Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2279

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@265 IXDI Highwaysg_·¢C<»utixi11ed_ _ » _ ~ _ _ U — Pm·tiz1l;in\’&lidit)’ of Federal highway law, eiecct, .p. 668,. a_ pumk roads. status ns posi? reads. p.·1265,, § 481_ Post roads. what are, p. .1265; § —181_ L · ` -Pfi'|I1:il‘}’,_0I° interstate hiishwhys; p. 665, § 6 ~ ·- Projects in States not permitted to provide- for hi.ghw`a_vs, _appr·_·vaI. D. ·—§ 24 - '. U - . W · ‘ . Projects te reéeive Federal aid, .p. 665, § 6 Puhiie lsuuis. appropriation f¤•r_liig}m‘e:t5j pnrppses, p."66T. l Imiireatl preperty ztequixed_frum..·_iInited States. convegr-" awe te State highpray department. p.'667, § 17 ‘ ` Rishi of \\'8}"·ull`01]gh pntplie 1:11165. p. 667. § JS i Rules nnvi regulations; for- c·nrryiug` (wut Fetlera-1 highwny l lnw.p.667,§`19, _` `. _’ ,_Sec0ndury er iutereouuty ltigliways, p. 665, ·§ `6 { st···r··tary ef- Agrieult‘ure‘ - ·· ‘ _ · i . ‘_.;\(’f'(\lIiit;1lg`diViSi(}ll, est:1l»li>l‘iment,_ p. ‘66.`3,` § 4 _ t Annual reports as to highway construetidn, p. 667. § 20 tv Approtai qt ehaéraeter-of equstruction, pg 666. § S ·_ .\;»p1·0t·ai‘_t»f highway projerrts. p. 665. §_6 ‘ ·‘ _ » }\p»prm·ai·6f p;#t»j&fs to receive Federal- nid, p. 665,.§ 6 Cooperation of State highway depur.tn1ents‘and- In~ terinr Department in constructing lnighwuys in Indian reservations, § 3 - ih ,4 . ` Maps of_·n—ided 1·6dds,"dnty.t0 publish, p. 667, §·l6 M0ditir·atien 01·_revision_ of highwny prnjeotss, p. 665, 6 i 1’··»ver:=.`:1t1d__d1ities of Comnéil of National Defense iu] ·:·e`latinn to highways trimeternwl to .Se{eret:•ry,` p. Rules and regnnlations f¢•l'__Q8.i‘1°‘}'i.l1g` out · l·`ederal high- . way latin pz 667, §'19. _ . , . ‘ Seitiiers and sailors; details to work on i·0ad><, ‘p., (hifi, ‘§ ·1T;` p.11l`9.§44S, " ‘ -. streets. and avenueit tin District of .Col‘mubia, see I’t¢ B(.;H.i}iN'(ii~i, Pnovrzmir Axe Wtmxss . ~ A . Sulsmissimi of ·`pmjeet stntemeints. p. 666.b·§ `12 j Teilsl nitied roads te bei free, -p. 666, U 9 ’ . n _l‘:·s1<•tm·s for ueein tf()l\·NH'll('fiUI|, loan by Seitetnryb df Watr,

  • S¥:4r xnnteriai..eqn1i;»ment. and éuppliers fur imprmtexnt·u'f of ~

hizliwzazw, p. 069, §§ 52. 53 i ·‘° " _ I _ \\’i<lth. nppr·•x·n} by Secretary of Atz:·i<·ultn1re. ‘p. 666. § S Width of right of way and ‘wee·ring surfn•;·e, p. 666,5 10 ' v`§"eii<•w:4tene Sntiontil Park. t·X‘tt·nsion nut] -ithpt‘hve1nent of — , _ read; in {hath, ·p. 392, 5 34 ‘ ‘ U '· Historic IQn:;1lnm1rl;s · _ - . ’ I’rest—·rvtzti¤»n ae°natitmnl IIL€`Dllil•l1lt·*l`li;¢, p. 416. § 431 . Huiding (‘umpa¤ie¤ ·’ _ _ ` .t~=t·e_l1ext»i7ot,t£$ Axe ('qx1nix.x·1‘lo‘xs , ‘ Holidays _ _ I 2 ' We SUxn,~Qrs_.A>é1» H0t,1nA\‘s HqmeL`I:`1c¢;xmmi¢·$ » I . _, E ’13i··U“\l(‘3fi0ll in home (*("01I0lt1it.‘S. subjects. ceeperatiuu by .tv'edereQi Q0.vert1_uAent lwith States, DQ 609, 5 11 et seq. - Homes . g _ _ - Q _ ,_ ` See N..art0N,.tt, Hmm 1~‘u3~ Im·—:n ‘Vtli,L7NTii1·§§`S‘()i.!)('I•IRSZ. ‘ S€>L¤` Hama a ’ ‘i‘` · Houzeeteatl · _ _ · Set·`Mtxt·:mr. Ixxxus Aim Bixxtwcz;· Lntns Homicide · — . . - · iiee Czgmtm Mtn (•te·t·*1¤:xst:s·.· _ Humisig Pigeons · _ - ‘ Interterezwe with G0\'€*I‘!1iU9lIL·i)\VDOd birds, ptnuieliment; I p. 1696, SS 1i1»—1i3 `

JX. _ Honduras A fi _ _ ~ e Envoy extraor¢li1}a1·§j.ond minister pleuipotentiarje, salary,. pjoes. sez , i l Honey Bees — ‘ -` `

 See AGRléUL'l`URE' . _

Honorable Service Roll · fi?

 ‘ See (Jrr¤os·:n,s ANn`En;rLo1jrr.s* or G0\'ERNHIt]NT

Hospitals and Asylnins - _ _, l Additional- hospital and sanltoriumtaeilities for various . ' groiips authorized, p. 672,·§ 26 ·, i J I Qlruiy and Navy Hospital at Hot Sprin,¢:;s=, rules and regain: tions, D. 672, § 18· · _ . _ , · o 'Army. hospital equipment end materiel not required b$*` ’.\\'ur ])€[l&1"[lll<I‘llt · transferred to Tre{tsul·y Department- ' _fo1·- Pulglic Health Service, p. 673, $28 . · Arxuy hospitul properties—trzinsferredto Treeeury pepn°l·t· ment for Public Health Service,_p. 672, 5 27 ` Army hospituls, iimitatpm on cost of lnuiildings- p. 672, 5 2i Army motor vehieles not required for military purposes '·t1'fill$f€‘l`l’€ll to Treasury. Depart—n1ent for Public Health Serviee. p. 273, § · ° _ ‘ Buttle Mountain _S8Ilit&l’i.llm`I°€S€PVé_: ·` t' _ 'Control by Managers of ·-National Home for Disahletl - _ _Volunteer Soldiers, p. 678, § 152 _ · ' . jg }·1sta'blishn1en~t of reserve, p.‘ 678. ii 151 _ · F t Exelumge of~»prii·ut_e ·1miuS.¤-imiu reservation. ip. 67Q. up Perfeeting bonu' Bde claims of individuals to..lz`m•is within- reservation, p.‘l‘679, §_1?i3 _ ‘ rl T, Rules :1ud·reg.ul‘utions, p. 678, § 152 {Frespass, penalty, p. 679, 5 154 , _, ' ,\’iolation‘ of rules and regulations, . penalty, p. 679, _ Burial expenses of reserve omeers and members; of enlisted " · reserve dying in hospitols, p. 186, §°`4i'»5 . Bureau of Fisheries, hospital relief for odieers mid crews, p.671,_§1D.” _ `_ _». 2. , (Jump Cody hospital property transferred to Treasury De- ` . partmeut for `Publlcj Health Serviee, p. 672, § 27 _ k sig . Cump"._I:‘reu°nont hospital; propertyr transferred to ’1‘rea·<m·y

 Department for Public Health Service, ip;   § 27 `i  

. ‘··(`amp Hancmk j hospital. property transferred to '1‘re:ss_ury· r Department for Public Health Service, p., 872, 5 2,7 _ » (Bump Joseph E. Johnston hospital property transferred. to _ Treasury Department for Public Health S`erviee. p, 672, A `$ 27 .` ‘ ‘ n - · . `Camp Logan hospital property transferred to Treasury 2 partmeut for Public Health Service, p. 672, § 27 (‘oluml»ia`Instlt1rtion for:the`Deaf _ »` _ Annual reports, p. 685, §§ @46-2-18 , ‘ v Charter, deed of property as port, p. 684, § 233 Deaf persons in .Di&rlct· oi'· Columbia, judges of mu! " uiclpal court to report, p.`%5, 5 245 - · ( e Degrees, power to confer, p. _%4, 5 232 _ · I ’. ` Education ot indigent blind per@ns, p. _§ 249: p. _ `Employees. number and compensation included in on- Q nual_Budget, p.`6S§i,_§ 2%% · { I . _ · i p Establishment and. powerstp. 884, §_ 231 t l _ 1 , Ixuua tes, admission and maintenance, p. 685, §§ 23S 243 Otiieers, p. 684. I 235;- p. 885,15 2%, 237 " * " e` Propertvgdisposal, p. 684, $4 Q ¥ ; ‘ Secretary ot Interior, supervisory power, p. xi, § 455 Suppliesaud equipment, purchase in open rnurket ou— " _ -, thorlzed,"p..56, { 498 _ ~ . _ t. `· · Deaf. persons, see Columbia Institution for the I)eef,_supra i E1lis“Isla·nd—HOSpital, use by Public Health Servleo, pr,. 130,, · i 117 _‘ · · l ·