Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2119

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2105 _ ssfzrw 45.- . TIT 45.-—-I Chwcr $.—=-MEDLATION, CONCILIATION, AND ARBL · TR}\'I‘IGN· IN OGNTROVERSIES BETWEEN CARRIERS. n AND EMPLGYEES * [Bemled.] . " · q ‘ . .· &m· §·•t.‘§‘$tl• 45 r•p¤l•d.——'1‘he Actyot July 15] 1913, c. 6,-38 · Stat. 193, which constitutes sections 101 to`125, inclusive, of Title. its oi the Code was repealed bi Act of May 20, 1926, c. 347, { 14, 41; stat. S8?. which Act constitutes chapter 8 ot this supplee enentdl title. _ ‘ " _ . - _ . Chapter 7.-»ADJUS’l`MENT` B·Q_A R D S ~A N D ,L A B Q R BOARDS. {Repealed.] r ° _ ‘ p ‘ _· " Chapter 1 •t Title 45·re•e•lod.+'1‘it"le III of.the.”1‘runsport:1tion Act ot. 1920, which constitutes chapter 7 of Title 45 of the Code was repealed hy Act of May 20, 1926, E. `347, § 14.,44 Stat.587, which Act constitutes chapter 8 of this supplemental tltle. '- · ` (`humer—8.‘-RAILWAY LABOR ACT. [New.] _ `..:·151, [wtinltions: name of Act. i 152. General duties:. . _ _ First. Deity of carriers sud employees tosettle dlsputll. ` Second. Cond&1iion of disputes by representatives. ` `Thlrd. Designation of representatives. · _ ` Fourth.’Qonterc&ee ot representatives; time; place; private agrwents. ‘ . ‘ , _ _ · . Flith.'Hnnner of deolins with certain disputes. ` 152. Boar& ot 4dj¤|&t:_ " ·_ . ‘ First. Creation ot boards ot qdjustment; agreements and their provisions. ‘ _ , “I __ _ _` Second. Settlement oft disputes- by mutual and iroluntary ‘ 1* agreement. _ ._ . · ‘ ’ N _ IWS4. Board of Mediation: · 2 · · — · ' - First. Board .ot Mediation: creation: composition; ters; ot @ce;_qnorw: salary of uembers; qualldcationp; removal. _8ec0nd.` Chairman ;—$~ principal o¤ce; delegation of powers ;- oaths; seal; report. _ ’ ” · Third. Awotntment of erperts and other `employees; salarim of emp1oyec•:.cxpendltnres. ‘ · ‘ $55. Functions ot Board of Mediation: _ . ° e .· · . c First. Dlsputei within jurisdiction of Board ot Mediation. Second. Interpretation of agreement. Third. Dutid of board with respect to arbl»trution_of disputes; nr!>lt¤to¤;‘ qc¤¤owlodgn1cn‘t‘ of agreement; notice to droitratetii reoonvcnlng of irbltrutors; transfer-got records ot· · other boards. » ’ . ‘ · ` 156. iwocednre ln changing rates of phy, rules, and .worklng_conditions. ' 157. Arbitration: . F _· . ‘ g · »_Flrst. Bupmisnlon of controversy to arbitration.

 Kenner ot selecting board ot arbitration; ·

Third. Board ·o! arbitration; orpnixotion; coxupeusfntlou; 158, Agre t to arbltrnte; form and contents; signatures und J ‘ revocation. . . · _. · . · E 159. Awiiwd sm judgment thereof; e¤eet of Act on individual First. Film; ot sword. _ . _ “ _ ‘ Cooeluirooesq ot award; judgment. Tmrd. . lmpuchit ol award; .;ro¤nds.` _

  • .Fm1rth. Hedect ot pnrtlsl invalidity ot award.

_ mu¤.Aoo¢¤1:‘r·e¢.·er¢.` . x ‘ ·,, - . Sixth. Elnnlity of decmon of circuit court of appeals. _ “ Seventh. `3¤d:@t. there ·»petltioner’s contentions are sue 1 tained. -· - . _ _ _· _ - . · N Eighth. Doty ot owployeeto render service without consent ;,., . rzlghttoqdit. ‘ -‘ I , Wie: `ch•.pter.· Tm -12 aectioneln the chapter are H, 1-12 of au' ` Act entitled “An‘ Act to provide for the prompt disposition ot dlsputea between emlm uoc com employees, um tor. other oornosew vited hbovc. ° · . “ ‘ · ‘ . ( * ’S8QG0ll 13(ol) of the nid Act smnds paragraph “ second " ot subdivision tb) ot [ 128 ot `the J.ddlclal» Code, on amended (Title 2*8. l 225). Section 13th) otthe ••ld·Act amends Q 2 ot Act Feb. 13, 1925, c.·229, 43 Stat. 939 (Title %, {84.8). ° -. · ‘ ‘ Section 14. ot the mid Act ot 1926, which constitutes { 163 of th}: Supplemental title, repuls Title III ot the Truosportstioo Act ot 1.920 { (Tltk *5. il .131--·146},_ud also ·repealed.Act July 1;, 1913, c. 38 { Stat. 103 (Title 4.5, Qi 161-425). ‘ _ }

t »?’ —R.11LROADS Y ~ §]‘52’ _ KAILROADS Y ’

 e t E

160, Emergency Bogrd. V z · 161. _E¤ect or pertm invalidity or Act. 162._Appropriet¥on. _· · 1§3._ Hepa! ot priorlegtsietioe perception. .` _

 De§nitio¤§; nséé of Act.-When iieed in this _Act and ·‘

for the purposes of thié Act: · · · - 5 . Fitfste The term " mrrier ’f· ineludu any exprm company, ' sleeping·car` company, and any carrier by railroad; subject to _ the Interstate Commerce Act, ieeludiug all Eeatig eqeiment such as boats, barges, tug brfdgm ind {mm; and l other ‘ tmnsportetion facilities by or gopemtw in any eine}: carrier by rammed, and kay receiver m· any ether `imiivfitiunl · or bod3r, judiciel er_ etbepwise, whm is the ¤ C · sion ot ethe businws ot employers or ·€Ql’!‘i€1'8 eee to ·-by Aet t · Provided, hgneever, That the term “esrrb¥t" sk& m include any street, 'interurban; _ or eemben milwiy unless such a railway is as a. port M s muzi desi railroad system et transportation, but not exetuée my _ part of the general- steam system ot ·€1.‘ Kt8ti0£t now o1·—hemtte1§` operate} by gay otha méiegeewa; ‘ ‘ Sec0ud.·'1‘he term “Adjmt;ne¤t ·%r¢l,” mms one of · the boards ot adjustment provided ter in this Let; · '

 Third. The term F‘ Board 'of Mediation ?’ mesm the Board of

Medtation ctwted by this Aef; » _ V _ · _ »F6urth."'1‘he term “¢9~lBB\éli€8” mms - sevemv Stitee or petwem in! Sfifte. Territeri, et the Diwriet - " of Columbia end my mma nation, ee: between, am Taritery ot the District `ot Columbia — and e¤y $tate, or Territory and any other or mtweea my. ‘ and the Dtstrieti of Columbia, ee guy Tetritm as the District · of Columbia, or betegeen pommju State through any other` State or any Territory or the District of _ _ {Columbia 01’·8§1$’.“Jf€i@~B&tiQR. _ _ _ _ t> _ · t Fifth, The term ‘i employee T' es used herem—_·ineteées' every i person in the service. ot "e 'eerrie: (sebiect to its _ authoitty .t0_ etipervise neg direct themamaez ot reuditiee or t his service) who ·perfor¤£e any work` dmhed es that of an employee or suborqiuete omeinl in the orders of the Inmstate Commetce Oommissioa new in eEeet, ami as sam they be amended oe interpreted Thy orders hereatte: entered byt &e coémissiee ptirsuant to the ‘ gethorlty which is Eereby eo¤~·‘ `f€l‘l;€(l epun it to enter orders smetteig or mtexipgqing existinzonders za Prm=ided,—· however, That no eceepatiexsht eEeesiiieation mede by order ot the Interstate wmmme Gemmiwu 1 shell be construed to define the crafts eeeordteg te, jerhicto—rai1· way employees may be orgenimeti by their vommery oetten, por- shall the- jurisdiction orpoweee of mel; egpioyee www- `tiens be regarded ae in egg way limited or by the [ pmviéxions of. this Aet: or`by the orders of the; _} ~· ~ Sixth. The term " district court "ti¤clet.ies the Geert of the District of Colpmbif ; ged the term. j‘ circuit court ot appeals W includes the Court ° of Appeate of the Bistriet ot —Cb1umbie.` · M _ . a · - This Aetg may —be` cited as the Railway Labeg Act, (May 20, 1926, e. 347, $1, 44_ Stat. 57‘}'.t)` Q ’ · · ‘ New- section. See tpeteote to this elgepter. - _ •‘This*;`Aet," mentioned ig the text, constitute; this chepfg `aud S 348 end p¤.x·eg1*uph`·“ second" of subdivision (b) ot'§ :... · tof TitIe 28 of this appeed~i»x;_ Q _ · _ The. Interstate Comneree Act, mentioned in the text, eouetttutes cbaxiterfl et. Title 49 et the Code. _ »· _ R · {52. Generol dttties-··¤·Fh·st. Dtttif of §t1f‘|°{€’I`t? and employees v to ‘·6“'l6 4{;M;g&;`ghg11 be the duty of all caitiers, their. *· o&eers, agents, andemployeee toexert every reasonable edort