Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2135

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2121 TITLE 49i$—TR; over any airport 017 emergency landing wld owned or oporatéd _ by the Quite:} St¤t&_ may Dwvido Ihr the- sale to any aircraft of mol, oil, oquimfent, and mpplies, had the furnishing to it of ` ;s}{>€hR!}iC&l service, tempomry shelter; hud other assistance Mmsdcr fegulqticns asithé head oi! the department or estab- . "iishmsht may prescribe, but only if such aétiop is by reason of mx emergency necessaty to the c0¤‘ti¤uance Of such aircraft on its- oouk to the nearest airport operated by priwjhte enterprise. All such articlesahall bo.so1d.a1¥d suéh assistimce furnished sit . me {aix; market valhe pi·evuiliug locally as·ascerta·ined. by, the ` head of mchn dcmrtmént or establishhmut. "All qmohuts ré- _wive<1 under this subdivision shall be covered into Treég- my ; but that part of such amop11ts which; in théQ`5i1d81¤Q¤t of the head of the department O1" ostablishyt, is`oquiv≤1t to me cost of the fuel, 011, ehuipment, suppli , S€1'Yi(.*GS,··Sh€1t€1°, or ouior assiagmce so sold or {tarnished shall be cxjéditoil to `the

q$;u?o;t•riati0¤ fiom which such host was paid, ang} the balance,

ii any, ohali be krrodited to miscellaneous? xckreipts. _ · (f) Efocf of Act on des¥gm;¢io>a. of mililé-ry air~u:ays; designation of asilitury airway as civil airwdy; efféct of suéh ·~ d.c.xig:aatio»n.—Nothiug in this Act? shall be construed to pre; wm; the-.Sec1‘etzu‘y of War-. from désiguatfng fohtes in ‘the uatigzable airspace as. military hitwajs and pxéscribigng rules and regulations for the use thereof routes which do not conform to civil airways established hereunder; or to prevent tho Secretary? wot Chommorcefrcui destguating any military airway as a civil airwa$·,`and when éodesimatcd it shall therel upon become a civil aix¥wpy.withi¤. thelmeaniig of this Act} and {ho mretgry of War is hereby agthorizgzd to contihue the op eration; of air navigation facilities for any militaiy airway so dogiguhted as ·a civi1°airw.ay uutit saich time as the Secretary of Uomm¢i·ce_ chu provide for the-·0pemti0¤. ot suéh facilities. _ 4Moy 29, 1926, c. 3·14,·§ 5, 44 Stat. 370.) ~ · l A 7 . New section. Sée note to §_ 171 0t.thLs title of the appendix. ` 176Q Fo7‘¢i$’B‘li1‘€!lf$ft······(a) Sovereignty of airspaqé declared; _ mwigahtion of ioroiéa military aircmfi.»——'1‘he. bombs ¢1e·4·!aros that _G0vemme¤t of the United States has, to the exclusion ot all f(}~1"€iKH. nations, complete- sovereignty of the airspace ‘0sjer the lands had waters of the United' States, in .·mding§t.1m Gmini Zone: Aiircmft a it of the arhyed forcés of any foreign nation shall not be Egigated in the Ulniteé States, i¤c1,udiug the Zone, ex' ._in accordance with an authorizationgréhted by the Sccretnryot State. ' _ `(b)· Navigation of Joroiga. civil aircraft; oathhérézation; ap , plioabélitg of §·eguratim—l-··Foréigu ai1?crai't· u0t n bart jof the armed forces of the foyeign nation shall be nnvigated in tha ‘U'nitod States only if authmjged gs hereinafter in thisjaectioi ’·.D:·0vidm ;T a:m_ if so authorized, Buch li!*i!i'8.ft;&}1d nirmeh serv ing ig: com:ectio¤At11<g;·ewith,_¤ha11 be subject to the requirements .o£ section 3,. unless emmpt under subgliitsioh _ (c) of this wctiou (c) Navigation of Ycroiazz civil air¤·c~1‘t; of twtlwri Saliva; evemptioip from  ; omagmwm in air ‘¤¢¢•Y¢=6.+~·-It a fomim hntiou grants a similgr privilege in respect 0f aircraft or United States, and/or tairmén serwjiug in connection thorowith; the ‘ ot Commerce may, asu ‘ tlwrize airont: nude; the low of the foreign {mdb;

 not a wrt oi the armed forces thereof to be na-vigatcd in

, the United Etatu, and may hy @1hti0u exempt sgch aircraft and/or mrviagg ·-Qu CCIQBEGUOH therewith, from the ve 41uiremo1ats__o£ .¤o¢g,iou.8,‘ than tm air tram rules; but ¥1¤_forvig¤·alwpa(t_ shall enygo in inttvgtaté. ohixntrastate all ¤;•¤i¤amgrce.’ (Maym, 1926, 1:. 344, { 6, 44 Stat; 572-) Neu sectim. Sec note to, { 171 otlthiq snipplomeatnl title. _; _ 8€<;tic¤ .3, gncntioéod '1¤· the text, is setout mfi 173 ot this inn of the awewix. ._ _ . ' .‘ 177. fA¤9li¢htim; of existiiag hwyrclntihg to foreign com mer¢¢.e-—-·_(n) Application; of emvigafioaa and shipping lh we te . ···Tm¤ how iiiduld be trausnatod "sectious .171 tu 1.84 0; rm: _- mae or the appepdix? ‘ - ‘ · 7 ‘ . x

ANSPORTATION 3 ai4;t;rq):t.-—The uavigation and shipping laws of · the `IIui_ted· State% including any deiinition of -" Yessel " or " vehicle ". `fotmd therein and menacing the rules for the prevention of collisions, · shall act be construed to apply to seaplaues or) other aircraft orito the- navigation of vessels ia relation to seaplanes ori · -other aircraft. ‘ . ‘ -(b) ·Desig>mtion of ports of entry; detail of oylcera; apple eatéon of éuatonzs-·d}zd public'-health lewa.y—The Secretary of the Tl‘€8S1ll'!wjS§1Dth0IlZ€d_t6 (1) desig11ate§laees`in·the United Qtates as ports ot_ entry for civil aircraft, arriving in- the United} States from any place outside thereof and for menehandise on such aircraft, (2) detail to ports of entry for `ciyil aircraft sueh officers arid employees of the eustorns_ _ service as. he may deem necessary,) and to confer or impose · upon any omcer or employee of the United States stationed fat any such port of entry (with- the eouseat,ot_ the head of the _ Government `department. or other independent establishment . under whose jurisdiction _ the omcer or employee is serving) · any of thelpewers, privileges, or duties conferred or imposed - .upon 0$CQl'S·Q1‘ employees og the customs service, and (3) `by · regulation to provide for the application to civil `air navigation P of the laws and regulations relating to the administration of { the customs and public health laws to such extent and upon I such conditionsgas he deems necessary.) l l. · ? . (c) Application: of louis relating to entryrand .cleareace of . ‘ iveaxe?s.—The Secretary of ·Commerée~ is authorized by regula- ‘ tion to proyide.-for the application ·to eivil aircraft of the · T I `laws and regulations relating to the entry and clearance of ‘ vessels toasuch. extent agnd upon suchleouditiens as he deems: . ’· uecessary. i . _ i _ ~` " (tl) Dcsignatimi of ports of éatfy for aliens; detail oftoyli · cera; application of laws relatikg to imatig·retion».—The Seere·‘ Z `tary of Labor is authorized to tlftlesignate any of the ports otientry for civil aircraft as ports of entry for aliens arriving _ r- by aircraft; (2) detail to suelrports or entry? such o&·ers r and employees of the immigation service as he may deem 2 necessary, and to ctmrer or impose upon any employee of the 2 United Statesstatioued at such port ef·eutry (with the consent - or the head of the Government department or other independent pi s establishment under jvhose £urisd»ictien.`the 0E<?er or employee I` is serving) any of the pew rs, privileges, or duties conferred » l or imposed uponnomeers or employeesof the immigration servlee, and (3) by regulation to provide for the applicatieu te - *clvil air navigation of the laws and regulations relating to the 2 administration of the immigratiotrlaws to such extent and a upou such conditions as he deems necessary. (May 20, 19%, 1 ‘c;_‘3·l4,·§ —7,_i1-1 Stati 372.) » l _ · ‘ _ It •v _ New; section. See uote. to § 171 of this title o_t the appeadix. L_` - 178. Powers of Secretary gof Cemperce; regulations; ex- ). peaditurea; publication of bulletin; acqaisitien nad operatiea . of aircraft, etc.-—Exeepf as otherwise speeidcallyprovided, the t Secretary of Corumeree shall administer the provisions el; this 1 'Aet’_ and for suclri purpose is autherized (1) `tolmake such E. , regulations as are necessary to execute the ftmetiemsvested in` Q him by this Act_;‘· (2) ‘to make such expemlitmes `(ineludiug 5 expenditures for personal wrriees and rent at the seat o1'_ gov- ‘ · 'ernmeut aud elsegrhere and for law books, books et reference,

 and periodiwls) as xuay`_be necessary for such administration

( and as may be prorided forby the Congressfrom tinie to titre.; I. (3) to publish from time to time a bulletin setting ferth stwh · matters relating to the functions vested in him by this Act · as (he deems advisable, including air navigation treaties, laws, and B regulations aud decisions thereunder; and (4) to operate, and ( for thialpurpese to ·aequire· within The limits of the available .. appropriations hereafter madesby the Coi1gress,_ such airerad ‘ rt aud air naritgetion fa<·ilities,_exeept_ airports. as are ueeessary ‘ Q ”;7 »s 171__w‘1s4 or rms title of the uppendixf · - · ·