Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2023

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2009 TITLE 2G.~—$INTERJ dentswof the State, the District of Colombia, or the Territories I of Alaska bor Hawaii wherein they reepeétivelyresided at the g time of their commission and their departure fof such foreign S€]_‘YiC€’. (Ebbvmy c· 27,·§ .303, 44 Stat. { “ See note at beginning of Part I of.this` chapter. — 1 The Revenue Aot of 1924, herein referred to, is set out in Title" L 26, Izvmaxu. R.m·¤xUg._ "‘1‘his. title." herein referred to, constitutes c. 20 ot‘;his supplemental title. Sections 302 and 304, E ( mentioned iu_thé texg, are set out in 55 1094 and 1096 or this ' supplemental title,. .“ _ . . ' 4 Section 303 of the Bevenue Act of 1924 (Q 1095 of Title 26, IN- 1 mama `Rnvmwn;) was repealed by Act of Feb.__26,`;1926, tz. 227, . 5 1200, 44 ‘Statr 125, gs of the date thereof. _-A portion of said ‘ sekrtion was retroncgtively as of June 2, `1924,·by § 323 ot the said Actof 1926, as follows: ’ ‘ .- . , ‘ “ (a,)` So much ot paragraph (3) oi subdivision (·a) and of paragraph (or or somivmon my or section 2.02 or ihe Reyeuue Act . of 1924 aiireads &s—follows‘: ‘ It the tax imposed by section 301, or any es te, succeqsi legacy, or inheritance taxes, ·, either ' F. By the terms of , by the low of the jurisdictioriunder · _ which the estate is _ iulste1jcd; or by the law of the jurisdiction 1 imposing ghe partéular tax, payable in whole or in port out of imo bequests, lcgacieh, or devises otherpvise deductible under this paragraph, then the amount deductible under mis eporegroph sm;11 "‘ be we amount ot such bequests, legacies, or devieeq `njeduced by 2 we amount ot such taxes'"is:r<·pesled. ` _ 4 l 0 · "(b) Subklivlsion (s.) of this sectiozgolmll take elfect as of June . 2, 1924.".‘ (Feb. 26, 1926, c. 27, { 323, 44 Stat; 86.) ‘ f §e€tion 301, refogred to in thisxepeallxig provihion, is sel; out in §§ _1092_and 1093. of Title 26, I‘N’.E'iIkNA.L Bnvmzyun. ‘. ` 1096. Exeoutorsj of appoixitmentj petomsg time for ` Sling; ooatmts.-—(a) The executor, within·two’m0n§ after A me decedent; deato; or within Q like period after qualifying ‘ as such, shall §ye written potice thereof to the collector. The ` executor ohallhiso, at such times and in such manner` as may be required hy regulations made pursuant law; fue with (hé collector" a return undo; oath V in duplicate,. setting foirth {1) line value] of the gross estate of the decedent- at the time of his death, 01;,- in case eta noureslgleut, of that part of his gross wtate situated ._i¤ the United States; (2) the deduotionp ’ allowed under bsection ,303;; (3). the value ot the net estate ° ot the decedent os dotloed in section 303; and (4) the tax paid ‘ or poyable thereon ;_ or such port of such loformatiorr os may at_ the time 'bo gscexiteiinable. and ouch Lsupplemeutal data as may be _¤eeesSa1‘y to estajblish the correct tax. { ~ _ ·` ·` (b) Retnxm ellall be made lu all where the gross estafte of The Qaath of the decedent exceeds $100,000, and in the I cook 0{'»£!1¢_€é£&t¢.0f every nonresldentguy part of whose gross, estolo isf situated iz; the United If me executor is , uooble to make n comNete‘»retm·¤ nsto my 9811: oi-the gum estate or the decedent, he shall include in his petum a doscyiptiou of such and (Bo of every person holding. · a legal or Beueaclgl i¤te1~est,._thm~eio, and gpoo notice (rom me collector Qsuch person sholl in like marme; moké aj refsuru as to Such part of the groa estate; (Feb. 26, 1920, c. 27, I 304,

 now-at beglnnlngof Port I of tbl; clmptcg. — _· -

‘ Section 3%, mendooed in the text, is pet out Ln Q 1095 ot this $HDP1€¤£l1¥l]'.Uf]&._. E ·‘ _ · e ‘ ·· · Q ~. _

of     w l; gatjvopr   capacity; SEMI; 0
 of dghiwcy ln   of aMve.——·-(u) Upoouotlcc to

the commixiouer that any gordon ya; exwhbor, Slwb E'D€1'S0B shgll Qnésume the powers, f1@u, dugg, gag priyilegen 0 of an executor lu_¤espect·_of 4 mx lmpoam by this title or by amy pho! ostote tax until dotioe isjivéo thtnt stick perm} is no loosenjalctiog as £I¢¢§t0l.’.* __ -. »· ·_ _ r (lv) Upon ootioe to the met any persoo is acting in q .`§ducio:·y mpqoity to; ‘¤. subject to we Hb blligy epocmed }¤. section ,316, ¤ducia¤r‘s1:m11 assume on pofhalt of such gerson the powers, rifhm, optics, add ptivilégoa of" ouch person undo; ysmich mdop (except thot thmlinbilltf

NAL REVENUE §11()O ie collected from the estate of suchtperseu). until izotiee is

iveu that the ilduciary capacity hastermirzated. · .

(c) Notice under sgbdivisiou -(&) or lb) shall he given in xccordanee with regulations prescribed-· by the commissioner with the approval. of the Secreta17_y.» _ . . · ' (d) In the absence of any notice of the e0mmis=si_ener under subdiylsion (al) or (b), notice under this title ot u debeiency ar other liebility, if addressed in the name of the decedent or other person subject to liability and mailed to his last known address, shall be sufficient for the purpeéeg of this title. (Feb. 26, 1926; c.%27,—~§ 317, 44 Stat._81;) . l { A Q New section. M “This t"itle,"‘herei¤ referred to, constitutes c. 20 __ of tllislsupplementql title. Section-316, mentioned in the tat, isset? cbt in-i 1119 of this supplereental_tif;1e. , '_ 1097. Time for paiment of tax; to ivlmrb payable;. extensiaau nf time; interest.-·—;(a) The tax imposed by this title shrill be dee and payable one yesui after the decedeufs death, and shall be paid .byj the executor t0;.the collector. _— ~ » · " tb) {Where the pummissioner Buds that the payment en the due date of any part of 'theamemzt determined by.the executor as the tax, would impose undue hardship upon the esthte, the commissioner may extend the time fer _,pe,··mm of any such pitt- not to exceed dve years from the due Mte; In `eueln ease the.gm0tu1f in respect of jvhichl the extension is granted shell be paid ori or before the date gf- the expiration qt the period of the extension. .· . - " · ·(c) it- the time for the ·payment_ is thus e1itemied._there e

hall be' e0l1ected,—as..a`pa1jt efsuch amouiztx interest thereonat the rate of 6 per ·C€Ilt]11I[ Iier aniium_ from the éxpiratien

of six mon·ths_ after the duel date of the tax` to the expiration of the period- btythe extensien. (Feb. 26, 1?%6, el 27, § @5 (a); (b),. (0), 44 Stat"74.) ‘ _, _ ; · ’ ` Seewlete at beginhlng et Pert I et this chepten-._ . f‘Tl1`is title," herein peterred te, constitutes e. 20 et this sample- _ _ meutalbtitle. ._ · · _ , ·\ _ R" ` a·1098. Same; tax. impwed by former hir;. extemieg of fine for payment.-+f1‘he time for which the cemguimimer my extend the time for payment of the estate thx impwed by 'yitle _IV of the Revenue Act of _1921.sball be Eve years. (Feb. 28,§.1$26, _ G- 27. § 305 (il), 44 S_tat.—74t)`-» ° . , . ` . · Bee rlete atbeginnlng of Part I etthle chapter. ° 4 1099. ·Exsmi¤atie¤ of return and ·dete’r∈tien of . smezmt . ef · tax.-···As seen. es praetieable after the return is med the. commissioner shall ._examlne· lt and shell determine the eerreet amount of the tax. (Feb. 26,.,1926, c.»27, § 44 Stan`74.) . ` ·See.g1ete·at beglnping ot Part I et this chepte:. , · , L `11§0..·De§cie¤cy'; ivhet `censtitwtme-—-—Ae used `in~ this title in reepeet ez a tai imposed by this title the term " de§cieney" . mealus—4-· .» " · _ r ` (1) The amount by which 'tbe tax imposed by thie title exceeds the arneunt _ shown as the tax by the exeeuter upém _ his return; but the ameupt so ehewn en the return shall ·§rst - be increased by. the amoeute prevleusly swam (er collected ` witheet asee&ment) 'es é deeiieieney, and deerwmd by the amounts pmviéusly abated, rettmded, er etherwise repaid ir: x·eepe;·¢¤:‘eueuz¤x.;»¤» ·_ · _ y # {2) It no umetmt is ehewu as the texby theexeeutbr upon hte return, or it ee rethrn is made by the executor, thee the ardeunt by which the mx `excems the 'emrmntsy previeinely. asmséd (er collected without assexment) ms e demzieney; bgit such amounts previously assessed, er collected without absesamegt, eball &r® be, decreased by ameuxtts mevtously abated, xeifunded, er etherwig repaid in respect at such t_ex.· (Feb. 26, 1926, e. 27,'“§_307, 44 Stht. 74.) " , ` , . L- Sec nete at hetlnnlng at Part I ei this éh‘g;lter.· ° I ·_ “_Thl•`tlt1e," herein referred tcyeensfiftites c. 2Q_et this; supple- —.médtal. title. ’ " `