Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2130

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§3()5 TITLE 48.-—TERRITORIES A 305. Potents to contain reserve for right of way; 3 Section 305 of Title 48 •me_ndéd.--Sec· note to § 301, ot this title ot the appendix. . “ · . _ 306. Disposition of proceeds of `lease or sale of public lands. Section 396 of Title 48 amended.-·Sec note to § 301 ot thistitlo of the appendix. . - ‘ _ 307. Authority. of President. . _ t $ection 897 of Title 48 amendede-=S<ao note to § 301 of this title of tl1o‘append—ix. “ — _ ‘_ . . 308. `0$cerg, agents, etc., to make annual report to President; transmission to`C¢mgress. · _ T Seeiisp sos of Title *48 ·nmcndod.——Sgé note to § 301 or this title or , the appendix. . __ _ . ‘ PUBLIC LANDS IN ALASKA _ G1·:m·:RAL Pxwvxsroxs 360. `Public lands; 'leasg. for fur farming: reservations.- Thgttho Socxjctarypf the Interior, {{1 order to gnxcourage and promote development of production of furs ·in the Territory of `Alaska., is hereby authoriZed' tojeaso to corporations organized mzdcxithe lawsof the United States, o1·_of m1~y‘Stote o1·.Territory thereof, citizeuslof the United States, or associations of such citizensopublic lands of thé United States in the Territory of Alaska suitable fo1·_fui*.far1uing, in areas not exceeding six ,_ hundred and forty acres, ondj for periods not exceeding ten years, inponb such terms and (·ou¢liti0us_’as-the`i11ay·`by general regulations prescribe`: —Pr0·a:ided, `That whore leases are given hereuudef fof islaxxdsor lands within the same sock lease may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Intetior, be_for an moo. not to exceed thirty S(]\l8l'B_ miies:·I?r0vided further, That nothing horehr contained shall prevent the prospecting, locating, development, entering, leasing, or potentiugof the miuorol _ resources of any lands so leased under laws applicable thereto: And provided further, Thgt this Act“ shall `uot be held xiof construe;} toopply to the Pkibilof Islands, déolared `a special? reservation by the Act? of Congress approved April 21, 1910: Azad provided fwither,.That ouy permit or. lease issued undo: this _Act shall résoxjvo to the Secretary of the Interioxj the right to permit the use Quad occupation of putts of sqid leased areas for the taking, preparing;`mmnufzicturing, or storing of Hsh or. Hgh products, or the ptilizatioxi of the loudS·fo1·` purposes, of trade or business, to the extentand in the `mouner provided‘ by t oxisting·l_aws·— o1·‘laws_ which maybe hereafter enacted. (July; 3, 1923. ·c. 745, S 1, 44; Stat. 821.) `_ W __ `V _ - Nest section. _ Act of July 3,. 1926, _é. 745, 44‘·Stat. 821, citéd to the text. was entitled "A¤ Act to provide for the leasing of public lands in Alaska for fur farming; and tcxf other purposes? K 361. Execution at provisions-of Act; iuthority of Secretary of I¤ter:iox·.——-That tho Secretary of th; Interior is hereby authorized to perform any mgd all nots, and to make such rules &11d.;‘cg‘ulatio11n§ aotmay beenetxwssary andh proper, for the pur-.

 of carrying thepmvisions ot this Act ’ into offoct inéludiixg .

.p:·évi.s§ong *fox·_tho forfeituaéé of any lease for failure to sto<:k_ the same with fur-bearing `animals within no ,p¢;·riod· of one feat from the {late of tlzoloase, or in the event of the devotion of. the loam area primarilyo any purpose other than the rea.ring ofégxch for-boariaag ani als. . (July 3, _1926, c. 7-iii-§— .2, 44 Stat. 822. · 4 z ‘ ‘ ) N Now socltioia. Sec note to § 3éG.0f thjo title of the appendix; 369. Indian mj Eskimo lands set aéidc on survey of town sitc.?—-——gW11e;*o, xipon the survey of·a_ town site pursuaxxt to soc- 3 tion 11 nf tho Act of Mmwh 3, 1@1 (Twontpsixth Statutes, page 1 1095},·'81l(I tho xregulatiomz of the Doportmont of the Interior 't1'1ld(’i' said Act, in trmit cjlaimed and occupied by an _I1idiai1 or · 2 " '1`his‘A<·t f' should he"trz1ns\a1tod " sections 360,nnd 361 So!. thistitlé of the nppeudix.°’ A _ ‘ . _ · “ . _ =‘·Act of March 3. 1891. ·so¢·tit$n 11 " shouht lx tran$latt·d_":sectit»n 355 of this title in tho Coder`? · . . n

wm 'INSULAR POSSESSIOEVS 2116 Eskimacf full or iniked l>lo04l,~11zatit‘e\_@f Alaska,} has been 01" may be set apart to such Indian ur Eskimo,. thé towngsite trustee is authorized to issue ?t0_ him a tle0d`therefo17 which shalt provide that the title conveyed istnatienablc exéept; upon approval of the Secretary_ of the Interior: Proridéd, That nothing `.h€l'€'iIl_CQIlT&iIl(?d shall subject? such tract totaxation, to levy zmd sale in satisfaction of the debts, ccmtraits, (ii'. liabilities of .t11c=pa|;e11teé, or to any claimfs of adverse occmiaucy or law bf prescription: Providéd. frzrtherf That the approval by the»S'e~<?- regtary of the Interior of the sale by xm Indian Gr Eskimo of a' tract deeded to him uéderthis Act ’ shall vestijtx the purc·hgst·r E a complete and tlIll‘€Stl‘iCt9d title from the date of 'smzh ap;. t pmval: (May 25; 1926, c. 379, § 1, 44 Stat. 629.) t " New section. , — ·· ` ` 36911.- Extension of street or alley across Indian or Eskimo · Iand.——Wi1e¢1éQ;;·; the Secretary bf the Iutéiior nshalt tleternxixxé that lit Wuutd t0· the in_tei·cst"<pf the Indiana gr Ebslginw acct;- paut of 18-Ild. described in thé preqcding p~arag¤*aph,‘ he is anth01‘iZ(‘(I·t0 i€tXt9ll(] the established streets a:1d·a1leys_0f they - town site upon und across the track, and the deed issued to éuch "‘ 0(‘Cl}[)8IlE under this Act' shall reserve to the tpwn site the areal covered by such streets gmctalleys éggéxtexndeti. (May 25; 0; 379, ;§ 2, 44 Stat. 630.) ‘ *- ` ._ Now section. , _ » 369bL Sug·ve§y_ of nonminetal public lggndswinta lets and { `bl($€kSa—¥"’h9l10\'éP he shall find tnbnunirteraj Publié limds Jin Alaska td. be claimed and bccupiéd by Indians or Eskimos of `fuii in- mixed blood, `natives__0£ Alaska, as a town or village. · the Secretary of the Interior its `authorized to have such lgnys · 7 surveyed into lots;. blocks, streets. and alleys,_ and to issue ·a . · patent therefor-;_t0 sn trustee who shall convey to the individahl Indian ori ESRRTIIBQ the land so} claimed and;0<:cttpic·d,1 exélusive of that €'ll1bl‘H(°€’tl in-_ streets OP`- alleys: Pmvideé, That any patentpr deed to be issued under this section shall, be subjgct to Lall_the";1ré}tisi0ps, limitations, and restrictions at gtectimt 1 of this A(·t" with respect to Indian andjlsikimc claims to lapel nccupiéd by them within the limits of town sites `establishtid ` or to be established under shid Act of March 3, 1891} (May 25, 1926.}; 379, §_ 3, 44 Stat. t ·_ . ‘ A - New Lseétton. n a _. » 3691:. Regulations by Secretary of the Intericg·.—--——T!¤e` Se<·r¥é·; taty of the Interior" is authorized to `prescribe appropriate regulations for the gdixxinxistraticpxa bf. thiéé Avt." (May 25; 1926. gs. 379. § 4. 44 St¤t..630.). %· ‘ · _ ’ New section. _ P ` ·’ H0»tz:s· · ` 379. Homesténd chime; rectnngpahr system nf s¤rv§cys;Aeparture on `accoimt of local or topographic mnditiam,-$——·Tl1af the pmv§sions·;_0f the Act of May 14, 18&B° (Thittietb Statutes t at Large, page 409), extending thehomesteacl laws to Alaska. and the Act 0t—*Mart—h 3,1303* ‘(Thirty-sec¢md `Statutesfats Large;) pagv 1028); umeudamry theréct, hi so far `as they re- ” quite that the laudisx sue settle;·d_ upotig or to he settledwnpau, ff _ -unsu‘rveyéd. mwst be located in rectangular form by north and south zlinest running mcccréiqg to that time méridiatn, aud; marked upon the ground by permanetxt ximmtmentee ati each . of the four mrxxers ; and thewpmvistons of the Act (sf June 28. 1918" (}:`0x·ti}eth`Statutes at Luge; page 632), in am fur as they ; ._

  • "‘ Pzziéfgmpln "f shoulgi be translated "‘se·cti¤p.“ ·` ‘ I V 2

_ ¤Se-eticn 369 of this title in the appendix. ° Section 355 of this title in the` (Wide, ""'fhisi Act" shpu1d be translated. ".secttons 369 to 36% _0f this title in the appe;ndlx.’*· _ J . · 9*.* Act dt May 14, 1898 " and the " me of March 3, 1903 " mixendatasty thereof should be ttanslatcd " section 371 ofthis title ot. the (‘odc·." l °",~\<-t of June 28,. 191§"'st10uld be trantmted "¤e<:tiuu{3T5 of this 1 t1t_1c·¤; the Cgdc.*’ ‘ P