Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/224

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§ 1096 TITLE 1096. Examinatlen as to preliminary edacstione-.spp¤z¤tz%t . shell be examined under regulations to be framed by the Seem tary ot War before they shall be admitted to the academy an ° shall he required to be well versed in smh subjects as he may from time to time, proso:·§bo. (Mar. 2. 1901, c. 8M. 31 Sta 911.) _ ‘ 1697. Time for admission to academy.-<"sdets appointed t the Military Academy at West Point, New Yerk. may he at nzizted on the lst day fof March in place of the 1st day { Jmw. A (Exim-. 1907, o. 34 Stat. lutitm 1693. Appointment in advance of time of admission.¢——(l.‘a<§m 2 shall he appointed one your in advance of the time of thei admission to the acnderny, except in cases where, by reason c death or other cause. a vacancy occurs which cannot be prc vided for by such appointment in advance E hutno pay or othe allowance shall tw- given to any appointee until he shall haw l>o•;—n re~r:112az·ly admitted, as herein prorided; and all appoina ments shall be eonditionalnnntil such provisions shall hav l*(*€`*ll complied with. (R. S. § 1317.) J 10‘99.—0ath or a&rmation on admission./{liach cadet shal previous to his adngiseion to the academy, take and subserib an oath or affirmation in the following form: { " I, A do solonmly swear that I will support the Consti tutien of the United States, and bear true allegianee to th National Government; that I will maintain and ~defend» th sovorei,·:nty of the ('nited States; paramount t0‘ any and al allegiance;sovereignty, or fealt; I may owe to any Stats county. or country whatsoeyer; and that I will at all time K obey the legal orders of my superior officers, and the rules am articles ,‘IUi\'€’I'lllllg the armies of the United States? - l And any cadet orcandldate for admission who shall refns tojtuke this oath shall be dismissed from the service. (R. S § 1320.) · ‘ _ · A- ` 1100. Failure of. cadet tograduate with classes affecting admission of esuecessor.—\\'he11ex·er any member of the gradu ating class spall fail tocomplete the course with luis class bg reason ofsiclgness, or detleiency in his studies, or notlxer cause such failure shall not operate to delay the ‘admlssion_of hi successor. (Mar. 30, 1920, c. 112,41 Stat. 548.) _ · _ 1191. Engagement for period ofservice.———Eaeh cadetshal sign articles, with the consent of his parents or guardian i· the be a minor,_ai1d if any he have,. which he shall engage to serve eight years unless sooner discharged,. (R. S. »§ 1321.j 1102.·—Place -aml.cha_rncter of se`rvice.——=—C'adets shall be sub jeét at all times todo .d_;1ty in such, places and_on‘ such service as the President may direct. (RZ S. § 1323.) . · 1193. Beexaminaftion of cadet found dedcient in one subject.———\Vhenever a cadet shall fail to pass any required exam ination because deficient in any one subject ot instruction he shall have the right to apply for a second examination regard 1 lngsuch subject by making written application therefor to the academie lyoard within ten days after being ofhcially, notiilet of suclx failure., The examination demanded shall bé belt withln sixty days rmi; the date of such application, and {fthe cadet being ot”herwise·'quulltled shall pass the sazne by ¢ompli· .. anoe with tll(!._l‘9(}llll'€lh€ll.tS existing at the time of the first A examination, he shall be readmitted to the academy :· Provided That any eadet rwlno fails to pass any, required examination sliallhave no nmre than one reexumination. (Aug. 11, 1916, ·c.·314, 39 Stat.493.) °` " , · _ l 1164. Eiect of discharge for deiciepey;->—No cadet `who is _ reported as deficient, in either conduct or studies, and recom- · _ mended —to be discharged from the academygahall, unless upon recommendation of fthe academic b0ard, be returned or reappointed, or appointed to any place in the Army before his class shalfhaye left the acadeguy and reeeived their commis- _ sions. (R. S .1325;) » . . . ` ~ t ~.~‘H05. Cadet battalioa.-—-Tl1•=~_ Corps of Cadets shall be - arranged into companies, according to the directions of thefsuper-

10;-~—..l HM Y Em rs lnteudent. each of sable}; shall he ¥“0?l1¥'¥`l&lldt"·d by an (,5;.,.,.,. U, e— i the Array. fer the purpese of military lnstrtietinrr T,. ,.,,,.,1 (1 {‘IllI]l'l§]]`iy he H€l(§fd f€?“F`H}ug§(ti§ng· Eihglil §,,. F, taught and trained irfall the duties of a private soldier. ares t, mnq;slsqlt»>sta1 r~»rr;r;r·;·, and stderr, shall be encsrnncd at hugs; three months in earl: year, and shall be taueht and trained as we all the duties incident to a regular camp. (H. S. S 1322.) l- ( 1106. Uniforms, aceeutermenta, and equipn:ent.——l';lif·c.·t~r.r—. >f aeeouterments, andeqhipment shall, upenn the request of lll].; cadet at the Military Academy, he furnished by the t}orl—i·:i- e ment at cnet, Asul»_§ct·t· to, such iresuletisns and reguiatirua; ss me 2 lr se<·retary‘ of- War _.may *D1'€‘%5f‘·I'1b€. (Aug. 31, 1918, e, wu, lg ,,_ lf 40 Stat. 951.) J _' I ‘ · . ')_ . . ,,. EN_L1S’1`·ED MEN 9 L 1111. Number of.ealisted_me¤ in Engineerdetaehmaent.-~· t' Thereshall ne.u£aintai_ned_at the United Ststw. Military Alad- 9 emy an Ehginee1·-detachme_11t, whiehxshall caerrsla of one tlrst sergeant, one q·u:u·termaster.· sergeant, he-ight sergesnts, ten mr- L ‘pQl`8,1S, (:G0k$,“ two th1I`ty·€igh1`. Hl’S{··C1zlSS npr}- _ '€_ vates, and 1thl1jty-eight secondeclass. privates: Prceided, Tlmt .

  • j nothing herein shaillbe so construed as to authorize an increase

l' in thentotal number. of enlisted then of the Army authorized by 8 law. (Aug. 9,-1912, e; 275,"37`.Stat. 2.54;) - . Q Q 1112. Number as IG} in general Ariy serviu sad. u Cavalry detachiuents:-The detachments of enlisted men at me · 2* Military Acadeiny, formerly. dwlgnated as the gmral Army S service _(Quurtermaster’s Depurtmnt), and the Carslry dcdA taehment, shall at such nuébersl, sae, exceeding tvtu hundredand dfteen enlisted men in beth det; hments, as inf° the opinion of the- Secretary of `War i of the " public service may from time to time require; h e number of enlisted men ot the 4r&y;shall` net be increased ea account { of the provision of this section. '(Feb. 10, IW?. c. 214, 29 4 Q Stat. 519.) 1 " i ` », , PROPERil’~1’, BUILDIESGS, AND GRQUNDS V S . 1121. Purchase of supplies for dephtnema of I »_ All technical and scientific supplies for the departineats f instruction of the liilitary Academy shall be purchased ny B contraict orotherwise, as the Secretary of War may deem last. ) (June 30, 1922, c. 253, Title I, 42 Stat.]53; Mar. 2, 1%, c. Us, _‘ Titlel, $2 Stat.·141~l.)· p . . . _. · " " ,, _ 1122. Sale of surplus or mnaerviceable uaachinery, supplies. V apparatus, etc;-——When _ any machinery; apparatm, gmlemems. _ supplies; or materials yvlrlch have been- heretetere or amy , hereafter be purchased or acquired fmm‘appmprlatleas made _ for the support of the United. States Military Amdemy'n<.> i longerfneedetl `or arenolenger serriceahle,·they may be sold ,, in such manner as the superintendent mhy direct ;& and that the {*5 proceeds @1;. _ be turned luto .Treasury asmlscellaue<>u$ I receipts. (Mar. 4, 1919, c,- 124, Stat. _1347.‘)U . . g , 1123. Charges for uw of _¤yhal·f and ferry alipay-e-#1*he Secre-

 tary of War- is autl;orfzed_ to have collected from yessels usinsl

t the wharf and ferry slipff West Point, NewYork, such wharfage dues as he may deem 'just, reasonable, and necessary, the

_ same to be paid at the tune of landing to the post &1

_l master or his authorized agent]. (Man; 4, 1915, c..1-16, 38 Stat. ` 11.37.) ‘·»_ " ___.‘ r _ f, •· t

- ‘ 1124.1 Proceeds of gaa.···¢—·All proceeds of sales of gas shrill he .

.» paid into the post fund.`·` (Mar, 1, 1893,4%. 186, 27 Stat. 520;) Q 1. *__#-1125. Memorial hall;·——-'I'he memorial hull`·sl1all—·__be a_ reeelli - taclei dt statues, busts; mural talg_lets, and ‘{l0!"Cl’81t&'.0t l ¢i¤s`¤1lShed`1e¤d décensfeil u&cers and graduates ot the Military e · Aé&d¢1¤Y; 'Gf Paintings of battle scenes, tramies qt war, and-` _ “ such other objeetsnas ·may_tend :o,gtve_.s1a&¤z1¤¤‘ to the mill- » = fifty llfbfeeeienz and to pretest the in`treduct1o;r_et unworthy ·· subjectstinte. this hall the selectlen preach shall bernade. bi. ` ~. ’ [ · . ' ,