Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/228

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,§ ~l1191 i \ `wxauc 10.-

 see. _ t _  . < _ i its

1316;· Clothing aml4_¢quipm<*nt of soldlem. as Government property; { ' 1317.· Artug, a‘c<·<»uterme¤t~s, 619., ig: posgession of persons not soldiers, 1 1318. EHGOUI‘8.g£iB}€DI cf, bréedirig of .1101*3% ,_for Army; · ‘ ·1319.__Co1l0ctiizg‘ `forwarding charges on Government I radiograms or · tclcgrzxms. - _ · , - _ » · - · ~ . · 1320.'0rd<~rs_ *fo1*=_0rdn&ncc_ mgetexjlat deemed obligatioixsl —‘ PROCUREMENT OF STOI{§S, -SUP_PLIE$,` AND SERVICES; i g Sixties ofiQ{1artr;·`rma§ter Qeuefal as to procurement ofssupplies, seal J stwtion 7;2·cif.tl1is tit_le..-.. L_ I _“ `pf “Q · ‘ V _ P _ _ Section 1191. Authority to mak; _.purcl1ascs,` arid xd forth;` " iscttlcaiexit with contractors and ;iurclia$ing4—¤gc;1ts.+#A1l pu}-‘ i .—Ch3S9S and °é<mt1*acts ict supplies pr‘ée1fvices· for the militdw-xi service shall be"m¤de‘ by or under the diréctiouof. tha. cljiéf i .c>f§cérs of the Department of Wat, Ang1._9.ll zigcntsj 017- cony tmctmis fm- supplies 01·_ servicesas ufore3aid.shaill tender their z acc·0mat—s foxj sét_tlement tb the iICCtZ§1lI1_t2lIlC of the proper- depart- ·‘mem: for which such supplies or sérvi¢9s`are 'reguiped, stibjéct, ·*

  • nevcrtlw!ess,Tt9_ the inspection and revision °0f that General Ace ·

{—<>1m‘tis‘ag· Ollie?. i (ll. S.`.§ 3714;._Feb. 27, _1877,`<:. 69, § 1; 19. ~ Stat, 249; Jung 10,`-"l921», c. 18,, § 304, 42`$tnt; ’24s) W l 1192; Rcgulatibus governing Qpqrchase, —tr1msportati0i1;»stbr; -v Age, am;} distribution.-—The Seclretarytof Wzufshall from time ~ timé define and `pxvescribe the kiuds` as well hs the amount of supplies A to bé pw·él1ased` by the Q_uartcrmastcr Corps inf the l Ai·my,·»and the dt1tiéé·_a1; d _[)O\Y€liS.`th€1‘€Qf respecting such pup J ·c`h:.1s&;· {md shall p1iesg;·ibé 'ge11er‘£1l·‘r¢gulatipns`fcr the trans- portaition of the‘ai·tiq:l¢s of 'supply from the plaiceé `of pupchase . tb thesgvcml armies, ga§·;·isQi1s, posts, and rccruitixig p.lzg¢es,· for the ¤s11fe·k0g>pii1g_0I·sugl; articles, ami: for the·¢}ist1•ibutt0u‘ of an adeqxiata._and tlmely supply»_0fthe·s:1me to the rggimental qugnr- ” wrimaéters, and tc mich otbéxroftlccrs asmay by virtue of sucht i mg1:1ati0:;s—be·intrusted-with that same; abil shzxll tix and make ` ’ masémblel all0wam;es`_i'm•“ the store rent amid storage necessary " for the safqvkeepixgg of hll military stores mid. suppliek (R. S., i §'219,)Q"_ · _A g_ [ ·_ V l · “ ‘_'* ‘ 1193. Supervisory aqthority of Assistant Seqzmtarypf War.-·¥¥' Q In`a.dditi<is11tt0'su¤t·h other- duties asmay .be,assigned him by` W { the Secretary of War, the Assistz1nt,'§ eci·etary of `Wary under the direr:ti<m"_ot the Secretary ot War, shall be chargeda with l smmrvishm of the pfécurexméntt0f·al1'militu`ry supplie·s“apd _ citlam liui:~<_ii1ess"0f the War Depaytment pertaining thereto and ‘l the assurance of adequate provision for the. mobilization of · matéricl and _ industrial tvrgagnizationié essential to wartime needs. Under the direction of the Secretary of;,_War chiefs of branches of that Army _¢;l1m·gcd with the—px·0cu1;¢m,a1it of} sup-* ~ tplics ftmthe Atty sliall repoxt clifeét to the Assistant Secrc-¤ ¢ tm; uf"\\'m* regarding all matters of procuxvementf ‘(Jupee§,` ·i 19.243, 4-. 22?,_subt:laa;_>tcr I, §V 5, 41 Stat.-764, 765.) “ i _ _ `· _ 1194. Detail of smears andltéivilian ,émployccs· to 6Ece of * Amisiam .Secretm·y of w3¥•*éTl1€1'€ shall be xletullml tobthe nilice 61* tl1c*fAssisumt,S0crct_i-1ry40f Wa1·—`f1·0_m the bi*anc·has · mngagcd in pmcurem0¤t_ such nmpber of of iicbrs and civilian ‘ i·x:1;:lu5*ces·uS nasty bc authorized by regulations ·appr0&*cd by. ` the St~creta&· y of Wal:. {June ei, 1920,/c.” 227, Subchapter I, ~ 5 5, 41 Stat; 785.) · i ` ‘ Y 9 i, _‘ t i 1195. Mamxfagzturc At·`Gcvcmment.arsei1dls and factories.--» l i Tm; Assistant , Secretary bt War shall éausc to, be £nanu£at:·_ · cured er prcidugrml at the Géfwarzxment éresanuls 01’_GOVBI’B1I1&I1t:·· 1 owned factories, of the United, States al1__such supplies br f articlcsxwcded by the War Department ussmd arsenals or ` EGu·s·er¤mexi,t-osvhed factories are capa»ble‘ of manufacturing or · ‘• pmduciug 1390:1 an ecmwngpical bqsls. And ullinppmpriatinns . fur manufactizrc of matériel mrthlning to appmved pmjccts·,‘ 1 which are placed with; arsenals of Gcvérnmemmwned factories 4 W or btlxcrl ordnance establighmgmtsn 'simll · ummm available , for A ,—‘sm;hi piarpose until the close at thé next emsuing hacal year. 1 (Jima}, 1920, c. 227,·S1lbQu8[}IB[ -1, S 5, 41 Stat.·765.) l ,1196. Purchase of s¤bsist¢1ice4stm·ea·generalljr.~·So minch ot ¤ the app;*— subsistence of the Army as may be neces- 1

jlrtzcyy Q A {I l 214 sary may ‘_~‘ be applied to the purchase of Su¤slsteuco,gt0;»QS.f(_,r gal; to o1§;;ers for the gse of themoelvest ood their fammég ,,,*1 m qommanderoof companleslcr other orgmiizations; for mo W, oi the enlisted mop ct '.th&i1"_¢0mD&¥u€8 or ·¤i‘gailizationS,» ma,.} “· the- prqgggdg or all sales ot subsistence suppliw Shall h€l‘Q;;l`[{»l·‘ t pelegempt {rom being- coveréd ·i;2t0 the Treasury ond? slum 50 inmlxediotely arailoblo for tlrepqrchasa of trash gupp1i€S__ ( mu} t 3;_1375,~ c.'I31, 5 1,_ 18‘Sta;tI 410. Seétiw 1281ot this fith? . % 1197. Purehgse of llexcepticnial -s¤5¤i;i¢n¢e ’stnres"for_°¤rlic€}l; andenlisted'mg=m.—e—Exceptional articles of; wbpistenoé stores gy,} ` officersi turd enlistodrmvll, Whifih ,¤1‘Q;¢0_bé_ Mid —.for by“tli¤>m, regardltzssjof condition jup0¤_`¤rriv¤1__t§f 'posfb; méy, uinder'··;·t~;m- " latltyusjg be .presqrjbe€1‘ by the SéC1fé£&I‘F Gio KVHIQ be- 0l>tni2;l·4l by openilpurclmse Without advertising. —(Eeb,,,Ql2, iS9;'j, 4;, gr ° Stat-658;) l ‘— · _ _. U l` ‘· 1198,; ‘_Stipul&tio¤- ix; contract ous to plwe of dclirery of sul). * · sigtence supplies.—§3ontrdct$ for ·s¤b¤ié·té¤éé `lmpplies for the Army,_m&dé{ py, tho Quartcrmastér ‘»;G€H€l:&l, oh public ·notil·l·_,l shall provide io,r"·`a·_ complete delivery a of such V articles, on ng Speqgmp, at riubh places ag pugun no mpumteo; (R. s. .g ..i»,m_; Aug. 24, 1912,‘c. 391, §·3,_37 Stat. 591; Apr. 27, 1914,-c,·'£2; gg l 1199. Secrecy is to crduanéc artieleé p¤rc§4md.—¥\’l1e¤¤o»·g»p V proposals are invited for tho furnishing bf articla of orduamf property, the character of Which or the ingredients thereof arp of Suéh a` rmttiro that the interests of the 'ptibliit Sizrvioe woulel bé ipjlxretl by publicly dirnrlgiug tbem,` the Chic! of·r·Ordmmco is · autllorizod to pqrchaso such articlesrin auch man.hc1j,as.lw nmgv deehrmoqt ¢¢0¤omicaleand‘.eiIiciént.· (May 11,_1908," ‘cLl163; 35 smt.<125.)I§ ° Q_ A . ‘ "_ ° V _.

 1200: Letting] contrscté for iiuartérmxdcr applies} `reports

to Secretary .—of Wau·.·—-All purchases of regular ond·· mim~l· lmpoous supplies for`tl1o Army·furxgiQ·sl1cd by the 'Quartermustcr. Corps. ·for¤immcklln_te use shall, be made by the o&ccrs of sue·h» corps braniih, urxdér lcliroqtioul of the Secretari bi War,. at tho places nearest tho points whero they nro neécledj the icondltiéi? of `cost mud` quality" being oquhl: Provided; That {ll; p·urclmsc»s of said supplies, exécpt in cases `otherwise proridqi ici-, uml except ini cases of cmergencywlxlch mgxst be gtouce reported to tho Secretary of War for his 8DProval,_sha.l1 =bo mode by » cohtrmct hftor public` notice of not less tlnanrteu day$_£or.s1inmll · { amounts for immediate use,` and or not loo; than from thirty to sixty days wlnénevcr, ii1_ the 'opinioh of the Secretaryof '\\'z11·,_ tho circumstances of the case land conditions of. the servi·;l» l · » shitll worraut sllclr extension oftimc. ° The award inorery .cas,l·` sliall be made. to the lowest ·ro$pousiblo_ bidder for tho host myd. _;_ most suitable article, the right belngtrosorved to rcjeotrany mul _ · allbids. .(July‘5,l1884, c. 217, H Stat. .109; Aug. 24, 1912, él 39'1, § 3,37 Stat.591.) _ . Z 4 f —· l ;_ 4 1291; Advertisement for proposals; considerations gorerm Z ing letting; of ¢o¤tracts.+—h3x¢;ept_ in cases or emergency or where lt is lmpmctlcublo to soé·uro·competition, or lu <·usl~:< othorwlée provided for, the purchase of all supplies for the use 0f‘t1le Valiioun (1Q[l£ll;UDt‘·ll[S,·Bl)d posts of tho _Arrr1y* and of tlw bralrslnesfof the ·Arn1y,sorvi<·o’—shh1l only boimmlo latter atlvl·n·· tlsemont; and said supplies stroll be purchased whore the sanxlwf can be- plircilmsod tho clnoopost, quality ohci cost of transporm`— tion am}, tlné interests of the Government considered. (Mar; 2, 1901, cr. 803, 31 Stat. Boo soction. 218 of Tltlé 5.) » ~ — V ‘ 1202. Advertisement forquartormnstor supplies; preference Kllwll to domestic products.-;-The Quortarmaster Qorps of tho Army, lu `obtoluing`ét1ppllosQfor the military service, shzlll stiltu lp all aclyertisomcuts forbids for contrdotq that a preferenw shall be given to articles otdomostlc production and mauuiav ture, comlltiuns of prloo and qualityi belugaqual, aml that $¤<‘h_ A. profwonce shall be given to articles of American production.aml‘ manufacture produced on the Paciqccoast, to tho oxtont of the- l consumption required by the public service`, théro. In hdvortlxy Lugo for Army, supplies tho Qua.rtermu,stor Corps shqll require `