Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2093

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QQ?9 TITLE 38.--—PENSIO3?S, BONUS. Government hosgltal, for board, maintenance, or any other pufiyasa incident to hospitalization: Provided fu-rther, That me Qct of May ·4; 1898, emitléd _"£A¤ Act rimkiné apptopriatiems for the navalservice for the liscal year ending June 30, 1899, am} fqr cther DHIBOSGSK? the Act of Februhry 28, 1861, as amended by" the Act of F€·hr11a1‘y —2,j1909, relative to the Got;- emmeut hcstwltal for the insane in the District of Columbia, of any other Act., in so far as they are incbnsistcmt with the pro- 1 visimzs of this section be; aud they are, hereby mdditied accordingly. _ , 1 ‘ r_ · In the insalar possessions pr Territories qt the United States the director is further authotized to furnish hospitalization ih uthér than Government hospttgls; (J unc 7, 1921, c. 320, (5 202, -13 Stat, 618; Mar. 4, 1925, c, 553,,5 9, 43 Stat. 1307; July 2,' 1926, c,,?t:3, S 9, 44 Stat. 794.) ’ 1 ~ l . ,- 1 W x 484 qt Tit!-g 38r•&dcd;--"1‘l;e stzitutory ixroiisiou constituting § 484 of Title 38 of thi; Code 11113 been ame¤·A€t of Jqiy 2, 1926, 12,723, § 9,44 Statt. 794, to read as above. E Q t .· For Act ofM:1y]4, 1898, mentioned in the,_tc;xt,-sac Q 6 of Tltla 241;: this _C0d<·. , · . - ·_ ‘ ` · FurmAct qt Feb; 2; 1909, amending Act ·ot Feb. 2Q, 1861; mentioned in the text, see Q 185 of _Tit1e 24 of this Code. _ Q ~ M 492._Exami11-ation affipplichnts for- compensatimr for digabilitin- necessity for; neglect- crrefuhal tc submit `tu.—-Tlmt every person applying 1'01·'_or in rei:cfpt of compensation for disabilit? untier thé`p1+0Yisi011s·pf thisltitle apd every person applyitag fof treatment m1dc1·:tl1e_,pr0Y§sions of suhgiivisjioxisf (9) or (10) of section 202`hereoff shall, as frequently and at such times and 'places as ,ma_y. be reasonably requireg»1,- submit him- » self to exaxtaixmtion by a medical 0Hice1·.0f the United States or

 by a duly qualméd phygiciau designxited or approved by the.

tlirevtor. Ha may .118VE. ,a duly qualified physician deslghated, and paid by him present to_ participate lu such examination. Ft>1·"ail examinations he shall, i11`tb_e discretion of thefdirector,. he‘phid_his reasonable traveling and 0tl1e1j_expenses and alsogs per diem allowance of $2.65 per day for the [)él;i0dw Bf travelzmd ubsefvaticng It hh shall neglect Gl'- refuse to submit to 2+111011 examination, or shall in any Way obmwct the game, his right to claim compensation mpuder this title? shall bg sué- wxméed mitil such- neglect, m£11sa1,“·0r obstruction ceasesf No écmpehshtiuiz? shall be .payab1% while such neglqct, refusal, Ol? obstruction continues, had 110 compensation shall be payable · for the lutcrvetiing period. ‘(J1mc‘7, 1924, c. 320, § 203,'.el3 Nat. 622; July 2, 19%, c. 723, § 10; 44 Stat; 797.) . ° , ·S¤cti¤n 492 sl Iitlé $8-•n¢Med.—-Thewstatut¤_ry provision consti- { tzutiag j 492 01 Title',38 of t.he’C0tl-eghas been amendegl by Act of July 2, 1926, c. 723, 9 10,, 44 Stat. 797;, to mul as above. The amendment related to the per diem sllotimnce. ‘ ‘ " 495{'1`imé af occurrence of death or éisability as of eqtiug liability tIi¢rg!0-r.-·~'1‘l1gt no- compenéhtiou “ himll be pgyablé for death cr dimhllity which does mit étzcur 91-101* to or within one — yea; aftexj disgharge or 1·ésig:1ati011.t1·¤¤1 the- servicg, except as _ p,mVitled in hectima of this, Alct.,“ and exceimt whgre the·re__ is an -0§ic·ial recérd of the injm7y_·d11ri11g"s·et»*lce dr- at the timé at segmmtlou active ssrtice, 01- where within three} yeéxsi, from the approval of this Act," satisfactory- evliqlence is Turhihhéd thé .b;1rmu t1 e-stzztblish that the injury was suffemdiolf 1 aggravated dm·l11g‘ ""act1ve servhe. Where . thhre is 0§c·ial_ 1. .1*90-ord of iujurg during Service te01i1pcnst£l ti011 shalltbe I?8¥¤ble_ · in abccrdzznm with the prhvisions ufthhis t.ttl2,"' fér ,‘ 017 disability whexxhver c4;c11rring,`,prcximhtely_ resulting truth such injury. j(J§,m,e 7, 1924, 4;, 32Q,—.'§‘ 206, _43 Stat. 622; July 2,, 1926, c. 7%, { 1;, 44 Stat. N7.) ’ , N it . m {Subdivisions (9) or (I0) of sexrtlcn 202 here-·0§_" hhpuld be trams- _lgtq1 "se—cti1ms 483#aud 484 of this titla." - _. _ _ F “This title" should he‘tra1islz1tEed ‘* Part; II of this c-lwpt•;1·.‘* _ 1 S"` Sévttun 200 at this Aeét" éhould be translated "sa<‘t_l_0¤ 471 of 1;l*si_.»¤_1~1a1e." ‘ M · ‘ ‘ _’“‘* The a1ppmvsl.0t this Act" Eahouhl be trztxnslqted *‘.¥1uy 2,`l‘926,“·

ES, AND VETER.;=lNS‘ RELIEF §,511 Section 495 of Title 38 n¤sended.—¥-The statutory Yglrovision con>xt§— tutlng § 495 of Tltle 38 of the Code has been amended by Art ot .. July 2; 1926, c. 72.33, § 1.1, {4 Stat. 797, to read as above. 498. Time for tiling claim for compensation ,or treatment; extension of time.-—-No compensation shall be payable and that (exeept as provided by subdivision (10) of section 202. hereof W no treatment aball be furnished unless a claim therefor be Hled l in case of disability within five yeare after diaeharge or resignation from the service, or in easelof death daring the service, within five years after auch death is_o@eially recorded in the , department under which he may be serving: Pro vided; however, That where compensation ispayable for deatlror disability oo eurring a`fter discharge or resiguaticm from the Service, claim muet he made within five yearsafter sueh death or the beginning otsnch disability. ‘ _ , S - ~ . ` _ The time`l1erein provided., may be extended by the director not to exceed fiveyears for good cause shown. If at the time that any right accrues to any person under the provisions of ithis title such `personjs ajminor,. or is of unsound mind or (phyaically unable to make a claim, the time herein provided shall mf begin to run untilsueh disability ceases. (June 7, 1924,70, 320, 5 209, 43 Stat. 623; Jnly 2,.1926, 723, § 12, 44

 Stat, 797.) l . ~   ‘ · l

_ Section 498 of/Title 38 •anemled.———~The statutory provision consti, tuting § 498 of _T_itle 38 of the Code has been a ended hy Act et July_ 2, 1926, c. 723,. § 12,~4·§ Stat. 797, to read as above. The, amendment relates to extension of time from "two yea_rs" to r {tive yeats" ln second paragraph. · I ".Pa1rr.II[.+—INSURAN(YE . 51.1. Persons entitled to; amounts; time for application for; alto, whom payable; expense of; premium rates.-=—I_n order to give to erery ··commissioned· officer and enlisted mah and ro every member of the Army Nurse Corps ‘(fema»le) and of the Navy Nurse .(!orps .(femalel_ when employedfin active serriee under the War Department _0r Navy Department protection fore themselves, and their dependents, the United States, `upon application to the bureau andtwithont noedical ezmminatioujehall grant. United States Govérlnment life. insurance (eonrerted insurance) against the death for total permane1xf·dieabllity»» of any sueh person in any.multi·ple of $500, and not lees.Qthan_ $1,00(l or more than $10,(l00, upon the payment of the premiums aa hereinafter provided. TSuch insurance must be applied for within `one hundred and twenty days after ·enlistm_e`nt or after entrance·.into_~or employmentgain the ctive service`and— before ,_§ dlaehargeer resignation: Prom1i%,Z'hat any rnemher of the reeerre_ forces whose application aa accepted at a time when he was ln. attendance at a military or naval l`I'éi!1lH§~(;°$Hl}) or `station, and. from wlnom?preminm,a were collected, and who he-r comes or has become totally or permanently jdiaabledr or dies; or has died, ahall he deemed to havehmalde valid application therefor; This proviso shall not authorize the granting of more than $10.000 insurance to any one person: .Prm~£ded·r~fel¢rl—lz er, That each owcer andenliatml man of theQC»oaég_t `Guard who is serving on active dlity at the time of thelpaaaage of thishamendatorr Act" or who aubaeqnentthereto entera the Coast Guard eService, ehallhe granted inauranee,iz1._aceordanee· with the terms of this section upon application within one hundred and twenty o days of the passage of thiseunendatory Aet," or date of enlistment or entr§ into "the"Coast Glnard, whichever, is the later date, and before retirernent, discharge, or resignation; x The insurance shall M payable only to a apoueei child. grand- , ehildg parent, hlrotherg sister, uncle, annt, nephew. nieee, brotlxe“r·

  • *°"Snhdlvlaloa »,(10l of section 202 ‘hereot_"‘ ehonldnhe translated

" section 484 of this title.? _ ‘.._ l» · ’ J · ”"At. the time `of the paeaage of thisjamen•;l;1tory Act" ehonld he . translated “Jnly ;!_,,~1·92f3." — » ’“*·" The paaaage of this aznendatory Act " ahonld be translated ".¥uly 2, 1*.126,** ‘ · ‘