Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2017

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2003 TITLE 26.-·IN T1 gu afterlthe euaetmeut of this_Act shall be game as mder the Revenue Let ex 1924 asa amended by this » (1) A decieiam of the board rendered after the enactment ef this Act what no hearing lias been heldj by the `board before the enactment G! this Act may be_ reviewed. inf. the same Amannertné provided in thia Act Vin the case of a tux impoeed bythisdtley. `_ ‘ ·’ _ -j .(2);Where mf has been held by the b0ard-before the enactment ct this the commissioner shalt have no right to begin a p ing_ in court for the colleétipn of- axiy part of the dehcieucy disallowed by the board ;_ apd · `. {3) Ia consideration of- the ease. the j11risdicti&m_ and powers of the bcarda shall be the as npmvided i.a· tlyist Actiuthecaseefataximpcsed by this-title. _ " · a (I) In the case ef. amy` i·¤~¢0me;`·€var-pr0§ts,_ 0;* excess·pr6fits» tax by prior of C0¤KI€SS» ix; computing the period of limitatiens previded in section 277 o1·—278 of this. Act 0n‘ the making of ameyeutsf and the beginning of‘distraint· or a

ju. court, the xuuutng of the statfate of limitations

shall be eenaidered to have beex1__s1wpeuded"(_iu additibn to the period "qf @e¤sfou ‘pmvfided‘ for ·ii1' subdivision (b) of sectiim 277} fer any period prior bathe enactment bf this Act daring. whieh the .¢0m§!iS8i0D€f was- pmhibited from making the awwent .01* §€gi§1l1iDg diatraint bt --pr0cée€1ing in court. (Feb. 28, 1926, c. 27; {283; 44 Stat.—63.) t M Y ` t See_¤ete—aLt ·~ ;·»?2 at-this chapter. · ·· ; . The Revenue Act of 1924, herein refégrred te, is Bet out In Title 26,`Ix·nm¤u. Bmmmisg "Tit1e II " ot said Aet, also héféillg referred te, tie set out arr c. 19, Title 26,- Ixrmgxan Rmvrgxun. " This title," herein referred to, `constitutes c, {9 '6f-this"§upp1e- mmm tme. “’1‘m¤ A¢i:," herei¤.referred to, poagumtw. thi; a supplemental ti1ie.—·Sectio¤.274 ot the Revenue-Act ,0t _1924, mentioned ia the text, is set out `iu» ji 1048 tp 105£;_ iuclusiyé, of Tme m, Ixruwm Rxvnxuag subgiivisions (n)’and’_ (d) at said `·§ .274. are ne: cut ia. ${1048 and lB51,'res;iectiYé1y, ot said Titie 28. ‘&abdlvidom (n) and (dye! Q 274 of this Act, mentioned in the text, are set eat in $9 wwe and @048b. Mpwtiveiy,. at this supplements.! title; Sectien 277, similarly méationeq, ie set dut 1111 ‘1»·957g. ofsald title; { 278; Similarly uzeetiozaetl, is set out in _= ii 1058 to 1052, inclusive, jot uid tmc ; - _$ 279, similarly men-‘ - tkmeyi, isset out in $5.1051 and 1063 ot qaid titiegeadi { 284, aipiiariy ggjset eatin I 1065=¤t•said title. _ ‘ · 16& _ Cteét cr —-refmd at cverpaymeatq time for claim; Ieiect ‘0f `dctcrminsticm ‘d€§¢ic¤£y]; waiier of right to have tax nmmed.-·-(a)_ ;Wheré there has _1>eea’ an __0verpay·-_ meat Mot any income,] war-proéts, or excess-profits tai _ impesed by this `Act, the Act entitled **5,11 Act to pkevide revenue, equalize datiw, and 8B(}0§l1;&g€.{Zh€ iaduatriee at lthe United States, and for othet purp9m" appx*0ved‘Ai,1g11st 5, 1909, the Act entitled *‘Au Act tp reduce tarm duties. and ·t0 provide revenue tor the 'Gowemmeut, and for other- -purposee," approved October 3, 1913, the Revenue Act 0f191§,` the 'Revexme Act ef-1917, the Revcaue Act of 1918, the Revenue Act of 1921, ar the Revenue Act ci 192-1, er anpyauch Act as amended, me amount of such overpayment Shall, except as provided in subdivision (d), be credited agaiuet any income, wa1···pr0§ts,"or*excesa·p1fo¤ts tax er inataliment thereof therfdue from the taxpayenyand any bala¤ee’0f_mch excem ushall be.‘refuaded'iutm•c1iate1y to the tax- 9832*2 ‘- __·` ” t _ . ~ .(b) Except as preilded in aubdivtaiona · (c)., (d»),‘ (·_e),' and (g)._0£ this A "J W " - ¥ ° _` ~<1> aa mea eqeu ar mmm emu be allowed ta- mae am: fhwc years; {mm; the time the tax was paid in the case of A ta; imposm by s Act, new aftexj four years {rem the time the tax was paid in the"¢ase at a tax impomd by any prior Adi? unless beiere oth expiratigf qt euph period a claim therefor filed by fbe-ta, yer; and . · .- · _ » (2) The and thet credit or refund shall not exceed the ,p0rtic§n et the ta; mid during the three or tear years, tivelg, imnjaediateiy preceéiag tize-ming at the claim, or it no

BRNAL REVENUE §1()65 claim was. tiled, then daring the three or four years, respectively, immediately preceding the allewamge of the credit _ or retand, ‘ — 4 _ . _· . · (c) It the invested capital of a·taiq>ayer· is decreased by the eommisaioner, aml such decrease is dee to the fact- that the taxpayer failed gte take atlequate deductions in previous years, with the result that there has been an overpayment of me , war-protlts, ·or‘ exeeseprohtse ta xeef in any previous year r years, then the4am0nnt°of· snob overpayment ahall be · or -r.efunded,_ without the Hllng er a claim ztherefer,. notwithstanding the period, of limitation provided for il1_SubdiY;iSi0li (b) _0r"`(g)' has expired. . -_ Y l ’ " _- _ (d). If the eommiseioner has mailed to the taxpayer a notice F of tlehcieucy under eubdivieiien . ta) of section 274 and if the 1 =ta;:pa}’er after_the enactment et this Act mea a petition; with `(2hB.B081’d_0f_ Tax Appeals within the- time preserimd in such · subdiyisien,. no eretlit or refund in respect as the tax fer the taxable year in respeet of which the commissioner .ha§ deta- "mined the deHcieu¢;·y shall be allowed or `made and ne suit by the taxpayer for the recovery; of any part of such tax shall be instituted in ani court except—+- · ' · ‘ e _ (1) As prov°ided_ in subdivision (e)_ ei thiaseetieneer in sub- ·di£risiun' (1) ref section 279 or in subdivision (bf, (fp, or (1) . of sectien 283 or in gsubgiivlsibn (ii) of mtien 1691; and n` `_ (2)·-As t0~ anyiameunti collected in exeer et nan amount computed. in accordance with the decision of the board which has become final;-and . -` · _ - _ (3) Asto any arneunt collected after the statutory period at . `lin1itati’0ns=np0n the beginning ofdistraint er a proceeding in _ court for collection has expired; but in any such elaim for credit or rei‘u11d_0r in any such suitjter refund the decision ef the ¤b0ard.whléh· has become ilualfas te whether.atxeln`;seriedhas expired before the notice of deficiency was, mailed, shall `beeonclixsiye.- _, $“_ `- Q _” ‘ ,. ·. te`) If the board Buds that there is no deheienej and further finds thatethe. taxpayer Q has made an_eV‘€¤'P¤ymeat* of Ltax in respect of the taxable year in respect et which the eemmissioner ,` determined the deheieney, the board ehall have jurisdiction ta determine the. amount. ofasnch overpayment, and such amount _ shall, when the dedsion et the boarcl hue Baal, be credited or refunded to the taxpayer as provided ln enbdirision (a). ___Snch retund er eredit shall be made either (1,) claim _ ' therefer was Bled within the period of limitation provided for in Subdivision (b) er (g),° or (2) it thepetition wastmed with the board within fear yearsafter the tax was paid, nr. in the - case.01! `a" tax imposed bythis Act, within three years after the ‘tax`wa_s paid. _ _ _ " -, . - Q _ t ’(f) Where there has been an evermyrnent df, tax under seetlen 221 ari 237 any refund or ereditl made under Abe previsiena ‘ of this section shall be made td the withholding agent rmlesa _ the amount' of such ta! was actually withheld by the withholellng-agen·t. · _ · ·· · ~ · '(g) If the tarchayer haS, withixrhve yeare from the tithe the return for the taziable year 1917 was due, tiled a waiver of his right t0· have the taxes clue-fer_ mich taxable year determineaaua asseasedi within five years after the return was iiletl. or it he has, on or before Jane 15, 1924, jlled eeeh a waiver in respect of the taxes due for the tazéableyear 191S,‘_t·hen sueh credit or refnnd relating to the taxes for the year in- reepeet of which the waiver was Sled shall be ahewed or made if claim _ . therefor ia‘§led eitlneren er·before.ADfil 1, 1925, or within fear ··years.frem the timethe tax \'•'&$··[l8i(l.=°If the taxpayer has. An-`or before June 15, 1925, filetl Slwlr a· waiver sn, reepeet of the taxes due for thewaxableyear -1919. then smell eretlit on refund relating to the taxes fer the taxable- year 1919 shall he allowed or made it elaim therefor is Bled either an or before ·Aprll 1, 19%, or within four years from the time rhey tar was _pai<l. It the__ta;payer`= has, on or befereqnue 15, 19‘.£6, tiled