Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2273

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2259 1x1 iGP{1i‘_II Fut.m·<·s——-fwmtinuml ‘ Izzwrkétute. <:011{n1e1‘é€~Cux1ti°1n{11 _ _ .. _ " Provigizms qf_ intk·i·stuté e·ou1n¤·x·¢-0 zivt appliczihle. p.— {Nl. ‘·_Stilte"_detig1¢·¢l as including T0rrit<i·ry, Distris<·t bf- Culumbla. pnss0$siqus~<·f I’ni_tg·<l Stat<·sQ and- fbfeeign ·· 1l&iti01],' p. ‘87, § *3 ‘ » t - . ‘ O .. _ `Tmnsaction dcvxucelq in iut;·r»·tat;·_<··<•1nnm·rc-ce, p. VST. §_ 3` 1m·;·s`tigat.i0n and rc·pm‘ts by S<~c·r<~tm·y of Agriculture, ‘ p. 89.,.5 l2_ = I‘urti;·1l im*:1liQity_0f stututtn effvvt. p. tm, 17 " Pe:·son,_xldipitixm;p.·8T, § 2, _ - _ , _ I’rim·ipal li;1l¤lé;for uét.s 0; mnissi·»_u» of flf.f(‘llll$, p. ST. § 4 1»•mmbitm·y provisiousp. S7, § G ·· 1 ‘ _ N 1’ub"li§ ·iméi·est, t"ra1;s:a`cti.»,ns ‘·atTcc·tg·c1 with. p. si § 5 ‘ Szlleé fm: future. dulivvry, prohibition. a1ul`e·x¤·e·p1i¤»;1s, `D-$7.516 . ( ‘ 1 S•.·m·r<·tary of A{£1'i(‘ll]tlll'f*·· _ _ Cr»op<·1‘znti<»n with. otlwr ¢'•H1•‘;?'I`S and g'•’J\’€*l‘l\ll1L‘ll[:ll agencies,p.90.§16- U J _Ik·signati¤g boards of trmlw as "c<»1¤f1·:U·t lll{1l’}&O{5." p..88, § 7 - ‘ ‘Ex¢·lusi{>u of ]}€‘I°SOH$`fl‘1*lll pn·iviI€·ge· of <·<mt1·:u·t llltllqivti, 1 p.89._§.s•— -~ . "1 ` ]il·V(‘$[i{l'{lti01l§ aml_rgpurtS', p. SSI`. § T2' __ Refusal to designate ¢·rmtr:;<·t lll{l\'k(’t,' p, S8, § 3 "\'iolntimi of law. puxaislimmit. [1.-89. 13. 14 Grain Smmlards · - _ ' ‘App¢wul tg Secretary nf A;.$ri<*1xlt111·(· 'fmm `c·Hic·inl gnwuliugi. ·fi.92,§79 "` _ f'<»mpt1l$0ry uSe_0f ,0fiic·iul NHllltlf1.l‘l]$,’].I. 92. S 76 .I)gt1uitious_ of statutpry forms. p. § °72 - ~ l‘>é:~<ignaticm·c»f éstablishéd stmfndardsai p.·92. § 73 E`.st:1l•lis`1un¢·11t of Standards, p._£©2. § 74 — Fe·<»~i f•$r`1jei11spcc·fibx1. ·p. 92, ‘§ 78 · · Im=pe<·mxs. licmxses, p. 93. §·1'il l _ I1gt•;·rf<·1·0nc0 with é·x•-eiutimn of offit-ial` duties. ])ll¥|l*Sh·llI•C*llf";· pl, § 86 _. . . _ Iutcr¤·<t:nt•;· or furoigxu °"<·mm=ncr¤.·¢·*’ <le.·`tiu¢~`d. D. 92. §.T:3 }.if·€l1é4t~*S°t(». iu:·=pc<·t and grade, . U ‘ ’ Iszmaxnce by Svc-retmfy of T1·$.·:•»11x·y, p. 93} § 79 Liccnéées irntértewted in gruin_ht1sinc»=s. p. 93, § 81 · R¢·$c•cdtio¤.0£.ll¢c¤sesQ p. 93. § 80 . · ` State inépectors, issumncea of liceensels tu. p. 93, § {9 Mi»1·¢·pre¥>=ehlati<•u¤ respcqtlug gmde of gmiu. p. 92. § T7" 1 Nm·w¤i<•ial stamlargls use pml•il»it‘ed. p. 92. § 76 l’:u·ti:il invalidity qi atatute. efl’e·¤:t.E p. 93.'§ S2'- Pvrwn. definition, p. 92, § 72 _ `_i ‘ · ·l’rinci[ml lléblé for. act nt £agénf,_p. 92, § 73 . Promulgntion *015 established stzhdurds. p. 92. §`_‘2’-1

  • Rvcérzls :md.r¢.~pm·ts by inspcctbrs. p; 93,.5 82

liejexzxuaiuntiegu ot iuspécied grain, p. 92, § 77 . · hS:nl¢;· of gminylpy il(?tll2ll_§·§{llIl|lUY!_(](‘*$(‘1"i['Dti01l’. etc.} legality, p. {?f3,§"i'6` _ S¢·l·ret:a_ry of Agrle.·u1tun·e . · . l Rules and xiégulhtions, .mtqpti<»w=. p. 93, § 84 Somiaumnnl reports. p. 93,- 5 83 _ ·\'i·•latl0ue5 ni law. puuishxtwut, p. 93; 5 S5 . ,1 Grand Away of the llcpubllc I ’ A _ _ · ‘ A¢·qui»:i_ti¢m and holding bf pr¢»p¢qrty. p. 1179, § 72 .¤\g4~11<.-iw; caf (‘T(ll‘1•~§li'$.ti(•l1, p. 1179, § 75 ( ‘himgee nf plan of corpumtiuu prohibitéd. [•. -1179; § 73 L‘0rpqi·até existence. duration qt. p. ,11SO. _§ T6' · A. fo1·;¤»r:1t!<•11 créatvd, p. 1179, § 71 _ · llillptueition of propgrty and a17<·hlve»=. p. 1130. ¥ T7 G0\’£*FIlll)”K'b(•(]}', p. 1179,-§ 73 _ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ Loan ur gift <»»mle11med u:·d11:;ui•i·e. -15. ·16{•3_.’§ 67

'1r:.\i . Grand Army of the R(·public—y€'•111ti:1ued· · t-. Meetings of eorporati—o11_111ay be held in any State pr Ter-" ` · ritory, p. 1179, §"72 . · , _, _. A t O 1\Iembersl1ip, qualifications for, p. 1179, § 74-. Modification of G()\`(%I'lll1l£‘llf l)€*(‘{ll1$(l gui? decreaae in mem>· Q ‘l»ers:l1ip. p..11l80.,._§,76 _ . h D t i n Name of<·•o1‘p¢11‘ati011,’p. 1179, §.7r _. - · Ownership of property by post or qlepartxnout not affected by ge 1eral statutes, `p. 1180,_§ 76 ~ ‘ 'I’ow rs oi corporation, ,p. 1179, §.71 , ‘ _ i' l'ri1 ·ipal office of.corporation to be kepfin»\\'asl1i11gto11,_ g , ..1179, § 72 ‘ i . ‘ " urpoae of corporation. 11. 1179, § 72 _ » .- ,-!R£’[l1`(*S€‘llt2liiVé•{f.>l°Ill of Government perp•-tmued, p. 1179, . .§ 73 _. “ , _ . - _ Tents, loan by War Department, p. ,216; § 1252 ' Grand (`m1,yi»n`N¤ti0¤1¤l.P¤¤°k' `

 _See NA<rrox,\r._I’.sR1<s ·

(;l*I\ll(l_Jlll°$' o e `, _ -~ ·I)eii(·ie11<·y in Illlllll1i;1'.` how made up, [1.-912, § 419 ` _ Discliarge of grand jurors. p. 912, §— 422 '· ` irrawiug and sm’nh{u1i11g gsrand jurors _ i ·Grai1d jurors called from one division of distriét of ` . Indiana for Service in another, p. 912, § 414 f Mode of drawing, p. 911; S 412 _1 Tees of grand jurors, p. 926, § 000 . . 1 ·]"01‘(‘lll{Ill, appointment and powers, p, 912, § 420 l .Ne<·essity for grand jury as prerequisite to <·all.Y p. 912, t_°§.·121”_ · 1 Negroes, °punisl1me11t fonwxrlusion from grand jury service, _. .p.·12:1.§§ 44,4:; _ -, a j ._ I Number of jurors required, p. 912, § 419 ` - l.~ _· Place of service of grand jurors in Ohio, autliority of ? district judgre to Cll}1Il§£*,_p. 887, § 181— —. . ° Second gill.],-!.l(lrjl1l`)', authority U£`t‘01l1't lu order, p!912, § 421 · · ‘ `· . , · . -, Witnmsses to be Swdrnnllopy foreman. p, 912, § 420 Gpteat Britain ‘ “S .` J .AlllbR·*5S8(l0l‘ (‘XlZl`2l0l`(ilIlil1°}' and plenipotentiary, salary. p., G-15, _§ 32 ` ` Great Lakes _ _ ' See also NA\;ILiATI(>N RrL1·;a ° — . _ p . Crimes conimitted on Gi·eafI.:1kes or iceomnecuting waters,} . ljurlsdiction, {1.498, § 451 ‘ ~ 4 _ ‘ 1 Vessels in distress, aid by Coast (laurel veeisels, p. 343, § 00 Great Seal . ` __ ·· Q See Sm:. or, UNI'|`l·Zll 8·rA·r;·;s Grer»re· _ _ _ " i _ "Euvoy extraordinnary and minister plenipotentiary,ealary, H , p.·0·l5, 5 32 1 ‘ Guam — ` · . _ , See also Ixsuxaa l’oes1·:as1oxs; Cl`r:am·romr:s . Aeknowledfrmeut of deeds, p. 16-14, § 1432 _ Ag.rric·ultural experiment Stations, saleof products, p. 118, §_419'_i . _ ,` · `. · _. A A,·z5rlcultura1.De;1artment employees: ini Guann, annual loave- ` of absence, ·p. 58, § 530 ·- _ · · . `United States luwsas to zi1a`nifes·t»=, etr., appliqul»lo. p. 1404:, . · §_95 Q _ —· Guano Islands . . . · ° (Y0lll[ll(‘[lUl1 of proof o11_dcatl1 of dkcoverer. rv. 1011, § Hist- (Jrl1nea and ol`fens=es,‘ punishment according to laws of United States, p. 1644, § 1417 . Discovery of. guano deposit. c`iuinrby United States. {1..1044, ` ‘§ 1411 _ “ . , - . Employmerxt of land and naval £`o1·<·c>< in pr<•to<·ti·•n of rights, p._10—l4, § 1418 ° ‘ · · ‘·