Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2271

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2257 zgvm Gcxneml A<·<·_0miting ofl‘i¢·&·--8 —(To11tinm·d _ Army—·~(?untinue·d · 4 Y Amsmarxts of p:1}‘ru:1.<tm·. settlement of advance bounties, p. 981, § 94 ‘ ‘ '”""""""'g£)!ti{·l1`.i(.1iit of ¢»wrpz1y1u0uts, p. 981, § 96. .\{1}ll1!iiSI0I`€lti\'Q` 9X2il1ll·1l£!fiUll of-;1cc¤>1n1ts cif'Army. e$:· . pe·mlit11r<·s. p. 980, § 89 _ t 8 ,8\ili<h8zvits and (19<‘,¥!ivl‘{\‘li(iI18 in bbllllfy (0*21-SQS or claims f¤_n·` ls:1<,·l»f {my, p. 981, § 99 · . - (`lzaiuy agwut Nwfitlxlwleiiug di.<<•hm*g@ papers, p. 93*2, § 100 ‘ . · , " . ( ‘1;~aims fur ;irx·c·urs`<»f D{1}’.·2l1ld·' bomity, p. 981, §§. 97, 98 Vluians for pay uml &{lmvau<·e$, 110 dedqctious of fees ` for Zlft€!l‘!l(’}’S and agents, pi 982, § 102 8 " Evi·l<·u<·c‘ of lm1m1·21l£l<-2 disclulrgc to be ,1‘£‘{ll1‘1l0d to ' 4»ffi,.m·s mid vul'is`te<l_ men. p. 982, § 101- L a .Arx·0m·< lm? [)H}`.`l`l1l(‘S :u1dfre;.·11latim1S iTu1·_pu$*n1m1t, p. 977,, _ § 45 ‘ . , . 8, Q .»\»sist:m`1 t“,‘¤1u`pt1·•»llér G(9lltf1‘21l of,th€ l'ni§cel Slgatés " ,.\]i[N)ill{lIlL’l7{ mul salary, p. 977, § 42 " ‘ · 8 I`>uti<:<, p. 977,,§ 42_ — · ]·Zli,ui!fility_ to rca1}p·»i1ntm¢hf:1ft<·r`1·0umval, p. 977, § -131 ,1{<·mm·a1'frmi; uflice, g1·¢»u_11<ls` mul xuzmmw 'of 1‘(*1l1f•VZIl, l p. 977. § 43 . .- a _ ‘ · _ * 1{¢=tirv1m:m af :1;:0 ui'. 70 years, p. 977, § 43 Term of 0171420, p. 9.77, § 43 · *9 Atmrxaeys - I ·Appui:;;tme·nt» £l11(l_$HltIl°}’, p,. 977, § 52 _ R¢‘Kl!lflYi($!]S com·0i·ni11g admission t0`prm·ti1*e l>vf<•rc eriiime, Ir.- 977, 52 , .` I · . _(‘vrtiticd mi>i¢;~>s of r¢·<·0rds, ¢lu<·n1m~·u•s, ctc., nrlnnissilglc in ¢‘·vi•h·11<·o, p. 977, § 46 ~ —l_`h9<,·ks . · . AU_¢•\\’&11<·£¥ of Iuslt <·h€*L‘kS, tp. {DS3, § IH) _‘ l`»e~:<irm·ti4»n.c,»f clzevks puiel six; yours. p.- 983, § 1‘20~ a (`leaims. scttlmnexat ami adjmitiug. pg 977 ," §.47 ` ('·•1u;»tr<•llcr G¢·u<·ra1l of the! .lQ'¤_nitcd States s' Ai§])uilIUll(*ll,I and salzu·y.` p. 977, § 42 . _ , t Ar1je·m·»= of {my, 1j<·g11latiun:s for lmymmnt bf. D. 977, §» 48 "t‘¢·a·titi4·ufim1 of 1l$lhlll(‘€:·§ himlixlg on executive ln·:m<·l1 _ of (}m·€·mm<~1qt. p. 977, § 44 9 · 8 · tjmatml 2ili1]__(]1l‘€‘(!ti01l of Ge·n<.—ra;l_‘ Accounting ()Hic·e, p;1r:es. §·>11 " -_ f. `. 8 1 · 1·}li;:iI·il_ity fur r¢upp¢»i11t1n•,·ut,_11. 977, § 43 I;2xu,mi1mtim7a of fi('(*QllHtP5 lurvsenxtml willmut ambulaistmtivo e,·xzm1im1tion.· p. 981, § SG · °‘ _ , fmrnass for 11%%% idriflialrees for mllewetinxg mnstonné, p. 977, 8 § 50 I l · l h1fm·iuu_timn. duty of eh·pm·tuu·1nts mad. e.·:st’:1\,»lislnu1<mts to f11i’lli2<h,. p. 978, 54 · a » _ __ I!lf£>1‘!1lflH0ll fur Bu1··:=·u_11 of iBuci;.:et. duty tu l`ll1'lli5h·,`l ‘p._ms.§_5:s · 8 _ _ ‘ 7 7 _ J l1m·;··=tig:ati4m·.5 mul 1·¢·p0rts by Cmupt‘rc•lle·r GQ_l\L'l’i1l. j > p. 978,.§ 53 · , P2i}'1ilt‘l1I of a¢.lju>=tm} aw<·b111at»; en- cluiuns, ,p. 977, ·§ 47 Rvmnml frum {»iHc:g·,`.gx·m11ul>4. mul msmumj cnf re~1no8v$1l. , "p. 977. § 43 · _‘ ‘ ° Q _ 1h·tirz~memt. at :1;%:4: of 70 yours;. p. 977. § 49 ~¥¤~ · 'Rui<~·»s ·zmd`_1·8ug11l:1ti0xx>~ for cz1rry1ng on work to ··bee ‘ xmuhe by (?0_1.upt1¢0li‘er twnsernl, p. 977, § 52 ~ . Seal for .Ac·<emmti,ug Oiiim, p0w¢;·x· to adopt, p. 979, § 41

  • 1*erm of c»i§éee, .p. 977, § 43 . —· . . .; ·

<‘.u1:m,·risiguix1g Y\Til!'1’1}Ht5. cle;~=.~4ig¤mti¤»n of pc·1·>¤mn by ('mnp- Etroller Igcmzml, p. 978. §` 56 " Umxrt qotiiceijs. réudltimn of snwcégmxts of, p. 980. § 84 ‘ fmmiou of 0i’§c·c·, p. 976,‘§. 41, k · ___· (,‘m·re11t iI(3(l()l1l`NS, \Vh{‘1l,U’• be l’t?ll11€!‘91]., p. 980, § 78 A ` S62707`~884i26‘»--142 _ # F 7

HX { _· Gexi<·i·nl Accounting 0H“it·e—»-C4»iiti1i1le<l __ , Custmns ofii<·ersz, Iatnpem trnnsmittoetl with accounts of. ‘ »p.9S1.§_87 ° ” _DebtS`<lu•2 Unitetl Staten, 'If€(?0\'QI‘§; to be Supt-rint+·nnl¢»tl by _- General Aczemmting Ofliee, p. 981, § 93 ° . 1>t>e1S1·»n of questions involving p:13‘1nont of n<-counts, gz. 979, 1 § 74 Ilc·psu‘ti.nent of Justit·0,~ nntlit of necounts. p. 990. § S3 ` Disnllowetl clszims, '!'€;‘{}X2lHllIl{lli0ll of, 3i. 981. § SS ii Il¤isbuz·:sernent of public funds, .illl’€$lig'2l>tlO1l and i·t·;mi·t< by Cmngqztrollor Generzil, p. 9KS, § 5-it , ‘ ' `Estntes of persons (lying zlblrond, conservation, jp. Gil}, § T5 ` Executive lla-pnrtxnents. nwounts to be settletl in (lt—nex·nl Ac<·0unting_(ltlic·e. p. 978, §·72. _, y i ]·‘ederzil '1`ratle Commission, audit of zzceottxils, p. 350, {$.42 Fines, penalties, and forfeitures,.rennisétion in eases arising _ in Postal Service, p. 49,‘§ 383 i n _ _ , · Independence of executive clepnrtnients, p. 976, § 41 _ 'Informzition to, be `furnishetl to Coniptroller General! by llc- _ · partments und estulilishnnents, pi 978, § 54- _ _ é , Injury to property céiusetl by xnilitzrry operations, n<l_i¤i>t· ment of claims, D. 40, § 209 1 , · ·¥ ‘ . Intercoursel with foreign nations, st·ttle·inent‘ of exyieiiszes, » p. 982. § -107, U _ y · ’ I·nvesti·gations.antl refiorts l»y,(fomptroller (ienornl, p. {*7**, J udgments against `Unitetl States, payment made on settle- ` Jnents by General Accounting Ofiiee, iv. 990, §_ 228 Laws governing depurtiiietxts {ntl establislnnents lu ;·m_·rn R Gencrzxl Accounting ()tiic·o, p. 977, § 46 U Lost olnecks. zillownnoe of, p.·9S3. § 119 » lllarslnals, trsmsxnission of uecouiite of, p. 980, § S1 Navy- _· . A ? · Atwounting for appropriations for obtaining intoi·mn—·‘ tion from nbrontl uml at lnonne, p. 98;%, § liu}; Acuotixits of puy1naste·rs¥ of lost or <·aptl1re<l pulllit- te»~>s·· Sola, p. 982, §‘ 104 `_ ` ,Ac<·ou·nts to lie, kept in Gonernl Aycoomxting_Otl’i¢,·t}, p. 982. § 103. · — _ Di>=lnxt·ée.·n1ent»s by order of eonnnmnling otliljer, p_ SNS, `~ ' 5 zum i . · . _ ‘ l _ Relief of tlislittrsiiig oflic·or¤=. p. 982; § 105 . · (mths nnly be ndniinistered by omcers, p.-983, 117 gg _ (lflice equipment of Connptrollexj of '1`remmry lC};'illlv5i’t'*l`l’•,‘¢i to - (leiierul Accounting Ofllco, -31. 976. 41 " ‘ officers and einployces i i _

Ayipointmcent mid C0lll[}t!ll
·2{2ti(lll, D. 977. S .52
 ‘ (‘ivil—sc·rvicu lnwé as z1.;}pli<·::l.ile to ::p;•ointnn-nt, p. QTY,  

S rg' 52 g , Q Duties to be ;[l@l*€tll`1l}€d as moigrnwll, p. QT?. § 5:3 _ V ' Goths nitty lie ai1linl11isltered.l.»y. otiit·l·rs, p. fitil, § 1I? i it ` Official acts to liute serine ¢:l’fec·t; as if mirforinetl iljfv I C<rmptroller Genert1l,·p. 91*7, § 5;% —· _ . Piece-mte c+mplo3·e~es, leaves of :1bst·in·•:·. p. 978, §‘53 li T1‘{lKl=§f£?ll* of perstiimel from Uflivé of Ctl1llf)i\’(ll‘lt;?i: oi I R 'il`reus=ury, 976, § 41 ,· Peay celieeks sind \\’&I’I’§llli§i' . ` , » I`K’&=ll‘ll(Tl'l€l!`l, p.—204l, § 12E _ l Limitation of `olninns, p. 20.11, 122 , i 1*.;:4 Oiliee Dentlritnient, see that title ~ I’•.m·ers ¤i¤1l·t1m1t~¤.n·mn;tel·i-t·n to°Genel·nl A·.·<?¢·nzxtin,·;Q_·; 6 Otlioe from (‘on,1pt1·0llei· ot Tlreesiim, p..9T7, § -l~l ` I’r0i<t:rvnli<n1 of vouélrers, P. 9‘i'9. § 7-1 . Y .l"x·•merty tintrtistted to chief nllictem of (ll.*[}%“!l‘Yl’klE*lllI*§‘ _ f ·].U>i[1g]>l*(.l[l9l‘i)’ to be 6<·rtiitie—·tl· to G€*ll(’9·I`£ll` .\t·t·<•nnlin;; ` ,()8iee, p. 981, § 88-92 · . . Y . A 9 _Px·0pérty retnrns ley (liH£*lt‘l‘ri, p. tlfll, § $$9:}