Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/2281

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12267 ‘ 1x1 I·lot0lS———C·0ntinued' _ _ · · _ r _ . ` Lease of lnnds ih na tuionnl forests for hotel purpos¢s,__p, 422, Hot Springs National Park _ Soo N.vrioN.u. Ihxnrzs ` Hours of Labor . i'

  1. Soo Lzxnon 3 h . `

‘ ¢]·ionsc of R§·presontzitires . · Soc Qoxténnss I " · ,` Howard 'University - · _ Soo EDl'C.X'1`IOX _ - 6 Hungary t __ . " · , _ Enroyh e·xt·rnordinar§‘ and minister ple11ipotentin‘ry,_salary, t t p. 645, 5 32- · ‘ · — j R Hydrogrnphic Chico Soo NA\'Y.DEPi\BTLiEXT H_ygicn_ic· Laboratory · - Soo P('BLI(` I~imr:rn_·Sr.nv1crn . Idaho ° _ . ‘ T _ -` Y ’ ~ 1 itt·3»t·e~t~¤tnt1veS. in Congress. nunnber. .p. 3. § 2 L_ _ 1'ollowstono National Park. ·au·rost of persons in park on State process, 300, §, .24 ii ` Illinoisr . ‘ l -. _ ~1{(*[ll'99£’Ilt£1t.lV€*S in‘YCongres¤,.Fnumber. p53. § 2 Illinois and Mississippi Canal ‘ _ See NA\iIGABI.E ’\\"A·rnns _. lllit.¢·rncy‘ _ _ · · , t Ixmnigrntion, `illiteraciy `HS-gl'0lll1(l of e>x¢·_lusion, p. 132, .§.136 (0; _, ~ _ V 1 '~»

 mnaigrntion _ r ‘

( ’ I Actions ond proceedings. .— Compromise or d1S(‘Ollli1ll1tlll(‘£;, c·on;<o11t of court, p'. H1, Jurisdiction, p. 14-1,- § 164; p. 868, § 41 (22) Yenueoor district of triul, p. 141, § 1651 . _ ‘ Actors not within contract labor law, p. 131. § 136 .(h)· t - Administration of immigration laws by Commissioner Gonernl, p. 120,.§ 102 -°·’ ·Adn1itte·d alien returning after tonmornry nbsonco ns non- . qn<»ta.i¤nznigrzu1t, p. 144, § 204 (b) · ~ {Advising `toncltiing. t·t<·., certain doct~ri_nos nié ground of exclusion, p. 133, § 137 · · 3 Advorntos of nssnssinntion of public otlivinls, oxtglusionn, ·p. 133, §13'i’-(c, cl). _ . * ‘ Atlvocntes of ovorthrow of government by force. oxolnsion, p. 133, _§ 137 (c,d) in “Y ‘ _ " ‘ ~ A<lvoc£ntoS_of unlawful·<lostr11ction of property, oxolunion, " p. 133, § 13TV(c,. d) - a 1 -. ` Aiiliug ornrnssisting undesirable aliens to enter, penalty, {1.141,5163 , . A ~ " Altsoholintn ns ground of exclusion. p. 131, § 136 (:1)` _ Alion defined, p. 143, _§ 173, - ` Alien veterans of World \\’ur,` p._"189'i’, “§‘2~l1; p. 1898.. §§ 212-246 ( W ‘ `, 3 Axxarcliizsts,.oxclu¤=lon, p. 133, § 137 (:1) I i _ Application for irnmigrntion visa, form and c·on.tQt·nts,=

 145, §_207` · » _ · p , _

Arrest of aliens entering or nttonxptsing to enter tnnnlauvfully, p. 130, § 110 I ” _ "F I Artists not within contrnct lnlnor low, p. 131, § 136 ·(ln) . ' .xn¤t1_q¤,r·¤é1u»;1¤¤§0p.,_122,,g 130 on “ ` .\s>=is=t‘a11cc~to immigrants _ `1 , _ i‘ortltl<znt.2 of rogintrntion, p. 1%, § 106 Information an to distribution of aliens in l'nitod° ‘ Staatos, p. 129,-·§ 105 . , r _ · Assisteazat Liommissionxor General, duties ns chief clerk and , actuary, p.· 128, § 101 v ’ · 1 A$F<istod iinmigrnnts, exclus;ion,” p. 120, § 100.; 132, I § 136 (lc) ` r 4

JEX ·— Immigxeation—eContinued • _ _ ' l3eggars, exclusion, 131,·§ 136 (b) ‘· · Blank forms of manifests and crew lwt, Public Printer ` authorized toeprint for sale, p. 143, § H9 A .· `Boards ofspecial inquiry} i . · . Appeal from decision of board to Secretary of Labor; . p. 138, g 153 · “ g ‘ i ‘ Appointment and duties, p, 138, § 153 ~ Determination-by, board oflright of alien to enter, p. I ·138,§153 - jj _Q , _ Finality of decision by board, p. 138, § 153

·__R`ecor¢ls of proceedings of board, p. 138, § 153

· Bond for admission and return ofinadniissible alien, p. 132, ‘ § `(·(1) _' , . _ { _ Bond not to become public charge, p. 140, § 158 ,,1 l>" 0 Bringing at aliens not entitletlto enter, p. 131, §§ 144. H5 Bureau of 'Innnigration °` "~ _ · ' Annual reports, printing and dis_trib,ntion. p, 1433. § 206 Arrest by employees without warrant, aliens entering or attempting to enter country in violation of law, . ·p._130, § 110 " ‘ . G-· _ Division of inforniationup. 120, § 105

 . Oilicors of bureau. p. 128, § 101Fet seq. ·.

`°I{egistry of aliens arriving. p. 129, § 106 - Special inspectorsn for dutyat \\’asl1ington, p.· 130, § 111. Q1-T·}lll(l1'(Pll not accompanied by·parents,_ exclusion, p. 132, . §_ 136 _(.1n) ` _ Chinese, see Cnrxnse Excmzsrox

  • “ Clergynien -‘ . . _ _, .

Ailmission as nonquota innnigrants. p. 144f § 204 ( d fr Contract l_ab0r_1aw not applicable to elergynren. Pp. .131,

 _ _§_136 (li) " l · . ’   i

"" (`•¤l1lIlli:·4SlOll91‘ General . _ _ l . Administration of innnigration laws, duty of L‘onnnis— » _' sioner General, p. 210, § 102 . . — Appointment, duties, and ofliee accomniodations. etel, p. 128, §__101 ._·. _ ·‘ “Assistant `(foininissioner General. as chief clerk and actuary, p. 128, § 101 _ ‘_ . — Chinese exclusion laws, duty to adxninister, p., 120, ~ . § 104 __ ‘ _ . _ Contract_la”l»or laws, duty to administeryp. ,120. § 103 .D_etail of immilgration officers for service”"in Sforei_gn_ countries, p. ··129, § 102 · · - . , ` Detail ofjomeers toobtain infornxation as to aliens in upenal institutions, etc., p._ 120, §_102 _ , ` Public Health o$eers, detail forelinniigration S¢t—r·,·i¤e V in foreignrcouxitries, p. .-129, § 102 Ti i U · _ Removal to native countryof aliens so desiring, p, 1::30, 1 ° E §·102_ _ U - . A. Rules and regulations, authority to make, p. 120. § 102 , `Support and relief of poor aliens, authority to contract , , for,p.129,§102` 0 ` ·. `Comnnissioners of ixnniigration . ‘ ` _ Atiniinistrativecharacter of duties, D. 129, § 108 ` , Appointment and term of ofiic·e. p.’129. § 107 Coinpromise of proceedings under inimigration law, D. -111, § 164 , i Contract laborers » _ 3 Atiministration of contract labor laws. duty of `(`•#lll·· niissioner General, p, 129, § ,103 · ° 'Advertisements enticing immigrants to United >·¤t°:m·s prtihibited, `p, 134, §· 142 . Assistinig importation, penalty, p. 133, `§ 139 _ Clergyrnen not within·proh`ibifien, p. 1,31, § 136 (hi Contracts for .seri‘i‘ee made before iniportatinn, invalidityyp. 134, § 141 _ ° _ , Iletailof otli<·ers` to eenforcc i1‘l\¤l!tl`2l(‘{ labor lows, p. 120, 1 § 109; p. .130, § 112 i =