Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2206

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, IND Coast G\l&|Ld*·C0llTlllU9d H \\·'arraut.officers——=(3nx1£inno•1 .- _ _ Q .Temporary_ appointment, see Temporary personnel, I - supra _ - . . . - Temporary chief warrant " officers made permanent: pc _ " 1927; §· 219 , · · . YVZIY-fi1H€_U1)€l`&li0U_ of `Goast Guard las partzof Navy, p. I (Toasting Trade ,. ~ , _ _ Statistical information, collection by Bureau of Foreign and Domestic- Commerce, p. 373, § 1.86 1 A ° Coca Leaves ` _ . _ “See INTERN.\L.RE$'ENUE _ ·” ·· See S*r.vrt··rr:s _ i Coins, Coinage, and Currency , ·_ _ Ei Seo also Appropriations; Hawaii; Mints and Assay Otlices; ‘

 i Public Debt - _ g l ‘ - . ‘   _ '

Abrasion; coins reduced in vveigbt by abrasion to be received neat nominal value by_'1‘reasi1ry. p. 995,5 318 .. ‘ . Accounts of superintendent of colning department and su> _perintendent of melting and- refining department, settle-- l _. ment ot, p. 998, §§ 354-356 _ · _ _ ‘ 7 . _ Assay coxumissioners, meeting to· determine tiueness and `weight of coins, p. 998, 5363 _ , -_ ‘ I J Balance sheet. to be torwardedto Director of Mint, p. 998, §.356 _ ‘ · ‘ ., Bimetallism , . ~ .. _ International bime`tal`lis1n,'pQ_995, § 313 ‘ Policy otlfnited States as to, p. 995, § 311 _ -Bu1lion · _. , _ See also Ingots, infra , _ Assay of bullion, delivery to assayer, p. 996, € 330 Q Certidcate given to depositor, counterslgning by as sayer, p. 996, § 334, ‘ Charges for converting bullion into coins and [bars generally, p. 996,. § 332 · W ’ Charges for converting standard gold bullion into coin, p. 996,°§333· `. . Deposit of gold bullion by owner for colning or torm- . lng into bars, p.."996, § 327 . » · · . Deposit of silver bullion by owner for forming into bm, noaa, 5 am ‘ i _. 4 . Exchange ot unparted bullion for due bars, p. 998, .§§360-362 ‘ Gain arising from silver bullion to be credited to silver-proilt fund, p. 996. 3 335 ° G»old_ certlbésfes issued in exchange for ‘gold bullion, p.1002,§§428—430· _ ·a ' Payment for bullion in coin certldcates, ip. 998, § 359 v Payment in money to? depositors when value aseer-9 2 tained, p. 998, 5,358 _ Y -‘ . Purchase ot bullion for silver coinage, p. ,996, § 335 ~Reflnfng and partlné bullion, p. 9%, { 361 ~ Report ot quality of bullion assayed, p. 996, § 331 é V‘erltlcation of calculations ot value of deposits, p. 996, 5 334 · 3 , ` __Weighing and valuing bullion, ·p. 996, § 3% » _ Cancellation or retirement ot legabtender notes, further cancellation prohibited, ‘p. 1001, § 404 ‘ ’ ' Charges and deductions, money arising from, covered into Treasury, p. 999, § 369 Y , Circulation, limitation ot amount ot United States notes _in circulation. p., 1000, § 402 ·· ‘ ` _ Clippings, disposal of,. p. 998, § 333 Commemorative coins = ·~ ” ` e Legal tender, p. 1003.. 5 461 , -- W ‘ _ Laws·_appllcable, p. 1000;. §§ 376e379 `

BX . _ · 2192 Coins, Coinazc, and Currcncy——(‘t,•ntinucd _ Counterfeiting_coius, Camas are Urrg;::s1»:s \ _ Counterfeit notes to be marked, p. 1002, § 424 - Debts due United States · " _ . _- ° Coin receivable. in payment of debts. 987, § `199 _ Currency in which. debts n1a_;v be paid, p. 987. § 198 Decirnal system established. D.- 999, J§ 371 · Delivtery of coin or bars to depositor. p. 999. § 357- ‘ Delivery of coins to superintendentfor trial, p._.907, § 351 - Destruction of notes by maceration. p.¢ 1002. §. 42 ' iDestruction_‘of notoeyrequiretl by law- to be taken up, ._ ".p,1002,§§421,422 `_. '° - · _ V ` Discontinued coins, withdrawal and recoinage. p. 995. §,323 · · Distinctive paper for United States securities, contracts .. fo1j,;l1_y Secretary of Treasury, p. 1002;*‘§ 418 _ " employment of additional employees din mills, p.- . _· 1002, § 419 · _ _ p Dollar as standard unit—ot·value, p. 995, § 311 _ ·· `Engraving and printing. notes, bonds, and other securities. ' - p.»1002, §§ 415, 416 I i . ` " i `_ i Foreign coins — _ Ascertaimnent of value, p. 999, §. 372 `Legal tender, p. 1003, § 456 Recoinage, p.· 999, §‘373· . . t _ ‘ Spanish and Mexican coins, rate` of valuation, p. 999, ‘ . °.§374 _- _· ..I"

 -—·-—transmission for recoinage. p, 1000. § :.:75

Foreign countries, coinage for. p. §.307‘ . Fractional currency, redemption. p. 1001. § 407 ; Gold bars, C$SfiDg of gdk]- bars 8{ ;0il·ti0ll {lf- 0\NlH.‘I', _ ·p. 995, §f 325 ‘ ‘ `

 Gold certiilcateaf _ F-

Issuance and exchangefor gold bullion. p. _10•E. §§ Issuance on deposit of gold coin, ·p. hw, §§ 429, -130 Legal tender, p. 1003, § 451 n l · Gold coins ‘ i _ _ , W Deviations allowed in adjusting weights. n. 997. § 349 1 Enumeration and weight, p. 995, § 315 ‘ I Exchange for gold coins on transfer of bars to deposi- - ~ tary at New York, p. 999.‘§ 370 Q _ EXOI1&Hg€.‘0f‘ gold coins for gold bars. p. -996. § 2:26 _ Issuance of. gold certificates on deposit of gold coiuf p.100‘2,§! 429, ‘ Legal tender. p. 1003, §§ 451-457 Recoinage, p. 995, ·§ .319 _ A Silver coins to be paid in exchange for gold"coi¤g_<. t ¤· 996. Sl`336 ‘_ t . · _ Standard iorgold coins, p. § 321 ‘ Gold reserve ‘ · ._ f _ - ,,. Maintaining and etrengtlnetiing fund, p. 1tl01._§§`-408,-109 ` Redemption of Treasury notes, p. 1001. ·§ 408 Redemption? of United States notes. p. 1001. §--108 Reissue of redeemed United States notes,` p. 1001-, § 405 Iugots _, _‘ .° · — Assay ot lngots, p. 997, ¥§ 34-l— _, _ u Delivery of ingots for coinage. p. 997,·§ Standard of ingots used for coinage, p.‘997`. S 346 Transfer of bullion for formation into ingots, p. 997. § 343 i Inscriptions on coins, p. 995, § 32-4 _ Interest·bcar1ng~1totes as legal tender,—p. 100:1. § 434 " International n1onetar5·-cotiferextte, appointment of commlseioners, p. 995. § 312 " _ ‘ Laundering paper money, p. 1002, § 421 Legal tender __ — _ · . · Cdmmemorutive coins, p. 1003, § 461 Foreign coins, p, 1003, § .456