Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2019

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QQO5 “ , TITLE 26.—-—-—Ig\`”T.l·11€ imposed upcu that taxpayer by this title or by any prior income, 1 €geess·p:·0Bts, 0I' W&r·Pl'0HtS, Tax Act. · _ · _ ‘ a { (2) The liabilityauf a hduciary under aection 3+l67— of the Revised Stati1tas‘in.reapect of thepayment of any sum taxfrom the estate of the taxpayer. . / * . , " ¢ ~ I Ang: such liability may be either as §;»a`the amount of tax u slmwa an the return or as to any dqaciency in tax. . (bi The pekicil of limitation 'for assesémeut of any `sucp ] liability of a transferee or fiduciary shall be as follows: 11) wmml ouelyearilatcew the exfilratioii acme period for I limitatitm for assessment against the taxpayer; 017 __ / A » (2) If the pérlod of liniitation fur assessment- against the { taxpayer expired liizfora theieuactment of this Aét ibut assess- l ment against the taxpayer` was made within 'such period-—the11” · within six years, after the making of such assessmmltagainst gig laxpayelj, but in lI0 case later-tllau one yéar aftér the' enact-- . mem of this Act; · __ ’ ·‘ _ · . I (3; _ If a court proceeding against the taxpayer for the c0ll0é> n tion of the tax lzaé been b€gllIl'W'lthlll either of the allove- E, perimls-—vtheu within cnc. year after-'returu `of-— execution in 1 such pmceadllig. , · . ’ . __ ‘ ·. ._ _ _ 3 (B) For the purposes of this sactigm, if th,e taxpayef is dc- i ccasotl. of lu the case of aa'-g0rp0ration,» has terminated its 1 exlataucéhtha period of limitation for assessment against th'}; t21x~ 1 pay¢u·_'shall ·bé the- period that would be in GREG'.} had the death , an- termination of existence not qcéurred. ss s · J, lima Tha running of thépericld of.ltmitatibn iipou the asséas- ` ment of tlnc llablllty of a. transferee or fiduciary shall, after the i, mailing of tlja notice under subdivision (a) ofléection 274 td that 1 transferee bf [sic] Educlary, be suspended fcijthe period during _1 wllxlvlz the pammiaaitouar is prohibited fr'i;»m making the assess· , meat ln r t of the liability. of the tranéiferaa orflduciary, 1 and for 60* days thereafter. ( T _ ~ x ” (e) This aecticn alyall not apply to any suit or,0tf1er pro- i caccliaag for the enforcement of the liallllitf of·a`1transfereé oi; 1 fiduciary pcadingaat tha time of the_auactmeq_t of this Act; . · 4 5 tf) As used. in this section, tha term "tranafér0e"_ includes 4, hair, lagatec. ldevlsea, bri dlatributee.- (Feb. `26, 1926, c. 27, ( §/280, 44 Stat. 61.) { · . _ » I » New aactlaa. “Tbl8, titlc;" herein refered 10, conatltutés c. 19 E of this supplemental tltla.-’811bdlvlai0ua{a) at § 27-1. mentioned G in the text, la satautfiati 1048.0f said title. l·$cction‘3467 'of the " Revised Statutas, similarly mentioned; is aét out in 5 192 of Title · t 31, Mama! aaa Fxxgzzcm -- " ‘ 5 - ’ - I l l976.·< Righta ami duties of· Educiariesi n0ticc.·———(u) Upon ”n<:»ti ce ta; tha ‘<:£>mmla‘aicna1·. that any persczvn is- actirygln a. iidxxciarfv capacity auth aduciaryx shall assum"e the powers, riglata, adutiegaud pri+s·ilagaa~ofjt.lle taxpayer lu respect of a t tax imposed by this title gr byelpriuxg income, axceeawprouta. or wat-profits tax Act (a1;$capt—`as 0tl1amvi¤a,spacjiHcall3’l provided ‘ t and axaépt that the tax shall ba c0lla<;·tacl° from the estate? of tha C lax—;»ayer), until matics is given that tl1a_ilduciary"ca;1;\aciy has 1 Laminated. ‘ Q l »_ _ · ’ . a ·1 `M (b) Ilpmr notice tux___tl1a* eummlaswugar that any paraon is actl __ ing lu a Hduclary gcapaizlty far a person subjacty-to the liability abactiuad ia &a£rti¢u»2&i), the aduclary shall asauma, cu behalf of · ( aucl.; pcraoa, the powers, rights, duties, and ppiyllagas of `aucll paraoaf uadér_a~uch”`sa¢tl0u (exéapt that that liability shall be S vflllactad from tha aatata of auch apara~0u),,` until uotléa is given , that the Bduclary éapac·lty_.haa taamiaatad. ·; (ai Natica ’1mder_subdlviaiaa.»(a) ag (bf tahall be giitéu iu ilvflvrdagusa ,with~ regulatlahs pmactlbad by {tha cémpzisalunw with the approval of the Sacrataryf _·F J , W ‘ ; _ td) a In the abaegzkzé of any uotlta tbithe ccmmlaslunar under, Stlbtiliviaflun (ai) or (l>)__, uatiua unda: this titlayofla daticieufty Q1" 1 Gthaijliability, lf_m:1ilad¢ tc; tbajtaxpayar or GChQ1’ paraauaaubjact A

 to liability at his last ktmwn address, ahall be Sl1mélBH£_fOl’_fIlB _

llulixvéaa nf this title avail if auch taxpayer 0;* other person ia damaaed. (sr is under a legal <l‘laability.‘qr, la the casa of a céré .

’NA.L »1.e1w1a2»’U1¤1 §1()72

 · E

[>0ration,‘ has tcrxuixiatcd its cxistencc. (Feb. 26, /1926. c. 27. 5 281, 44 Stat. 62.) _ R L New section. "This.titlc."‘i1cr·2i;x rcfe=rrQ=d t0, .mst’itutcsBc. 19 .. of tliis supplcmentzrl title, Section 280. mvutitmcd in the text, is _ _ set put—m' 5 1069 of said tmc. · _ . 107i. Bankrqptcy of tagcpaycri assessment. and collection of . · deiciency; limitation period; interest; extension ofitimc for `, paymgnt.——gu). Upon the adjudicationg of bankruptcy of any taxpayer in {lily Ugnkruptcy prgccediug or the appointmcut of. a ercccivcr for any taxpaycy in any rcceiavership proceeding before a_uy_c0urt of the United States or. of wang State GI" Territpry pr of the District of (lohimbia, a1ofdeHcicm·y Qtogcther , with z;ll;i11t01·0st, __ppp 1 tdditicnal :`£l`I110I1HtS, or. additions to the tax provided for by- law) determined by the commissioner in rc- ` spect of il tzxxh imposewbywthis title inpém such tzxxpaycr shall, despite the provisions of Subdivision (21) of· section 2?4, bc - imugcdiatcly assessed `if such déiicicnéy has -ncftl1crct0f4>rc beck asscsscd -iI1 accordance with- law. Claim for the dciicieucy and such illtél°9St,_;&ddifi0l.[81- amounts Saud additions to the ta; may be presented; fdr; adjudication in accordance with law, to the court before which the bnnkmgitcy cr r€~ccivc;·_chip procccdingis pending, despite the pcmlcncyaf proceedings fore théredctcrmiuaticn of the dciicicucg in pugsuaucc of 21 petitimx E0 the board ;-[bint HO` petition for any such Y€(1€€€l`iHiHHtiL¥l1 shallbc tiled with the board after the. ;¤ljudicz1t.i0:1__ tif bankruptcy or theappoiutxncnt of the receiver, " _ l · (b) Any portion *0f fhé C1:li;{I1_.§uOW€?d in such bankrupier Jr. reccivcrship- `proccedjug which- is unpaid shall itc paid b.y_ the ta_xpaycr” upon HQtiC€ W §1Il(lq_ `tlcumnd from the collector after Q the termination of such ·pr0cecdi¤g,‘ and may bcccllcctcd by iistraint or pfwecdiug iu_ court within six years after tér1i1iu:1· tion of such proceeding. L · .. . »~— _ · (cg) Iffthe -&I110llI1t‘0f sucjlg portion of the cl_éi»m`is"n<>t· paid _ inc full withig 10_ days from the datc, of notice `iII1(¥`_d€lIl&Rd from the collector, then there shcitm collected as a`part; of meh amountiinxtcrcgt upon theampaid portion thereof at the-~ ratc__0f 1* pcr ccntum a"m0¤th—- from the fdatc of such notice and lcmund `until paymentp Extensions of timc‘fo?r such. payment nay bc had Qirr the same manner and subject to the same prayiaions` andvlimitations asaarc ’prcvidcd`iu cubdivisiou (k) of · - scction`27-${111 thé; case cfu dcmricncy in 9. t}1X;_iIlQ[)OS€d_b}’ thi; _ titlc. (Feb. 26Q 1926, c. 2'?Q»§ @2,44 Stat. 62.)" N - .· * New section. ‘£ This title,"’ hcmécin referred tc, congztitutcs E. H) 0f_ this suppletpmental title. Subdivisions €3.s__¤nd €k\ of $-274, mgm tioucd ip the text, arc sgta out .i¤_ $5 1048 and 1054, respcctiveiy.

 of said title., t `" ‘ _   *

1672. Amortization deduction Mander prior law.->——Thc deduction provided by pu;·a.grupl1 (9) of subdivision (:,1) of section E14. cx: by parzxgmph ·(8)` of subdivision (ug ci Scctiun 234 of ` he Rcvéuuc Act of 1918 may.-_(.r§ctwithetandi¤g a.;1y·prc¢i§i•ms rf the Revenue Act ccf 1921) allowed foi·°the taxxxbic your` ,918, 1919, nr 1926 if claim therefor sms mzide bcftirc—»»Junci 1.5, .924. _·(F.·b. 136, 192Q., c. 27, §_`1209, 44 Stab. 130.) · Q New sgctionp - t ; “ , Zhhjtcr 20.-··~ESTATE AND `GIFT TAX. ~ PLR‘1‘II.···—-—··{}ST§TE; TAX. ’ · icc- Y ` 1091s Iglcwitinns. _ 1092. Pcrccntagc ct tcxp , ___ { » » Q 1093. Taxes .p;.1id States,. Tcrritenjes, or District of Columbia as credits; _; Itmitgticu. — `· ° 1___Q9·1. Gross cstatc; value —cf.· ~— _ 1095. Net cstate; hawwlctcrmincd. ’”_ .. IQ96. Exccgtorsg notice ot appointment; returns.; timc for filing: c ` _ commcts. _ » . .096p.’N0ticc at adnéinisfrixtive cr.fiducin»ry capacity; clfcctg notice of K, » `dc§c£c¤.cy in absence of extgcvc.- [New.] · — w 1097. 1`imc fc: payment ct tag; to whom pcyabic; extcmion of time; intcrest. - ‘ " - _, 1098. Same; tax imposed by former ’la.·.y; extension of time for pay ’ ment. _ I »