Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/214

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8844 1 8; :1*12·L1;._g0 are lneréby, extéudgd t0·l1;»;:lude‘ 0m(‘0ES 611 'dhty exclusively as _ instructors at the -sg»1‘vice Schools 0n_ `z1pp1·0val -0f the officer 'iu ·‘ `clmrge of said slcl100ls.¥_r__ (Mar. 23, 1910, c, 115, 36 Sta_t.· 244.) A ..844. »T¤raircl time added t0leavc;1o@éérs serving in Tergi- f 8 toridl, pésses§i0ns·’r¢ lo 'United Stafes.—>Le&Ves of lab-- éence v]hi‘él1 may lbs grzmtéél ofHccts__scrx*img:in the Territory Qf ~ Alaska ozjwltliouj; the 1imits__0f‘_tlic*U;1itéd,States, for the pdr- ' lpcsc of 1*Qt11_rhing tlwreto, shall be ,rcgs1;·ded-_us’ takixig effécbt .611 "the dates .sucl; otfiéers reached fl1c‘.United _,Sf£1t€S, · axidn als: t(?1`l`11il]2`ft.ll`l§ on fthe dates scf their. departure from thé United States in ;·eLuT11in’g,? to theii*·c0n11na11cls,,`if;s aughondzed by an , 01·<le1·’0f the Secretary of Wiir dated C»ct0%ér”A13, 1898. (l\I:1r, = 2,/1901, 0, 803, 31 Stat. 9021 `?_1 , 8 , 7 8 { 1 · . ` 1 845.°'1`rm;‘é1 time-hddedi}6 leayc; 0tHCQl‘S·S€-l‘VlIlg? in Philip-. pihel Islands not retumi g to Unitmi Stat¢s.$——Lez£vas to 1beY 1 absent from the Philippine Islzixids, otliég thdn tb return tho tlie United `Stafps, \VhlCh'I1`l§1§’·b€ grdutéd ‘0fliée1•sr‘0f the Army S€1‘\'— ing i¤_ s:rid_islzmds,a11d saTilii1g fgcmx Manild, sl1a_1l· be regarded

 as. ta1kilSg·effeCt·0u_the dates such 0i’1ic0rs_reacl1 1»·1a¤‘1m, and as;

terminating 011 the dgzfes of their departure f;•0i11.’Mm;1iIa=·i11 V `¥retu1j11ing to their Stahipusl »(Mar,"2, *1907, c. 2511,- 34 ;St2lt.·. -1171.°)_, _· A _ , _ · i_.. “A- ,.`‘ ~ 848. Pay during "cgptivity.-—#-Every‘ noncpnnmissionesl officev W and '])1’lV$it0. of (he Rugulz11·,Ar1riy, andpyery qilicér, noncommlisrsioucd officer, `aud private of any militia ‘01··v0lu11tecr_,c0r;>s in fthe scrviéc of the United St_ates_who is czlptuyecl by ’u1€·fGl`l€lI1$', 8 " ,` shall be entitled to receive during his cuptifity, notwifhstamliug qlthe.expirafion·"of his term of service,_-the smiié pay, S\1bSl'SlZ€‘1l(‘-€_,_ {md allowance to which he 11133; Jbc enti»tléd‘whilc ix} the,aCf1m1' sei·$*ic§c_of the United‘—Stafcs; knit this prcvisioin $133111 rnotlbc com- _$truéd ltqeutitlc any prisoner of war of 'Sll'(1l1 militia .<j0rps,t0 »z1uy`pay Q1: compensation {after the- dzi*fc° loxfvlhis parole, except V the tmvcliixg expenses allowed by law. h_(R. S; ), “A ' 847. Pay during, éiqkngss due to misc0nduct.——~·,N0~qiHéa1·,_ exi— ` li,sta<l.1{m11 of otlxep p@rs0`n, in :1ctive l11ilit:11*y~ service who shall 1 be absent; fmm dll{}"’0ll a`cc0uut of ·diSe:1sc resulting from l1i.s_ ’ own inmtenxpamtc 11;se, of ldrugs or alcoholic liquors 011* other mis5 ccudlxct shall receive pay foxtthév period of Such IlbS€ll(3€’,;tll€“ time so absent and the cause. thereof {Q be asc€m·tai1x`cd ixmlér- &%l1£‘ll ]l1i(¥C€‘(lllI'I0=’Hlld lrégulzgtipus ns may be prescribed by‘ the $e;m·e.·l:1ry of War. (A-p1*.’27, 1914, c. 72, 38 Stat. 353.} V 848. Pay of officers detailed, to Service in Bnlreau of Budgct°.——-——Nb cig_u1111issioned omccr of the Arxiny shall be deprivted" pf his right tq pay :111d_ all0w€li1ci%s;_”"v`{‘hilc St31'\'illg·OeD_-·_SU£h duty.- azé the President may direct in {ble coordlxmzntionn bf `thé buéi·11ess— ` uf. the Gbvczrmxxexxt, as paw ln-ing l·.->¤au¤wa by him under they ` geu.<2ra1 snmervisionp of the8Di1·0ct0r of the Quyeau of the

 Budgét: l’zm.·idcd,·!I‘hat the number of»of11cm·s detailed to jtlxlsf

duty shall not at any tlmc e>iCee1lVtWcx1`t5*-six. (June 7. 1924, ‘c;, 291, Title 1,+13 Stat. 481; Feb. 812, 1925, c. 225,,*11-tle_I, 43 _St:1t. 895.)* _A - “M ‘ » · I 1 8 849._0Hi¢er;s dropped fmm rolls; forfeiture of pay.--—Evcry

utliuef who iii$;(]1‘l)]_l[)€*d bylthé President fmm`tl10.rOlls Of the

Amuy, for ¥1b!*3t§llL°(lVf1‘(!II1 duty three 11m{1tl1g 1‘withm.1t·leave, shall » forfeit ullipuy due (lf[O·bQC0ll1¢3VL1ll B. ’ I (R. S.·§"1266.) j * 850; Leav?es._ of abscncé allowable to members of Nurse Cqrps;.$ick.lcave.»—B1cu1b0rs of the Arm$% Nu1fsé`Curps shall be entitled to cumulative leave of·~—;1'b>se11cc,x\·lt-11pay at the mtefof thitty days; fork c~z1<·1;,~4,#ulcx1dar your ,Of“S‘érvlca in 'gmid corps, ,ll()'l1, exceeding, .huxvcVc17. 0~llBi\hll!.l(]1'€t1 mxdlwcnnfy days nt one time, umljinx addition thoz·et,0l élcl: leave not exqeediug Qthirty days Riu any one calendar year in c&¤z<s.·ls of illness or ii$j11i·y incurred iu·— the line of duty. _‘(.l`uly 9, 1918, é. 8143,’»subch&pter LV`, § 5,

  • 40 St;z1t.8’¥9.) -, _ Q ’ · 8 _ 8 5

851. Ybluutéer service cmintéd in cdmpu¢_ing_.1lea`ve8`eiI abserpceyin Regular Army.-0ili4:e»rs uppoime;l` lt0’· the I{€glll&ll‘“ Atmy from the \'ul111ntc·ér ;sm*vfn·c, wlwéc selwice lnsls been cuu~· tinumls, shall, iulltlne computation; qi leavgslui ébsence after

.····u:l.l€§l1 Y —. tlieip `gppointment in. the R'egtilai‘_A¤‘¤ii§;,’ he entitled to the {guy? creditsrwhieh accrued tethenras Volunteer officers n}·1im·s mh leave credits werepnot -ava·iled of during their Volunteer service i (June 30, _1902,—-c.- 1328, Stat.··50S.). ·_ · . · - " _- @52, Accumulated leaves to i¢lYilila¤ employees of Ordnance i _ ])gpgg1;ment.—Here:ifter. any civilian €lllDl0§;€€ of the ()i‘elii;g;;.»[; ‘·Dep5;rti11e·nt who is 3 Cltheil (lf H10 UIIHZQCI Sfiités and e1i1;i1l4_l;,·(.§; gt._m1‘y··_stal2i011 outside the >_c0utinent&l li1ni_ts_0f the ijiniggi- States may, in the discretion of the. Se<§x‘eta_i‘y of War,. artsy mk least two) years continuous, faithful, and satisfa<·to,ry·com-p.i. abroad; and*.sul»ject to the interests of theppuhlic serx·icp,»i;gl granted accrued? leave oflahscnee, witniiay, for each .yi>&;-gg serviace, and if an employee should elect to postpone the takin» of; any oriall, of the leave to .\\’}llCll .119* may be cntitloill pursuanceihercof such leave may be allowed. to accmnni;i;.· ’for=a periodlof not exceedingfour;years,·.tl1e rate of pay no-0 . ·_ accrued. leave to he nle·mec·ootitl¤i1;¤g at the_.tiine· the leave i l granted. . lM~ay_12,·1~917, c.-12, 40 St_at.Y05.) c if — - ` c PAYMENT OF AND DEDITCTIONS’FROMl PAY QR Q Q _ j ’_ . Annownscns _ — · ‘ s s ·861·’ OIBQQYS to be ‘_l§3id. ll\0l\¢l\lY·v-Tile sums allowed) [fd . lofficer for psy, rental .nll0Wan_ces_ and subsistence shall be paid in monthly payments. (R. S. § 1208.) H 1 4 i p t H l 862;_—QPromptness required in payment of tr00ps,——gThe‘ Arniy shall be pa_i°d·in suchriuanner that [h€`B1‘1‘€tlI’S-Sll&ll¤ at no ligne exceed two months, unless»circumstanees shall render further iarrears unavoidable. p(_R._·S.`§11S9.) ° ° i _ ~· 863. Loss·of_ _0iIicial papers showing amounts due enlisted 1nen.———~—The pay- due — enlisted inen of the Army Shall not on withheld; from thexn»by"1‘eaSQ11 of the fact that their service , . records. or other oihcial pnpersshowing the statusot their ‘ ‘ _accoun_ts with respect- to pay) have been lost orinot returned from overseas and, under such regulations as may be prescrilnn by the Secretary ‘ofWar, ttheseilincn may vbe paid upon their personal katildnvit asvtox date of last payment and condition of their yacéouufs:° and payments madein accordance gvith such regulations shall. be passed hy the accounting omcers of the Treasury to the credit of;the disbursing enicers manning theinf. '(July`11, 1919,1:.8, _41 Stat. 110.); s . _` f i _ _864. Advancekpayment to troops embarkingpfor Philippine Islands.-j—'1?roopsl about to embark for‘_service_“in;_the Philippine . _Isl¤mds· miiy;. in the discretion of the Secretary of xvnr; he paid Moxie niontlx’si wages in advance r-prior to einbarkation. (May 26,·Zl89S, c. 363, `§ 1,_ 30 Stat. 420.;_»”July_7, _189S,`c. a’.iSl,— 30 Stat._721.) -¤ , R . " p ‘ Q · t 865. Qomputation of pay for month or fraction of month.--— =Where' the conipcnsn-tion of any person in the military service of the United States is annualor nionthlythe following rules for division ofltinie andconiputation _`of pay forQ_se»rvices` i—ni~; ~·*· dered nre hereby e.stablishe<l:~‘An1iua1 co1npeii°s.atien shall lic divided intoltwelve equal installgnents, one of which shell he _ the pay for each calendar month; and in pmakingi payments for at iiractional part?. of almontlr one-th‘lrtieth.§ofone of such in—

 stallrnentsx, orof a· monthly ceinpensation, shall he `_the daily

[ rate of pay.- For the purpose of coniputing such compensation i and for computing time for services rendered during a fi·:n»-

 tional part of a. xnonth lnconnectihn xvith. annual or montlilyé
 (§0Illi}€I.1S£l.tlOIl·, each and every xnonth shall he iheld to consist {

l of thirty days, withoutregardlto the actual nnnnlier o.f{dayS p ` { in any calendar month, thus excludingtlie 31st of any c:il— Iennlaxjinnontli from tliegcoxnputjation and treating 1l‘cl>t‘ua1‘l'. § as if it actually. had thirty days. Any person entering the

 service of the United States during s thirty··une day month and

lsmliigs until the end thereof shall he entitlodito pay¥f<.>l‘ lthat month- from, the date of entry to the 30th day of said lnioxitli, both. days inclusive; and pany person entering said lservlce. dul‘i_ng the `month of February and serving until the