Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2041

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2027 TITLE .28.—·JL'1)IClAL which shall include the teruitory embrabed. on` such Qate in the wunticis of `Dbdge,. Emanuel, Act Davis, Johnson, Laurens Montgomery, Telfair, Toombs, Tpeutleu, aud Wheelef; the Savzuumh division, whiéh shall iuglude the territory cmbraccd'611 sm-}: date in the couutlés of Bryau,`Bull0cl1, Candler, Chatham, Emngham, Evans, Jenkins, Liberty, Long, Mclutosh, Screvehl and Tatmall ;` gud thé Waycrbss division, which shall include the terriioiy embraced on such data in the counties of Appling. Atkiixson, Bucem, Ben Hillgl Brantley, Camden, Plmrllou, Clinch; Zjlltfee, Glymi, Plel·ci·,`·Wnre, und Wayne, _ (gy The terins of the dislrict court for the Augusta division shall be held at Augusta on the first Monday iu‘Ap1*il and the rllird Monday in Novejmbér; for the Dublin division at ’DUbliD un thepthird Mondays in January and June:·Pr0vided, Thai suitable _1·00ms and acc0mm0dations» are furnished fprholdiug murt at Dublin', free of cost to the? Government, until publi< building shalllhaie beeuerected or put into proper couditiqr

 for such- purpose in said clty·;;°fi>1·‘the Savannah division a1

Samnnal1'<m"·tha second Tuesdays in February, May, August . and Xowzemlner; and·foi· the Wuycross division at Wuycross or the séccud Mondays in June and Décember:—-P1¢0vid¢d;`.Thu1 suitable `·1'00ll1S"§lldl, accommodations are furnished for holdin; mart ut Waycmss, [free of cost to the Government, until publil I building shall have been erécted or put into pfdper conditim fm- such purpose ixymid cltyf ‘(R. S, § 535;.Ma1·. 3. 1911 c. 231, {_ 77,. 36 Slut. I108.;`Mar. 4, 1913, c. 167, 37 Stat. 1017· Mar. 3, 1915, c,;98. 99, 55 1, 2, Stat, 960; May. 28, 1926, c, 414 §—1, Q4 Stall 670.) ‘ ‘ _ —` - ·'¤_ — ’ · . _

 150 mf Title 28 ugnendedf-—Ju‘dlcial Code; 5 77, couxtlfut

ing [150 of 'I‘lt1<>· 28 of the Code, has been amended by Act qa Hay 28, 1826, c. 414, $$1, 44 Btqt. 6fI0,_ to rqad as above-. _. _· Sectipn (bl of ttm Act of Hay 28, 1}l26, provided for an addi tional district judgeuml the section constitutes §··4a of thislltle lu the uppvudix. . _ A ‘ J. Keyed •f pda Acta.-—Sectlcn 3 of Act ot May 28, 1926, c. 414 44 Sint. 670; pmwldm as follows: _ . __ ` o" The following Acts are repealed: _ · _ _ "‘ 1; The Act entltléd"Au Act to amend. section 77 ot an ·Ac1 ent|t1ed·“A¤ Act-to codity, revise, and amend the_ laws relating to, the .judlcl¤ry," approved March 3;_ 1911,* hpproved-·Mmjch‘ ‘4 19134 , - · ~ _ ·‘ U **2. The Act entitle}! _‘A¤ Act tq placge Barrdw Coui1t_y,_Gcurgis. iu the euslem division of xhc northern district ot Gegorgial up pmved March 3, 1915; and _ · ··_ A . · _ .. "3._Tbe Act entitled ‘A¤V Act to plgce Candler, Jenkins, an}! Evans Cuuntle¤,_Georg·ln, In me eastern division pt.tbe_scutheu

 at Qmrgia, and to plncnjbucnn and Thomas Counties

Georgia, in the soutbsmsleru dlvisiqu of the wumcm distxict an G‘¤ecrgin»’.ap;ix:ovqd March}, 1915." _ ‘ _ " ‘ ‘ 15h._Sl¤c;. of _¢IerE.—·——-The clerk of the cs0ufffo1 each utsuid di s' shall mamlain xm clues, in charge _ 01 himself ur n deputy, in' the rxpéétive glivixouu of the district anu tmlomw tm- such court shall be kept apex:. utgall timea `fbr transaction at business of the court. (May 28, 19%, q. 414 § 2 (c}, 44 Stat; 670.) · ‘ ` Nun section.! _ .161. Guida! u Ode, section 87, amended.) Mmsehu setts.——~·Tuhu State of Massuchuxtts shall ccuslltuté gnu judiclai diStri<?t‘ to bekuown uu lhs of ll chuuélts. - Terms °ot_ the- district courf shall be sl: Bcstdu on the third Tuesday lu Murcia,-the fourth Tuesday glu June, the uml Tmday in Semember, und 'the first Tuesday i~u_Decembm*.2 at Spriugduld ou the mmd Tumday in May and December; at New Bedford on the mst Tuesday in August; and at Worcester nn the mst Tuesday ip March, and t”he'Qthird {tuesday in Sep teuaberz Pmmidm, That, suitable momu nuduwommqdutlous {01 _ lmlgliug cuurt ut Bmiuguuld; New Bedtcvd, uml Worcester shut be fumialwd {reg ot aixgluuse to the jluiteé Stateuz pm vided further, Thus: ullfwzyllgs, ’prucepts,._and shall llc r0turm¤·b1o·t0 the tcrmsmt B0st¢m,.al1d all c0 m·t: papers shall be kept in t,he·clerk's umcé at Bost;on,,unlass `otherwisel specially

CODE ANI) JUDICIARY v e orderedby the court, and the terms. at Boston shall not `be ter- ," minated 91* effected by the terms int Springtleld, New Bedford, - ur Worcester. " l _ · z The ~marsha1 and theelerk for said district shall etch appoint , at least one deputy to reside in Sp1*ingf¤eld· and to ximintain an , "ollice at that place. (R. S. § 531; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, 5 87, 38 e $tet; 1114; May 1, 1922, c/173, 42 Stat. 503; May 17, 1926, 0. , 306, 44 Stet._559.) · ._ `_ _ J ,· ‘ , s Section 167 of Title 28 amended.-——·Ju<licial Code, { 87, constituting -§ 167 _0f Title 28 of the Code, has been amended by Act et I - May 17, 1926, c. 306, 4-1 Stat. 559, to reéd asebeve. ` z_ 169. (Judicial- Qcde, sectien 89, amended.) Mineemta.-—-The I State .0f__MlDD€S0t3 shall `constitute one judicial dimrict, te be p known I as the district of Minnesota. It is divided intesix

divisions, to be known as the first, second, third, fourth, mth,

3 and sixth divisions. The ilrstdivisie;1 shall include the terrin tery -1 embraced on the 1st dey of July, 1910, in the cemztieeef L_ Winona, Wabasha,° Olmsted, Dodge, Steele, Mower, Fillmore, , and Houston. The second divisieu shall lxxelmle the territory 1 emblfaéed on the date lust mentioned in the eeentles et_F'ree; { peril, Faribault, _ Martin; Tqckeeuj Nobles, Beck, Plpesteee;

`MUPIRY, .C0tt0¤we0d,. Watdxiwan, Blue Earth, Waseca, Le
_ Sueur, Nicollet, Brown, Redwrood, Lyon, Lincoln, _Yellew Medi-

1 cine, Sibley, and Lac qui Parle. The third division shall ln· , .- iclude the territory embraced on the date last mentieteed in

the counties of Qhisego, Washington, _ Ramsey, Deketa, Qaed-

·, lnue, Rice, and- Scott. The fourth (HYiS10B shell include me ·‘ territory embraced eu the date last mmtiened `fn`tl1e` counties . _ of Hennepin, Wright, Meeker, K&¤diyel1i,°Své·iIt, Chippewa, f Reuville, McLeed,e Carver, Anoka, Sbermme, eng lee mi. The ‘ ilftlr diyisien shall include the terrltery embrecéd eu the date Q last mentioned ip the counties of (Peek, Leke, St. Louie, Itasca, v Koochiehlng, Cass, Crew Wing, Altkin, Carlton, Pine, Kenebec; .` Mille Lace, Morrieeuyend Beaten,. {me sixth dlviden shall include the territory emlrreced on the date het meadmed in I the counties of Stearns, Pope,. _ Stevens, Stem, _Tl'l’&'B1*R¤,`

Grant, Douglas, Todd, Otter Tall, Resend, Wilkln, Gay, Becker,

. Wadene, Norman, Polk, Red lake, lierehell, Kimee, Clearwater, Maluromen, and Hubbird. Terms ct the district f c0urt;_·Icr the Bret division sheII·*be‘—hdd et Wmena ee the _ fourth Tuesday in Jenuhry a¤d.·t.l:•e third le June; I for the second 'divielen, at Mankato on the third- Tmestley, ie

  • January, and the second le`, June; fer the third

E division, at Sainf Paul ee the dretffuegday ANH md the tirst: 'Ifueedeyln November; `fmnthe {earth divislen, at hammer __· epolie on the met Tuesday in Merch and the fourth Tuesday k in .Septe;§:;b»e@¢di· the Sith dlvleiom, at Dultitl; em the Bret Tueedey in y and the met '1‘uesday le Beeemher: and fer

  • the dxtlx dlvlsten, at Fergus Falls ee the met Tneedég in

5 January and the temrth · Tuesday in- Heya The der; et the { district court eha1l.app0iri_t `n demty clerk at meh . place where the court le new required to be held at which theelerk shell. not himself reside, who ehell keep his e¤lee and rmlde et the T place appointed for the lxeldleg of said ceurt. QR. 8. [531; l Mer. 3, 1911, c. 231, § w, 36 Stat. 1115; Ape. 10,; 19N, c. 113, `44Stat.238.).x — _ · _ — __ , 2 Soctlen I6! of Title 28 nrumdede-··—J¤dlcldl Code, _§ 87, constitute . l ing { 169 of Title 2`8 et the Code, has been amended F! Act nt , Apr. 10, 1926, c. 113, 44 Stat. 238, to reed as nbbvee t 172. (Judicial Code, sectlen 92, pnendcé.) Mamma.;-—Tlmt v_ the Stete of Montana shall constitute erie jedieial district,. to - be known ne the district of Mentepe. Terms- et the dietrict ¤· court shall be held at Helene, Butte, Gfét Fells, Lewistewn, I Billings, Mleeeele, Gleegew and Havre at sinch times nsmey be · Exed by rule et 811011 eemjt; Prmtided, That suitable meme end a accémmedetious for heldjxng ceurt at Glasgow, Lewlmewn end l eliavre are fmfniabcdlree of all expense .te‘·the United Stiles. r Causes, cltil arid criminal, me} be transferred by the cotnrt or s