Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/210

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e § 685; .:r12·LE.10i.~ who was appointed to the 'United’States Military ,Acaderny·0r tlielllluited Statesf Nave,l_~Academy fifter A1igust_‘_24,`1912,.· the ` time spent at either academy shall not be [counted. ‘(JllHB 7, 1924, c,· 291, Titled, 43 Stat. 481; Feb. 12, 1925, c. 225, Ti·tle= 1, l 43 smt.es9e.) = i j l * * __

 685. Serviceicredits in .c0mputin·g longevity pay of enlisted l

men.-——-See ffitlc 37, APAY PlND_·ALLO\\*ANCES, section .15. · ° iDDI'1‘IONAL PAY EOR SPECIAII SERVICE, ;_QUALIFICA-·

   ‘ TIONS, cn, l\1ERL"1l -   7 v_

, l (Times ..Rl§>iv`E1~zENCrlSij v_ _ Additional pay for nviiition duty; isee,secti0¤s 300, 301 and 302iof · thislitle. ~ _ ·g ~ T ~ _ ( A - ‘ `, ‘ Ad(iitie:1nl_ pay for services cfenlisted men acting as xjcportcrs*tcr (`<”)ill’YS-—l1`lilI‘tl£}l,l`C,()Ul`tS- of iuquiry,- and so forth`; sce sectidn 044 cfg this time y 1 V ~‘ ‘ . · ,_ _, I _ Pay for spc<·i:ilist:<’ ratings. of enlisted mcn;’see Title 37,` PAY KND i.¤\¥·i;OWANCi£S_, Section 9. , .` '— Q ij · _ · · · ·· 691. Breviet radii; as affecting pay.—·»#=Brcvets ,c30i1ferreY1 npgn 'ce:;m1ieéeio11ed_eliicereshall not entitle them to any increase cf. ~pey.` (R; S. §..1264.) ‘ · . `. , V ‘.·4 _’ 692; Additional pay) fer aides.g—-·A·ic1es shall rccc»ivejpl1y' in `, gddditievn to the pay (}·fV.·tll€i?l1" rajnk, ae fcllowéz _Aide tc `Il’l_iljOl°` geneml,·,$200’ a yedr; and*afde to l)rigadi_e1‘ general, ’$150AAu` j·ecr.· {R; $:5 12Ql; June_10,.1922._c. 2_12,i§`21.c42‘St:1f. 633.) 7. 693..C0mn1issiuned efdcere on field duty.-;-See/_Tltle`37, PAY, Y A?.~m·At.1.0\~*ANlf1~:s, section 7 ° ‘ é l _ 694. War-time- pay of cQcer exercising command higher , than his jxiédekeln tixue**0f,·wl1,1·" every `oflicer serving iwltlif trceps operating ageiuét dn enemiy"wh0, shall exercise,. under 4 aeeigxiniexxtiinertlem issued byiccxnpeteut éiutlicrity, acemmand eheve `t1mi$.I>€*rt1;lnlng te his grcde,»sl1ell be entitled tc r;ece~l·:e` 1 the pay end allcwancesgcf the grznlenppreprizite to the com- J ~IiliiIl{,l’S{> exercised: Pr0t·ided,:Thut n lmtelof pdy,exceedln,g‘tlnet, i' t of si brigxxdier general shell not he paid in hny cease by reaisoiil »_· . of Shell ztxseignnxent. (Apr. 20,, 1898, c.191, 5 7, .30 Stat. 365.) _ d_ 695. Certi6cate_ef merit Qrnnted to enlisted man.¢—=~A, ce1··tlfl·-» * cate ct merit granted te an enllet,__ m&n·for_dleflx1;;nielled eervieewelxell entitle him, {rmi; the__·date c_£__e11cli service, to £1ddl· 1 tiezml pay nt the mte,of .$2iper~ ntnjntli while he is in the , yniilltery service, elthengh euch service ngny not be ccntinu··l eee; but the additional [my heneln nsutlibrized for holders of the l certificate of merit ehell,m>ti,be pdldgto them beyond the_de.te ef the award, et the dlSlill1gl1lSllQd·S&f\’l€¢3,Illtiiliil in lien therect nc it . provided hyeectlczi 1408 of this title} (Feb. 9, 1801, ;c.. 1%, 5 1 M 2. ,26 Stat. 337; July 9,1918, c. r13,‘40AStnt.` S70.) ·. _ · — 696. Medal of honer, distinguiehed·eervicel creee, cr distln— 0 .g_nished-eervice medal awarded to enlisted xna.n.——~I·E‘.agcll, enilieied nie}: ct the Aim? te wlnnn there has been cr shell he l H.1`§'iZ1l“{$l_£?{l e, medal (cf lll,)lli)I‘, a distinguiehed»—eerrice crcee, cr e ; (ll$llli1g?i1l§l1€(}g§£`*1'\‘l€*€3 _Ill{?Ll8ll shell, fcneech such esylxrd, be en—· titled tc etiditimlzcl ])il}"£1t,tll€’P8t“id' cif"$2 per month from the ; dntei of the distinguished act cr service ell which the award · lilieell, and each her, cr other editable device, in lien ci 11 medal l ‘ tlltlifigllli', e, diélilixigliielzelleerviee crcee, or d dlstingnlsliell-serv- —g ilje l11ellel, ashereineft;er°pmvided fm-, shell entitle him the imo-‘ 4 ··thei· a1l¥`litlennl pzlyfet the rate of $2 ]}£¢l;·»lllQl1lCll from the detehi ~ l i_tl,1edi:.»=ti1ali~1il>=lii>d iltflii‘§`(lt* Sécl*vi<·e fun whichtlie hier le ,{1\\'ill’&l€%{l. and eeidinlldilizmall pay ellzill <,*()llllllll¥€i thrcilghclut his active · $t*l‘\’li‘B, wlietlxw mel: service shell crehiill not heaccntiluidue; a but xvhen the ewzlrd is¤i11QLlleuaef the Q€§l’l'lill(‘tilY¢:!£()£ nncriti, use ; provided for i11_eectle1le1&0ti’·thereof, thevzzddlticmnl phy elnlll l Vbegln.x1*ith`tl1e date elf the ziwiird. (July 0, 1918, cg 1-13, 40 Emi. .,871,,) ‘ , · f 1 _ i » ~ [1 697. Enlisted men having special qnaliheatinne in ucc of ; arms, etc.-:-——¥—See Title 37, l*’ M: clean At1..tlxs·.x1~%tél¤:is, eecticin Q7. 698. Military telegrephiereieélilnzlleted. men whe qlclllfy, twig expert military telegi·npl_leris, vsllnll receive $5 e month; me limit- l

MARQIY, 195 Glase military teleewzrpliers $3 fl tnanfh ; M military tQ]€_gmphm;" $2j a»mtmth~; '£1ll_111' addition to their Diky,”i1mler such re,·m1,,; limi? as the seez··y at War mqy prescribe. but no eellsm m:m’slmll reee1Ve—at· tile same time mltlitiexml pay-for xxitme ·_ than one Of_IlZll(3 elassiiieatioue named. ‘(JtmeI 3, 1916,; cz. *134, I .§ 28. 39 Quit. 186; July 9, 1918, e._·143. sulielmpter XVII. §  » Y Tlouvsmt. 800; u;ue·~4, 1920, Q. 2*27, Suwhapter I, §.‘£§S, 41 $g;,€Z I ,770.) x , ,_ i · _ · ‘J ' _ QUARTERSIIAQNDISUBSISTENCE ” V Rntitms for flyi_¤,~:;·e;1tlet’e, see seetitm ,304 et thie title, - Allowanees for Philippixle Scouts, eee section ‘33~t of this title. ‘ .711. Money alloyvzmcesi for sxibsisteuceg and rental of qual. ters for general officers.-4-See Zlfitle 37, liu: ‘A$¤ .~\r..r,<>xmxt·:-ie l section 12. I. ·  ; » y I yi I . 1 ‘ 712. M_¢me_y__ellowIance for ‘re1italI0f querters Ifor ieemuiig. sion1ed§,»e§cers belowgrade-ef brigadier general.··-—See Title 37 I lhty (AND ,t\Lt.0·.··_.4xcriS, setjtieu I10. Q I· P II .713, Mqney aliowanceifor subsistencebf c0mmi§5ienedfoHi. cers belew grade of brigatlier; gene_ral.·-5See Title 37;.1*.vr may ALl.O\VA_NCES, section 9. . , -.‘- II ~ I . ‘ ·— _ I714; Subsistence of 0$cers traveling ulxder grders svithoiat, II troops.;-+Seé Title_3’2`,. l’.xY..s.Nt> A1.1.<;>,ii*.#*.zé2t‘1·;s,_s;eetimx__20. I . 715. Money allowance {br subsistenee and rent§l_ ’of duet- . tersI for warrant ,0lll¢ers.——···—See Title $7, I’.u·. Axe A·L1.uxv.lxu~,e,· Slftfllfilll 19, _ i I, HI . " , l ¢716. Quarters and subeistence for enlisted men; commute-_ 1 tim: of·—rati011s.i——··Set.g Title 37, Perlgmtb Amiewxiccpzs, section lil. · » =71'Z. Heat or light in` kind for perséns Kreceivixgg nllewanee for rental of quarters.-——-Heat Ier Mehta i1l`kin_deel:ell not he leaned teeny person Ilu. lIll€IIAl°lIlY Iwlnlle such peirgselx is receix·i¤g an allowamee for rental of quarters mxderjlxe previsi¢,ms of . Title 37, PAY .xNu ALww.mct;s. (M:1r...,2, 19:23, ci HS, Title I, 42 Stat.11i85.) . e t `_ _,— ‘ 718. Awfailability nf public quarters; determlmtien by Seeretery of War.——~¥'1‘lnei mretary of War may tletemiine where, uml when there are; mi public quarters navailable within the mezmlng dt tlilsiclmpter of this title. 4( Mer. 4, 1915, e. 143, § 1. 38 Start. 1069.) , I‘ = . I , ~ I I · 719. Bight te quarters or nllewgnce tlgerefer durigg efficefs temporary absentee from statlen mi Held ¢l¤tyr5»··—O£Heere teuxpw rerily ebeetitoen duty in the field shell not ieee tlieirright to , querterzmer ceinmutetion tlxereef et their perxtrieuetit etutiiixl `; while sei te1up0ru.rily» abeexft. (Feb. 27, 1893, <;··,»1(}8, 2i' Stunt 180.) I · ~ . . · ‘ l , » 1 .720. Expenses of ehlcere on ordnance duty at proving gmlmde.-—Utlit:er;s not o<:·enpyiln_s,; pulllie q.ullr;e;·s’Iet tlte.pruvixi;: gimuml, while empltlyeml cm Im·dxmnt.·e duty thereet, shall :·t·t·t·ive it money alltixmuee ter neeeetlary expenzme ;•..tI the reteecif $;5;5i> pe1·’l.lié;>m while se eirmlltigvecl: I’rm·i¢led, 'l`lixxt the eecmlauey by euch officers, provllllxig them:;t·lt·*ee with quarters £*l.'5t.%\\”ll€?l°£?.IU{ iilllé men: in the bulltliilg at the prelviilg gmmzd locally lilwwli as the llrlek lmmse shall inet be e·emé:t,rueel—ee eeeuglexicy of public ljl.Illl.I’l•.:Pl`:·iI within the nxeeniilg of like mw eulllerizlng ellewamaf tmc! tiiemnmztaithm of Jq1rel··e. (Mer. 3, 1915, e. ‘i'(i, §Y 1, :2+;+ sms. $$9.) i ’ ,— . , , . 721.¥Heueing of eEieere eervinglixr Canal Z0ne.—~·-·Oilice1·;;i:>t· the Army pt·»rtnlxxlm..·;. to the {Suited States trimps eer·vin,·i.: in the Lfémsil {dime elmll not he requlretl te pay rent for the econgmney jégf llelnilztel of the lmnama Canal te which they unity he ·. El>·éiill{ll(’tl. (July ll, 1918, e. H3, 40 Stat. $55.) . ,

 722. Quarters for serventee-—-~Xe zilleiwmiee, shell be xmllle

Fell; (!l&llll$ fer qu.m·lem fm: eervente. (June 2§, 1S’i'Q, Q. fif}, 21 Start. 31.) { » I ~ ‘ I ’ _ A, It 723. Heat and light fer qua.r tere.—-»The lleut uml light zwtlv éllly neeemery fer the eixtlmrieritl ellmvlmee oflquertere fer elli~

er.s and eulieted men lsllell be furnlelxed at the expense ul elle