nxahle year interest, éividem1s,T and _»wm:s.‘ ·~ * _ t 2 (B}. The term “ reserve timds required by law ” includes, 1 the cam of amazement »ius¤rénce,‘ sums acttlglly despbsited y guy compmxybr pswciatiozz with Stn fear Te·x·rito_ria1·0&éers ui*sum;at;~ td-law as guamxify or reserte funds, audjany fmids - · -5 néihtained made}: the charter or: artielgs at incorporation of